Tag Archives: Humanity


No matter your feelings toward this site, regardless of your belief in God or Atheism, irrespective of race religion and orientation, there is unanimity that Ozzie the Dog is a malformed, twisted thing. This egregious affront to all life spends its days prancing around Petulama as it literally pisses on everything it sees.

Genetic MAlfunction
Genetic Malfunction and Modern Day Medusa

Mothers hide their children and animals shield their young when this abortion trots by. Half dog, half devil, every aloof step this cretin takes is a rebuke on all mankind. Somehow it appears to have inherited the worst behaviors from every genus of modern biology.

A normal Dog with Sarah Lane
A normal Dog with the lovely and talented Sarah Lane, image courtesy @Instagram

Rumors have surfaced that if you cut its head off, another grows back. Some say it developed a skunk-like spray that it emits from its mouth—others claim it hides all day and only comes out to irritate at opportune moments. Its origin is a murky mystery with speculation that it is nature’s very own bastard.

In a cruel twist of fate, this varmint stumbled upon the only place it would not be immediately euthanized: TWiT HQ. This is where this abomination of nature makes its home. Black hearts abound here and Ozzie has found a place where it can revel in its own wretchedness.psptubez_xmas_561

Happy Holidays!

To the Small Time Troll

Today we salute you. The guy who usually follows rules but once in awhile, has to let one slip through.
Wearing nothing but a webuser or iphone ID, you’re living the real dream.
Getting up the courage to say what you believe, and always believing what you say.
If Sarah looks especially pretty today, let her know and comment on the host’s appearance.
Sure there’s danger; ridicule, and a permanent ban is not completely out of the question.
But your keen instincts tell you to say what you think and type what you feel. And if the joke doesn’t work, who cares? Use your cell connection with its variable IP and try again the in the morrow.
So think up a witty insult, ask about TNT ratings, inquire about the calorie count of that container of #soup.
But always remember, we  love every one of  you!

Why TWiT loves the word “troll”

Since the dawn of time people have been attracted to power like moths to a flame, Laporte to a Twinkie or men to Sarah’s eyes.  Once power is achieved there are always those who seek to knock those in power down. Sometimes valid, sometimes not.


A great method to discredit the lowly trouble makers, and to keep the revolutionaries down, has been to use labels. Put a label on them and they are less than you. It is so easy and simple that even Jarvis can do it. So when criticism arose against TWiT, the label “troll” was not far behind.

Call a man a name, he is no longer a man
Call a man a name, he is no longer a man

Call a man a name long enough, and he is no longer a man, he is a beast. Crimes can be committed against beasts. Rights don’t apply to beasts. Those with intellect see the ruse. Those without (like the chat mods) eat up the labels because it frees them to do what is in their black hearts.

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose would by any other name smell as sweet.” There is a lot in a name, Shakespeare.
Call people trolls or be a troll, it’s time to grow up and pick a side.