Tag Archives: #disrespectful

Leo Laporte Insults John C. Dvorak Again and Blames Him for the Schism

Editor’s Note: Welcome to new editor/video creator Crotch Magnet.


The dumb, fat one on the left seems to hate the journalistic god on the right.
The dumb, fat one on the left seems to hate the journalistic god on the right.

Leo Laporte simply can’t help himself, as if banning of John C. Dvorak and insulting him was not enough. Member of twit chatroom asked Leo when John C. Dvorak will be invited back but he dismissed the notion that it’s his fault putting all of it on JCD.

He thinks saying “we’re inviting him all the time” negates all the bad insults he’s thrown at John publicly. He continues by insulting John and his journalistic credibility, a well-respected figure in the field, as if John C. Dvorak never written for publications like PC Magazine, New York Times, InfoWorld, MacUsers, Forbes etc.

Later Leo aka Jiggly Piece of Lard who never done anything in his life besides eating soup on camera tries to make whole thing into a joke, like it was nothing but a silly play and and calls JCD cheese of the show, who only there to shill for his podcast No Agenda Show with Adam Curry (now 2x weekly, Thursdays & Sundays). Leaving us all flabbergasted by his attempts to ruin farther any kind of relationship with the man he was friends for a long time.

PS: On Behalf of Total Drama Editorial Board we would like to congratulate John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry on winning Podcast Award for No Agenda Show.

Leo Laporte Delays iOS Today and Disgusts Viewers

From the unpublished archives, circa January 2016.

Dance, you glorious monkey.
Dance, you glorious monkey.
Leo Laporte is chronically late for every show, including the only one where someone else is his boss. Seething disrespect for his audience comes through quite clearly in the clip above.

Even though his “interview” show Triangulation finished on-time and he was already in the studio, he didn’t want to set a precedent and have people start expecting him to be on-time for any shows.

Leo Laporte, one minute before his next show was scheduled to start, left the studio, claiming to be back in 10 minutes. You can find out for yourself in the video above if that happened. You can also judge his sense of urgency and respect for his viewers.

In addition to being late for iOS Today on purpose, he made more inappropriate sexual jokes in front of and to his employee Megan Morrone, saying “a man would just stick it in.” Disgusting, Leo. Disgusting.

Leo Laporte Makes Shit Up for Ads and TWiT Constantly Shits on Its Sponsors

Thanks to an eagle eyed viewer/reader, we bring to you video proof, straight from the #soup’s mouth, of what we all know. #soup makes shit up and doesn’t care about the advertisers.

TWiT has long disrespected its advertisers, however. The editorial board here at Total Drama discussed this at our last meeting and we’ve had enough, so we decided to create a consolidated post to express our disappointment with the way TWiT disrespects its advertisers.

A former TWiT staffer (terminated without warning during the holidays by #soup) has provided us a current job listing on Craigslist for TWiT. They are anonymously hiring for a position using Craigslist instead of ZipRecruiter which they “LOOOOOOVVVVE” (Gum’s words). This ad will certainly be taken down soon after this post, so here’s what it looked like.

TWiT Craigslist Ad for Supervising Producer
TWiT Craigslist Ad for Supervising Producer originally at http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/tfr/4854675423.html

Here’s how TWiT co-host Katie Brenner disrespects sponsor NatureBox on air.

And here’s how TWiT host Tonya Hall disrespects sponsor ZipRecruiter on-air.

And here’s how TWiT’s TNT host Mike Elgan trashes sponsor PayPal on-air.

And here’s how Leo trashes previous sponsor Citrix ShareFile on-air.

And here’s Leo making fun of Rocket Mortgage by Quicken Loans.

And here’s Leo claiming on-air that Ring.com didn’t pay their bills.

So, if you choose to do business with TWiT as a sponsor, know what you’re getting into, and know that #soup loves to show his email on screen all the time, including the phone number of his soon-to-be stepchild (withheld because we are not monsters).

Leo's Inbox on Any Given Sunday
Leo’s Inbox on Any Given Sunday

Caveat emptor. You might be thrown under the bus next, and be assured, the humiliation will be televised.