Lisa Kentzell proves to be a real charming fan favorite

TWiT CEHo Lisa Kentzell turns out to be a real charming personality and super-talented financial wizard with a real talent for fan interaction. Watch and learn as this finishing school valedictorian takes each question on “Inside TWiT” and spins the answers into pure gold as she delicately traverses the ins and outs of the inner workings of the business that Leo Laporte has worked so hard to build. It’s also breathtaking to watch the loving and caring way that the two show their regard for each other…truly a match made in heaven.

OK, so here’s the real truth behind this video: Lisa proves to be a world-class cunt when refusing to discuss anything of substance on the most recent, and most likely last edition of “Inside TWiT.” Watch as she displays an awe-inspiring lack of grace when she publicly tries to humiliate Leo by belittling his answers to chatroom questions about the future of the network they so obviously are interested in.

53 thoughts on “Lisa Kentzell proves to be a real charming fan favorite”

    1. Could it be that she’s wearing the half-towel around her neck to hide the hickeys she got from #Soup? If the CEHo sees those hickeys, there’s gonna be hell to pay!

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  1. The house of Twit is falling hard and fast. Last night just before the TWiT show, Leo was wondering why no one wants to be on their show anymore. He went through the all names and couldn’t find anyone. Sad.

    As to why TWiT CEHo was so rude to Leo, that’s because she finally showed who she really is when things go bad. She sees the writing on the wall. Her sugar daddy is getting old and obese. They are down and depressed. Good people are getting fired or left. Advertisers revenue are getting thinner and thinner. I bet the 5K Apple monitor Leo bought for her was just trying to hang on to their relationship. You can’t buy love, Leo.

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    1. Yeah, before twit yesterday Leo was wondering why it’s so hard to get guests for twit…. that’s not a good sign for their flagship show that brings in all the money supposedly. I thought it was interesting that he was saying that they were in competition with TNT for guests and that’s why there was a problem. Sounds like he was laying the groundwork for getting rid of TNT and Elgan in the near future with the excuse it was cannibalizing TWIT.

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    1. Clearly you have women issues! 2x posts personally attacking one of the bright spots of the network, odd!
      Sarah is still trying her best despite what’s happening in Twit. can’t be easy for her 🙁

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      1. I have “woman issue’s”because I ‘m calling someone out that out of her mind for altering her face?
        My wife asked the same ?
        I fact brought it up 1st.
        Please,we also don’t discriminate on “Total Drama”.

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        1. Make sure your wife’s valve is properly closed or she’ll deflate, not good for your relationship 😀
          My boyfirend also likes Sarah Lane, she’s a bit of a Gay Geek Icon in my part of the world!
          Anyway, if she is actually doing botox it would be ashame, she has a nice face and is easy to look at, unlike the “Fat Controller’ 🙂

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          1. I must agree with George, the change is noticeable. No need for personal insults towards George. Just as we can state our thoughts about the soupguzzler & yoko, the same applies to sarah.

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  2. Whilst we have seen this video before, it was worth the second posting just for your charming turn-of-phrase!

    It’s sad, but I think we just have to allow Leo to navigate his own way through the fuck-up of a decision he made when he decided to stick it up this ghastly creature. He may sink the Good Ship Twit in doing so, but it’s his mistake to make.

    P.S. Please keep up the posts. It’s better DRAMA! than Dallas ever was.

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  3. Good call. I was watching a couple weeks ago and kept thinking ‘What is up with Sarah’s mouth??’ Botox did enter my mind – that or a hive of bees. Glad I wasn’t seeing things. Looked terrible btw.

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  4. She has milked #soup to the max and all within 1 year… Let’s see: Bought a huge mansion; A brand new top-of-the-line Audi; 4-5 vacations (flying and staying 1st class), Parties and celebrations for her son; A 5K Apple display to go along with the Mac Pro. If they stay long enough together, $30-40,000/year tuition for her son, too. Not bad for a hag.

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  5. Interesting website. I thought I was alone in the disgust of Leo’s mannerism and behavior. I would like to know if John Dvorak will ever be back? I feel after having Nilay Patel on TWiT two Sundays ago and being called a racist and Leo’s admiration for Nilay maybe too much for John. (Also when Leo asked Lisa to get John on for Sunday, she blew him off) If anyone knows John, let him know that I would pay a monthly subscription for him to start Cranky geeks again.

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      1. Oh, but he used to be a lawyer as he REPEATEDLY mentions. He also used to run Engadget, as he REPEATEDLY mentioned.

        Did I mention he used to be a lawyer?

        Big-headed twat.

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    1. I have such fond memories of the Cranky Geeks, a low budget show that proved that a huge studio is not necessary; I liked the choice of guests and the interplay between John and Sebastian (Sebastian Rupley fell off the map, sad he doesn’t do video shows anymore).
      What was Leo’s fawning over Nilay about, it smelt of overt positive discrimination, is Leo scared of non whites or actually trying too hard to hide his racist nature, or is it just the smell of money? Nilay probably has good contacts!
      John calling it as it is; always a blast!

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  6. I’ve been looking at some of the old TWiTs and if you take for example TWiT 251 on YouTube there are 76,000 odd subscribers and now if you look at TWiT 482 there are 13,500.
    That’s one hell of a drop eh ? Am I reading this right ? A drop of 62,000 ? Wow. If that’s right it’s really bad. Very sorry to see it.

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  7. There’s no such thing as an Apple 5K “display”. That beauty is a FULL computer, an iMac. Which begs the question — if Lisa has a Mac Pro, wtf does she need an iMac for? She doesn’t. Leo needs it to continue his access to Lisa’s “backside cache”.

    I’m so glad to see this douche bag’s world crumbling. Someone should ask him about the time he left a very interesting stain I the KFI conference room…

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  8. As we celebrate, kind of, the last ever “Inside Lisa” to be aired on TWiT.TV we have to look back and think to ourselves. Wow! This is a woman that claims to be of CEO calibre and yet she does here she demonstrates the control and managements skills of an untrained monkey.

    One of the most important things when it comes to making these public statements of what went on is to be honest and accurate. They have never attempted this and they really should not be doing something that effectively demonstrates that they consistently lie. It is not good for the viewers and equally so it alerts the advertisers to the fact that if they are willing to lie to the viewers about ‘operating decisions’ that they have chosen to make public then what does it mean for the accuracy of their collated viewer figures that are supplied to them when they are billed for advertising?

    I’m all for openness but I am rather against this type of openness where it is not truthful statements being given it is misleading statements to cover the anger and blame throwing of the Owner of the network and the CEO as they divest themselves of people that they see as being in their imaginary enemy camp.

    Now we can say that some of these actions are the fault of Leo Laporte but I am pretty sure that she has been the puppet master and she controls decisions. She was certainly standing there in the corner hiding from the Dropcam when Chad was dismissed from employment with them. She was behind the dropping of the Social Hour and other shows.

    Time and again we see those that were dumped, or was that nudged out of the nest, act with a modicum of decency, while Leo sits at his Doctor Evil chair and out and out lies, even contradicting other lies he has said on the subject, placing the blame for everything on others.

    In fact we can tell from the ‘deletion’ of previously posted “Inside Lisa’s” that were removed from the server and the non-posting of this last one (thanks to the due diligence of #Drama there is a copy available on Youtube outside the grasp of Soup and Slop) it shows an attempt to hide their embarrassing lies and half truths that have been said.

    If Soup and Slop cared as much about the quality of shows as they do the quality of their lies TWiT would not be in that situation it has where the channel is now jaded and looking very very tired!

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  9. Lisa comes from the corporate world where the inside workings are supposed to be kept secret from everyone except the shareholders.

    But Leo believes in being totally open about almost everything except personnel decisions and even then that’s not absolute. As demonstrated by the Erik Lanigan incident.

    That’s why Leo and Lisa clash on these issues; she’s secretive, he’s open.

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  10. Watch Security Now at some point after the show I think Steve and Leo are talking about Sarah and Leo’s like “we’ve been friends for a long time and we never ruined it by entering into a relationship” What a demented fuck, like Sarah would be all over him, He is way into Sarah but it’s not as if she wanted a relationship and he didn’t, Leo is just full of himself

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  11. I just caught that Lisa really has no idea WHY Leo is explaining the ad thing so well? Really, Kuntzel, bcause he was in TV and is in RADIO and ad sales is a NO-BRAINER when you are surronded by it. OMG, that is , I cant even…..

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