Leo Laporte Makes a Blowjob Joke to Megan Morrone and Threatens to Grope an Audience Member

Happy Holidays from Total Drama!

It’s been a busy time here at Total Drama headquarters (mom’s basement). Thank you to the numerous tipsters and chat room members who sent in tips and timecodes. We couldn’t do it without you.

In the clip above, Leo Laporte:

  1. Expresses joy that all the guests on The New Screen Savers are female and he gets to harass them from his position of power
  2. Makes a blowjob joke in front of Megan Morrone, saying that beer and head are all you need in life
  3. Threatens to grope an audience member after she specifically asks him not to grope her, later making a funny face as he imagines doing it

I don’t have much else to say, but I’ve enjoyed reading the comments, including the ones calling me an idiot or pronouncing the site dead.

Hilton A. Goring could not be reached for comment.

Leo is boring and his voice is poisonous after a while. If you can still bear to listen to him, please send us tips. Nothing will be posted when there’s nothing to post; we’re not dead.

It’s clear now — because he is a nobody — he is free to sexually harass whoever he pleases, and nobody will speak up, not even Shannon Morse.

TWiT Solicits “Best of 2017” Clips

Remember when the CNN guy asked if Leo was in his basement? Haha.

TWiT would like to know what you think are the best clips of 2017. Sadly, the only genitals exposed were those of Leo Laporte’s teen porn he showed us.

Here’s the form to submit your favorites.

A look back at 2017

Feel free to use the list below, categorized by month, for further research.

Thanks to a reader suggestion for this post.

Leo Laporte Offers to Smear Shit on Megan Morrone’s Face After Anal Sex With Her

Did you know I have kids? I’d rather not have shit smeared on my face, Uncle Leo.

Megan Morrone is an enabler setting a bad example for her children. Can you imagine what they must think watching sexual predator Leo Laporte ask her if she wants a Dirty Sanchez?

Can you imagine them having to Google that to see what it is?

Can you imagine Marco listening to the constant sexual advances and harassment of his non-racist, non-monkey wife?

Do Megan and Marco object? Nope. They just bought a new house in Petaluma. They are just as complicit as Lisa Laporte.

We no longer have any sympathy for Megan.

“Shipmate” put it best in the comments on the last article (emphasis mine).

“You’d think someone like Leo would cool it with the sexist remarks considering the current atmosphere, but he apparently has few fucks left to give. Twit’s going down the toilet, his renewal with iHeart is in peril, and his vacation budget is exceeding Trump’s. So why not take the harassing remarks to another level as well? Megan is more desperate than ever and he knows he could have her held down and take a dump on her face and she still wouldn’t leave, so it’s almost inevitable that something like this would happen.”

October 23, 2017 at 2:58 pm

Leo Laporte Makes Fun of Sexual Assault/Harassment Victims

Update 2: Added more links to the Leo Laporte sexual harassment bulleted list. Let us know in the comments if you find more in our archives.

Update 1: Leo Laporte sexually harassed Stacey Higginbotham in person, just like he planned.

Look out Stacey Higginbotham!

Leo can’t help himself, even with works of art.

Leo Laporte really wants to be relevant. He’ll do anything. He’s even making on-camera references to the #metoo campaign highlighting sexual abuse and harassment of women.

While Robert Scoble fights off allegations of sexual misconduct, Leo Laporte jokes about it.

TWiT Escapee, Sarah Lane

Sarah Lane posted a piece on Medium about the sexual harassment she’s had to endure in the workplace. She didn’t mention the Dark Triangle incident or any others at TWiT by name, but the references are clear.

Luria Petrucci (Cali Lewis) is not surprised, given her history with Leo Laporte.

Shannon Morse — aka Snubs.ziphad to endure this as well. Shannon, please see the note at the end of the post.

Leo Laporte is a disgusting creep enabled by his bride, Lisa Laporte.

So, let’s get this straight: Scoble is an asshole for what he did, but these things are fine for Leo Laporte:

Take in the view, ladies

What is wrong with tech press? Why don’t they cover Leo Laporte like they do Robert Scoble? Is it just that he’s an absolute nobody who isn’t even recognized at tech events in interviews?

This video was graciously provided by an anonymous contributor in the chat room.

We appreciate all your tips for stories.

Shannon, this request is to you, personally. People have been asking you to do it already.

Please, speak out. You are the only one even partially vocal about his true nature. You alone hold the power, and you have nothing to lose by speaking your truth. You know that once you speak out, the others will follow. That is the spirit of #MeToo. We can’t do it; only you can do it.

Megan Morrone Desperately Tries to Save Her Shitty Job

Please, please subscribe. I just bought a new house. Did you know I have kids?

Something curious is going on over on Twitter. Megan Morrone is begging individual people to subscribe to the “All Shows” feed.

Presumably, she’s hoping to boost downloads and income for one Leo Gordon Laporte — and Lisa Laporte of course — hopefully saving her job in the process.

Bad news Megan: Leo just booked $800 Bette Midler tickets in NYC and is flying first class to New York City for his birthday to see her. You know what that means.

A few examples from the large list

Patrick is running his own scam too, trying to make Tech News Weekly a thing.

Hilton A. Goring could not be reached for comment.

Instead of renaming Tech News Today, they made a new channel/show called Tech News Weekly. Weeks later, it has 450 subscribers.

That seems sad, but it’s even more sad that they stole the name from Andrew Zarian, and Zarian’s channel only has 270 subscribers after years in operation.

However, Patrick redirected all the robot downloaders of TNTwhich never actually watch — to auto-download episodes of the “new” show Tech News Weekly, committing yet another fraud against PodTrac and the remaining advertisers.

I wonder how that happened? Could it be that a new podcast appeared with all the subscribers of an existing, long-running one? What a legitimate accomplishment! It’s a fantastic strategy executed by TWiT CeHO Lisa Laporte.

TWiT is circling the drain and the few remaining employees are playing Survivor in real life.

TWiT Years a Slave

TWiT LLC is truly a reprehensible company with a marked history of firing honest and hard-working employees and/or treating them like shit. Recently, Leo Laporte was heard explaining why keeping employee numbers low is a great thing. Breaking news… it’s not because he’s an altruistic employer.

Under federal law, an employer is not allowed to discriminate or make employment decisions based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or genetic information. However, most of these protections fall by the wayside once the number of employees falls below 20, or if any of those workers are independent contractors.

File Photo: Shannon Morse’s impressive “body of work”

If you are employed a independent contractor (also referred to as a 1099 employee, aka NET-60 employee) you literally have no workplace rights, you’re not entitled to any benefits and generally cannot sue for workplace discrimination or harassment. An independent contractor is simply someone who contracts their services to more than one company and is not under the complete control of one company. This is why Shannon Morse (aka Snubs, aka snubs.zip) would have no legal basis for filing a lawsuit because her body of work appears on more than one website.

So it would appear that TWiT’s modus operandi has been, all along, to bring in as many independent contractors as possible to avoid much of the liabilities and responsibilities that come with traditional employees, while keeping the number of 9 to 5 employees as low as possible to lessen worker rights.

Many people would argue that Leo Laporte, Lisa Laporte and TWiT aren’t doing anything wrong and that they are simply complying with the employment laws as defined. Sure, that is one point of view, if you’re a fucking sadist. But we all know that nothing in the law prevents employers from offering benefits to employees in companies with less than 20 people or taking the moral high ground that harassment of any kind should never be tolerated. If it was up to Leo Laporte, he would literally bring back slavery, and every new employee would have to qualify by first getting on their hands and knees. Harvey Weinstein would be fucking proud.

Library of Congress File Photo: Slavery (2017)

Leo Laporte Losing ‘The Tech Guy’ Early Next Year?

Update 2: Leo is denying he’s cancelled. It’s still not on the calendar past February 24. #twitlive chat below, from before AmenFatherBob was muted, then kicked and banned.

<AmenFatherBob> hey Leo... is it true TTG has not been renewed next year? It's not on the twit calendar after Feb. 18, 2018
<~Leo> ha ha ha AmenFatherBob - nice try troll
<~Leo> just to reassure you the Tech Guy was renewed early and will be on the air at least througn 2018
<~Leo> although judging from Premiere's interest there is no reason to think the show won't continue as long as I can still do it.
<~Leo> yeah the contrace is Dec-Dec but they contacted us in July to make sure I wanted to continue
<~Leo> the troll is really desparate for material apparently

Update 1: FMCP is transitioning away in January and leaving TWiT entirely in September.

Thanks to Bob in the comments for pointing it out.

Leo Laporte’s feelings toward his staff and viewers, brought to you Epson’s new EcoTank printer and Carbonite. You gotta back it up to get it back.

Hurricane Lisa Laporte made landfall earlier this month, but it appears further devastation is poised to strike the Eastside Shoebox Studios in early 2018.

Leo Laporte’s golden goose and retirement planThe Tech Guy — appears to be ending its run under Leo Laporte.

Is it because iHeart is going out of business? Is it because nobody except grannies, truckers, and Elliot call into The Tech Guy?

Maybe they fired him because he won’t even show up on time for the one job where someone else pays him. Or perhaps it was that time he showed his dick?

Either way, after February 24, The Tech Guy won’t be on TWiT, according to the TWiT calendar.

Can you see the difference? It’s about $300,000 — roughly 13 Leo-sized cruises.

The show, which was first exclusively broadcast on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles, California, was picked up for syndication by Premiere Networks (then Premiere Radio Networks) in February 2007.


It appears Februrary is his contract non-renewal month. Will the sword of Damacles finally fall at the same time as the Apple adpocalypse?

However, in case this goes into negotiations, let’s help liberate Leo Laporte from iHeart Radio’s lineup. Tell iHeart why Leo Laporte is such a terrible on-air personality. Examples:

  1. Leo Laporte’s knowledge is super-dated.
  2. He relies heavily on the chatroom googling the answers for him.
  3. He misrepresents the recorded tease every single week.
  4. He constantly makes fun of his fans, the same people who save him every week by answering his caller’s questions.
  5. He’s a straight up racist, pervert, sexist and asshole.

Feel free to mention liking Rich Demuro filling in for Leo on a few weekends, if you enjoyed him more.

Thanks to a commenter who pointed this out to us. We have moved the discussion that ensued in the prior post’s comments to this post to keep the discussions relevant.

Hurricane Lisa will not stop until TWiT is destroyed

In a move that would make Hurricane Maria envious, TWiT’s much-maligned CEO Lisa Laporte continues her reign of destruction on what remains of the failing TWiT Network.

In the latest Inside TWiT blog post, Lisa Laporte outlined the upcoming fall changes (i.e. cancellations) that were necessary to “bring more context and perspective” to the TWiT network.

The informative yet sponsor-challenged Home Theater Geeks has finally been 86’d from the menu, but thankfully Scott Wilkinson will continue to grace us on The Tech Guy radio show, while also remaining Leo Laporte’s personal audio/video calibrator for the rest of his natural life. The LG TV tagline “Life’s Good” is extremely appropriate here, unless you’re totally trapped right now like Scott Wilkinson.

Secondly, the hilariously insightful daily tech news show Tech News Today is being downsized to a weekly show, leaving its final viewers concerned how they are going to last 6 days without their daily dose of tech news.

But as a goodwill gesture, those who subscribed to Tech News Today will automatically be subscribed to its weekly replacement (yay?) We haven’t seen this level of generosity since U2 gifted their fucking terrible album to all iTunes users and that didn’t end well.

Last, but not least, the highly unpredictable Know How has been exorsized of half its shows. The twice-a-week show — which Father Robert Ballecer simply uses as a pulpit for self-praise and native ads — will now be seen only once per week. We reached out to Fr. Robert for comment and his exact words were “I TOTALLY understand that it’s painful… but this is healthy”. [ #twitlive chat – Oct. 1/17 17:52 PDT ] We firmly believe this isn’t the first time he’s used that line on somebody.

In summary, Abraham Lincoln might have freed the slaves, but Lisa Laporte did one better by liberating Mondays from the TWiT schedule. While canceling shows does marginally impact the bottom line, we don’t think this is enough to stay profitable, which is why we suspect another round of firings is just around the corner. Please tell us who you think will be fired next, and why. If you’re a TWiT employee now’s your chance to throw your co-worker under the bus.

Editor’s Note: Thank you to the anonymous chatter in our chat room for providing the content for this story. If you have breaking news please feel free to submit a tip, or if you’re tired of rotting away in your Mom’s basement please send us your resume.

Man of God: Father Robert Ballecer Tells Another Easily Disprovable Lie

Father Robert Ballecer
Fr. Robert Ballecer

Father Robert Ballecer has a long history of misdeeds. Some examples:

In the video above from his hosting of Security Now, Father Robert Ballecer tells another self-disproving whopper.

Such mine. Very lie. Wow.

In an attempt to one-up Steve Gibson, he claims he “had left [a Xeon server he supposedly was reviewing] running for maybe six or seven hours, and it had ‘found’ five bitcoins.”

Five bitcoins has never even been close to an actual block reward. Of course, the fake priest Robert Ballecer doesn’t know this and couldn’t lie well in real-time.

Right now, the reward is 12.5 bitcoins and this was supposed to be a long time ago — before he started at TWiT — when the reward was still 50 bitcoins.

Hilton A. Goring could not be reached for comment.

Steve’s reward of 50 bitcoins makes sense, because it’s probably true.

Father Robert Ballecer’s reward was fabricated on the spot out of thin air, and he doesn’t know anything about Bitcoin, so his lie is self-disproving, our favorite kind of fake priest lies.

What kind of shit does he have on the pope? Serious question.

While editing the video, I noticed he lied again about running SpinRite on his 12 or 16 bay NAS — who knows which? — after one of Steve’s fake testimonials, so I threw it into the video as a bonus lie. Enjoy!

Leo Laporte is a Braggadocious Asshole

William Shakespeare said it best when he quipped “Who knows himself a braggart, let him fear this, for it will come to pass that every braggart shall be found an ass.”

Leo Laporte shown here at his emotional age

We don’t believe Leo Laporte ever got the memo because his fat mouth spews more braggadocios garbage than any reasonable person can handle.

If you’ve watched any Leo Laporte show in 2017 chances are you’ve heard him bragging endlessly about some stupid cell phone, computer or vacation he took or is about to take.

All we know for sure is that Leo Laporte uses these vacations and materialistic possessions to define his success. Maintaining the illusion of success is paramount even if that means firing employees to free up money.

But clearly TWiT isn’t a success in any sense of the word. It’s been a complete personal failure, financial failure, cultural tolerance failure, and the company doesn’t have the ability to hire and retain talent ( . )( . )

You don’t have to look far and wide to uncover the undeniable proof that Leo Laporte and TWiT have become a complete laughing stock and they are living on borrowed time. We look forward to watching this oversized asshole completely disappear like an loose turd circling the toilet bowl. Bon Voyage asshole.