Man of God: Father Robert Ballecer Tells Another Easily Disprovable Lie

Father Robert Ballecer
Fr. Robert Ballecer

Father Robert Ballecer has a long history of misdeeds. Some examples:

In the video above from his hosting of Security Now, Father Robert Ballecer tells another self-disproving whopper.

Such mine. Very lie. Wow.

In an attempt to one-up Steve Gibson, he claims he “had left [a Xeon server he supposedly was reviewing] running for maybe six or seven hours, and it had ‘found’ five bitcoins.”

Five bitcoins has never even been close to an actual block reward. Of course, the fake priest Robert Ballecer doesn’t know this and couldn’t lie well in real-time.

Right now, the reward is 12.5 bitcoins and this was supposed to be a long time ago — before he started at TWiT — when the reward was still 50 bitcoins.

Hilton A. Goring could not be reached for comment.

Steve’s reward of 50 bitcoins makes sense, because it’s probably true.

Father Robert Ballecer’s reward was fabricated on the spot out of thin air, and he doesn’t know anything about Bitcoin, so his lie is self-disproving, our favorite kind of fake priest lies.

What kind of shit does he have on the pope? Serious question.

While editing the video, I noticed he lied again about running SpinRite on his 12 or 16 bay NAS — who knows which? — after one of Steve’s fake testimonials, so I threw it into the video as a bonus lie. Enjoy!

39 thoughts on “Man of God: Father Robert Ballecer Tells Another Easily Disprovable Lie”

  1. Boy he does lie with a very smooth (like his shaved-7-days-ago face perhaps? Dunno never looked that closely.) confidence though – I wish I could tell truth with that confidence. Might get me a little further in my life.

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  2. I’ve enjoyed Father Robert filling in for Leo. The shows start on tim and he keeps the ball moving. It has highlighted just how bad Leo is.

    Still, that doesn’t erase the fact that he’s a BS vendor.

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    1. Thurrott Legend: Still, that doesn’t erase the fact that he’s a BS vendor.

      With a collar! He’s a CLOWN PRIEST. A JOKE. A LIAR. A CONTENT THIEF. All these things are 100% antithetical to that collar he wears around his neck since the time of his ordainment. It is true he is also human and humans make mistakes. However, PadreSJ repeatedly puts himself in these positions with his shitty and very shady personality that again IS ANTITHETICAL TO THAT COLLAR.

      Burn in hell you fat pig!


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    2. Thurrott Legend:
      I’ve enjoyed Father Robert filling in for Leo.

      I’ve always found the FMCP to be worse than Leo. At least for the recorded shows. Always droning on about crap he arguably never did. Shows were much tighter with Leo (who just wanted to GTFO)

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  3. Look at Gibson’s face when he said it. He has a visible reaction, so he knew it was bullshit on the spot and let it go.

    A 12 bay NAS. Let’s break this down.

    The whole point of a dedicated NAS is high reliability network storage. This almost always means some form of RAID. In the event of disk failure, you put a new disk in and the Synology software will rebuild it. That’s Synology’s bread and butter. Spinrite wouldn’t be on the menu. I don’t know what the conversation was leading up to it, but what kind of event leads to SMART failures on multiple drives? What are the odds on disks like a WD Red that is specifically designed and tested for reliability? Power surge? Doubt it.

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    1. He’s an engaging old man who has to give history lessons that highlight the irrelevance of his fax machine cleaning device.

      He commits all the sins of accepting unverified anecdotes as gospel that he mocks in liberal arts degree holders.

      Enough of this shit. Happy to watch its spiraling decay as that cunt Lisa gulls Leo via his uxorious delusion and leaves him penniless with a younger man.

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  4. TWiT = JOKE
    Listening to TWiT is a pointless time waster. It’s programs provide ZERO benefit to anyone listening…just total BULLSHIT bantering about nothing of value from people who are the least qualified to comment (on anything). It continually disappoints me to find TWiT still exists in any form in 2017. Robert (Bob) Ballecer is the farthest thing from being a “Father”. He’s a phony priest who continually lies about everything.

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  5. You are all missing the point. The fat priest is a pathological liar for whatever reason.

    Leo is the same thing.. They are a match and nobody has any reason to care. Liars be liars. The network is BS.

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    1. Hate the sin, not the sinner, and PadreSJ is desperate for reassurance and easily the neediest case of “Look at me, baby, look at me. I’m beautiful, I’m beautiful, I’m somebody.”

      He never shuts up, the Jesuits tried two months silence to generate some humility but no. Know How? stuffed dummy Bryan couldn’t take being the Priest’s perma-smiling and impressed sidekick . Megan didn’t like that gig either.

      He’s one of those people accustomed to deference and demur and when they get an iota of push-back, little emperor outrage and abuse is the result.

      Contraction, There hasn’t been another trajectory for the TWiT Network for some time…

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  6. Here’s the strange thing about Steve and his Bitcoins – I’m pretty sure Steve knows nothing about trading currency, when to buy, sell, etc. Sure, in the past year Bitcoin has surged again so you might think of holding and seeing how far it rises.

    Most non-currency trader people , like Steve, would have sold at $1,000/coin – he got his 50 coins at about $1/coin, made $50,000 profit. Crypto currency is highly volatile why not walk away with $50,000?

    That’s the really strange thing about Steve and his Bitcoins, that he hasn’t sold them earlier and banked the cash – the average man in the street would have if they’d got 50 coins at $1 each.

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    1. This is the same podcast padreJS claim (paraphrase): “I have been looking on the dark web to see if there is a increase in illegal credit card sales. I have not seen big changes, just the usual flow. So that is more evidence that Equifax was probably hacked by a state”. It is fine when a friend says this to you in a pub, but making these claims on a podcast where the SG been working for years to get peoples trust is discouraging.

      I can stand this phoney being on the podcast once a year, but with all the vacation lately I have to listen to his lies regularly. After 630 podcast, perhaps this is the week I will stop trusting SN and SG. You are defined by the friends you choose.

      padreJS should write a blog where he shows the sites he explored on the dark-web, plot a graph showing regular illegal credit-card ‘sales’ and explain, empirically, how some security breaches can be detected on illegal credit card market.

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      1. Da Judge:
        padreJS should write a blog where he shows the sites he explored on the dark-web, plot a graph showing regular illegal credit-card ‘sales’ and explain, empirically, how some security breaches can be detected on illegal credit card market.

        At least this raised annoyance unlike the banal blather that was the rest of his contribution. If there was a Nobel Prize for “Demonstrating man’s ability to state the obvious frequently without embarrassment” he would be honoured. You know that each SN with PSJ will begin with giggling hilarity that there are still security problems. Later there will be the mention that he thought we had reached the depths of security problems. Later still will be the brag that he knows that security problems will always be with us. It’s a fine line between continuing to listen and punching oneself in the face. Bless that skip forward button.

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      2. Riggggght, looking into the dark web LOL — Bobblehead and his inept enterprise tech. This could be his site tho… he is shady enough to do it… hell maybe I’m him 😀

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    2. Compo:

      That’s the really strange thing about Steve and his Bitcoins, that he hasn’t sold them earlier and banked the cash – the average man in the street would have if they’d got 50 coins at $1 each.

      One thing you will find out if you stalk old retired engineers is that they usually are not short on cash. Not rich, but definately not strapped. In CA especially, while $50k isn’t anything to sneeze at, but also isn’t going to get most of these types to get off their behinds either, it could be less than a year’s rent. If they don’t have their wallet up and haven’t for some time[perhaps lost track of which drive it is on?], it could be a “wouldn’t it be nice, but why bother?” type thing.

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    3. Especially someone of his age. He won’t last forever and in his position most people would want to cash it out. SQRL is never going to see the light of day and nor is a Spinrite update. Is there genuinely anyone that believes these things will even make it to completion? If he’s even still alive in 30 years these things will still be progressing at a snail’s pace and will never ever see the light of day.

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  7. I think tech news today was cancelled and now he is only paying them for tech news weekly. A decision made by advertisers?

    He spoke about his money problems before the weekly twit show when both guests were there, it’s sad, the advertisers are paying less and want metrics. Leo’s point of view was incoherent. There was also a terribly sad shot of the lone audience member. Before the truth feed he went on about how strong his advertisers were but you could see it was just a front.

    I watched the last episode of TNT and they didn’t even mention the change. Maybe there will be two shows? But they said it will appear in the tnt feed? I don’t get it.

    It was a good run, he started in like 2010. It’s a shame, if he kept twit interesting when the podcasting boom started he would have caught some of it, instead they’re all a bunch of small potatoes. I doubt DTNS is doing well either. Or the brian and Justin guys. I heard patreon is getting an IPO.

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    1. I assume you are referring to Scott Wilkinson. The TWiT shows page doesn’t list “Home Theater Geeks” any more.. and ( says “Although the show is no longer in production..” What happened?? I always thought this would be one of the last shows to end on TWiT. Scott & Leo “seemed” to be best of buds!! Leo wouldn’t can such a close old friend, would he?? Apparently this just happened as the Google cache from yesterday, Oct 1 ( still lists it as being active. You think Scott is still going to show up on Theeeee Tech Guy????

      BTW, TWiT shows ( currently list 21 active shows.. had 23 earlier in the year.. 26 back on June 21, 2015 (as per

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  8. While I hold no candle for the fat self-satisfied prick, I must point out that had his Optomium server been part of a pool, partial payouts are the norm.

    After the Alex Jones of IT, Greg Feral, err, Ferro, the Mouth, The Jurist, Jesuit, and PadreSJ is the most loathsome recounter of unverified anecdotes, humblebrags and endless fanservice in IRC. The ultimage TWiT (which is what the network is on the way to contracting to being) will be Leo self-operating while Ferro, Ballacer & Patrick Norton duke out who is the most rightest.

    Mating call: “What you have to understand…”
    Subtext: “What I have to tell you because you’re dumber than me…”

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  9. Here’s Lisa’s post about the changes:

    I think it’s interesting that they cancel TNT right when Sarah joins DTNS, and it’s doing better than ever. Tom’s not making TWiT-type money with DTNS, but 20k a month is nothing to scoff for reading and discussing tech headlines for an hour a day + a couple of hours of prep.

    Also, I don’t get what the difference between Tech News Weekly and TWiT is supposed to be… isn’t TWiT the weekly wrapup of tech news? AND Tech News Weekly is already a podcast on GFQ. Way to make it confusing for your audience when they search for your podcast in iTunes, etc. (lol I made a funny — a twit show having an audience lmao).

    I’m shocked HTG lasted as long as it did. I tried to watch it once, but it was super boring, and while I wish no ill of Scott, his voice and constant cackling grates on your ears. I can’t imagine they had more than a few hundred listeners at best.

    Know How is also getting cut from two shows a week to one. I actually forgot they released two episodes a week. I vaguely remember the news surrounding it when they cancelled Coding 101. But it went way down hill after Iyaz left. I stopped watching when it became the drone show.

    It’s also worth noting that they’re playing around with Triangulation. Now there’s going to be a revolving host instead of just Leo. Because he works too hard. How ever will he justify so many vacations if he’s not on as many shows as possible, though!?

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    1. Laying off long time staff, cutting major shows, rotating presenters – couldn’t get much more obvious could it? He’s not making enough money from the venture and is losing interest , or out of ideas, on how to turn things around.

      Seems the business is on life support and he will sooner or later pull the plug and just do the radio show at the weekends – and maybe the TWiT weekly round table. At his age he simply won’t want the hassle of running a failing business and will go into semi-retirement.

      Can’t see TWiT lasting another 12 months, they seem to be scrabbling to cut costs fast and they have no unique selling point beyond Leo – and he isn’t a big enough name relative to even many YouTubers.

      I don’t watch HTG normally because I’m not interested in home video/audio – but Scott has done brilliant episodes on film/cinematography, really very interesting stuff – check his back catalogue for guest from the movie industry. Try this for instance, Douglas Trumbull –

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  10. I saw the pre-show of TWiT before knowing about the cancellations. I get so mad when he lies about how well it’s going. He thinks we’re idiots. I know it’s not ‘good business’ to say your network is floundering because people will abandon you if they smell failure but… He just lies. Especially to the live audience, those people love him, he lies directly to them.

    TNT was a top two show on the network before Mike Elgan. I trace this downfall to firing Tom Merit. It all came from there. He paved the way for NSFW to follow the money and leave. Sarah had no one left so she took an outside job. Iyaz left that same week Tom did. I mean it was a blood bath. And now I hear DTNS is doing well and frame rate still makes money.

    There is a post up on twit, no goodbye to tnt, just cancelled. Leo is a psychopath.

    If Leo wasn’t a greedy monster….

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    1. I’ll miss it too:
      I saw the pre-show of TWiT before knowing about the cancellations. I get so mad when he lies about how well it’s going. He thinks we’re idiots. I know it’s not ‘good business’ to say your network is floundering because people will abandon you if they smell failure but… He just lies. Especially to the live audience, those people love him, he lies directlyto them.

      TNT was a top two show on the network before Mike Elgan. I trace this downfall to firing Tom Merit. It all came from there. He paved the way for NSFW to follow the money and leave. Sarah had no one left so she took an outside job. Iyaz left that same week Tom did. I mean it was a blood bath. And now I hear DTNS is doing well and frame rate still makes money.

      There is a post up on twit, no goodbye to tnt, just cancelled. Leo is a psychopath.

      If Leo wasn’t a greedy monster….

      To be far, Mike Elgan tried to save that show in his own way.
      It is a shame that the rest of the world, along with CeHo and Leo, never gave Mike the time that he needed to bloom as one might imagine Brian Williams was born.


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    1. I’ll miss it too:
      There are probably a few back office firings too.

      Did you hear Leo talking openly about keeping under the “20 person” limit at the start of October 1st’ “The Tech Guy” as he sat down and the show was about to begin? Surprisingly crass (even for him). Someone on Twitter was surprised too.

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  11. Don’t worry folks, I am standing by in Shenzhen ready to report all of the breaking news.. Now, it just won’t be reported once a week, instead of not being reported every weekday! Please have faith, this is a rebuilding period. With Leo’s credibility and Lisa’s execution skills, someday we indeed will be the “CNN of Tech”.

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  12. 11 months noTWiT. Do I get a badge? I check in here every few months to see the end. So far have been disappointed.

    Ballecer is a liar. And a sycophant. And loves his toys. So much so he will do almost anything.

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  13. So, Leo has reduced his on-air hours from 23.5 per week to 22 hours per week.

    More interestingly, starting next week, Leo will be working four days most weeks, with one five day week per month when he hosts Triangulation.

    Isn’t working four days a week a part-time job? How many small business owners work part-time?

    What a fat lazy fuck.

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