I like to think we have come to a place in society where men view women as equals. Where we see more than pretty faces and boobs.

Leo & Steve, if you want to have this conversation, do it off-air. And please, if you do it on air, why include it in the official podcast?

Let me guess, Leo will have three men on TWiT again this week, and maaaaaaaybe Christina Warren who hasn’t realized what a pig the guy is, yet. At least Steve has an excuse, he fell in love, hard. (Original podcast is here)


A fan compiled the following video and is looking for more clips, if you have any, respond in the comment section on YouTube.

If you’re a #soup fan, or you are reading this Sarah, and you think this is ok because it’s joking around, ask yourself this: What would happen if Jason made any of these comments about Lisa, is it different when it’s not the boss making the comments? Would employee Jason be in trouble for saying these things about Lisa? Hmmmm A boss gets to say less, not more than everyone else. And this banter is not done for “the show” it is always in pre/post show, so don’t try that rationale.

*Thanks to Captain Juno for his tutelage in video editing and iMovie. I did 1st video
**i hate to agree with Leo, but he was right, those boots don’t go with that skirt.An outfit accentuating the leg should flow to the foot or a tight boot/shoe. The open shaft is too cowgirlesque.

Standards & Practices

Love is in the air when this airs!
Love is in the air when this show hits the airwaves!

There are a few news outlets that give respectable journalism institutions like #TotalDrama a bad name. Take TWiG, never has there been a more biased editorial(?) news(?) or reporting(?) program on any screen. A show fraught with love for a company that is in dire need of coverage by real journalists. Google is a powerhouse with a mighty hand in modern society that needs to be scrutinized. Instead the gang at TWiG drools over the company and its employees. They swallow the stories of Google Glass saving lives in surgery and self driving cars making the world a better place like [redacted] swallowing [redacted.]They literally apologize for putting Google multimillionaire Matt Cutts on the spot with questions.

Stunning look!

Corporate shill and purple faced kook Jarvis continues to press for a job, at the Goog, but continues to be denied. Google PR has decided that unbiased love of Google will be more effective coming from an outsider. A decision was made to keep him off payroll but attached to the Goog’s nipple via lucrative speaking engagements, unparalleled access, and business trips across the world to the finest hotels.

Something you wont find at TWiT
You wont find  this on the TWiT mantle!

#TotalDrama has standards. One standard is verifying leads. We have a pair of stories that our audience would be extremely interested in but we have been unable to corroborate with two independent sources. Our board met and decided the best way to move forward is to present the stories as what they are at this time, speculation.

Story 1

Something is awry with the #twitlive IRC. It is a fact that the longtime head poobah of the chat-room seems to be out. What we don’t know is why. That guy would never give the position up voluntarily. Additionally, the mods have been biting their acid tongues on kicks in recent weeks. Have they been given a stern lecture by the real boss?  Keep your eyes open for what went on behind the scenes.

Story 2

It appears that TWiT sponsor Lynda.com (spelled with a “Y”) may have had something to do with the new format of the travesty of a show called Coding 101. Did they have an issue with a how-to-show being on TWiT which competes with their core business? A long standing promise by TWiT is that sponsors will never dictate content. But we know about TWiT and its promises. [emoji]Winkyface[/emoji]

*Note If anyone has a lead, the email address totaldramaorg@gmail.com will forward to someone on our team. Thanks to our fans, we could not do it without you!

**Note If you want to try Lynda.com they are sponsored by the 5by5 network. If they sponsor a Sarah Lane program this will be updated

Gynecological Breakthrough

The  World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology just ended with some interesting developments. The findings at this latest conference in Barcelona were not based on any TWiT programs and have upended the entire medical establishment. It appears that if a male gazes at a female with enough craving and unrestrained lust a woman can become impregnated.  Again we emphasize this was not based on any TWiT programs.

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No Comment
No Comment
No Comment
No Comment
No Comment

Not voting

I am tired of celebrities telling me to vote. Butt out of my life, I got shit to do. On the other hand, Sarah probably votes.

Why oh why does Leo have so much trouble getting guests on TWiT? That program does 65K downloads with four ads at 70 CPM, that is quite a lot of moola. If that show dies his network is in serious trouble. Well maybe blaming Chad for no one wanting to be on TWiT will work. Let’s watch a short video together, shall we?

Maybe pissing off Tom, Brian, Justin, Shannon, Chad, iYaz and losing their friends Molly, Veronica, Scott Johnson etc etc is starting to have an effect? Maybe insulting people on your stream like you did to John dVorak, Jolie O’dell, Chris Prillo etc etc is starting to have an effect? Yea, that could be it. Maybe

Lisa Kentzell proves to be a real charming fan favorite

TWiT CEHo Lisa Kentzell turns out to be a real charming personality and super-talented financial wizard with a real talent for fan interaction. Watch and learn as this finishing school valedictorian takes each question on “Inside TWiT” and spins the answers into pure gold as she delicately traverses the ins and outs of the inner workings of the business that Leo Laporte has worked so hard to build. It’s also breathtaking to watch the loving and caring way that the two show their regard for each other…truly a match made in heaven.

OK, so here’s the real truth behind this video: Lisa proves to be a world-class cunt when refusing to discuss anything of substance on the most recent, and most likely last edition of “Inside TWiT.” Watch as she displays an awe-inspiring lack of grace when she publicly tries to humiliate Leo by belittling his answers to chatroom questions about the future of the network they so obviously are interested in.

Let’s Take A Break from Drama!

To welcome back a long lost friend in #Twitlive, &Dan!

Yes he is back, and back with a bang.

#twitlive, TWiT’s family-friendly chat, where all are welcome1 saw a few posts by our formerly missing moderator this Friday afternoon.

Only one of note. One managing to make fun of two, maybe three, separate groups of unfortunate people.

Screenshot 2014-10-31 17.28.38

  • Those with Asperger’s Syndrome2
  • Those with neckbeards3
  • Those those that might be called trolls4

So three groups, all loving tech and loving TWiT, cast aside in one comment by Chief Mod and Kicker/Stomper, Dan.  Too bad Leo, we had hopes for a rapprochement, not to be.

  1. Exceptions to ‘welcome’:  no trolls, no non family friendly chat, no unAmerican chat, no excessive chat on one topic, no transgender chat, no Black chat, no chat about mods  and definitely no chat about any TWiT internal workings
  2. Asperger syndrome (AS) is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one of a distinct group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by social impairment, communication difficulties, and restrictive, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior.
  3. Neckbeard: A beard that is grown just in the neck region. Clean shaven face, full neck beard.
  4. Troll.  In Old Norse sources, beings described as trolls dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings.

growing up brian

A tormented Soul
A tormented Soul

I never figured out What’s Eating Gilbert Grape but I think I have an idea what is bothering this dude. Those who watch the internet phenomenon known as Night Attack have witnessed a week by week metamorphosis of Brian Brushwood and watched this tortured soul run the gamut of human emotions in recent weeks.

Brian lives on the other side of the computer monitor from us. He, and many of the other people we watch on our screens, have seen the clown without the makeup and looked behind the magic curtain. At TWiT that meant they all saw the real Laporte.

Can I have both?
Can I have both?

At times we all saw the real man too. Who can forget the blow up at Mike Arrington or the inhumane treatment of RichardYea. Now, it must be said that Laporte  is just a man and subject to emotion and making mistakes. For that reason many of us liked him more when we saw him lose his shit on Arrington, who by all accounts is a grade-A prick anyway. But the people who worked with and around Laporte saw him up close. They knew more of his imperfections and saw more of his blemishes and there were many. In the end, their jury found him worthy and accepted his shortcomings. It is that simple of a scale, they judged him favorably. In their opinion, he cut the mustard and so allowances were made.

So when Leo poached Chad from Brian, Brian accepted it. “It’s business” his idol and mentor could have said.  Many other unsaid happenings like the poaching  occurred, but he remained a good guy in their collective opinion. But now the scale has tipped the other way, now he is an asshole to them. All the sins of the many years which were brushed under the rug have piled high.

Brian sees Laporte with new eyes and he wants everyone else to see him that way too. His friend was fired for no reason other than pettiness. (Leo gives Jason howell a promotion to Chads job, huh?) Now Brian wants to tear down the curtain and show you the pile of sins. It is odd, because out of everyone in the podcasting community, it is Brian who is most like Leo, and in his future he will be susceptible to many of the same career temptations. Brian is a shrewd dude and with a shrewd mind comes a power he will need to keep a watchful eye on.

Pick up the mantle
Pick up the mantle

The principals Leo taught these young men and women, from Amber MacArthur in Canada to Patrick Beja in France and everywhere in between, were good and simply because the #soupguzzler didn’t live by them does not mean they were wrong. The philosophy Leo built was a foundation to many of these people and it is hard watching it crumble. Community, anti-establishment, respecting the audience doing it on your own, fish bowl lives, honesty….. was it all a lie? It was a philosophy he believed in, deeply. A religion Justin said, a father Brian said. These youngins will need a new leader now. At the dawn of the third day look to the East, look to Tom now, he is your new leader.

Marcus Aurelius made Commudus the protector of Rome precisely because he didn’t want the job.
God chose Moses because he was too humble to think himself a leader.

As The TWiT Churns #1

In today’s Inside Twit there was a minor dust up between owner, chief Poobah, and good friend of Kevin Spacey, Leo Laporte (briefly known as Ebola Pork on Twitter) and CEHO CEO Lisa Kentzell.

Seems M. Laporte knows nothing about how advertising works. Or who runs bartertown.

Herewith is a clip, unedited, save for trimming off the front and back and adding a sexy bumper.

There were many other choice bits, hopefully to go into a more creative video than this.

In late breaking news we are presenting the entire Inside TWiT. There may be bits of it that are interesting to some.

Only a little Nudge

This morning Leo graced all twitlive fans, or as he called them, his ‘circle’ with a personal appearance in IRC. Following are a few snippets. Hopefully more fun will ensue.

On why Chad was fired:chad5Translation:  I fired him. Maybe he’ll land on his feet

On how much we will see Chad in the future. Lots according to Leo.
chad1Translation: You’ll see Chad until he finds a real job and moves. 

On why didn’t you keep him until he was on his feet.
chad4Translation: He was a security risk. So we wanted him out of the studio.

On why are all the young talent being fired or put on hiatus or whatever reason is being given.
chad3Translation: Young people have friends and are leakers. We can’t trust them.

On TWiT’s pivot to an older audience.
chad2Translation: Old people we rescue from retirement homes are cheap, they have a second income. And they can’t get a job anywhere else.

Desperately seeking new employees
Desperately seeking new employees

Feel free to add your own dialogue.  What he said, what he meant.

Lisa Kentzell almost through the Petaluma phonebook

Desperately seeking new employees
Desperately seeking new employees

TWiT CEHo Lisa Kentzell is up to the letter “X” now in the Petaluma phonebook as she scours the region attempting to find people to con into working at the Shit Twithouse after the unexpected and sadly public firing of longtime employee Chad Johnson yesterday.

The notoriously cunty Kentzell has worked her way all the way from “A” through “X” so far in her quest to fill the empty anchor chairs, editing positions, technical director slots and other underpaid lackey spots. No word yet on what the heartless whore is going to try next to prop up the failing TWiT finances. Leo is expecting to spend Christmas in Bruges, so she better get that spreadsheet in order.

Exposing The Dark Underbelly of TWiT, Leo Laporte, and Failed CEO Lisa Laporte