Gina Trapani is a dumb, stuttering fraud

Gina Trapani is a host on “This Week in Google.” Gina Trapani is dumb. She has nothing to add and stutters her way through half-formed opinions and vacillating indecisiveness. Gina Trapani should not be supporting the sexist Leo Laporte by appearing on his program, but that is a topic for another day.

Leo Laporte warns OMGChad not to get fat

In a stunning lack of self-awareness, the bloated and pompous Prick of Podcasting, Leo Laporte, warns his former employee Chad Johnson about getting fat. Just days before, Leo ’n’ Lisa had fired Chad after years of loyal service. So it’s particularly sad to see Chad have to laugh off Leo’s rude comments after Chad’s humiliation. Best of luck to you, Chad! We hope the only thing that ever gets fat on you is your wallet.

Bizarre video of Sarah Lane surfaces

An inexplicable video mash-up has surfaced including clips from a recent TN2 broadcast by the lovely and talented Sarah Lane. In this clip (allegedly discovered on Leo Laporte’s public cloud account and sent anonymously to #TotalDrama) we see Sarah in what can only be described as a disturbing video edit by Leo. No word yet on the meaning or reasoning behind this bizarre video.

Leo Laporte threatens his fans in the official chatroom

This thing runs a tech network.
This fat fuck makes me sad.

Today the fat emperor of the crumbling TWiT empire, Leo Laporte, presided over his official chatroom #twitlive with a veiled threat of doxxing.

<~Leo> please ignore morons in chat – thank you
<~Leo> the management
<~Leo> It’s the same few people. We know who they are, where they work, etc.

In an attempt to maintain a family-friendly environment, Leo has sunk to the lowest level of chatroom modding: The threat. “We know where they work.” Nice.

A sharp-eyed #drama watcher sent us this screengrab:


So fuck you, Leo!

Jeff Jarvis talks like an old woman

Noted Google fan and professional weirdo Jeff Jarvis appeared recently on “This Week in Google” to complain about, uh…AT&T? Sure, that makes about as much sense as having Jeff Jarvis talk about Google. He doesn’t know anything, he’s too old to have a real opinion and he talks like a feeble old pensioner from the old country. But he works cheap, so Leo Laporte continues to have him on.

B4 it’s 2 late

Image006I am reprising a column started by legendary author Richard Yes. I will attempt to save the upcoming  travel show from imminent disaster. The show is in the planning stages and expected to star the lovely and talented Sarah Lane and Jonny Jet from the weekly snoozefest radio show.

In this article we will rescue the show by doing the following:

  • Cutting costs
  • Merchandizing
  • Garnering sponsor synergy
  • Gripping fans with #drama
  • Increasing audience size
  • Increasing demographic variety
  • Getting employees to work voluntarily
  • Moving the network beyond #soupguzzler
  • Continuing the mission of spreading tech knowledge

First thing we need to do is cut out Jonny, bye bye. No one cares how to save $50 on a flight from San Diego to Phoenix at 2AM on August 22nd.  No offense JJ, I am a big fan. (saving money already)

The show concept is this, we send Sarah on vacation with her hot friends to exotic locations. It’s sort of a reality show with great information mixed in. Who are these hot friends? We all know that hot girls only hang out with other hot girls, it is kind of a rule, see photo below:

Photo courtesy of instagram/el_peego
Photo courtesy of

I will work out the pilot episode and the staff at TWiT will need to do the rest. I can’t be expected to write the entire series. In the first episode Sarah & Co. head to Tahiti, but there is a stumbling block in their way, every good story needs a conflict. The hotel screws up the reservation and all six of them are forced to share a room with only one large bed. (save money & #Drama, ) The gang is all upset and they all update their Facebook statuses and Instagram accounts on their iPhones. (tech angle) The episode  culminates into a crescendo with one giant pillow fight as the audience is glued to the screen (#Drama) to see who wins. My money is on the girl in the green top. After the pillow fight they get ready for an evening on the town and discuss how-to (sponsor synergy with put together great outfits.

Let’s discuss this show in more detail. Most of the people reading this article are already hooked and we covered many of the bullet points at the top of this article. What did we miss? Expanding the audience: An overlooked segment of the population at TWiT is  women. They will love the show as they tune in each week for relationship tips and great outfits. Sarah is a gay icon so that demo is sured up and of course straight men are in hook-line-and-sinker.  Getting staff to work free: We all know the nerdy editors will fight over editing this program, no worries on that front. Merchandizing:  Two words, ‘action’ ‘figures,’ as the show moves along everyone will have their favorite lady and plunk down coin for action figures. No Leo, they are not life sized. If somehow the gang at TWiT screws up and ratings slip. Guess who is free on Thursdays and likes to travel.  (see below)

Will travel
Will travel

In conclusion, making a hit show is not that hard. It is so easy anyone can do it. Just treat your audience with respect. Finally, no matter what, I know he is cost-free, do not put Padre on this show (and do not let Sarah pick the music.)

*Update* The show is not scripted, the hotel screw-up will be initiated by the show producer.

White man goes to Jordan

Mike Elgum likes to travel the world. And don't you forget it!
Mike Elgum likes to travel the world. And don’t you forget it!

On the livestream today after TNT, Mike Elgum regales a “fan” with his tales of his son’s Palestinian wedding in Jordan. Highlights include:

  • That stores have “little crackers.”
  • The discovery of an “amaaazing falafel place.”
  • The fact that Jordan has “great roads.”

Elgum is like God’s little gift to people who aren’t able to travel. What would we do without his incredible insights?