Tag Archives: Love


No matter your feelings toward this site, regardless of your belief in God or Atheism, irrespective of race religion and orientation, there is unanimity that Ozzie the Dog is a malformed, twisted thing. This egregious affront to all life spends its days prancing around Petulama as it literally pisses on everything it sees.

Genetic MAlfunction
Genetic Malfunction and Modern Day Medusa

Mothers hide their children and animals shield their young when this abortion trots by. Half dog, half devil, every aloof step this cretin takes is a rebuke on all mankind. Somehow it appears to have inherited the worst behaviors from every genus of modern biology.

A normal Dog with Sarah Lane
A normal Dog with the lovely and talented Sarah Lane, image courtesy @Instagram

Rumors have surfaced that if you cut its head off, another grows back. Some say it developed a skunk-like spray that it emits from its mouth—others claim it hides all day and only comes out to irritate at opportune moments. Its origin is a murky mystery with speculation that it is nature’s very own bastard.

In a cruel twist of fate, this varmint stumbled upon the only place it would not be immediately euthanized: TWiT HQ. This is where this abomination of nature makes its home. Black hearts abound here and Ozzie has found a place where it can revel in its own wretchedness.psptubez_xmas_561

Happy Holidays!

Watch DTNS, Monday October 20 for the old days

LoveIf anyone wonders why we go on about how bad TNT has become, blaming it all on Mike Elgum, aka Mike Elgan, aka Mike ‘Dumbot’ Elgan, watch DTNS with Tom Merritt and see how it’s done.

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This week Tom was Live From New York with wonderful guests such as Iyaz Akhtar and Mary Jo Foley.  Watch and learn Mike.

Tune in Monday, October 20 for more Tom and Iyaz,

Only on DTNS.

No hate, only love.


Well it sure was a stress ridden week. Just as Moses was cast from Egypt and his name stricken from the books of the great kingdom, so too B&J were banished from twit.tv

In order to lessen the burden and relieve some tension, Cap’n Juno ended his one week retirement. I was placed on sound duty so I pressed more buttons to help the headphones people. My skillz were weak but I did all I could.

A fact to note: Since I was tasked to help with sound, I forsook my duty to fix spelling/typos. There are often many such errors. But do not think less of the Captain, he never had a country to call home or language to call his own.

Without a roar from the MGM lion I present, for your viewing pleasure, a deep dive into lies: