

Head comedy writer and fan of Mark Milian

395 Articles

The New Jeff Jarvis

113 Articles

Leica Lens

101 Articles

Effen Dumb

83 Articles

Mike Elgum

69 Articles


I'm an old has been who sits on his ass and lies to callers. But it's a job, someone has to do it. Oh sorry. That's our hero, Leo, not me. Mostly

50 Articles

Ghost Dog

30 Articles

Guest Submission

28 Articles


18 Articles


Hi I'm roving reporter Deez_Nutz, a fabulous semi-retired, reclusive , eccentric millionaire and mad genius. Mission Statement: My reports focus on factual criticism of TWiT and voicing my opinion, and advice on what will make it better, with occasional humor. These reports are not intended to troll or hurt anyones feelings. I hope you enjoy.

7 Articles

Jason Snoobs

5 Articles


5 Articles

Total Drama Staff

2 Articles


1 Article

Sexual Harassment Panda

1 Article

Fake Alex Lindsay

1 Article

7 thoughts on “Contributors”

  1. KIm, Phone Ranger’s sub, has given her “2 week notice” to some day job she has. This was spoken of prior to today’s TTG and post TTG hinted at, no company names were mentioned.

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Exposing The Dark Underbelly of TWiT, Leo Laporte, and Failed CEO Lisa Laporte