In another breach of the trust of the “family-friendly” viewing environment that the TWiT network claims to maintain, the ever-perverted Leo Laporte has done it again, giving the livestream viewers another unwanted peek behind the sordid curtain of his disgusting lifestyle on a recent taping of “This Week in Google.” When the discussion turned to Google’s saving of voice notes, Leo casually scrolled through his search history and revealed that he had used Google to either search for, or dictate a reminder note for “hang up sex swing” and then “hang sex swing.”
The sex swing is most likely intended to be used as a marital aid with his mistress-turned-CEO, Lisa Kentzell Laporte.
One can only imagine the horrors that Siri has been subjected to if this is how he mistreats Google’s voice dictation feature. This of course follows closely on the heels of Leo’s posting of his dick pic that was subsequently covered by TotalDrama, Gawker and Perez Hilton.
Here’s the video to calm the fears of those who think that this has been altered or video “Photoshopped” in any way:
Please keep the suggestions and story tips coming as we value reader input. Thank you!
This is not a perversion. It is a medical issue. You can not engage in any form of intercourse at his weight without a swing. It is not safe.
Leonardo Dicaprio» Quote comment
It doesn’t help that he’s pushing 300 lbs and has a small penis on top of it. Penetration has to be near impossible without the assistance of some device (ie a swing).
Silent Node» Quote comment
Medical assistance. The only movement required is similar to Leo shoving a pizza pie into his gullet, and of course suppression of the gag reflex by all parties involved.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
Tough shit. Thn he goes withou sex. A 14 yr. old boy (not his blood son mind you) is living under the same roof and Leo installs a sex swing. Fucking Seriously ????!!!!
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
Can Leo get an more disgusting? Family friendly my ass. What a creeper.
Steve James» Quote comment
I do not understand why Leo doesn’t have a TWIT account to show off features? He would not have to do so much damage control if he would do that one tiny thing!
I have a question now about Leo, does he get major jollies by getting caught in these situations?
Good post HelloWorld, maybe a little less on the name calling in it, but really good!
Moonchild» Quote comment
he’s a lazy fat fuck that’s why. He doesn’t prep for shows and won’t take the time to keep his professional and personal lives separate.
Coinoperated» Quote comment
Spot on
Ex-Fan» Quote comment
When someone of Leo’s level of maturity is exposed (pun intended) to himself for as long as he has, one becomes desensitized to oneself. He probably doesn’t even realize what he’s exposing (again, pun intended) to his viewing audience or voyeurs as he like to refer to them.
Leo has blinders on and is being ridden by his jockey, Lisa Laporte. May they reap all that they sow and then some.
Zon» Quote comment
My Stomach» Quote comment
Ok, do we have any good photoshoppers in the house?
I can’t for the life of me imagine how Soup and CeHo can get it on in that contraption.
Then again, maybe I just don’t want to know!
Ex-Fan» Quote comment
Jesus Fucking Christ
Belmont’s Fake Geek Glasses» Quote comment
AMEN to that!
Jumping Ship» Quote comment
Holy shit, an actually almost-decent news story by Helloworld!!
Kidding aside, it’s only a matter of time before Leo claims this is another photoshop by internet trolls (like the dickpic fiasco).
JohnB» Quote comment
It was actually a tip submitted by me 😛 and soon after discussed at length in the wonderful IRC chat that TD runs. Good post, helloworld!
Sam» Quote comment
I stopped listening to TWiT after the dick pic, no regrets. I am 100% never going back after this article, just shows how stupid Leo is, he is constantly private showing stuff which there is 100% chance of something going wrong! Use a fucking demo device/machine or something for demos!
Yolo Swaggy» Quote comment
Someone contact Gawker STAT.
Holden» Quote comment
I already e-mailed Sam Biddle, who did the piece on Leo’s dick pic on Gawker. If you want to add to the chorus, his e-mail is:
HelloWorld» Quote comment
Will do.
Thanks, HW!
Holden» Quote comment
It’s not accidental. It’s happened to many times.
Leos dick» Quote comment
If his house comes crumbling down, we’ll know he used it in the basement, attached to a beam.
justthisguy» Quote comment
That swing has to be specially installed with heavy duty chains in order to fit his fat ass in it.
soupslurper» Quote comment
kind of like those huge truck tires he had install on the segway
Lurker» Quote comment
You trolls need to get out for awhile.
You’re just like Donald Trump, bullying And you don’t give a fuck who you attack.
MollyFa» Quote comment
Molly is seething with jealousy that she doesn’t get to ride the swing.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Fuck you, Molly. You don’t see the hypocrisy of a family friendly show putting up a screen showing that?
Get your dirty vagina out of here and go stick a cucumber up your cut while you dream about #soupguzzler.
Holden» Quote comment
Hey, Leo claims TWIT is a “Help and How-To” network. What a putz.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
Maybe it’s Soup’s product for the next ByB?
“Now here’s Leo with a product I will never use, because I’m a celibate priest. *fake smile*”
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Mark Harry» Quote comment
Uhh, what?
What does this guy have to do to wake you up? You’re either a shill planted to stir up the comments or you actually believe the crap you post in here. In which case I can only surmise that your days are filled with a continuous loop of Leo jumping up and down in his jockey shorts on your 80″ monitor while sacrificing kittens in the middle of a burning pentagram ringed with unicorn tears and pixie blood.
Digital Dynamic» Quote comment
What the fuck is next, Leo unboxing his ball gag order from Prime day in between Before You Buy segments? What a degenerate fucking piece of shit.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
Bestiality. What else is left? Sexting, Japanese soaking tub, dick pics, and now a sex swing. I mean there’s only so many ways an old white man can be perverse.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
I hear Ceho’s Sybian has shipped and will be delivered and set up by the butt crack guy.
soupslurper» Quote comment
“maybe I shouldn’t turn those on”
You of all people need to turn it off.
leo so love his technology but cannot control him self. Now what do you think of the walls listing to you, hey leo?
Keep em coming.
DoH» Quote comment
And the last time JCD was on TWiT was just as TNSS launched, and Laporke was begging JCD to do the *second* TNSS.
Ha, fucking ha!
NativeInExile» Quote comment
Even though JCD effectively put a lid on dick pic coverage on NA, I like to believe that the fiasco was a turning point of sorts for JCD’s association with TWIT. JCD is content to leave Leo to his pathetic imitation of his glory days and awful editorial standards.
Belmont’s Fake Geek Glasses» Quote comment
Pretty sure JCD only does TWiT to promote No Agenda. That’s how I got hit in the mouth – now two times a week, Thurs and Sun ITM ?
NativeInExile» Quote comment
lol…. cant help himself
reddog» Quote comment
Anyone notice that he also searched for “climate in Rio de Janeiro.”
I guess the guy is planning yet ANOTHER expensive vacation…
TOT (Tired of TWiT)» Quote comment
It seems like the bigger question is who are those other people.
Did Jeff and Gina finally get fed up and quit?
J29Sailor» Quote comment
Gina hasn’t been a regular host for a while… Jarvis was either on vacay or yet another trip to a conference that Google paid for.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Jarvis will never leave , he has the same moral standards as Leo.
Leos dick» Quote comment
Yeah really – Leo could give a fuck about personal privacy because he has no sense of decency.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
Mr. Jarvis is addicted to the celebrity status conferred on him by his appearances on Mr. Laporte’s network. Mr. Laporte is the candyman, as long as Mr. Jarvis is the toady. This seems to be the template for Mr. Laporte’s operation.
Just sayin’ and best regards
freheel» Quote comment
A self destructive idiot like Leo is brain dead or he is stupid like a fox, I’m trying to figure out if all his on air fuck ups are a silent call for help
example: blink twice if your held hostage
but in Leo’s case : show dick pix or personal info if Lisa has taken your balls and replaced them with her junk
Leo your a Putz!!!
get off your fat ass and create work & demo accounts on all your wasteful devices you drool over for 2weeks and then throw them in a drawer while you bitch no-ones making any new phones or gadget.
Fat wasteful piece of shit
You should be helping your drought stricken State with great new tech ideas and money and also the use of you multimillion dollar studio to get the public excited about something worthwhile instead of using it as a breeding ground for perverse and stupid podcasts full of crap ads and lame content
OhNoYetAnotherTroll» Quote comment
Sure, he should be using a TWiT account for these types of things. But this is not as big of a deal as you make it out to be. Get over it. He’s married and him and his wife like to experiment with things. move on
Joe» Quote comment
Sorry, but it’s fucking gross.
If your partner isn’t an ugly tranny you should be fine without such things.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Oh my God, you’ve nailed it: she looks like a tranny!
For years, I thought she looked like Skeletor, but that wasn’t quite right.
macsimcon» Quote comment
Him and his wife look like they are into the whole S&M lifestyle,I bet they even own a gimp mask
rocker182» Quote comment
Leo is assuredly the squeal-like-a-pig bitch peg boy in that dynamic.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
What happened to the New York studio and morning show??? Both Jeff and Gina could have been “in house” hosts with better lighting and video…. As for Gina’s scaling back her appearance’s, I’d like the think it’s because her Wife/Husband caught Leo’s hitting on a guest and decided she wasn’t going to take that chance with her wife/husband, Gina….
John» Quote comment
“New York studio”, anyone who knows Leo knows that this had about as much of a chance of happening as Leo losing weight.
Belmont’s Fake Geek Glasses» Quote comment
At least they kept doing the monthly meetups!
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
JJ ,I forgot about the MM ups and so did Lisa, but I’m not screwing the fat out of Leo, I have no excuse….
John» Quote comment
Hopefully whoever runs this site will take down that fucking awful banner for the “doc pic” story. Almost as pathetic as Leo living in the past with TNSS is you guys trying to maximize views and comments on a dead story.
Mother» Quote comment
What color is the sky in your world?
Digital Dynamic» Quote comment
yeah, no.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
It was the evil and despicable Glen Rubinstein pulling the strings again. He will stop at nothing to destroy TWiT. Who will you never see in the same place? HW and Glen. Do the math on that.
Fake Molly» Quote comment
TWiT is run by a two faced multi-chinned hypocrite.
lkalif» Quote comment
Uncomfortable silence on the latest Windows Weekly as Leo’s humor about watching porn on a phone overheats the battery:
I doubt he was being facetious. I felt bad for Mary Jo to have her rising professional career associated with Leo’s imploding “mind.”
DramaDude» Quote comment
Maybe he’s going senile? Seriously.
When he was talking to Steve Gibson on SN, Steve mentioned all the positive feedback he received while Ballacer was co-hosting.
And Leo’s response?
“Well, if you want me to talk to you more during the show, we can do that.”
Even a MORON would have understood that the show has more to offer with a technical co-host rather than a fat bozo idiot fuckhead.
But, of course, Leo missed it completely.
macsimcon» Quote comment
I’m the last thing from a SJW, but this kind of thing is just a basic lack of respect and professionalism. What a piece of fuck.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment