All posts by skieast

I'm an old has been who sits on his ass and lies to callers. But it's a job, someone has to do it. Oh sorry. That's our hero, Leo, not me. Mostly

Cutting Edge 3.0 Web Design Firm Exiting Stealth Mode

Four Toilets will be exiting stealth mode and bidding on the web design for the new TWiT website.

We believe that our ability to utilize open-source supply-chains and architect viral platforms will allow TWIT to optimize cross-media convergence.

Our competitive pricing will efficiently strategize competitive total linkage along with undercutting any other idiots.

We are looking for a whiteboard and some cool office chairs. Maybe a conference table.  Any contributions will receive a cool plaque and mention in the page source of the new website.

Job listings will be found on all the usual websites.  We understand there’s an app for that.

Currently looking to fill the following:

Forward Marketing Director
Product Quality Facilitator
Internal Factors Liason
Soup Chef (Internal)

While our bespoke site is being crafted here is our placeholder.

Four Kitchens Is Done

In a retreat that was predicted here Leo Laporte has fired his web development team, Four Kitchens.

<~Leo> I just don’t have the money

That new red Audi idling in the Laporte driveway might be on it’s way back to the dealership.

“I’m thinking of just firing the company and having an intern do the site. After all anyone can do it” stated Leo during an impromptu between show talk.

“Now we’re fucked, screwed,” said Leo.

Continue reading Four Kitchens Is Done

Copyright Claim Dropped!

Breaking News. YouTube and Google have bowed down before the crack(ed) TotalDrama legal team of Howdowe, Forgettem and Dumb and dropped the copyright claim of Robert Ballecer.

The #truth is once again free!

2015-02-04 18_17_10-Re_ New YouTube Copyright Counter Notification - - Skieast Tr

In sad news @TotalDramatist has been suspended. Perhaps there is some insider twitter trading going on?

The fight continues.

You’ll Never Guess What I Did Today!

It seems that what TotalDrama contributors do during the day is a topic of interest.

So Today I:

Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, I noticed I was late… ©The Beatles

Started off to the gym, got there and realized that I had forgotten an important component, my gym bag containing shorts and shoes.

So back home and on the way I got to listen to a portion of today’s TNT. I never listen or watch. I’m not around and not interested. But today I did.

And I got lucky; Mike hit it out of the park. A super show. And a new word: PHABULET.

Here is a portion that I listened to. Now it’s a test. There is a skill-testing question at the end. I’m expecting no cheating.  Just the usual honest and fair comments.

Breaking News: Megan Morrone To Host TNT

Sharp-eyed viewers put this video up and here it is. The first announcement: Megan Morrone to host TNT.

After her wildly successful start at hosting TN2, it appears that Megan is taking over said network’s premier news anchor position.

Good luck, Megan!

Our only question is, “Where will Mike land?”

Update: Our favourite #twitlive chatter has chimed in with: [16:48:41] <Leo> yeah wednesday will be a coming out party

This cut-and-paster is not quite sure what that meant, but I understand posting anything will engender more clicks.

Satire? Is that what this is?

Total drama is not “Charlie Hebdo.” We don’t aspire to discussing the great issues of the day. In the end we set a low target, really low; TWiT.

We watch it obsessively, track Leo’s every mouthfull and even follow the escapades of the TWIT Freed.Tom Merritt, Iyaz Akhtar, Sarah Lane, Brian Brushwood, Justin Robert Young. And those who are Freed but refuse to leave, Chad Johnson being our current example.

And we post videos, cartoons, insulting articles and even more vile stuff. We post Twitter chats that have been leaked to us or unearthed by our cracked team of investigative reporters.

Has this engendered discussion? Yes.

Has TWiT changed as a result? Arguably no. In fact they seem to be worse.

So I think to really put TotalDrama over the top we need a real cartoonist. Someone who can do a hairy ass or exaggerated belly. We don’t pay much; actually nothing. But we can guarantee a lot of traffic and many insults.

If you are lucky Padre, Lisa or Leo will attempt a takedown.

email If that bounces it means our IT department is the worst on the planet.

Let’s Take A Break from Drama!

To welcome back a long lost friend in #Twitlive, &Dan!

Yes he is back, and back with a bang.

#twitlive, TWiT’s family-friendly chat, where all are welcome1 saw a few posts by our formerly missing moderator this Friday afternoon.

Only one of note. One managing to make fun of two, maybe three, separate groups of unfortunate people.

Screenshot 2014-10-31 17.28.38

  • Those with Asperger’s Syndrome2
  • Those with neckbeards3
  • Those those that might be called trolls4

So three groups, all loving tech and loving TWiT, cast aside in one comment by Chief Mod and Kicker/Stomper, Dan.  Too bad Leo, we had hopes for a rapprochement, not to be.

  1. Exceptions to ‘welcome’:  no trolls, no non family friendly chat, no unAmerican chat, no excessive chat on one topic, no transgender chat, no Black chat, no chat about mods  and definitely no chat about any TWiT internal workings
  2. Asperger syndrome (AS) is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one of a distinct group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by social impairment, communication difficulties, and restrictive, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior.
  3. Neckbeard: A beard that is grown just in the neck region. Clean shaven face, full neck beard.
  4. Troll.  In Old Norse sources, beings described as trolls dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings.