Leo Laporte World’s #1 Boss

We all like a little recognition from our boss once in awhile. It feels good to get a pat on the back. Well at TWiT you’re lucky if your boss knows your name.

Randal has been doing shows on TWiT for about six years and Leo can’t be bothered to remember his name. Carly, on the other hand, Leo can recognize from behind at a distance of 67 meters yet he has no clue what her name is.

Hey Leo, here’s a resolution, learn your employees names!

24 Hours of White Men

I see white people.
I see white people.

TWiT is in the midst of its much-touted “24 Hours of 2015.” The editorial board at #TotalDrama is standing by with a cadre of scientists and statisticians as we suspect that no people of color will appear live in the studio; but this has to be verified by an independent team. Please stay tuned.

Update: A gospel choir just broke the record for people of color inside the Brick Shithouse. The Pearly Gates Singers just made Leo’s head explode. But in typical TWiT fashion, the audio “sucked ass” according to a #drama chatroom member. So it appears that at least audio-based racism is alive and well in Petaluma.

Take a good look—this will never happen again.
Take a good look—this will never happen again.

Leo and his fake tux

Fake tux, for a fake laugh
Fake tux, for a fake laugh

The expanding human gas blob known as Leo Laporte is currently streaming his “24 Hours of 2015.” Watch now as he fake-laughs his way through the marathon broadcast of bad production values. But what is this? He couldn’t find a tux shirt big enough? Never fear. Leo has the solution—he just wears a normal black dress shirt, pops the collar and straps on a cheesy striped bowtie. Classy.

A fake tux shirt is pretty much indicative of everything TWiT has become in 2014: Stuffed shirts presenting lies on a shoestring budget held together on the fumes of past success.

Leo's odd, flat hair
Leo’s odd, flat hair

Update: Leo did indeed change into a more respectable shirt. But his hair looked shitty and flat.

Leo Laporte calls Sarah Lane a Liar

On a recent episode of “iPad Today” one-time relevant and previously non-morbidly obese glutton Leo Laporte called Sarah Lane a liar. In near-complete shock, Sarah stumbles through the rest of the segment barely able to contain her hatred for her boss. Leo goes on to remark that Sarah will most likely break her promise to tell him the truth “by January 2.”

Exposing The Dark Underbelly of TWiT, Leo Laporte, and Failed CEO Lisa Laporte