TotalDrama outlasts Gigaom

Goodbye Gigaom
Goodbye, Gigaom.

Who would have thought that TotalDrama would have outlasted mega-tech site Gigaom? They have “ceased all operations” and are currently considering their next move.

So eat a dick, TotalDrama haters. We’re here for the long haul, motherfuckers.

Now that Gigaom has kicked the bucket, it looks as if Leo is going to have to scrape the bottom of the barrel even more to find guests for his shit shows.

It’s entirely possible that Megan Morrone was told to shape up or risk being fired

Megan Morrone is not suited for this type of work in any case.

It’s entirely possible that today when Megan Morrone was summoned to Leo Laporte’s office clutching a notepad (as seen on the DropCam) that she was told to either shape up her TN2 hosting personality or be prepared to become an “off-site producer.”

This would be unwelcome news for the sharp-eyebrowed news reader. After all, it was only a few months ago that she was brought on board to replace Sarah Lane.

Megan on the right and Leo on the left
Megan on the right and Leo on the left

Fans have not been taking to her odd delivery and stilted uncomfortably-fake anchor voice. In fact, she’s kind of like a female version of Padre with the weirdo tone and robotic up-and-down flow. Whatever the case, being called in to the boss’s office with pen and paper is hardly ever a good thing.

In just another example of Leo’s extreme sexism, TotalDrama fans have been speculating that if Megan is indeed close to being shown the door, then how is it possible that Mike Elgan has held on this long?

Mike Elgan ruins live Apple Watch coverage

twitlogoround3Mike Elgan ruined Leo Laporte’s live Apple Watch announcement coverage by talking over the exact moment when the prices were announced. Although it’s to be expected that Gumbot would fuck up a live event like this (see his disastrous “coverage” of Mobile World Congress) we’re still in shock here at TotalDrama with just how much Elgan is unable to carry off a live broadcast without sticking his dick in everything and fucking it up.


Here’s Leo Laporte’s long list of Apple Watch purchasing obligations

The TotalDrama accounting team is still calculating the cost of Leo's Apple Watch purchases.
The TotalDrama accounting team is still calculating the cost of Leo’s Apple Watch purchases.

Leo Laporte has not just fully indulged in his non-stop gluttonous lifestyle revolving around soup, he has 100-percent committed himself to proving to the world that he is the fattest cat on the block. To that end—with today’s impending Apple Watch announcement—TotalDrama is now prepared to release our predictions for Leo’s obligations to his family and their demands on his cash for their own Apple Watch:

  • Lisa “Kentzell Laporte has her wrist out for the gold Edition watch with red band with gold accent.
  • Abby “No Job” Laporte is opening her grubby little fingers for the light steel version with Milanese loop.
  • Henry “Whoa, Dude” Laporte is going to drag himself out of bed long enough to demand the sport watch with blue Fluoroelastomer band.
  • Leo “Tubscaster” Laporte is already planning on telling the world why he didn’t get himself the Gold Edition (he got it for his crazy wife) but opted instead for the dark steel watch with dark metal link band.
  • The TWiT staff will all be left waiting and wondering if Leo is buying any of them an Apple Watch as a performance-related bonus. The editorial board at TotalDrama holds out no hope for these slackers.

TWiT is now just a fat black man, a gross tranny and a loony-toons Brit weirdo talking to an obese white man about nothing

These four people are useless tech pundits and should not be listened to or trusted.
These four people are useless tech pundits and should not be listened to or trusted.

“This Week in Tech,” supposedly the flagship broadcast of the TWiT network, is now just basically a fat black man talking to a gross tranny, a weirdo Brit blowhard and an obese white man about nothing. How much longer can advertisers support this garbage? We here at TotalDrama are pretty much convinced that the viewer numbers are mostly bots and grandmas who haven’t updated their podcast player preferences in five years.

If everyone in America, Canada and Brazil were to check their subscriptions and uncheck “TWiT” at the same time we could have this shit network shut down in an instant and be done with this bullshit once and for all.

Update: The reason for this post being so “rough” is that Leo made insensitive jokes about Indian men and OhDoctah said NOTHING about it. Myriam Joire said NOTHING. He and Myriam just sat there like two voiceless Uncle Toms as Leo spouted his racist humor. TotalDrama stands for diversity in all its forms, and this post is meant to highlight the intransigence of the panel guests in the face of Leo’s blatant asshole behavior.

Leo Laporte and his ugly wife on track to leave their kids with nothing

Is something shady going on?
They’re spending it all—there will be nothing left.

Leo Laporte and the hole-in-his-wallet known as Lisa “Kentzell” Laporte are on track to spend every dime of Leo’s money depriving his lazy kids of any inheritance. We’re not saying that’s a bad thing—just interesting to note that they have no desire to leave anything to them. Most parents prefer to see that their kids have something upon which to build a future when they depart, and we at TotalDrama don’t necessarily blame Leo ‘n’ Lisa. It’s just weird to see it play out on the livestream with talk of expensive televisions and toilets, $8,000 Leica lenses, European vacations and brand-new Audi automobiles.

Best of luck to Michael, Abby and Henry. You’re going to need it.

TubCasts You Trust, From Naked Hosts You Don’t


TotalDrama is putting a pin in this idea.

You heard it here first:
Tubcasting is the new podcasting.

Here’s the original post. But now that Leo has expanded his studio to include a tax-deductible vat of slimy water in his backyard, the editorial board at TotalDrama is committed to the idea of spreading the word “tubcast” to describe the lazy type of broadcasting that Leo Laporte engages in. He’s a tubcaster now.