Leo Laporte Would Like To Remind You That He Is Still Paying For Porn

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Jeff Brockman, drummer extraordinaire

Hello, my name is Jeff Brockman and I am a progressive rock drummer for the band CAIRO. We rank right up there with other progressive rock bands like Genesis and Pink Floyd but without the success and never going on tour. But there was this one time Deen Castronovo let me touch his drums, and back in 1989 I walked past Axl Rose at the MTV Video Awards.

Kelly Madison, Porn actress and trustee of Leo Laporte’s credit card number could not be reached for comment.

Thanks to a user tip we were alerted to the fact that Leo Laporte is still paying for porn, still completely unaware that porn is free and available everywhere. We first learned of Leo Laporte’s sick fascination with paying for porn in a previous post where he was shelling out cash to a porn-star that didn’t look a day over 15. But we’re glad, and somewhat relieved, that Leo has finally decided to lust over a whore more close in age to the one he married.

So we applaud Leo Laporte on finally outgrowing his pedophilic tendencies. That being said he might want to browse in incognito mode if he insists on jerking it at the office on a production machine.

48 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Would Like To Remind You That He Is Still Paying For Porn”

  1. Seriously, does this guy still not know the concept of a ‘work’ computer and a ‘personal’ computer/profile? You do your work safe stuff on the ‘work’ computer and whatever NSFW stuff on your ‘personal’ one. You would also use said ‘work’ computer on your podcast (duhhh). With all the phones and other gadgets this guy buys (as well as vacations), I’m sure he can afford a second laptop/tablet/whatever he uses to get his internet jollies.

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    1. Marcus:
      Seriously, does this guy still not know the concept of a ‘work’ computer and a ‘personal’ computer/profile?

      Fucking seriously. I can only conclude that dude looks at porn while he’s not on camera at the office. Otherwise why the fuck?

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      1. It’s all he’s got left. He used to bang Lisa and turtles and beat off to DrMom during the breaks in the shows at the cottage.
        I guess we all get older eh?

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  2. Did you know you can learn your ip by going to whatsmyip.com? Did you know your butt contains millions of helpful bacteria? Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber

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  3. I’m the real Jibbering Jeff Jarvis – the quote above is fake.
    Probably from someone that has not lectured at CUNY nor been declared a public intellectual in the US of A nor buzzed like a Buzz Machine nor said Habermas twenty five times daily nor been the centre of genuine and unconfected hilarity when reboxing and returning a phone to Verizon (still makes me chuckle – I am a very funny guy).

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  4. Andy Anhatko will begin TWIT’S This Week in Gilbert and Sullivan by singing all of “Thee Little Maids From
    School” each week while wearing an 1800’s Chinese hat.

    “One little maid is a bride, Yum-Yum —
    Two little maids in attendance come —
    Three little maids is the total sum
    Three little maids from school!”

    Then while Leo shares his screen to Google “The Mikado” he reveals partial searches for hot asian girl on girl action. Members area. Enter Alex Lindsey will will tell us about his 20 seconds getting coffee on Star Wars Ep 1, and that This Week in Hot Asian Girl action is sponsored by Cashfly.

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  5. Don’t blame Leo… Remember what Bob Barker always said… “Always have your pets spayed or neutered.” Someone needs to take him into the Humane Society. He’ll be happier & healthier afterwards….

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  6. I hear stuffed Ozzy is starting to look frayed and dirty. They use him to keep a door open and the cleaning people keep getting floor cleaner on him. Only a matter of time till he gets thrown out.

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  7. It’s time to close this site down, it’s time has come and gone. TWiT is too irrelevant to even merit a hate site. A suggestion would be to only post video with some background text. The bad humor detracts.

    How is your chat room?

    Here comes a comment from the guy running the site with one of his 5 aliases.

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    1. Joe:
      It’s time to close this site down, it’s time has come and gone. TWiT is too irrelevant to even merit a hate site. A suggestion would be to only post video with some background text. The bad humor detracts.

      How is your chat room?

      Here comes a comment from the guy running the site with one of his 5 aliases.

      But I love the memes and names people use on here. We need the site around TBH, even though lots of people have left who used to comment here.

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    1. Yes. At least with Leo you get something interesting and surprising from time to time.

      With Rene Ritchie, it’s just a never ending Apple lovefest. I knew a few guys just like Rene in HS. Greasy, bad complexion, usually in band or theater, nice enough I guess, tries too hard, most friends are relatively unattractive girls but ONLY friends., of course.

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  8. Twit has become the Democratic communist shill of tech. No wonder the channel has almost zero viewers anymore. One old pervert supporting a crime family and child molster and an absoulute shrew of a cunt Harris the blowjob whore. Even his little minions in chat are doing the bidding of a guy who’d rather fuck kids and lock up negroes for not being as good as whites like him.
    Piss on Leo. Piss on all communists.

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    1. The problem in the tech industry, almost all of the people vote leftist democrat. SF is a SH*T hole and it doesn’t click that it’s the damn polices. I’ve lost all hope for these people.

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      1. How come MAGAts always sound like deranged, psychopathic, cultist morons? Oh right, because they are! Actually, that’s too generous. That would imply they’re human when in reality they’re just clumps of societal cancer that have evolved the ability to roughly mimic humanity.

        Crime family? Pedophile? That does accurately sum up Messiah Drumpf who’s been fingering his owner daughter since she was old enough to sit on his lap.

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    2. FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram….They can all suck it. Jack Dorsey looks like the next Howard Hughes. I’m sure pissing in jars is not far away. These tech “elites” are freaks.

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  9. Breaking news – Public Intellectual aka Buzz Machine aka CUNY Professor Jeff Jarvis calls for the exile of 70,000,000 Americans
    (1) at this stage he has not provided information on how every single voter’s private vote will be identified
    (2) some jealous critics have suggested that this is him grandstanding as part of a vainglorious self promotion just like when he made a big deal of returning an Android phone straight after unboxing
    (3) he does not say what will happen to the children of the 70m exiles – maybe they will be exiled or simply enrolled into CUNY
    (4) for more details watch TWIG Episode 585 – number of the week will be 70m – PIJJ and Leo will commence a Kickstarter to fund the compulsory expulsion

    (note for quick thinkers: it is possible to be excited by the Biden victory but have measured thoughts on the Jarvis Exile Program)

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    1. Rudy Giuliani says: Just remember I did it all for my “Chlyyyyyyyyyent”. Rudy also want the release date of the new SpinRight from Gibson Research. It will be in the year 2040 around the same time Diskwarrior can finally work on APRS drives.

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  10. Rudy has a press conference about a pole worker. It’s Leo the ultimate Pole Worker who pays for Kelly Madison, when the rest of us know that Pornhub is free.

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  11. Ah, remember the good ole days when Leo tried to extract money from “twitter”… based on only the idea of confusion, that it might be this site “twit”. What does twit even do?

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  12. I have no content to add. Be we need to get this show on the road.

    I am sure Leo is being a total dumbass. Helping white-haired women how to change the desktop background.
    He never got back to me on how his sex swing was working.
    I wonder if he and his bride ever got the furry suits they ordered.

    Leo still seems hooked on porn. He has plenty of dick pics for a calendar of little weiners. I figure Leo has flushed about four million down the shitter. So he does have some left. I hope your staff can find some material.

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