Thank you for your interest in Ello.
We will invite you as soon as we can. Ello is currently in beta, and we are inviting new users in small groups as we roll out new features.
In the meantime, please share our Manifesto — and help us spread the word.
i need to really write me a Manifesto .
gum you can run but you can’t hide from the truth. you suck and you need to stop spamming twitter with your crap [g+] selfies/blogies you suck.
mike is the worst [g+] troll and now he’ spreading ello like a disease. help end the suffering join me in telling mike #HELL NO!
look gum has a new place to spam his g+ link bait trash.
gum needs to stop linking his g+ crap in twitter.
elgum and other twit host like to complain that twitter is full of trolls but that doesn’t stop them from whoring them self on twitter to get more eye balls.
shoving food in your face on air is not a good look. luz
How’s that richardya?
i hope taylor likes it. dogs fluff untitled
3rd/aug/2014, Leo reveals his poor hygiene.
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Exposing The Dark Underbelly of TWiT, Leo Laporte, and Failed CEO Lisa Laporte