“This Week in Tech,” supposedly the flagship broadcast of the TWiT network, is now just basically a fat black man talking to a gross tranny, a weirdo Brit blowhard and an obese white man about nothing. How much longer can advertisers support this garbage? We here at TotalDrama are pretty much convinced that the viewer numbers are mostly bots and grandmas who haven’t updated their podcast player preferences in five years.
If everyone in America, Canada and Brazil were to check their subscriptions and uncheck “TWiT” at the same time we could have this shit network shut down in an instant and be done with this bullshit once and for all.
Your blog is the worst get a life before someone shuts YOU down!!!
RSS Reader» Quote comment
You’re funny.
Mark Harry» Quote comment
Totally disagree. I love you guys and gals at Totaldrama. This was a GREAT Post. Keep hitting hard and maybe TWIT will finally go away!
Carol» Quote comment
Now I just feel you have no more life other then cheap shots at TWiT. I’m not happy about the way they ran this network and not a fan of Owen JJ since he has no credibility or idea on what hes talking about, but this post is just a low blow. Grow up and get over your hate for these people. Those three people on the panel doesn’t deserve your negative and hurtful words.
Andrew» Quote comment
The reason for this post being so “rough” is that Leo made insensitive jokes about Indian men and OhDoctah said NOTHING about it. Myriam Joire said NOTHING. He and Myriam just sat there like two voiceless Uncle Toms as Leo spouted his racist humor. TotalDrama stands for diversity in all its forms, and this post is meant to highlight the intransigence of the panel guests in the face of Leo’s blatant asshole behavior.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
this is dumb. haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate
Mr. Guano» Quote comment
didnt this blog used to knock twit for lack of diversity? you are just haters
Frank» Quote comment
But I think we are equal opportunity haters. They would pounce on me and rip the flesh from my bones as quickly as Maid Myrium. Only I would die as I typically do not carry a purse to thwart my attackers.
Dr. Marcus Welby» Quote comment
Great fan of what you cover HelloWorld but this post is rather nasty. It attacks people who have done nothing to anyone like Myriam and OhDoctah and plays right into the smear that we’re nothing but nasty trolls.
Sharted My Guts» Quote comment
But OhDoctah just sits there as Leo makes fun of Indian men. He didn’t speak up against Leo’s racist jokes…so what does that make him? It just makes him a goofball sitting there like an Uncle Tom. I would hardly describe that as a blow against the establishment and a win for diversity if OhDoctah won’t raise his voice to speak in favor of a fellow man of color. So Leo just gets to spout his insensitive jokes about minorities?
Don’t you get in the least what this blog is? It’s raising awareness through comedy. Nobody would read this blog if it were all 100-percent serious all the time.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
The frightening thing is that you don’t understand how racist your reasoning is and how hurtful this blog is to those of a racial, sexual, or gender minority.
Jason» Quote comment
Jason, go wear a dress.
Holden» Quote comment
I am wearing one right now.
Jason» Quote comment
Maybe there is a reason Twit has no real diversity. Maybe the people who are “diverse” don’t want to appear with Leo.
Carol» Quote comment
I’ll weigh in with a comment when I have a worthwhile one. Meanwhile, back to stirring the soup.
Molly» Quote comment
I like Molly. This comment made me guffaw aloud.
manimal» Quote comment
Do you want me to stir your soup?
Mark Harry» Quote comment
The truth hurts. How myriam conned it’s way into the tech world I will never know.
You butt-hurt commenters think these guys were Leo’s first choices? These are all people he had to settle for because others couldn’t do the show. With the possible exception being the Brit. Leo has one last hurrah when the anniversary show comes and then it’s only a matter of time before jcd stops doing the show and it will REALLY suck.
leolardo» Quote comment
the possessive of “it” is “its”
no apostrophe dickweed
Mr. Guano» Quote comment
Joire is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to mobile. What, would we have preferred the Gum to have flapped his gums about MWC instead?
HelloWorld’s Mom» Quote comment
Bashing aside, there is NO ONE on that panel I would like to hear an opinion from. So glad I unsubscribed.
DTO» Quote comment
I really do not ever remember a show where Leo not only belittled his panel be argued with the between interrupting them.
Even a second string team should be treated better. After all JCD and the others told him to fuck off.
Dr. Oz» Quote comment
During last week’s Inside Twit the line-up was announced as “John C. Dvorak, Kevin Rose, and fresh off a plane from MWC, Mike Elgan”. I was highly looking forward to this panel if only to watch JCD constantly roll his eyes and deride Gum.
manimal» Quote comment
I missed the Indian racist comment earlier today. So I am currently re listening to TWiT. Sometimes facial expressions speak louder than words. Miriam is the most knowledgeable guest. She was very focused. Also she has a variety of tech experience.
Dark side of Doo» Quote comment
Miriam is very smart. How she chooses to live her life is none of our beeswax. I’m going to send this article to some transgender bloggers. They will set HelloWorld straight.
Mr. Guano» Quote comment
Pretty sure that last comment of yours was gaycist.
NormansThirdNipple» Quote comment
Good move bring in your crew for sacrifice. Watch what happens whine ass.
Dr. Oz» Quote comment
the online transexual community is no joke. don’t fuck with them.
Holden» Quote comment
Dark Side, Myriam is annoying. It brings nothing to any discussion.
Holden» Quote comment
So Leo makes a racist comment and you take on yourself to balance the sheets by spewing out your own racist comments?
It just shows that you are no better then the other racists.
the life» Quote comment
racism and sexism is something they like to accuse twit of. if you visit the chat here they all say derogatory things about women, ‘cunt’ being a favorite term to refer to women by. one day i went in there and Mark Vaughn from Vaughn Live kept talking about the dangers of ‘bad pussy.’ it’s not a welcoming place for women or anyone actualy interested in social justice so i stay out of the chat. in chat they even admit the anti-sexism and racism thing is just a way to attack twit.
sad thing is the boys in there would be humiliated if the women in their lives knew what they said here.
these guys just hate on twit. if twit had an all women panel they’d complain about men’s rights being violated or one of the women wearing a hat. no one can take it serious if they read more than one post.
Mr. Guano» Quote comment
I want the best reporters not a token person from a group to fill a diversity quota,Thats the problem nowadays people getting jobs they can’t do but get hired to make the feds happy
rocker182» Quote comment
Mr. Guano – Why don’t you take off your dress and start acting like a man, dickboy.
Holden» Quote comment
why is some asshole posting comments using my name?
Holden» Quote comment
eat a dick
Dr. Marcus Welby» Quote comment
This post describes twit perfectly, Its amazing how they went from pros like tom to the bottom of the trashcan in that picture.It shows the low standing twit has in the tech media nowadays
rocker182» Quote comment
so in your opinion black people and the transgendered are the lowest form of trash?
Mr. Guano» Quote comment
It was more a statement on the reporters i forgot to put talent in that last post
rocker182» Quote comment
Lets be real, Tom doesn’t have a single person in his rolodex that could trump Myriam on knowledge and on-hand experience with mobile phones.
And he keeps bringing on Lamarr Wilson, who is still refusing to use proper audio equipment to record a podcast. Go figure.
What I’m saying is that Twit has a booking problem that has gotten worse in the past two years, but Myriam and Iain are not part of the problem, and Owen is IMHO merely a bit overused for the moment, after not having been on for a long while.
NormansThirdNipple» Quote comment
Whats changed in the last 2 years?
Dr. Marcus Welby» Quote comment
Lets look at the guests in March 2013:
Twit #395
– Mark Millian
– Horace Dediu
Twit #396
– Liz Gannes
– Jolie O’Dell
– Dwight Silverman
Twit #397
– Nilay Patel
– Joanna Stern
– Molly Wood
Twit #398
– Jason Snell
– Denise Howell
Twit #399
– Brian Brushwood (and Jury, apparently)
– Baratunde Thurston
– Joshua Topolsky
One of 15 spots (Molly) probably wont be back partially because of Tom, and the Nsfw guys obviously left for curses and extra dough.
I can’t bring myself to belief that Chad no longer producing Twit is responsible for the change cause he sure seemed to mostly coast on the foundation Eileen had layed and Léo’s pre-existing connections.
So I’m going to blame it all on Léo’s progression into morbid obesity.
NormansThirdNipple» Quote comment
I wonder if the sexist racist helloworld has any friends in real life. Has he ever talked to a girl?
Jake» Quote comment
Probably not, he is obvious a miserable person.
Jason» Quote comment
“Has he ever talked to a girl?”
Dude, he’s gay.
You get docked 5 points for not even bothering to come up with an applicable misogynistic remark.
NormansThirdNipple» Quote comment
Jake – how ’bout you take off your dress and start acting like a man!
Holden» Quote comment
If your going to write a post about Leo making a racist joke. Just come right out and say that, don’t try to be cleaver. The majority of the readers of this blog don’t have a sense of humor or irony.
Drama Llama» Quote comment
Fat joke, transphobic joke, and end with another fat joke.
God you folks are soooooo creative.
Scott» Quote comment
All I can say is HelloWorld you are a racist homophobic women hating troll who just gets your jollies out attacking people. Calling women cunts, making racist jokes and if you’re gay, you wouldn’t make homophobic comments. Someone needs to sue you guys.
As Taylor Swift would say, “haters are gonna hate hate hate.”
Molly» Quote comment
Molly: OhDoctah is fat. Christina Warren is a cunt. And Myriam Joire is one ugly Bruce Jenner.
I just tell the truth.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
Molly, there you go, again you stupid, fat cunt bitch!! There is no one to sue. Jesus Christ, you are fucking dense.
As HelloWorld mentions, the guests on TWIT are the nadir, the lowest of the low of the tech world. Let’s do a roll call: Christina Warren, the dog-ugly bitch who proudly wears T-shirts emblazoned with “I Stole Your boyfriend” and who never shuts up; Harry McCracken, who sounds like Fozzy Bear.
Then there’s Myriam. Hiring it to join TWIT is the final straw. It doesn’t add anything to a conversation. I work hard all day, and the last thing I want to see is it doing commentary.
Holden» Quote comment
Miriam is more of a man than you’ll ever be and more of a woman than you’ll ever get!
Tutti-Frutti» Quote comment
“haters are gonna hate hate hate.”
Currently the most over used phrase. Really needs to be retired.
DTO» Quote comment
HelloWorld, what would your mother say if you called women cunts? Hmmmm? You’re just a hater troll who LOVES trolling TWiT claiming “it’s the truth, and the TWiT lovers are brainwashed.” Get out and do something instead of living in your cave of a basement.
Molly» Quote comment
Molly, you’re trolling us, cuntface! Nobody’s forcing you to comment in here.
Holden» Quote comment
anyone else notice that being on camera is not enough for OhDoctah (or what ever he calls himslef)? He must announce his race? “Due to my african-american heritage I must use Beats”.
Like there was a African-american vote on the subject that they had to listen to crappy expensive head phones.
wade» Quote comment
Sounds like Leo wants to make sure even the audio listeners know he had a black guy on the show.
wade» Quote comment
So this is what happens when non of the “core” TWITs answer the phone………..talk about bringing up players from the minor leagues!!??
NoFan» Quote comment
So on top of the misogyny and sexism you’re now engaging in homophobia. Nice.
Leoflub» Quote comment