Leo Laporte Laments the Loss of Casual Homophobia

Guest SubmissionAn anonymous tipster sent in this video from the most recent The Tech Guy. In it, Leo appears to lament the loss of casual homophobia. At the least, he doesn’t seem to have much of a problem with it.

For a normal person in 2016, this would be surprising, but for Leo Laporte, it’s par for the course. Nathan — the iHeartMedia producer — plays a song containing the word “faggot” three times in a row during an intro to a The Tech Guy segment. Leo notes that it “used to be OK to say that.”

Leo makes insensitive gay jokes on air on a regular basis. He purged many staffers for questionable reasons. He even drove Jeff Needles away.

Will the depths to which he will sink never end?

31 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Laments the Loss of Casual Homophobia”

  1. Nore should he have a problem with it. We have a right to “fear” what we want. By the way, “homophobia” means whenever someone who doesn’t agree with gays, they go and cower and cry in the corner and say, “NO NO NO PLEASE GET AWAY!!!!!”.

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  2. i think he s just saying how that was once acceptable and now its not. he seems to be pointing out they played that without realizing the word was said till after they played it. either way i dont really see him lamenting it.

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    1. For Christ’s sake, the song is satirizing the guys who work at an appliance store, it’s not Mark Knopfler hating on gays.

      And I don’t recall it ever being OK to say faggot on the air, it was always in poor taste.

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    2. When was it ever “acceptable”? Not in my recollection, and certainly not on TV, radio, or a podcast.

      What this is, is called “gas lighting” – he’s reinventing the past, to benefit his reality now. It’s never been acceptable to broadcast “faggot” in any way, except maybe in movies – Axl Rose was excoriated in the 90’s for using the word in a song.

      This is narcissism rearing it’s ugly, bigoted head again. He’s lamenting something that never existed, because he wants to use that word *now*.

      Why you would try to make excuses for him is beyond me.

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  3. Leo’s being squeezed into a smaller and smaller space. He can’t insult and laugh at protected minorities anymore so he pines for the good old days.

    What a fat sex crazed pig.

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  4. When the move to the new studio you could turn totaldrama into a reddit or a forum. because its smaller now.
    The guy doing the posts here has so many different names and maybe he would like a break.
    Does anyone know why he picks the different names NewJeffJarvis or LeciaLens or Crotch Magnet or the guest submission? is it random or he thinks audience thinks he is many people?

    my two cents

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    1. Some clueless asshole said:
      When the move to the new studio you could turn totaldrama into a reddit or a forum.because its smaller now.
      The guy doing the posts here has so many different names and maybe he would like a break.
      Does anyone know why he picks the different names NewJeffJarvis or LeciaLens or Crotch Magnet or the guest submission? is it random or he thinks audience thinks he is many people?

      my two cents

      Stop trolling you piece of shit. The only reason there aren’t any better stories is cause Laporke has been coughing too much and isn’t able to say dumb shit. The beetus will take him soon. Long live TotalDrama and its legion of supporters.

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  5. Leo kept stating faggot came from “bundle of sticks” used to “burn people to death”. He kept stating sticks used to “burn people to death” – obviously this gives extra victim points to anyone who is offended by it.

    I’m aware of the original meaning, but not the death part, so decided to check at a site covering all things faggot – Wikipedia. Yep, absolutely no mention of burning people to death in the etymology of the American slang term –


    Just Leo doing his knee jerk virtue signalling – which is obviously required if you’re a tech commentator in 2016.

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      1. No, he’s not. You need to read what you linked to –

        “The explanation that male homosexuals were called faggots because they were burned at the stake as punishment is an etymological urban legend.”

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  6. kind of reaching here guys. I’m no defender of THE LEO but let’s post something we don’t have to read our own bias into. He does plenty of offensive things without seizing upon every word he utters looking for offense.

    I happen to like that Dire Straits song and I understand the context of the word as used during the time. It was meant to refer to a lazy, over privileged person.

    Did you also realize that in Australia cigarettes were referred to as “fags” with no apparent connection to anyone’s sexuality.

    More likely it’s related to the old term “fagged out” which contrary to what you may think was simply a term used to mean extremely tired, again, no sexual connotation. As cigarette use tends to make one tired and lack energy I can see how it could morph into something else.

    I’d guess that since the previous term was used largely on teenagers who never had any energy to do work that it’s a more likely source of the “faggot” term than sexual orientation at least int he context of the song.

    Now if you find all of that offensive. That’s on you. Language changes and so does the context of it’s use. Take offense at the act ion not the art that reflects the action.

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    1. I like the dire straits song as well. Know that faggot in the song refers to Boy George. But also know that in the context of the song, it’s really making fun of a jealous working stiff who feels he does real work while the star does not. The working stiff is actually referring to his sexuality, as a means to be offensive. The working stiff can’t criticize legitimately so he resorts to crass insults. Dire Straits might have been writing about totaldrama.

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      1. Fauxjournalist said:
        I like the dire straits song as well. Know that faggot in the song refers to Boy George. But also know that in the context of the song, it’s really making fun of a jealous working stiff who feels he does real work while the star does not. The working stiff is actually referring to his sexuality, as a means to be offensive. The working stiff can’t criticize legitimately so he resorts to crassinsults. Dire Straits might have been writing about totaldrama.

        That’s one interpretation but considering the song came out in the heyday of the boy bands I don’t pin it on Boy George although that was a common belief back then. The working stiff argument is valid as well but again, the term “faggot” was a generic term meant as an insult but contextually aimed at the perceived laziness of musicians as viewed by normal blue collar workers. In fact had the song indeed been about homosexuality they wouldn’t have included the line, “money for nothin’ and the chicks are free” It was a general commentary on musicians at that time. Now a song that is definitely about homosexuality is “Relax” by Frankie goes to Hollywood. A great song but the lyrics are something best not examined if you’re the least bit homophobic.

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  7. Did anyone see TWiT on Sunday?

    After months of Lay-o wetting his pants over getting a Tesla – he’s now clearly got buyers remorse. “It’s like a sled with stuff bolted on top” and when using Autopilot he laughed nervously “I sure held on tight to the wheel.. it was frightening!”

    Clearly he isn’t happy -and probably wants his old massive, grand dad mobile the A8 back!

    Fuck you Leo! You bought it, now you’re stuck with it!

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  8. Question. Does Leo use a natural lubrication (like coconut oil) or synthetic while being slammed in the ass with a strap-on? He clearly hates homosexuals (or at the very least tolerates them) yet enjoys having his prostate massaged by dildos and butt plugs every chance he gets.

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    1. Ron said:
      Question. Does Leo use a natural lubrication (like coconut oil) or synthetic while being slammed in the ass with a strap-on? He clearly hates homosexuals (or at the very least tolerates them) yet enjoys having his prostate massaged by dildos and butt plugs every chance he gets.

      shnarf shnarf shnarf! He talks trash therefor he must fit into what your mold of gay is!

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  9. What does any of this have to do with tech? Same goes for the cow utter reference a few days ago.

    Do people listen to him to hear this stuff?

    Tech commentary is still popular, its just moved to other venues such as You Tube.

    When I am listening to a show about iOS. I expect a iOS related discussion, not a sexual commentary involving a cow.

    Stay on topic, Leo.

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  10. Let’s just give him- I mean- it a piece of my mind on Twitter and all the other realms. That racist, sexist, self-absorbing, defective factory reject of a foul stagnant creature. Turn it on its upside. Knock the thing up and down. Gut that fucker and garnish with an apple on a china platter. Nicer if it blocks us in defeat. We are one blog. One offended general public. So we will fight and win as one stronger blog and general public finally in peace.

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    1. I agree a stupid topic it almost reminds me of a Hello World posting. Anywho i still enjoy the post because I hate everything TWIT. I wonder if John is going to fetch Leo hummus for his lunches when he moves to the TWIT Shed. Screw u leo u fired all ur talent. Fucken dipshit

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