Just when you thought it’s impossible for Pig Laporke to do something that would shock us all, considering his long rap sheet of misconduct, misogyny, racism and many more. Well, he actually had done it.
Soupfuck’s tiny pecker got all too little excited, when Megan started talking about her 13 year old daughter and her road trip with a friend.Naturally, as it always happens, all leftovers of brain matter that he has left just disappeared.
Laporke not only made sexist and hugely inappropriate comment about a 13 year old kid that crossed a line in and of itself. He said it straight to kid’s mother face and just laughed it off. This is disgusting, just watching that makes me feel sick. If Megan kicked fat fuck in his nuts, we would applaud her for her bravery and not allowing him to get away with crap like that.
We feel sorry for Megan Morrone and all the shit she has to put up working around Pig Laporke and his evil toxic bitch cunt of CeHo. Don’t worry Leo, your time will come, as it only takes one to step up and finally do what needs to be done, if Roger Ailes can be taken down, you will be too.
Is Megan really that desperate for money? She should have TWiT shithhouse years ago.
Mr. Foo Foo» Quote comment
Sheesh. I totally agree with that question.
TextileWolf» Quote comment
Either desperate for money or they are actually paying her slightly higher than she can get somewhere else. Either way she clearly feels trapped by the situation and has to put up with his crap.
My bet is as her daughter gets older and his comments turn more perverted and nastier towards her, Megan will finally realize it’s not worth it and move on.
Esch» Quote comment
What’s sad is how Leo immediately tries to blame Megan for him ALMOST saying something inappropriate out loud….live…..on the air.
‘You tricked me’ he says.
Marcus» Quote comment
She did leave for like 8 years. I think she does need the money and let’s be honest, what else could she possibly do? She’s not very talented. Still she doesn’t deserve abuse Leo gives her. I thought the “sexify” comment was far worse than the dairy comment tho. In fact I kinda didn’t get what was so wrong with the “dairy” comment. Kind of a stretch in my view.
digital dynamic» Quote comment
About 00:50 seconds in to this video, Megan has an anxiety attack.. watch her closely.
Upper_Lip» Quote comment
This where everyone acts surprised!!! I won’t let my kids run around that studio for anything. . Megs seem to take it all as a joke. Time after time just like Sarah used to bush it off.. Just when does a joke become harassment? The 10th time, The 100, or 1000th. Nero, Twit is burning. You jar sucking has been.
Harkonan Mentat» Quote comment
Wow, a new low for Soup.
Megan’s tan is hot as fuck though. She looks less like Milhouse now.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
That dress is really pretty too, and that’s sitting down. Massive improvement from Megan’s old wardrobe.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
The mannerism change 0.06s is awesome…. oooooh shit here it comes….
Yicchy Mickey» Quote comment
No matter what road we go down, here at Leo’s House of Dick Pics, it always ends up being about the D.
ReformedKoolaidDrinker» Quote comment
He’s so condescending, too – feigning interest in what her little jumping monkey is doing in Indiana – almost rolling his eyes.
He really is quite the load, isn’t he?
WiBB» Quote comment
Jesus Chris Leo is a freaking PIG! How the hell is TWiT still around?
SeriousCreep» Quote comment
“You got the sassafras all up inside there!”
He really is King of All Pervs.
WiBB» Quote comment
This is some Roger Ailes shit! Sue the bastard!
Gretchen Carlson» Quote comment
She should sue while there is still money to get.
TextileWolf» Quote comment
Yikes what a sick perverted mind this dude has, her daughter is a under age child, how does MM put up with this sick innuendo!!!??? You could totally see it in her facial expressions she seems stressed out just to be around this sicko, never knowing what perverted thoughts his going to blurt out just to turn it around and blame her for it? Wow, that is the lowest of the low. In any other workplace I think this would qualify as some sort of harrasment no? Just my opinion.
Mark Pugner» Quote comment
Meh – just another episode in LaFat’s sex horror show.
Megan is an enabler and probably enjoys the sex banter.
She’s an adult. She could stop it if she chose to.
Sex Swing» Quote comment
All the more seedy of Leo when you consider that he’s actually met and “known” Megan’s daughter since she was just a 7-month-old baby:
The Screen Savers – Megan Morrone and Annabella visit TSS!
There’s “edgy” comedy that pushes boundaries to make a statement or question the way society views things, then there’s someone like Leo who just takes the easy, most dirty and direct wisecracking route for his kicks. Because, you know, he can. Gross.
HickoryStix» Quote comment
What was Leo’s comment about Virginia Heffernan never coming on the show again all about? Did something happen when she was on Triangulation last Sunday?
Brian Stem» Quote comment
She mentioned at least twice on air that Leo had been criticised in the past for his attitudes/language towards women.
It was really quite impressive how he seemingly ignored those references. He just ploughed on with his sanctimonious “I haven’t even read the book but I totally get where you’re coming from” schtich.
She was gracious, witty and erudite. He was irrelevant and cloying.
totesincomplete» Quote comment
Way to stand up for your daughter, Megan.
TWaT» Quote comment
This is harassment.
To the fan of Leo who thinks this behavior is not harassment, I would ask you to go into your boss’ office and tell him or her it’s erotic when he/she gets in and out of his/her chair. See if you’re fired. Because when Leo says it is erotic when Megan takes her mic out through her dress it is the same thing.
Megan shuts up and laughs about it because he is her boss. And don’t feed me the bullshit that they’re good friends. They’re not. Every female employee is his friend when it comes to an excuse for harassment. I am sure if Burke tells the CEHo it is erotic when she does something he would be fired on the spot.
Inexcusable double standard which only Leo and his sheep accept. But let us all listen to Megan preach on about inequality in women’s paychecks and lack of diversity.
GD» Quote comment
Yup GD: you are absolutely correct.
I’m afraid to admit (especially here) that I’m actually a fan of the TWIT.TV network.
I personally enjoy several shows on that network, especially in terms of: securitynow, windowsweekly, and SOMETIMES the techguy, and TWIT.
I also come to totaldrama.net, for a bit of old fashioned melo-dramatic melodrama about the twit network now and then, because unfortunately it seems like Leo has been OVERLY sensoring the chat-room, and legitimate comments about TWIT.
So if Leo insists upon such sensorship, where-else am I going to turn?
Anyways, I come here for some insights, and I have to admit this particular interaction on his part with Megan is utterly absolutely disgusting, since we are talking about the children of one of his hosts.
Does not Leo have anymore sense of propriety about his hosts, and MORE IMPORTANTLY the children of his hosts?
Must Leo treat his hosts, and his hosts children like utter cr@p?
I’ve followed Leo for a LONG TIME, but for him to make such jokes about his hosts children like this… that’s seriously a new low.
If I was Leo Laporte, I would have to seriously STOP and examine my own sense of inner morality, after making ABHORENT comments like this.
Sham on you Leo.
I just hope and pray you will stop for a moment, and consider what you are doing (in terms of treatment of your hosts), and also stop and think about your new ways of interacting with callers on your TechGuy shows, in which it seems STRONGLY like you are losing your patience with your callers.
If you are finally losing patience with your callers, then I fear I might finally begin to lose my patience with you.
James» Quote comment
#TYFYC James.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
Leo is a narcissist. He has no empathy. He makes shitty comments about someone else’s kid of a sexual nature, and while everyone in the room cringes or is astounded, he sits there, and probably thinks he’s witty and charming.
To narcissist, the people around them are just pawns to be used for their own gratification. Meghan’s feelings towards this comment don’t matter – all that matters is that pig Leo got to get an innapropriate and childish sexual comment off.
The only amusing thing to me is that his narcisssim is leaking more and more online and on screen – narcissists don’t get better, as there’s no cure, they only get worse.
If any shred of the TwiT network is left by the time the lease on the new studio expires, I’ll be shocked. He’s gonna make a comment like this to the wrong person, and get his ass sued off in a public trial by court and SJW press. His wife-thing will stand there with a perplexed look on her neanderthal brow, wondering why her mealticket is imploding, and will jump ship. He’ll have to sell what’s left to pay off a settlement, and that will be the end of Leo LaPorte. Well, we can wish.
WhatTheActualFuck» Quote comment
Thank you James
You maybe a few years late to TD but you made it !!
So welcome
We all felt / feel the way you do
call us Trolls or concerned Twit citizens we wouldn’t be here let alone posting comments calling out the” King without clothes ”
Some of us commenting maybe rough around the edges or not PC
(Political Correct) but our views and goals are the same.
It’s to draw attention to Leo’s unacceptable behavior on or off air!!
OhNoNotYetAnotherTroll» Quote comment
Welcome, some of us where Leo’s biggest fans. After completing a 13 step rehab, we ended up here. It’s time to come into the light. Every time Leo says something stupid just leave. It won’t be long before you find plenty of good podcasts.
Harkonan Mentat» Quote comment
Nobody should have to enter work and be subject to such comments let alone to have to receive them in front of a camera and that be transmitted live to the Internet, effectively a live audience of millions (well that’s a bit sarcastic and optimistic, maybe hundreds).
Many people if they some good morning to woman or smile in the wrong way are accused of being predatory or creepy yet this self absorbed asshole openly stalks women that work for him.
Let’s face it though, if his behavior had been shut down when the first incidences of this abuse took place then he wouldn’t have been let go by TechTV for it and he would not be the object of disgust and mockery that he is.
I think it’s quite late for him to change his ways but you know without his lack of self control Total Drama would have nothing to talk about as TWiT becomes just another podcast network that is in decline because it has no fresh content and regurgitates the work of others and calls it their own.
Dick Slexic» Quote comment
I love the irony of complaints about sexual innuendo by someone going by the name “crotch magnet”.
Fauxjournalist» Quote comment
There was no innuendo, he is an overt pig.
Whenever I remember I check to see who is hosting screen savers (I like to see Leo skimp on paying actual hosts) and Leo got his tesla so he should lose another 8% of his audience this week as he drives his audience insane,
Another alias» Quote comment
But by showing err… reviewing the Tesla on the stream, its now “content” so its a business expense. Nothing like the business acumen that comes with one of those fancy UofPhx degrees in business — well, except maybe for one from TrumpU .
Vous été tout le monde» Quote comment
That Model X is the perfect car for him, a big dopey minivan looking thing. Much better than a red Mustang or a German limousine for his fat ass.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
He doesn’t own it,its a lease.
John the third» Quote comment
I didn’t say he owned it.
It’s probably the most dopey car with $130,000 price tag though, congrats Leo.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Is making a joke about the poster’s alias all you got son? I guess you had no problem with the vile pig’s words? Why don’t you go back to constructing your shrine to Bill Cosby you dumb shit.
TheTruth» Quote comment
Leo didn’t go as far as some people here are portraying. I do think he went further with his joke than he should have. But many of the people are vile nasty people who say far worse. No one in the real world will ever take this site seriously because of this. Keep wallowing in your own fungus.
Fauxjournalist» Quote comment
All the women who were pressured by Roger Ailes said nothing for years. All the woman who had a butt grabbed or received a sexual proposition told no one.
What did they do? They laughed it off. It’s Roger being Roger, he is old school, it’s no big deal. Roger is a friend.
Megan, asking him to stop on air is kind of scary, he might not like it. Yeah, we know, that’s why it’s harassment.
Another alias» Quote comment
fair play to Porky McSoupFace, that was actually a pretty funny reference and totally on brand for TWiT
JebusShaves» Quote comment
Oh goodie… it’s Sunday!
Another three hours of Lay-o’s useless tech advice to blithering idiots and followed by two hours of the snore-fest that is TWiT.
Maybe he’ll stay on message and sexually harass a guest or two.
It’s the only thing worth looking forward to.
Sex Swing» Quote comment
Well… He went after HH yesterday, instead of greeting her with a hello, nice to see you, he straight off goes after how hot she’s looking… He does this almost every weekend!!! I’m thinking the money is so good, CoHoe Lisa Laporte just doesn’t care how much of a ass her husband is. Premier Radio must be making so much $$$ over what they pay Leo, that they don’t care either.
Swing Sex» Quote comment
I’ve been an avid TWiT listener/follower for several years now and in that time I’ve always had a strange “love/cringe/hate” relationship with Leo Laporte that I couldn’t quite understand until I came across Total Drama and leolaportesucks.com. It’s pretty clear now to me that Leo is a despicable human piece of shit and his shows are totally substance free time wasters. Goodbye forever Leo. I will never visit or download from your sites ever again.
Mona» Quote comment
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
Nothing can stop the TWIT train there numbers are real you are an stupid group of loud trolls looking for blind conflict on an behind the scenes stream.
lkalif» Quote comment
Leo’s sexual harassment is going to stop the train. AND, here is the problem with you:
You somehow think, along with Leo, that saying this is just the “Behind the Scenes” stream, and down playing it as “Not meant for public” that it is somehow OKAY for Leo to sexually harass his employee. WRONG, very WRONG. Leo has a BIG BIG surprise, and it is coming soon.
Chooo Chooo..
Upper_Lip» Quote comment
True, more numbers in dumb people, like wwe or kim k.
Yicchy Mickey» Quote comment
You got to be joking, the YouTube numbers are dismal at best. If TWiT had any sort of real popularity they would be killing it on all platforms. So go fuck a goat fine sir and stop stealing the name of a great man.
TheTruth» Quote comment
I’ll wait for you to finish with it remember beastalty is legal in Canada.
lkalif» Quote comment
From Megan Morrone’s twitter message: Hi there.
I wondered if I did something to offend you.
Would you mind writing me back to let me know. Thanks!
18h18 hours ago
18h18 hours ago
I am so small and unimportant. I am not famous. I am a real person with a real family. I’m just trying find out why tweeting at me is worth your time.
18h18 hours ago
We are tired of you cowering to that POS Laporke. The comment about your daughter milking a cow as practice for giving “hand jobs” was the final straw. You need to put a stop to this pervert now for all the women who work or worked at TWiT!
18h18 hours ago
If you think you know what I need to do, then can I ask who you are?
18h18 hours ago
Look. I’m just asking you to please stop trying to publicly humiliate me on Twitter.
18h18 hours ago
You humiliate yourself everytime you are on TWiT with that pervert. You were there when I stood up to him and walked out. Next time he humiliates/embarrasses you on camera call him on it. Drop the mike and walk out. Nichole Lee!
17h17 hours ago
“You were there when I stood up to him and walked out.” Who are you? I don’t recall that ever happening.
17h17 hours ago
Of course you don’t. I was a lowly intern and you were too busy stepping over Sarah Lane to get into her seat at iPad today. I made the mistake of wearing a skirt around the pervert. You know what that means in the Laporke climate of learing & groping.
Flag this message Delete this message
17h17 hours ago
Doug Felaszco» Quote comment
You were an intern at TWiT?
And did Nicole Lee ragequit her job?
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
How the hell does Megan Morrone cope with her job when she has to deal with nutjobs like you? Even in the unlikely event you ever worked at TWiT you just sound deranged.
It never dawned on me that being an insignificant web host would actually attract wackos. Somewhere in the back of her mind she probably genuinely does worry about stalkers. Good grief.
RegEx» Quote comment
Wow a new fucking Low for fat fuck
Leo LaFuck
Please Megan stop laughing with him, I know U need the job,no monies is worth enabling a closest pedafile!!
when your daughter see’s this slimy video in 5-10years she’s going to wonder why you her Mom didn’t protect her by firing back or walking out!!!
Megan you can change this cycle of enablement!!!
Think about it, you’ll end up an instant media sensation in the tech world, you’ll have exposed many years of this unacceptable behavior by a boss no less..
Start a GoFundMe account
we will all put monies in there so you won’t have to worry about losing your job.
TD has a lot of smart lawyers & advisers in here, I’m pretty sure one or two will step up to help ProBono
Just think about it, Leo isn’t the same guy he portrays, if he’s like this in public Lord knows what skeletons this sicko and ManTranny have in their closet
Fuck You Leo
OhNoNotYetAnotherTroll» Quote comment
I used to watch The ScreenSavers every day back in the late ’90s and early ’00s. When I found out Leo was doing his shows again I started streaming them daily. I had also been active in #twitlive as well.
I was actually interested in TWiT until watched what Leo did to Megan on air. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I started looking more into it and found that it wasn’t the first time. I can’t believe it.
I severed my ties with this comment in #twitlive today, followed by an immediate ban and being marked as a “troll”. Sorry, but I don’t see that as trolling. Leo should publicly apologize to everyone and legally make amends.
“I can’t believe how you treat employees. You destroy tech’s public image. Harassing Megan’s daughter https://youtu.be/_sj7mlJTBEs and beyond https://youtu.be/uiGHeSfD04g. Final straw. The lawyers will show no mercy on you. These days the Leo Laportes and Roger Ailes of the world are being exposed. Your time will come. ScooterX and the rest of you, please stop enabling this bullshit.”
Padrone» Quote comment
Kinda tumble weeds in that chatroom these days, useless. Talking into the wind on that.
Yicchy Mickey» Quote comment
I got an idea. Let’s all report the sexual harassment here:
Technically TWIT is an employer. I just wish I had an unedited version of TD so that they take the complaint more seriously. If enough complain, I’m sure Leo will at least be investigated.
Curry (Dan Hendrick’s Gay Cat)» Quote comment
Plenty of raw material here
Hello, you» Quote comment
Come on Ladies!
This shit ain’t gonna change! These posts are few and far between, and Leo will just keep doing the wrong moves at TWIT.
How EVA! I would like to ask the fucking twat wad shill who banned me in TD chat to go suck a Cuck, in the famous words of Milo!
The TD chat room was about having fun and mocking and cussing, all the shit you guys made this site for, due to being kicked and banned by the mods in TWIT IRC…
(& the banter was fun in TD irc*)
I am happy to wear the badge of being Banned from the chat room that complains about bans!
I wear that badge of Honor like a fucking Energizers Bunnies severed head around my neck!
Love ya Brucie and Mani(SHITPOSTINGTIME!) and Taxi!
The cuckold who banned me is just as big of a fuckin troll as the guys you complain about!
See ya Mo’ Fo’s!
& tell that slave to ‘Shut Up’
McCLaNe» Quote comment
Leo needs to wear one of those electrified dog collars that administers a mild corrective shock when Megan pushes a button.
Winston» Quote comment
Fuck Megan! She’s an enabler and by putting up with his sexual harassment, she’s a horrible role model for women.
She deserves all the hate she gets.
Holden» Quote comment
Totally agree. She’s pathetic and deserves every bit of the hate that’s directed at her.
Eddie Bravo» Quote comment
I don’t think even if she interrupted him mid (sexual perverted comment) sentence to “STOP RIGHT THERE!” … Leo the fucking pig would NOT stop. Once he has it in his mind for his perverted thoughts to spew forth from his mouth it’s going to come out. Psychopaths lack impulse control. Leo is clearly hardwired for this … plus like any psycho he gives zero fucks who he might offend on his “Family Friendly” shows. Too bad the advertisers aren’t getting the message who they are in bed with and how it might effect their brand.
DannyBoy» Quote comment
Leo is out of order or broken. I know this because when I was in puberty I was as perverse as he is now. I loved when girls would talk about anything sexual. I wouldn’t get an erection when they did but I would think about it later and masturbate. This was early puberty when you think childish sex thoughts like “A hotel, wow, so many people having sex.” I never raped anyone or abused anyone but I was a chronic masturbater, 5 times a day. Leo reminds me of myself at 14. Everything was sex.
(Lisa gets tremendous joy from being the object of attention, sexual or otherwise. She loves herself and talking about herself. They are a perfect harmony of mental disorder. )
Leo never outgrew this. He still loves talking sex with girls. A joke, a serious discussion, anything about sex. I remember not being able to fathom impotence. I couldn’t keep it down if a girl wore a skirt either.
My name is Michael Bennett and I suffered from a disorder just like Leo.
M.B.» Quote comment
Takes one to know one.
Sex Swing» Quote comment
I hope you find this site to be a safe space for you. I hope you are continuing your therapy.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
Has this discussion gone completely off the rails or what?
idunno» Quote comment
I’ve never really had much of libido. For a time in my 30’s I was an every other day one orgasm kind of guy (choking the chicken) and then over time it simply became less enjoyable and I’d go a year or more without any release of any kind. Sure I’d be horny sometimes but that hornyness would pass pretty quickly and I’d move on to other things. Now I pretty much have no interest in sex whatsoever. I’m DONE. Finished with being an animal. It’s been almost 8 years since my last ejaculation. My testosterone is normal and I feel fine exercise and eat right. Porn has no effect on me as well…I just don’t care. My body “cleans out the pipes” automatically maybe twice a year while sleeping. I’m liberated from this nonsense and it’s fantastic. I guess some guys are born “hyper sexual” like Leo and some end up like me. I guess most guys fall somewhere in the middle.
Tim Ferriss» Quote comment
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
…thanks Obama…
Tod» Quote comment
So yesterday Megan was a guest on Tom Merritt’s Daily Tech News Show with guest host Scott Johnson. A clear difference between Tom and Leo is Tom always allows his guests to talk and be a part of every conversation. Leo on the other hand always has to make his opinion the focal point of every conversation, either interrupting and over-talking his guests. He’s not quite the verbal bully as a Bill O’Reilly but close.
I’m also assuming there was a completely different vibe being on DTNS where she could just relax and converse with two adults as opposed to being on any show with Leo where he’s an adult only as far as age with a mentality that’s devolved into a stereotypical drunk, entitled college boy.
thoughtpolyp» Quote comment
And the prased the great content Twit.tv was producing especially Tech News Today and IOS today. What do you have agenst him and GFQ who also promote twit.tv shows and GFQ even lets Iaiaz moonlight there to supplement his CBS paycheck.
the new jeff Jarvis» Quote comment
Not quite able to interpret your comments. Are you off your meds again?
thoughtpolyp» Quote comment
No all of you virgin’s are
the new jeff Jarvis» Quote comment
Didn’t Habermas teach you about possessive possesives, ya cunt bucket?
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
The young Lass tried to troll me again!
Due to my comment here…
In NSFW aka NA!
Keep it up ma’am! You are doing a wonderful job of promoting me and I luv you for it! & so do the other chatters!
I still wear your severed Head around my neck like a fucking bloody badge of honor!
My name has never changed!
My attitude has never changed…
& this is why you try to do what you do.
But alas Lassy! Your hate, your Face and your lack of getting laid isn’t your issue. Your issue is Me.
& I fucking love it Hans!
Being the one and only true ban at TD!
Is like being the one guy that both sides love!
And if you are ghey, hey! There’s nothing wrong with that Hans!
I guess an intoduction is duuuuue!
My name Is ToiLeTBuG AKA Dtctv_McCLaNe
& did I say Faaaaauuuuuuccckkkk YOU!
& again this is for the Lassy that banned me from here.
Not all of you! I love you guys.
Its this lil fuckwad that needs to get laid!
McCLaNe» Quote comment