Leo Laporte is a Braggadocious Asshole

William Shakespeare said it best when he quipped “Who knows himself a braggart, let him fear this, for it will come to pass that every braggart shall be found an ass.”

Leo Laporte shown here at his emotional age

We don’t believe Leo Laporte ever got the memo because his fat mouth spews more braggadocios garbage than any reasonable person can handle.

If you’ve watched any Leo Laporte show in 2017 chances are you’ve heard him bragging endlessly about some stupid cell phone, computer or vacation he took or is about to take.

All we know for sure is that Leo Laporte uses these vacations and materialistic possessions to define his success. Maintaining the illusion of success is paramount even if that means firing employees to free up money.

But clearly TWiT isn’t a success in any sense of the word. It’s been a complete personal failure, financial failure, cultural tolerance failure, and the company doesn’t have the ability to hire and retain talent ( . )( . )

You don’t have to look far and wide to uncover the undeniable proof that Leo Laporte and TWiT have become a complete laughing stock and they are living on borrowed time. We look forward to watching this oversized asshole completely disappear like an loose turd circling the toilet bowl. Bon Voyage asshole.

51 thoughts on “Leo Laporte is a Braggadocious Asshole”

  1. Todd Cochrane of Bluberry and Rob Greenlee of Spreaker on
    episode 180 of “The New Media Show” have a few minute
    discussion about Leo (starting here –>
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiwcBUkGHe4&t=16m08s) as Todd mentions running into Leo at last month’s 2017 Podcast Movement. Apparently people there didn’t know who Leo was ..

    “People didn’t even know who he was.. who is that.. what does
    he do?”

    Todd also mentions having had A FEW run-ins with Leo over the years, and that Leo & Lisa have plans for the future. Then
    Todd mutters something about there might be opportunities for newcomers to be aligned with Leo’s network to have a breakout show. Rob has mentioned a couple of times over the past year or so about meeting with Lisa and always speaks favorably about her. It is my opinion that Todd & Rob are mostly remembering Leo for more what he was/did 10 years ago than anything he is currently doing. Both probably haven’t listened to any of Leo’s shows in years and certainly never venture into this website!!

    Bonus Leo with his prerequisite name dropping –> “The Podcast Answer Man” hangs out with his hero, “The NETCAST Answer Man”, Leo LaPorte, at 2017 Podcast Movement (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYnUClZbf8E&t=5m32s). Leo is such a FRIEND and keeps up with Cliff so such a high degree that he has to ask Cliff if he is still “The Podcast Answer
    Man”!! I am pretty confident Leo & Lisa saw a camera, any
    camera, of someone who might actually know them and decided to mug for it.

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    1. I’m going to give Leo/Lisa a very small break on their Anaheim/Disneyland “vacation” as L&L probably doesn’t consider that trip a “vacation” in their definition of the word since during part of that trip they were at the 2017 Podcast Movement pimping out TWIT and probably looking for sponsors (i.e. they were working, just off camera.. like an off-site producer!!). Plus, they didn’t leave California.. that’s NOT a vacation!!

      During episode 963 of The No Agenda Show (https://noagendaplayer.com/listen/963/2-07-39), Dvorak talks about having dinner with Jerry Pournelle and suggests that Leo should have Chris Pirillo on..

      “If you want to hound Leo to do something, have him get Chris Pirillo.. he could use the money.”

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      1. Benny Hill: I’m going to give Leo/Lisa a very small break on their Anaheim/Disneyland “vacation” as L&L probably doesn’t consider that trip a “vacation” in their definition of the word since during part of that trip they were at the 2017 Podcast Movement pimping out TWIT and probably looking for sponsors (i.e. they were working, just off camera.. like an off-site producer!!). Plus, they didn’t leave California.. that’s NOT a vacation!!

        Guess you didn’t bother to check the dates, these were 1 week apart… Disneyland (Aug. 17 – 19), Podcast Movement (Aug. 23 – 25). They were back in Pedoluma in between that.

        I’ll just assume you were joking and being sarcastic.

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      1. A lot of podcasters have to lie to get dummies to pay for sponsorships. Not unusual. Eventually it falls apart.

        Leo could go to a donation model and has proven in the past he could do it. But he has alienated too many people to make it work anymore. And he just spends money like a madman. THEN brags about it. What a dick,

        Everyone hates him.

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  2. Lisa is a goddess. Even Audrey Hepburn couldn’t compare to Lisa’s innocence and beauty in her looks.

    If LaPorte family wants to go to vacations, let them. They are such a beautiful couple that they should produce more genetically superior babies to this world.

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    1. indyLisaTheGoddessFan:
      Lisa is a goddess. Even Audrey Hepburn couldn’t compare to Lisa’s innocence and beauty in her looks.

      If LaPorte family wants to go to vacations, let them. They are such a beautiful couple that they should produce more genetically superior babies to this world.

      Henry’s pretty hot tbh. The others look inbred. Kind of like how Ivanka is hot but the rest of the Trump kids came from the shallow end of the gene pool.

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      1. King Leo Laporte: If the post-op tranny look is what you find attractive then I must know what you think about Myriam Joire and Briannu Wu.

        Hopefully your comment was tongue-in-cheek.

        This one’s not tongue-in-cheek.

        I’ve seen enough photos/video to know she almost certainly looks sexy as fuck naked. Ok, fine, the face isn’t a 10, but it’s not a 5 either.

        I bet everyone here would hate-smash the fuck out of her if given the opportunity.

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        1. ManBaby: This one’s not tongue-in-cheek.

          I’ve seen enough photos/video to know she almost certainly looks sexy as fuck naked.Ok, fine, the face isn’t a 10, but it’s not a 5 either.

          I bet everyone here would hate-smash the fuck out of her if given the opportunity.

          yeah, no.

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        2. ManBaby: This one’s not tongue-in-cheek.

          I’ve seen enough photos/video to know she almost certainly looks sexy as fuck naked.Ok, fine, the face isn’t a 10, but it’s not a 5 either.

          I bet everyone here would hate-smash the fuck out of her if given the opportunity.

          We all do but only a deserving bull gets to touch her. Like Leo, for example.

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        3. ManBaby: This one’s not tongue-in-cheek.

          I’ve seen enough photos/video to know she almost certainly looks sexy as fuck naked.Ok, fine, the face isn’t a 10, but it’s not a 5 either.

          I bet everyone here would hate-smash the fuck out of her if given the opportunity.


          Please keep from projecting your fantasies about “hate-smashing” Lisa’s fucking naturebox onto the rest of us in this thread.

          It’s disgusting. We don’t want it.


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          1. Ken Sintek:
            Sun glare and color stripped, CeHo still looks like fucking Golem to me. Go back to the desert from which you came, Manbaby.

            Also, put a fucking goatse on that!


            To quote Daniel Tosh … “Being an ugly woman is like being a man: you’re going to have to work.”

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  3. The only thing keeping this trailer trash family afloat is the money from The Tech Guy. If he ever loses that, he’ll swirl down the toilet like the turd he is.

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    1. I’d love to know who is offering them venture capital. Maybe early on, but there’s no way anyone wants to buy that lousy company now. I’d rather give the $10-$20 million to someone like MKBHD or iJustine.

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  4. Since this fat sack of shit appears to spend half his life on vacation and last time I tuned in there seemed to be a weak token effort to do something business related on each of these trips, can anyone tell me how the IRS views this stuff?

    Presumably these trips are being claimed to some extent, but surely the IRS is across this stuff, otherwise every loser nobody with a podcast and some google ads would be claiming deductions.

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  5. Very upset at Adam Curry & J C Davorak insulting someone on their chat who had experienced the London Parsons Green attack, got cross after Adam denied it was genuine, false flag or something.
    Are they loosing the plot?

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    1. nicholanon:
      Very upset at Adam Curry & J C Davorak insulting someone on their chat who had experienced the London Parsons Green attack, got cross after Adam denied it was genuine, false flag or something.
      Are they loosing the plot?

      Go ask John and Adam. We are not here to deconstruct the production choices made at No Agenda.


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    2. I wish Adam and John would attempt to modernize the show. Why don’t they have video? Why aren’t segments broken down and uploaded via a service like YouTube separately?

      They’re leaving so much money on the table by being grumpy old men and refusing to adapt to the new game.

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      1. Thurrott Legend:
        I wish Adam and John would attempt to modernize the show. Why don’t they have video? Why aren’t segments broken down and uploaded via a service like YouTube separately?

        They’re leaving so much money on the table by being grumpy old men and refusing to adapt to the new game.

        The “new game” is BULLSHIT! So-called modern social media is nothing more than a big bag of lies and works marginally for less than five percent for the parties involved. These parties either have a boat load of cash and/or an inside track on how to tweak this SCAM. #nolivesmatter #everyoneisaPOS #fuckyou #shutupslave

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  6. Leo, Father’s out done you. Basic show prep. Knew the stories, introduced new material, listened and let people speak. No need to speak twice like you do, and demean people. Non-fatiguing this time as you tend talk over everyone. Good TWiT in about 2 years.

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    1. leo’s sex swing:
      Leo and Lisa are on vacation (again). Who got fired this time?

      The bets in the chatroom have been placed.
      It will either be @anelf3 (Alex Gumpel) or @pdehl (Patrick Delahanty).

      Also, though it seems foolish to do so, let us hope that Leo chooses to not fire either of these gentlemen. Leo should fire Lisa and retire to the Bunny Ranch in Reno for the rest of his days.


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    1. OK Fine! My name is Marco Marrone and I started this site to get my goddamn wife to quit working for goddamn Leo Laporte! My number is (707) 763-XXXX and I don’t care anymore! Happy?

      PS: I have an eyebrow fetish.

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