BREAKING NEWS! Leo Laporte, purported ‘Tech Guy’, is butchering a PC build

Live now. Video to follow once we stop laughing.

UPDATE 2016-03-31 – Leo has finally gotten the NVME m.2 ssd recognized.

<~Leo> I was fooled by all the people who were complaining about issues with the m2 and the z170
<~Leo> turned out it was just that the ssd wasn’t completely in
<~Leo> I installed it wrong

Tension builds as Leo, Karsten Jerry and the hated chatroom attempt the impossible.  Something that 12-year-olds 9-year-olds do every day.

“Can we use either USB connector?”


“What is the LITTLE ONE for?”

“It sucked it right in” Leo referring to a cable? Or a hard drive? Or maybe a close personal friend.

“Which one is the boot drive?”

“How tight do I need to make this” Leo says as he reefs down the cpu cooler screws.

“The Arctic Silver is already on it”  No it’s not Arctic Silver. Conductive pad.  But that’s only tech talk.

“It’s loose”
“Is there a hole?” Leo looking for standoff hole.
“Is it spinning?” Leo stripping threads in case

“Is it important to glue fans to the hard drives” Leo feeling that renowned system builder Steve Gibson is one-upping him.

There was much discussion about how to connect fan connectors to the motherboard. The verbatim will have to wait.

“Time for the cooker”   Leo trying to confuse us.

“I guess they didn’t think I would try to put such a big thing in there” Leo talking about what we know not. And as we have photographic evidence that it’s not very big we are really confused.

“Not as good as the 69 club”  We all want in to that club.

“You can see the hole. And you can see all the metal filings” Leo wondering why cross threaded screws are bad.

“A massively flatulent GUI” Leo Laporte referring to Windows. Poor Paul Thurrott and Mary Jo Foley.

“I forgot there’s USB on the front to. That should work.”

Tension builds as the moment approaches. BOOT TIME!


“00 means it’s not getting power”
“Where is that cable?”
“There’s two connectors for the cpu?”

Ok, power now connected to motherboard. One more time!


Installing Windows on the Samsung NVME drive will be left as an exercise for the reader.  Or a future call for help?

81 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS! Leo Laporte, purported ‘Tech Guy’, is butchering a PC build”

  1. What a fucking clown
    Like one of your Twitter followers says
    Stop calling yourself THE TECH GUY
    your a fraud & liar
    You needed 5 guys plus a full chatroom to help “you assemble a computer not build it”

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  2. He didn’t touch the original Game machine at all. Colleen Kelly built it in her metal workshop. Reminds me of an old joke. How many guys does it take to plug in a usb cable? It takes 5 plus a chat room full of losers.

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  3. Like everything else Leo does, some prep would have helped immensely… like flipping through the motherboard manual the night before.

    I’m guessing the night before he was busy getting ass raped by his tranny wife in the sex swing they had installed. Or eating 75 dollar steaks, then getting ass raped in the sex swing.

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  4. Why is he doing this? Building a computer is not some arcane art anymore, it’s plug and play. They even make the connectors a certain size and shape and even color sometimes, so idiots can’t plug the usb into a power main.

    He’s now competing with Youtube videos made by 12 year olds.

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    1. takenTECH said:
      lol. Hahahaha thee tech guy.

      He decided it was easier to install MSDOS and be done with it, it’s where he feels safe.

      He loves that mantra “Hey hey hey it’s Leeeeeeeeeoooo Laporte, Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Techhh Guyyyyyyyyyyy. Adviser to senile old cat ladies and red neck truckers”.

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  5. This reminds me a lot of Bob Vila when he was hosting ‘This Old House’. All kinds of house demolition and construction going on with Norm Abrams effortlessly and skillfully building a cabinet out of a few pieces of scrap lumber, and then Bob would step in, awkwardly trying to make his inept carpentry skills not look so silly and amateurish.
    While a lot of us see Leo as a fake and a charlatan, he’s made a small fortune being what he is. TWIT has a loyal following and while his target audience doesn’t necessarily have to be very ‘tech savvy’ the point is as long as Leo appears to know more than they do, that’s all that’s necessary. I kind of think the same about Kim Komando.

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    1. I much preferred the guy who replaced Vila, he was a real contractor, you could tell he gets his hands dirty.

      Good old Norm, and his woodworking porn. These days he’s been replaced with milling and casting and woodworking porn on YouTube, but he was the first.

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  6. Kim Komando is nice and doesn’t come close to sex talking to her listeners. She also try’s to keep her body fit and doesn’t slurp soup on her live radio show.

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    1. You’re focusing on image, how Kim looks and her demeanor. But as far as content, her show is in essence just like Leo. It’s a tech show that’s light on actual ‘tech’ but heavy on ‘show’.

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  7. I tuned in after I saw this post. I couldn’t believe that he didn’t even bother to prepare for this.

    As people have said, assembling – not building – a computer is easy. It’s been easy for a long time. It is a lot of fun to specify your own parts and put them together, and it is actually a skilled job in one respect: making sure you get the best airflow so you can run the machine cool and quiet. I know, cos I failed miserably to do this 15 years ago. I just let my cables run free, and the machine suffered (running the fans a lot more often than should’ve been needed).

    So if you’re going to do this live – if you care about your reputation – you will prepare. You will actually spend a bit of company cash on some cheap equivalent components and assemble a similar machine in advance. You will read through forums for that case and those parts, so you can see if people had problems fitting some of the components into the case.

    It’s simple to do all of that. You just have to care about the product you’re putting out.

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    1. “It’s simple to do all of that. You just have to care about the product you’re putting out.”

      And here is the crux of the problem. Leo simply doesn’t care.

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  8. There’s 90 minutes or so of video. No-one has the patience to watch it and edit out the sane bits. Well there aren’t a lot of sane bits.

    So we could post the entire 90 minutes. No-one will watch it. Maybe next time Leo can wear a clown costume.

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    1. skieast said:
      There’s 90 minutes or so of video. No-one has the patience to watch it and edit out the sane bits.Well there aren’t a lot of sane bits.

      So we could post the entire 90 minutes. No-one will watch it. Maybe next time Leo can wear a clown costume.

      Pussy response…. You promised the video .

      Post it.

      Right now this is a shit post worthy of being on

      You are the one that promised video, now you say you don’t have the patience. WTF?

      You need to keep your word.

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      1. JungleBunnyJim said: Pussy response….You promised the video .

        Post it.

        Right now this is a shit post worthy of being on

        You are the one that promised video, now you say you don’t have the patience.WTF?

        You need to keep your word.

        The article is great

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  9. I guess it is now time for me to wear my NA ring with pride and be glad I did not associate myself with this asshat by putting an ITM brick in the the studio.

    Stick a fork in LaPorke. He and the CEhO are done.

    I am glad PixelCorp has saved face and run to another part of Petaluma. Now if Alex would create a new MacBreak Weekly on the PixelCorp side all would be good in the world.

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    1. I doubt it, Lindsey is one of the people who seems most in line with the chief asshat Leo.

      But maybe that’s just because of his laugh at the end of the infamous Leo ‘fuck you’ iso.

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    2. The only thing by PixelCorps that I want to see (for spectacle, not content) is LINDSEY DOES AFRICA. Imagine, Lindsey takes an elephant from behind, Lindsey takes a Madagascar Hissing cockroach from behind, Lindsey takes a cheetah from behind, etc.
      That’s something that would be hard to ignore.

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      1. > I doubt the kids that write this understand that.

        The author of this blogpost is not a kid. “skieast” is the name of a middle-aged man who is one of the main TotalDrama protaganists who also uses one other name by which Leo knows him. He is the one who Leo claimed is the single malcontent, using multiple fake identities, responsible for all of TotalDrama’s activities. Leo claimed to have called this guy on the phone to ask him why he was saying these bad things about him. This person Leo called is not as anonymous as the other TotalDrama contributors.

        With the passing months, Leo has probably realized that skieast (or the other alias he uses) is not a Wizard of Oz pretending to be a small army of haters but that there actuially is a an army of haters aligned against him and his monster of a wife.

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  10. it’s Saturday and last min LaFuck is trying to set up the oculus but going no where fast, his MO when he’s to stupid to figure something out and he’s looking foolish on air is to lash out trolling the company
    Yup fatfuck Leo can’t even set up a oculus acc without fucking problems
    20 min to get into an account he setup years ago but was to stupid to realize he set one up
    What an asswipe

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  11. I liked Steve Gibson’s build with its battalion of peach-coloured fans and sensible graphics cards. Though, given it’s his “last ever computer” and spec’d to the nines, why not go with Xeon + ECC RAM rather than Core i7?

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    1. Because from an engineering standpoint, they don’t make sense in a desktop machine. Xeons are not good desktop CPUs. While they have lots of cores, they are expensive and the cores are slower so unless you can take advantage of many threads, you end up with a slower machine. And for ECC, why spend the money when your desktop OS will need to be rebooted for some other reason long before you have a Correctable Memory Error. Unless you are building a server, the only value would be to impress those who don’t know better and impressing people does not seem to be a priority to Steve.

      The real question is given Leo’s desire to impress the ignorant and willingness to spend lots of money to do it, why didn’t he do these?

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    2. LOVExLIGHT said:
      …why not go with Xeon + ECC RAM rather than Core i7?

      As someone says it’s a waste for a gaming PC. I think the most important part is the GPU(s) and those are again about to get wholesale improvements with the new NVIdia and AMD silicon coming.

      Funny thing is my PC is more or less the same as the one Leo built. Same processor, lesser GPU, more ram , same mobo, similar case. I don’t have the pricey NVME drive, just conventional SSDs and some spinning drives for bulk. Mine didn’t cost 5k, far less than half. I’m saving the rest for a future GPU upgrade.

      There, an actual serious comment. For real gaming there are actual websites and podcasts dedicated to it. This whole exercise is just to sell some ads against it and so that Leo can play VR MInecraft or experience VRPorn. Because we know he wants to.

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  12. With the assembling of the VR PC, Leo missed a great opportunity to show his less experienced viewers how a PC is assembled.

    Even a few minutes thought could have planned out several show segments covering the complete process from start to finish.

    1 Define your budget (in this case of course money was no object).

    2 Define your needs, special components, what you want the PC to be capable of, and what you aim to do with it. (VR ready super-PC)

    3 Search/source the parts (opportunity to grab an advertisers/sponsors?)
    Also, discuss and gather the tools you will need to assemble the PC.

    Once components have been gathered:
    4 Spend a little time informing the viewers about handling the components ,anti static precautions, electrical safety, etc. (pets and small children out of the build area).

    5 Show the importance of the documentation that comes with each component. It is there for a reason. Convey to the audience the importance of being familiar with each component, where it goes, what other parts it may need (cables, screws etc)

    6 Spend a few minutes discussing each component, its function, then show it being installed.
    Refer to documentation on camera to show its importance to the audience.

    7 Describe, discuss, and install cables, jumpers etc

    First Boot:
    8 Connect Mouse, keyboard, Monitor.
    Show the audience the host performing a final check of the PC thoroughly before applying power, mention power/electrical safety again.

    9 If everything works, great! Install operating system.

    10 If there is a problem, describe the basics of faultfinding.
    Show the audience what you are trying, where to look for help if needed, etc.
    Show any mistakes that were made, and discuss how to avoid them in the future – everyone makes mistakes and being honest with your audience goes a long way.

    Instead we got almost zero preparation from the look of it, Leo farcically poking around in a computer, apparently not knowing what he was doing half the time, covering his lack of knowledge with “humour”.
    He gave the impression that he had never assembled a PC in many many years if ever, and made it look more difficult than it actually is.

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    1. Sprocket said: Leo missed a great opportunity to show his less experienced viewers how a PC is assembled.

      You mean like they use to do on the Screen Savers? I can’t think of the guy’s name on the show, there was someone on there who did nothing but build rigs. Whatever happened to him anyway?

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      1. He also got a tatto on his little guy that say Leo’s while Lisa got a tatto on her dick that says Lisa’s .

        She don’t want confusion over whose is whose especially when Leo claims her dick pics are his and then claims his that he published accidentally are of hers

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  13. Yeah he came on This Week in Computer Hardware, one of the few TWiT shows I still listen to, and went on a little rant demonstrating nothing except a complete ignorance of modern PC components, and ender saying that people should just buy Dell instead. This is on a show about computer hardware, for computer hardware enthusiasts. A truly astonishing level of arrogance.

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  14. Has most of your needs covered. You’ll want to change the date to the 30-31 and wait until you see a computer case as you scroll by with sausages on it. You will probably have found the computer molesting bit.

    Sausage time starts at 12:45

    Also the DVR is pretty amazing .
    I might have to get out the Video editor and work this into something tolerable.

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      1. TOT (Tired of TWiT) said: Seems that way. Too bad, as the recent reporting was quite good. I hope at least to read an article or two about the upcoming move away from the brewpub.

        Depending on the soft ad sales the move may be back to Leo’ house. Where he can do his Tech Guy show until radio is no more.

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    1. holden said:
      Methinks Total Drama is no more

      It’s not abandoned. It’s just slower. We just lost our remaining primary video maker. Hopefully someone new will step up.

      Writers/video makers have come and gone, but there has always been at least 1 or 2. We currently have none.

      We accept guest submissions, however, as you’ll see in the latest post. TNJJ has also said he will do posts for important/special events as well. He is just sick of watching Leo on a regular basis.

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      1. Lady Bird Johnson said: It’s not abandoned. It’s just slower. We just lost our remaining primary video maker. Hopefully someone new will step up.

        Writers/video makers have come and gone, but there has always been at least 1 or 2. We currently have none.

        We accept guest submissions, however, as you’ll see in the latest post. TNJJ has also said he will do posts for important/special events as well. He is just sick of watching Leo on a regular basis.

        Good to hear. Thanks!

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      1. Lisa’s cunnie said: You’re here, I’m here – unless we’re ghosts , it’s not a ghost site.

        Hey dummy,

        A ghost site is a web site that remains live but is no longer updated or maintained. We can comment until the end of time as the comments are auto posted. The site can exist without the owner’s intervention until the hosting co. plus the plug.

        I see no signs that it has not been abandoned.

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        1. JungleBunnyJim said: I see no signs that it has not been abandoned.

          It’s not abandoned. It’s just slower. We just lost our remaining primary video maker. Hopefully someone new will step up.

          Writers/video makers have come and gone, but there has always been at least 1 or 2. We currently have none.

          We accept guest submissions, however, as you’ll see in the latest post. TNJJ has also said he will do posts for important/special events as well. He is just sick of watching Leo on a regular basis.

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  15. What a sahame. You really are a lot of very, *very* bitter people.

    Try going outside, looking around and then appreciating how lucky we all are.

    If I was feeling unkind, I’d call you all cunts.

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