Megan Morrone Pleads with Leo Laporte Not to Be Sexist

From the unpublished archives, circa January 2016.

Leo Laporte is a disgusting monster to his employees. He sexually harrasses them constantly. Watching any episode of any show with Leo on it is an experience in constant sexual innuendo.

Finally, someone has called Leo to task on his deviancy on the live stream. We didn’t expect it to come from the definitely-not-racist, definitely-not-a-monkey Megan Morrone. But, then again, she was able to trick Mike Elgan with a wearable banana.

Good job, Megan.

31 thoughts on “Megan Morrone Pleads with Leo Laporte Not to Be Sexist”

  1. These susck.

    Leo Laporte is a disgusting monster to his employees.

    He sexually harrasses them constantly.

    Watching any episode of any show with Leo on it is an experience in constant sexual innuendo.

    Finally, someone has called Leo to task on his deviancy on the live stream.

    We didn’t expect it to come from the definitely-not-racist, definitely-not-a-monkey Megan Morrone. But, then again, she was able to trick Mike Elgan with a wearable banana.



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    1. Leo said “not to be sexist but…”

      A phrase people say every day; I don’t want to sound insensitive but, I don’t want to sound racist but, I don’t want be an asshole but.

      The video is meaningless and the article is link bait.

      If it’s your first read at this site you would just click away. The old TD dissected Leo and caught Leo harassing/abusing people and it was funny.

      Helloworld wrote articles about wearing hats, but even if that was your first article you knew that was a joke and read more. TD is only good for news now like when Effendunn was fired. But they don’t investigate anymore. CEHO said they would move on June 1 or July 1 and yet there is no news here.

      This is lazy writing but I still check every day. In a way TD is like twit. Surviving on the accomplishments of the past, immoral moderators who kick people from chat and delete comments. The chat room is racist and sexist and awful people. The articles are full of link bait.

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      1. Maybe the death of Lkalif is a cause. I worked with him on a major software project and he was a great guy and a very talented engineer. And principled.

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      2. Maybe you should write up the post about the move and the date and submit it to TD through the Guest Submission. I think part of the reason is that Leo is expectedly playing the move SUPER close to his chest. CeHo says alot of things and also puts alot of dicks in her mouth, so there’s that.

        Also, maybe you should be less of an ass.
        Life’s too short.


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        1. But is their move really news worthy? They can’t even get their dates straight, whatever happens though is that we can be assured it will occur simulataneously as a mini-vacation that the Soup Slurping Slug and the Gold Digging CeHo take so that they don’t have to participate in any of the move and thusly will be able to fire some poor schmuck for any crisis that arises from arrangements they had made and left for another to implement on their behest.

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        2. The move is interesting. It’s going to be a LOT longer than expected — 2017. It is gong to cost more than expected. It is not going to go smoothly. Things are going to be lost and stolen and broken.

          Part of the problem is shoehorning the old sets into the new building. It won’t work except, perhaps, the old cottage clone “little office” because it is small and stand alone.

          Also THESE ARE SETS. Sets are not built to be moved around. They are built to be torn down when not useful any more. They are not built to be moved. Leo is an idiot and his wife knows nothing about any of this business.

          If he had bought the property when he had the chance he’d have it made. But no, according to him it was too expensive. In today’s California real estate market nothing is too expensive. And it SOLD to someone who apparently did not think it was too expensive.

          I have never seen a guy squander money like this moron. He’ll spend as much money moving as he would have if he bought the property. Incredible.

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          1. I concur. They will try and shoehorn the old sets into this studio and mess it up. Sets are very cheap and easy to build, any interesting background will do. Most no-name podcasters can put together nice looking sets with ok lighting.

            I am really looking forward to how they screw up the new studio. If any kids are reading this:
            ‘Your most important asset is people, hire good people, not the cheapest people or priests who took the vow of poverty.’

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          2. Amber McArthur said:
            I concur. They will try and shoehorn the old sets into this studio and mess it up.Sets are very cheap and easy to build, any interesting background will do. Most no-name podcasters can put together nice looking sets with ok lighting.

            I am really looking forward to how they screw up the new studio. If any kids are reading this:
            ‘Your most important asset is people, hire good people, not the cheapest people or priests who took the vow of poverty.’

            Sets are not cheap. Faux marble paint jobs just don’t look as good with HD cameras.

            Also the Call for Help sets in Toronto got moved around all the time. The show was taped 1 week out of the month, and the studio was used for other shows during those 3 weeks.

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  2. Grammar police, pull over.

    It should be “not to be sexist” and not “to not be sexist.” It’s a split infinitive…which is not nearly as dangerous as Leo’s sexual harassment or miniscule dick.

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  3. Megan, I’m getting really sick of you. You have no fucking excuse for continuing to enable his behavior. Take a stand and quit your job already. Sue for sexual harassment… it would be a slam-dunk case. The evidence is everywhere.

    I’m assuming your husband works too so you don’t need to work for this perverted scumbag. Didn’t you ever talk to Kate about the slide down the pole comment? You are a disgrace to all women by continuing to put up with his inappropriate comments and endlessly wandering fingers.

    The only thing your CeHo cares about is riding the money train until it runs out. You can even hear her laughing off camera when her salad chomping amazon-loving spouse says something inappropriate. God she must hate women to let this continue to happen.

    Take a stand Megan… you’re not trapped in this job like Jason.

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    1. TheTruth said:
      Megan, I’m getting really sick of you. You have no fucking excuse for continuing to enable his behavior. Take a stand and quit your job already. Sue for sexual harassment… it would be a slam-dunk case. The evidence is everywhere.

      I’m assuming your husband works too so you don’t need to work for this perverted scumbag.Didn’t you ever talk to Kate about the slide down the pole comment? You are a disgrace to all women by continuing to put up with his inappropriate comments and endlessly wandering fingers.

      The only thing your CeHo cares about is riding the money train until it runs out. You can even hear her laughing off camera when her salad chomping amazon-loving spouse says something inappropriate. God she must hate women to let this continue to happen.

      Take a stand Megan… you’re not trapped in this job like Jason.

      ‘So long as Uncle Leo keeps buying them little shiny toys for Megan, she’ll always go out for a ride to the fields with him in his truck.

      It’s a damn shame.

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  4. Yesterday’s iOS Today was painful.

    Leo and Megan tried to discuss programming on iOS and it was completely cringe inducing. Megan was completely clueless (” I coded HTML once”) and Leo just wouldn’t stop discussing things that he obviously knows nothing about.

    I also loved how Leo went to get a “snack” between iOS Today and Triangulation. He is basically an unattractive gluttonous obese Marquise de Saad with a fetish for gold-diggers.

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    1. Yoshi said:
      Megan will soon be fired…guaranteed. Place your bets as to when.

      I agree
      Every time Megan corrects or interrupts fat fuck LaFaggot he’s banking it away
      3strikes and she’s gone
      is Jason and Megan still doing that lame news show?
      still waiting for “ManTranny” aka CeHo
      to cancel that pitiful waste of a podcast

      Fuck You LaFuck
      see your still fat and wrinkled now

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    1. Aahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahah
      … From Mr’ Rogers Neighborhood LMFAO!

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