When the diabetes-ridden Leo Laporte and his whorish, gold-digging bride pinned their hopes and dreams on the TWiT-saving débâcle known as “The New Screen Savers,” they fervently wished that each show would be lovingly adored by a live, in-studio audience. But there would have been no way for them to have had any idea what was in store for them. But the dream became a nightmare on the August 29, 2015 edition of TNSS: Exactly zero people showed up to watch live.
Leo asked, “What happened?” when he learned there was nobody to read the traditional cold-open of the lame attempt to recapture the former glory days of TechTV’s legendary live show. So Leo did what any desperate, sweat-covered host would do in this situation: He drafted a fan that came to watch “The Tech Guy” into the worst, most amateurish performance ever.
Just imagine: Lisa’s signature achievement was to have been her crowning glory as CEO of the TWiT network and it’s all just crumbled in her claw-like witch fingers; as the remains of a once-engaging tech network are now but dust under Leo’s fat feet.
Tuned in to see what’s going on TNSS and found GUM on there..I left quicker than I tuned in. I can not stand Him!
Puddintane» Quote comment
On linux unplugged last week they played an old news clip from 1998 about Linux and its creator Linus torvalds. The host of the ahow, Chris whatshisname had a nice gum dig: he said for those that watch twit the longer clip had Mike el gum in it and that his presentation style was exactly the same back then as it is now “I’ll leave it at that heh”.
ex twit fan» Quote comment
This show is fucking garbage. They couldn’t have made it more boring.
Fuck off with your earthquakes and El Nanos you fat shit.
Gotta love how Smellgan has no life whatsoever. Does TNT five days a week, does TWiG, does TNSS regularly… no wonder he has smelly feet.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
I don’t know – this “show” needs SERIOUS work. It’s almost like he’s doing a pretend show in his basement.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
Where was the hobo brother of hers? A couple cans of beer and a hot dog and he’d come out of his ditch to read the open.
oinkers» Quote comment
Henry Laporte’s peek into his own future.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
LaPorte’s children may not have a lot of money to play with.
They may have to actually get a job. Ya know Leo had to
“Kiss a lot of butt” for 20 years. All he’s done lately is switch butts and flush a bunch of money.
He’s stressed to the max. TD should send a BOD member for an interview on Triangulation. Now I would watch that shit show again.
Harkonnen Mentat» Quote comment
I’m not her brother you bastard. I don’t live in a ditch, it’s a box. And Tonya has a restraining order on me that keeps me 1000 feet from that shit house. I blame my troubles on that Leo, he sure is smug. And I ain’t no hobo. I don’t work or travel you asshole.
def: Hobo, tramp, and bum are all terms for a person who’s homeless and without a steady job. While most folks use these words interchangeably, there is a slight difference between the three—especially to those who live this lifestyle. To be precise, a hobo is someone who travels from place to place looking for work, a tramp is someone who travels but avoids work whenever possible, and a bum doesn’t care to work or travel.
Gary from Peatluma» Quote comment
Sorry man. How about I get you a can of ravioli and some old bread I left out to make up for my mistake?
oinkers» Quote comment
How about I give you my hepatitis c and my weekly daily jizz wiz rag? You’re smug just like that asshole Leo.
Gary from Peatluma» Quote comment
Only if it has Leo’s jizz and juice from the Cunts cunt. I have some chrome that needs polishing.
oinkers» Quote comment
Hers? I thought she was a tranny.
loquacious» Quote comment
Fuck TNSS was painfully boring , it’s a bunch of garbage segments stuck in between sponsors
Wonder how long before fat cunt gets tired of doing TNSS , as soon as you see the sponsors dwindle fat fuck will come up with an excuse or blame someone
OhNoYetAnotherTroll» Quote comment
Welcome back Helloworld. You write beautiful and are a riot.
Twit sucks» Quote comment
Wasn’t that opening terrible? If you didn’t see it, the video is now at the top of the post.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
Gary from Peatluma did it great, been downhill every since.
Gary from Peatluma» Quote comment
It was terrible. Just another hair brained idea, it’s like let’s get some random person to open each show… who cares if they are barely audible, as long as they are fans!
It’s really amazing how bad they’ve fucked this up. It’s unwatchable… not like the rest of TWiT unwatchable, like a couple of 12 year olds fucking around with their dad’s camcorder in the basement in the summer. You can’t even have it on as background noise.
Then again this is the only show Lisa is directly in charge of, right? Explains why TNSS is the jewel turd in TWiT’s crown of shit.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
TYFYC HelloWorld.
Ken Sintek» Quote comment
The only time this shit show is worth watching is when Patrick Norton is in the Shit House.
loquacious» Quote comment
TNSS is an attempt to recapture the popularity of the old show. I never understood its even limited popularity. I watched the first two “episodes” of the new effort before quitting. Leo appears genuinely torn between what he wants and what the wife/CEO wants. This is too bad because being pulled in different directions lead to a quick, painful death.
Charles Chadwick» Quote comment
Why would anyone watch TNSS? Honestly. Stand up fans and tell me.
I’ve moved my podcast listening to topics that are interesting to me and hosts that are listenable. Meaning not TWiT.
Sam Seder seems to occupy a place in my weekly listening. Nothing like some real left wing talk to get me going.
YouGuiseAreMeenies» Quote comment
Marcus» Quote comment
Simmer down now, cunt.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
this is proof of it failing as well
cc» Quote comment
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
I was a teenager when the original screen savers was on. It was kind of like, people just that bit older than you (about my age now) talking tech with Leo. Now it feels like your aunty and uncle talking tech with an out of touch Leo. Wheres the new talent? who cares about ergonomics, and earthquakes. Social media and politics panel… just boring.
Original Screen Savers, somebody in their 20’s was watching there peers, NSS someone in their 20’s watching Elgan. Like most of Twit the show lacks the energy of the old shows.
formerfan» Quote comment
Gotta give em points for disclosure. Replacing muscle cars with Segways in the open accurately sets the tone.
NativeInExile» Quote comment
They should have used wheel chairs and walkers.
Rene’s Apple Jizz filled Lips» Quote comment
If Leo Laporte wasn’t a verified piece of shit, this would be almost sad.
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment
diabetes-ridden» Quote comment
Leo may not be diagnosed, but it’s shorthand
The Patrick Klepto» Quote comment