Mallory Ortberg sets back female tech reporters with her filthy mouth

Update 2: Mallory has parlayed her rude manners and denial of service attack on this website into an invitation to a real show (i.e. not TWiT). We guess bad manners and setting women back worked out well for her.

Update 1: Mallory is not taking this seriously and is displaying immature behavior congruent with her language on TWiT’s live stream.

Video of the Incident

Female tech reporter Mallory Ortberg thinks it’s fine to be unprofessional and curse on the family-friendly TWiT network’s program “Tech News Today” with Megan Morrone. One has to wonder why she has chosen to set women tech reporters back with her unladylike and frankly filthy language.

It’s not lost on the editorial board at Total Drama that Mallory has basically chosen to hide in the darkness of her basement like a troll. We’re not sure if it’s because she’s trying to hide her fat in the shadows, or if she truly believes that she can just curse and cuss her way through her appearance if she thinks we can’t see her. Either way, she’s a disgrace to women in tech.

Megan thinks this is funny.
Megan thinks this is funny.

I mean, it’s one thing to be a douche like Andrew Keen when he unleashed a barrage of “F” bombs to sink the Royal Navy, but we expect that jerk to be a real piece of work. A sweet (albeit dog-ugly) broad like Mallory, however, is a completely different story and she is indeed quite shocking in her vulgarity.

Doesn’t she know how hard women in tech work to not be viewed as unprofessional posers? Thanks a lot, Mallory, you have set the cause back quite a ways with this childlike stunt and you have possibly forever damaged Megan Morrone’s chances of being taken seriously as a woman anchoring one of TWiT’s signature programs. Megan can barely contain herself as Mallory dirties up the show with her salty language; this coming mere days after male host Mike Elgan was fired as host of TNT.

Looks like it will be quite a while longer until women are looked upon with any amount of regard until they can clean up their acts. Tweet Mallory to let her know that we’re on to her little game and she shouldn’t be allowed to drag female tech reporters down into the pig trough with her.

84 thoughts on “Mallory Ortberg sets back female tech reporters with her filthy mouth”

  1. Even if TWiT wasn’t ‘family friendly’ there’s dropping f-bombs and then there’s dropping f-bombs. That woman sounds angrier than Leo’s gut when it hasn’t been fed in 4 hours.

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    1. On today’s TWIT, LL tells one of his guests to “touch my rubber” lol, then later while reading a mattress ad complains about not being able to have sex on the mattress at the store to properly test it. Ugh! Good going bud.

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  2. Anyone who requires women to use “ladylike” speech sets women back to the 1950s faster than a swear word ever could. Also – not knowing a person’s job title and reporting it incorrectly chips away at whatever journalistic credibility you were hoping to express here. Good luck, you’ve got a road ahead of you.

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    1. Everyone, look! Molly is now criticising HelloWorld for not being a professional journalist!

      Next time you post here, please cover your ankles. A number of us have fainted at your shocking display of nudity.

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    2. Molly , ladies who speak like she did and use a foul mouth are deemed dirty sluts. Just like that tattoo you have on your lower back just above your untanned ass means you are a cum dumpster slut! (How many guys,trannys or whatever have seen that as you are bent over with your head shoved in the toilet like you like it!) In the 50’s females were feminine and lady like, they knew how to treat a man and didnt see themselves as an Independent woman* who deems it her right to be a fucking slutty feminist cunt!
      Oh wait you are probabbly a BFF(Big Fat Fatty!) thats why you think its ok to act like a whore with a sailors mouth!
      I even bet you lived in So California at some point and couldnt get a date due to your shit feminist attitude. So ya prob moved to San Fransicko and now reside somewhere yuppish, touting how you think the world can be perfect. I have a dick for your mouth so you can STFU for 5 mins and maybe learn something you attention whore feminist skank! go here and learn something real!
      YKYMF! I hate ugly feminist that think the world owes them something cause they cant get laid to save their life(at least laid by a normal person and a good looking one at that!)
      Take me out old school Helloworld!

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      1. Molly,

        I am sorry McClane called you all those names. He is just an old beatup detective that has no real punch left in his balls.

        I hope you call tonight for sexy chat, Molly. I lie naked and waiting. (402) 867-5309.


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  3. HelloWorld, as ridiculous as these people are making themselves look, I think it’d be better to just delete these sheep on sight. They’ll make the actual comments unreadable. Well, I say “they”, but it’s clearly only 2 people doing it. Give me a temporary editor account and I’ll happily zap them.

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  4. Soooo…..this is a tech program, and she is talking about grammar and spelling….okkkkk…… This is the prime example of why I do not listen to TWiT anymore. This is horrid. They talk about rubish!!!! I’m sorry, there are so many other things to talk about in the tech industry then this crap. If there is no tech news, they need to start making shows about real programming instead of this “coding 101” garbage where we see a fat priest who can barely breath from his neck fat stand there like he is awesome.

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    1. I listen to JCD and Curry on No Agenda. (Total drama got praised this week) They barely do tech, but when they do I am always amazed that the story they cover (often political in nature) is ignored by twit.

      I don’t know which politician they were playing this week, but since no tech reporters do research it was missed by TWiT. TNT is a show proudly about other people’s bad stories.

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      1. I did not catch the Totaldrama praise however I feel that JCD’s and AC’s occasional analysis of technology and it’s effects are all the tech analysis i need. I swear they have a perfect format for my personal taste. Sometimes it warms me so hard I get goosebumps. Other times I cry. Even other times I grimace or wince. I love it. I am given the full theatre of emotions.
        donate enough to be a knight someday.

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        1. Yes the NA guys cover really interesting tech stories with really interesting analysis. Twit is all shallow by comparison. NA should do a tech show. Or maybe a special sometime.

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          1. Leo loves to bag on his own radio listeners, but when it comes down to it, he really adds very little to the conversation. Quite sad considering how long he’s been at it, a fact he never seems to tire of touting for himself. Yeah, maybe you saw perl script once, and bought 17 laptops last month, who fucking cares.

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  5. Well that was hilarious.

    A grown up would shrug a trolling and move on, a little girl would get her sycophant followers to spam a tongue in cheek post that hurt their widdy bitty feelings.

    Fuck off you internet knights in shining armor.

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    1. My man you literally just said “fuck off internet knights in shining armor” in the comments for an article chastising someone for cussing on a podcast.

      The woman in question isn’t even a tech reporter, which this article couldn’t even take the time to look up. Goodness this is, well, good.

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      1. First, this isn’t claiming to be family friendly like Soup does.
        Second, this is a website not a podcast that parents might watch with younger audiences.
        Third, the ‘woman in question’ was on a tech news show.
        Fourth, she can defend herself as she admirably did via twitter.

        Goodness you are, well, slow on the uptake.

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  6. Sorry but when a supposed Tech News network has a social network story as news, then they know nothing about tech. It’s a bit like CNN news reporting on those new fangled devices called telephones and explaining what end to talk into.

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    1. We can’t see if she’s fat or not, because she’s hiding in the shadows. It was rude of Mallory to come on a video program and not turn a fucking light on her face. The other women are illuminated, so what is she hiding like she’s a bullfrog squatting in a dank cave for?

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      1. She might be in a witness protection program. Her blog is cutting edge and covers controversial topics like The Simpsons.
        We need more brave souls like Mallory, Assange and Snowden.

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        1. On a positive note, those complaining about body shaming at least know what they look like and that they could and should probably do something about it, rather than the completely delusional bunch scooting around at 250+ pounds and looking forward to a long carrier in diabetes research starting around age 27.

          So good on you, Malloreigh!

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  7. To everyone who came here after reading her tweet: use the opportunity to look at the other posts. There is a lot of thrash, but also well documented cases of how employees and listeners are harassed by Chief twit himself.

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  8. LOL sorry this is classic. A supposed tech reporter that is offended by being called a name so she is having her friends beat them up after school. Looks like both sides of this slap fight never quite learned how to just walk away or never actually learned what “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” meant. A trip to the school counsellor may do both the tech reporter and the troll some good I think because both seem to still have behavioral issues that were unresolved.

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  9. The problem is not with the guess but the format of the show. You interview them at their home environment where they think they are having a conversation versus an interview. When you are dressed down and in your own home, you tend to act less professional and cursing is a byproduct of that. If the show had more structure and format, you would get better interviews versus the aimless rants you hear time after time.

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    1. Nicely done omGstoptherants. What you just described is a much deeper problem that has cursed TNT since Elgan took it over by himself and a problem that is currently killing Leo’s flagship show and that is CALIBER OF GUESTS.

      Outside of this coming Sunday with Becky Worley, Jason CalacAnus, and one other heavy hitter TwiT has been a fucking cumdumpsterfire of a show to watch with lame-0s like Ohdochtah, Jason Hines, fucking Flimsy (Christina Warren), dimwitted Elmer Dewitt and that fucking guy from Houston with the damned liverspot on his head. TRASH.

      I had once hoped that talking to these low level “tech” newsies/bloggers would sink Leo far before money would. Then as CeHo and LeHo started making sweeping staff changes to lower staffing costs I realized they wanted to have irrelevant hosts and guests becuase IT WAS CHEAPER.. Apparently where my theory went wrong is that I didn’t think the advertising dollars would stick around. I’m sorta stumped on that one; which is why I often accuse Leo of corrupting his number of viewers.


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  10. It took western civilization 3000 years of warfare to perfect the draw. The culmination of pre-mechanical warfare and military strategy known as trench warfare. This was the end of all of the tactics and military training that effectively was a straight line of innovation from the time of the ancient greeks and romans until the time of the doughboy. Similarly it has long been argued that any fight amongst women can be handicapped and the victor properly determined by which amongst the women is the best looking. There is no end to this battle none of these women are winners. they can fight in the trenches until the rest of us are exhausted. they will exhaust all of us with this battle. there are no winners when perfectly matched unattractive people fight.

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  11. One would think a professional journalist would ask “Can I drop F bombs on the podcast” but brain addled tech pundits asks after the fact. Of course Mommy Morrone wishes she had told the potty mouth before the interview – doh!

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  12. instead of asking for forgiveness or just apologize, she ask her followers to do ” denial of service attack ” . I ask why she was even on a tech show.

    Side note: Since Megan started hosting twit, why skype issues suddenly disappeared. hmmm……

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  13. Big deal it would have been edited out in the edited version. It’s not like anyone watching hasn’t heard the word before.

    What a bunch of hypocrites in here. I’ve never seen or heard a more foul mouthed person than HelloWorld in my life. He rarely gets through a sentence without one. These could be edited out at any time after but instead are left in.

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        1. I wasn’t aware that the term family-friendly only pertained to toddlers. There are plenty of adults that listen to or watch TWIT shows along with their children. Don’t claim to be a family-friendly network if you’re not. Aside from the cursing, there are many other questionable comments that have been made by Leo on past TWIT shows that many would consider not suitable for a family-friendly network.

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          1. I meant that kids older than that will be able to cope with a bad word.

            I also doubt children and teenagers are tuning in to listen to a bunch of old has-been’s talking tech.

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          2. “Family-friendly” mostly refers to people of adult age that haven’t (yet?) grown accustomed to the notion of a shared reality and are hence engaged in a truly quixotic against said reality.

            And to the great dismay of generations, people still have tits, suck (cocks and many other things), fuck (mothers and others), piss, and shit.

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  14. I’m still trying to find what kind of tech cred the guest had on the show to begin with. The only thing I can get from her Twitter is she is an attention whore, book snob and a grammar Nazi. The only link she has in her bio is for some teen blog. I’m willing to bet she’s one of those people that spent her entire childhood at home reading books, so later in life became pissed off and decided the way to defend the fact she had no friends is to act like the smartest person in the room with a chip on her shoulder and looking down on anyone that doesn’t think like her to compensate for the fact she had no personal life in high school.

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  15. “Sets back female tech reporters”
    This is such crap.
    I am female and I have worked in broadcasting for many years. It is a male dominated industry and there IS swearing.
    Whenever something goes wrong and I swear, I generally get a “oh I didn’t know you swore!” I get it. Maybe I look too pretty to swear. However I will swear from time to time, shit happens, you know.

    YOU criticizing her for swearing, sets women back.

    I am a TWiT fan and that is how I found this site, and there are some good points made here, but you guys make yourselves look like idiots the majority of the time.

    Fuck off.

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    1. We don’t need any more Tech Reporters. Male or Female, it doesn’t matter. There was a time when people were interested in tech and the tech people who would report on it were the teachers as well as the trend watchers. Tech reporters then helped consumers learn about the coming possibilities. When to buy mattered as much as what to buy and why to buy was something tech consumers might have needed to know as well.

      Now, we are all drowning in tech. We know why and what and when. We even know what not. We don’t need you.

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      1. most of these so-called tech reporters are glorified YouTube posters who more or less have succeeded in basically doing nothing of value for a living but comment on shit they saw on the Internet, occasionally including whatever app, device, service racket or entertainment they’re wasting their first world leisure time with.

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    2. @OMGSheSwore,
      Listen up Cupcake,

      Thank you for your post. Please understand that each poster here including the author of the article have different views.

      Some are valid comments, some are levity and some mere speculation. Anyway most are satire.

      It is ludicrous to lump every poster in into the new group of “you guys”.

      So don’t get you panties twisted in a knot .

      Have a joyous holiday season.

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      1. Hey You Guys,
        I just felt the sexism was strong with this one.
        My panties are not as twisted as the dude who started the site, LOL.
        No worries, have a great holiday season.
        Definitely Not A Cupcake LOLOL

        PS: I’m not a Youtube tech reporter. I work in ~traditional broadcasting, what’s left of it :/

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      1. I’m not hot, it’s December, it’s getting cold now in the northern hemisphere.

        Ask me again in August and I will be hot then for sure.

        Not sure why you would need a pic of any of that. Maybe Google search “space heater” or something.

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    GOOGLE THIS:Matisyahu and Social Media: New Screen Savers 32

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  17. I can’t believe this post is devoid of her atrocious analysis of tech and social media. She plays a social media expert yet has never used Periscope. The idea that she is an expert is far worse than any f-bomb that came out of her mouth.

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  18. You mean to tell me the hosts on twit are human & act as such? Seriously, I wish I had such a perfect & worry free life to be consumed by such minor things.
    With the state of our country & current administration there are major problems in the world to worry about & things that actually affect all of us. If you don’t like something then don’t watch it, quit worrying about the insignificant and focus on your local communities. There’s plenty you can do to help improve things & have a positive impact on others… If you actually cared

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