Leo Laporte Late for Work Again

Editor’s Note: This article is not a repeat. He is just late for his job all the time.

I need more soup for my jowls, please.
I need more soup for my jowls, please.
Leo Laporte only has one job for which he he has to be on-time. Sure, he’d be on time for all his podcasts if he respected his viewers, guests, and employees, but we know he doesn’t give a shit about any of them.

You’d think he’d respect his golden goose and show up for The Tech Guy on-time twice a week. But, you would be wrong.

THEEEEEEEEEEEE Soup Guy loves tormenting his slaves/employees every weekend, as they nervously look outside to look for any sign of the waddling fat man heading for the emergency exit door.

Did he stop at the Petaluma Market to get some soup? Probably not. He makes jammerb fetch his food for him. Was Lisa keeping him home by being in bed naked? We don’t know.

92 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Late for Work Again”

  1. I love that Soup is out of breath… He tries to catch a breather by asking Heather if it’s raining out and then says I’m running around the studio Ha Ha !!

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    1. He is to busy to make it on time. He was so consumed trying to figure out what color his new Tesla should be?.”bronze, or copper..it is so hard to tell on the internet”

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  2. This guy! I could watch him running in late every week, for some reason it is very entertaining.

    I don’t know if you have done it yet, but I would like to see TotalDrama investigate how successful this radio program is, and if there is any chance it will get cancelled in the near future. I suppose they have to fill the airwaves with something, but if the radio stations are not making money, there will be nothing to air it on.

    If the radio job went away, what would that mean for TWiT? If TWiT became their sole source of income, would they trim all the fat and just continue to air the most popular shows? Would that be enough to sustain their extravagant lifestyle?

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    1. This Week in an Echo Chamber said:
      I suppose they have to fill the airwaves with something, but if the radio stations are not making money, there will be nothing to air it on.

      Sadly, weekends for talk radio stations – even in the most major markets – can often be a real motley wasteland of barely-disguised infomercials (i.e. local real estate agents, lawyers, veterinarians, chefs, etc.), true infomercials (half-hour vitamin specials) and “best of” rerolls/compilations of the station’s live shows from the past week.

      In an ideal world, Premiere would yank this show (it’s *that* terrible) but it’s probably cheaper to keep paying its tardy host and simply dump this as inoffensive, vanilla weekend filler block material, not “rocking the boat” by changing the show or format or host (i.e. getting a younger presence in there like the stuff Erik Lanigan was doing on his own late-night stuff).

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  3. Other than being unprofessional, chronic unpunctuality is often a sign of mental illness too.

    Fucking JammerB just casually giving his updates on Leo’s arrival always makes me laugh. “No Leo sighting yet!” No kidding, unless the intro music is already rolling there’s no point looking for him.

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    1. Jimmy Jam said:
      Other than being unprofessional, chronic unpunctuality is often a sign of mental illness too.

      Fucking JammerB just casually giving his updates on Leo’s arrival always makes me laugh. “No Leo sighting yet!” No kidding, unless the intro music is already rolling there’s no point looking for him.

      Who the fuck is “Jammer B”? What a stupid fucking name.

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      1. You’ve never seen him crawling around under Leo’s feet s̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶i̶n̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶c̶k̶ fixing his cables and shit?

        He’s the original, off-camera version of the FMCP, the first chatroom dweller who successfully pivoted into a job at TWiT. He moved from shitty West Covina to shitty Peatluma and begged Leo to hire him for a pittance many years ago. Ever since he’s been Leo’s servant, doing everything from getting his lunches to flushing the toilet for him at work because Leo can now only remember how to flush a fancy toilet like he poops in at home.

        His TWiT profile is linked to in the article.

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  4. God I love TotalDrama .. The Editors note made my day .. #lmgdao Editor’s Note: This article is not a repeat. He is just late for his job all the time.

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    1. Jimmy Jam said:
      Other than being unprofessional, chronic unpunctuality is often a sign of mental illness too.

      Fucking JammerB just casually giving his updates on Leo’s arrival always makes me laugh. “No Leo sighting yet!” No kidding, unless the intro music is already rolling there’s no point looking for him.

      Who the fuck is “Jammer B”? What a stupid fucking name.

      RandyPinball said:
      God I love TotalDrama .. TheEditors note made my day ..#lmgdao Editor’s Note: This article is not a repeat. He is just late for his job all the time.

      Agreed. My Credit Karma score was way off, too. Another junk company he shills.

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  5. Seen a tweet about Leo LaCunts radio show on his Twitter account today made me piss myself
    went something like TTG has more ads less technical information questioning Leo’s knowledge frequent incorrect answers and being an ass kissing salesman for google like Jeff Jarvis

    yup Leo
    go fuck yourself

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  6. Do you think he was late and out of breath because he just got finished shooting his load into this CeHo? Most guys need a little break to recover and bask in the after glow but that’s only if their healthy eat well exercise and get plenty of good sleep. Leo on the other hand apparently has some health issues were it would be advisable to get your shit together first…but then who cares? Leo says FUCK YOU.

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    1. Oh, absolutely. A few years back Paul Thurrott read Leo the riot act for wasting Paul’s time by being 1/2 hour late every week for WW. I don’t know exactly what Paul said, but in twitlive Leo admitted receiving the “riot act” from Paul. After that Leo was on time for WW, but remained just as late for the other shows.

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    1. At this point, Kim Komando has Leo beat. I mean she has her own freaking tablet, the amazing KomandoTab2!

      Also Leo and Lisa seem to be advertising out the wazoo these days, and there too Kim Komando wins. She’s has more ads on her shit than should be legal.

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    2. Who can stand listening to her? All she wants is for you to sign up on her website so you can access it and get some info. Not signing up for anything connected to her. Can’t stand the cheesy sound clips that fill her show. I havn’t listened to her in years, but it used to be that way.

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  7. He was pushing Credit Karma today and we all know that their credit scores are absolutely worthless, I found out that my score was 30 points lower than the fico score which banks use.

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  8. He’s not late. He’s just on time — at the mic at 11:06 — and that is what a consummate pro does. There are better things to condemn him for.

    This is a pissy post that means nothing.

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    1. Lard Ass said:
      He’s not late. He’s just on time — at the mic at 11:06 — and that is what a consummate pro does. There are better things to condemn him for.

      This is a pissy post that means nothing.

      Unless you’re being sarcastic, that is not what a “consummate pro” does. A consummate pro would show up AT LEAST 15 minutes early and do some show prep. It is totally disrespectful to show up late since that puts the network people in a bad situaton.

      So put your tiny dick out of soups arse and leave us alone.

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      1. Holden says: “So put your tiny dick out of soups arse and leave us alone.”

        ScooterX says: “Your participation is not conducive to the desired environment.”

        Same difference.

        ScooterX, is that you?

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    2. Lard Ass said: He’s not late. He’s just on time — at the mic at 11:06 — and that is what a consummate pro does. There are better things to condemn him for.

      This is a pissy post that means nothing.

      Such is the level of blind Leo defence among some of his fans, I can’t tell if this is a piss take or a real defence.

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      1. evilpants said: Such is the level of blind Leo defence among some of his fans, I can’t tell if this is a piss take or a real defence.

        People who are habitually tardy demonstrate a clear lack of respect for friends and especially co-workers. The epitome of rude.

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  9. Let’s see how delusional TWIT apologists like Molly and FuckJournalist spin this one.

    Also, does everybody know that post-menopausal, caterpiller-eyebrowed and homely Megan is a mommy?

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    1. You really aren’t objective, and you assume way too much about me. I’ll tell you my view on this topic so you rethink your assumptions.

      I think it’s unprofessional to keep people waiting, and to make the others waiting sweat wondering if you’ll hit your mark. It’s typical for the contract he’d likely have to require him to be there a half hour before start time and to verify all the equipment is working properly. Staff can do some of that, but he’s still likely required to be there well ahead of start time.

      Just because I give shit to the idiotic stuff on this website in no way means I’m an apologist for Leo or anyone. I’m just not irrational or stupid.

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      1. Fauxjournalist said:
        You really aren’t objective, and you assume way too much about me. I’ll tell you my view on this topic so you rethink your assumptions.

        I think it’s unprofessional to keep people waiting, and to make the others waiting sweat wondering if you’ll hit your mark. It’s typical for the contract he’d likely have to require him to be there a half hour before start time and to verify all the equipment is working properly.Staff can do some of that, but he’s still likely required to be there well ahead of start time.

        Just because I give shit to the idiotic stuff on this website in no way means I’m an apologist for Leo or anyone. I’m just not irrational or stupid.


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  10. Completely 100% unprofessional amateur hour hack b******* showing up late running sounding out of breath on the radio complete and utter moron

    He’s an embarrassment to himself his profession and if you think this is what pros do think again this is what people skating by and holding on to what they know they don’t deserve act like

    a broadcast professional would care about their show care about their audience care about their legacy and care about what gets broadcast and immortalized in media. This fat twat shows up late , is broadcasting it and now immortalizing it for the world to see by his own goddamn company f****** loser

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    1. Phat phuck dev null said:
      Completely 100% unprofessional amateur hour hack b******* showing up late running sounding out of breath on the radio complete and utter moron

      He’s an embarrassment to himself his profession and if you think this is what pros do think again this is what people skating by and holding on to what they know they don’t deserve act like

      a broadcast professional would care about their show care about their audience care about their legacy and care about what gets broadcast and immortalized in media. This fat twat shows up late , is broadcasting it and now immortalizing it for the world to see by his own goddamn company f****** loser

      Amen FistBump.

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  11. Tbh, yes if Leo can get to the mic on the moment he is supposed to go live, and do the show for the next two hours, sure, that’s ok.

    But it says something about the seriousness with which he takes the job.

    If you’ve got to be on a mic and you’re an overweight unfit guy (not judging him, just stating facts), and if you care about how you sound, you will not want to turn up and go on air out of breath.

    You will not be taking your phone out as you start talking, you’ll have done one last check that it’s on silent.

    You will have taken your jacket off so you can be comfortable in the ambient room temperature.

    You will have checked what the first few calls are so you can decide if one particular call might hook your listeners in better and keep people listening.

    You might even have a word with your call screener to say “Did you see how the Samsung virus thing was in the news? See if you can encourage any callers to check their phones and report them to me” or whatever is important that week.

    All those things are what you do if you are a professional.

    So, sure, he did his show, but the difference is: he did it to the standard we expect, not the standard a professional broadcaster should be aspiring to.

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    1. First thought in my mind is, “Are people actually that dumb?” Are they not familiar with Googling it? Must be planted questions.

      The idea of a tech radio show is fading fast.

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  12. Q: I don’t like my phone camera – what new one should I get? A: I like your camera. Don’t get a new camera.

    Q: how can I reset my Apple router? A: use Apple’s software

    And so on and so on. I’m sort of torn here – normal tech users really don’t know the answers to these questions, and actually a service is being performed here – even though Leo’s answer is often “google it, or go ask someone else”, that can provide the reassurance the average user needs.

    I’ve lost count of the number of times my mother has contacted me to say “I made the text really huge and I can’t get it back to normal – I restarted it like you always tell me to but it didn’t work”.

    I just wish it wasn’t someone who sneered at his audience so much. I wish it was someone who had proven empathy with the little guy, with the sort of person who is just overwhelmed with new technology and needs some hand-holding.

    Instead, we’ve got someone who really doesn’t give a damn about this audience or any audience, and who shows it.

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    1. Oh you’ve got to explain that for people (like me) who can no longer bear to watch him. Is it that he’s sponsored by a clothes place and now “loooooooooooooves” them and claims to use them all the time (perhaps using Legalzoom to draft the sponsor contract)? Or is he literally having his clothes supplied by clothing sponsor, what he wears is actually what they’ve supplied for him to wear?

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      1. I don’t remember the name of the company. He said he had a fashion consultant that sent things for him to wear thus the bow ties and suspenders. Shoes, clothes, and nature box, what a sweet deal. Now all he needs is a chef and pharmacist on the payroll.

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        1. It’s been a while since they had that company as a sponsor.

          But I notice the man purse, the lame black suit he was wearing yesterday, a little quip he dropped about trunkclub.com being owned by Nordstrom… I’m thinking Trunk Club is going to be buying some ads soon!

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  13. It goes to show how small their audience must really be. This Week in Tech is number 5 in tech podcasts, but the extremely niche Mac Power Users is only a few places below it!

    It’s saying something for it not to chart in the main list at all.

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  14. Reading about this incident in text isn’t very shocking. My expectations of the fat man couldn’t be much lower. However, the video really hits home. How incredibly disrespectful of his show’s staff! What a great leader!

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  15. At least this time Sherman Oaks didn’t have to run a recorded show. Seems he hit the mike 10 seconds after his cue (which was miss labeled in your video). Glad he made it in the nick of time.

    Leo has a face and body built for radio.

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  16. I haven’t watched twit for a while now, I noticed something in that clip, they have blocked off the widows to his office on either side of the call screener workspace. When did that happen?

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  17. If only there was some technology or expertise that enabled an individual to track the time of day, or (gasp) manage their schedule or things to do?

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  18. He carries a fanny pack full of time devices so you’d think He’d show up early for work instead of running into his office studio all out of breath sounding like he’s going to pass out.

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    1. What do you expect? Three boring white middle aged bloggers.

      Nothing against them but they need to balance the guests better. Gotta love it whenever all three guests are self-involved long-winded guys Leo describes it as a “really smart panel,” that’s his code for a boring no fun show.

      That Jason guy from Taiwan needs to pour himself a strong cup of coffee before he sits down for the show, I don’t get why he always has to be Sleepy Smurf.

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      1. Jimmy Jam said:
        What do you expect? Three boring white middle aged bloggers.

        Nothing against them but they need to balance the guests better. Gotta love it whenever all three guests are self-involved long-winded guys Leo describes it as a “really smart panel,” that’s his code for a boring no fun show.

        That Jason guy from Taiwan needs to pour himself a strong cup of coffee before he sits down for the show, I don’t get why he always has to be Sleepy Smurf.

        I have plenty against them. They have nothing to say and dull as dishwater.

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  19. Love how LL waddles in hurriedly and is all out of breath damn near about to pass out, I laughed so hard! These takes are pure gold. One thing I’ve noticed is that LL has no respect for his staff making them stress out like this just because he can’t be on time to start his national radio show. What many would do to have a radio show of this magnitude, this dude just doesn’t appreciate what he has.
    I’ve also noticed that the guests on Sunday twit show are not lively and frankly seem bored and tired out, I think they’ve all caught on to LL’s antics, it’s a real sleep fest a real waste of time unless you like to hear constant advertisements and LL constantly interrupt and take over the conversation. Just my opinion.


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  20. This fat blowhard shill pitchman schlocking his carnival wares to the handful of sycophants who are impressed by his soon to be gone studio and supposed authority and constant referencing of a failed / cancelled tv show on a failed and bankrupt tv channel. God.. what a delusional narcissistic pumpkin of a man. And this gash twat who supposedly “runs” the business and has a “degree” from University of Phoenix? really..? seriously? I mean. you take yourself seriously? oh, and this other LLC that you opened Artisan whatever.. do you see your logo, do you see the aesthetic that pleases you in your own decision making, and yet you fire others? Its your aesthetic and acumen which should be fired . You think you have authority or success because you bilk advertisers and maybe have brought in a couple million in ad revenue per year? Please.. that is miniscule dog treat levels of money for running a broadcast / content / technology operation. The advertisers buy in with you because it costs them almost nothing to do so. Sure, to you guys its a good “sell” to hock Freshbooks, but to Freshbooks, your ARPU contribution is a joke. They might as well just throw some stuff at you in case one of your lonely old brain damaged fans somehow still listens to your show. A real operation like you think you are would go under at 2 million a year revenue. Especially when they would pay their staff properly by using professionals, not wanna be in the industry and I’ll work for rent types.

    You are running a hobby, and calling it a network and exploiting wanna be s who liked you 15 years and 150 pounds ago.


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    1. pewtie said:
      You are running a hobby, and calling it a network and exploiting wanna be s who liked you 15 years and 150 pounds ago.

      ITM & TYFYC

      Imagine if he’d be late for lunch and dinner a few times, He would be 150lbs lighter too.

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  21. A long time ago, Leo defended his lateness by saying it was the perogative and luxury of being the owner of the business. It totally escaped him that he was squandering the time of other people, not just his employees. That’s when I first began to realize that this was basically a shitty guy.

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  22. Is TDrama will be investigating the newsletter idea? The $300K website is asking fans to sign up with an email, so get ready to hear this newsletter pitch on every show.

    Does anyone know this scam? How he is profiting or do you tards think he wants to communicate MORE with his audience?

    Some blogs are paid more if they have more registered users regardless of site pings.

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    1. RedPenguin said:
      Is TDrama will be investigating the newsletter idea? The $300K website is asking fans to sign up with an email, so get ready to hear this newsletter pitch on every show.

      Does anyone know this scam? How he is profiting or do you tards think he wants to communicate MORE with his audience?

      Some blogsare paid more if they have more registered users regardless of site pings.

      It is certainly about money. There is no other reason for this. If he discusses it live you should listen for what he doesn’t say. They use MailChimp which is reliable and say “We will not share, sell, or use your email address for any other purpose.” They usually don’t just outright lie.
      There is either some scam going on or it’s a just a bad marketing idea by an underling. If he barely pushes it live it’s probably just a subordinate’s bad idea.

      It doesn’t add up. I doubt that someone who is live between shows and has a 24 hour chat room, is active on social media, needs a newsletter to communicate. It’s about money, I agree.

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  23. Hmmm, a newsletter. That’s a very 1998 thing to do. I’d think since he is a podcasting network the thing to do would be to talk about what you would talk about in a newsletter in every podcast that you do. Wait, doesn’t he already do that? Leo has isolated himself from people so much these days, he hasn’t figured out that most have given up on email for things other than purchase receipts and shipping notifications. LOL next thing ya know he’ll be sending out copies of his podcasts on CD-Rom in MPEG-1 video so it will be compatible with Windows 95 users.

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    1. Wow. They’re really trying to cut costs. First was the talk of getting away from video and moving to audio. Are they now looking at going from audio to a weekly newsletter? What is the point of a newsletter? It sounds like they’re going to be regurgitating the same shit they already do in their podcasts.

      Next they’ll be announcing the new TWiT BBS!

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  24. Google “how to make money with a newsletter.”

    It is not that complicated, two methods:
    (1) Put an ad in newsletter
    (2) Use newsletter for existing product
    (*) Bonus: Email list can be sold when cease operations.

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  25. You need a lot of people to make money but if you have two hundred and fifty thousand you can make a solid two hundred grand a year with a weekly newsletter.

    I will keep googling.

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  26. LaCunt admits to watching football during the most recent episode of TWiT while Jason Thompson was talking about a topic he was disinterested in.

    iOS Today #281, around 20 minute mark.

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  27. Leo lives off of the radio show money. TWIT is just a shill to give CEHO vacation money. You would think the home wrecking whore could at least get his fat ass out of bed to earn their meal ticket.

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