Leo Laporte Wants to Charge for Chat Room Access

This is what he thinks of the chatters
This is what he thinks of the chatters
It’s happening again. Leo “The Scammer” Laporte is pondering something so vile, so unthinkable as to charge for access to his lame chatroom. #Soup wants to charge you $1/yr to $1/mo for the privilege of giving him answers on “The Tech Guy” (he never knows anything himself) and correcting his idiocy on other shows on the network.

#Soup used to hate Jason Calacanis, evidenced by multiple instances of berating Calacanis on-air for daring to podcast as a “competitor” to Leo. Calacanis responded, and the two basically never spoke again, as far as we know.

Calacanis’ podcast network sucked and shut down, and we guess he kissed Leo’s ring to get back in front of some eyeballs. During the pre-show of the May 3, 2015 “This Week In Tech”, Jason Calacanis had an awesome suggestion for Leo: Charge for the chat room to get rid of the trolls.

Here’s the video of Jason Calacanis calling us a gay fish

And Leo’s encouragement

Daddy needs a new $8,000 lens
Daddy needs a new $8,000 lens
We suggest everyone join the TWiT Live Chat and let Leo and the other mods know what they think of the proposition. We will never charge for the Total Drama Live Chat and we don’t censor your speech (in case you wanted to say something similar to “Leo Laporte looks like a rotten prune version of the bug from Men in Black” or something similar) or say that you eat fish sticks (you do though).

36 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Wants to Charge for Chat Room Access”

  1. I say let him charge for it. It’s just one more sign (of many) that he’s retreating into his walled garden. He’s done a great job of destroying the TWIT community at large, and this is just one more step in securing that plan.

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    1. When it comes to plugging crap, Mr. Calacanis is not that much different than what Mr. Laporte has become: from Mayor of the Internet to P.T. Barnum of the Internet.

      Just sayin’ and best regards

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    1. I know, my daughter’s Note 3 is killing the battery in 3 hours after the Lollipop update. I’m thinking about calling in and saying, “I see you’re searching Google”.

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    1. That brings up a bunch of questions. If you pay the dollar, is there no more censorship? If you can still be banned, what’s the point of charging in the first place? (besides, of course, financing Leo’s next $6,000 toilet)

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      1. The way they described it before the show is the purpose of the $1 fee is to justify requiring people to register their IRC nickname. If you want to be able to join the IRC chat, you need to register a nickname that’s associated with a real name and you are charged $1 to have that right.

        The same IRC chat rules would exist as they do now. You can be bounced from the chat at any time by the moderators, but still be able to re-join later. However, if you’re banned, Leo said he would refund your $1.

        The whole proposed idea was to try and filter out the ‘Trolls’, who are usually chatters who merely don’t agree with the opinions expressed by Leo and his army of lemmings. If you want to take part in the chat, register a nickname with a real name associated with it (confirmed via the payment system). Your real name isn’t displayed in the chat, only your nickname. Their logic was less people would do ‘drive by’ comments since you need to be registered to login. If you’re anonymous, you’re fearless in your Trollery. If you’re a real person with a real name, less likely to express opinions counter to Leo and his lemming army.

        I’d imagine if they did that, the number of chatters would drop DRAMATICALLY, which Leo would love because he’d have a more familiar community.

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        1. Twit chat is already a closed community of sycophants, most of the time they are busy in a circle jerk that has nothing to do with the show.

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  2. It’s not like they’re getting rid of the free chat. Let them charge. I don’t go in there, because I’m not a fan of chat rooms, period. With my visual impairment the words go too fast.

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    1. How do you find the TWiT website for accessibility? I’m not trolling you, this is a legitimate question. I’m asking because when I used to listen to The Tech Guy, quite a few people called in who have a visual impairment.

      I know contrast colours work well i.e white on black, and black on white. I haven’t visited the TWiT site for years, so I don’t know what it looks like. I’m assuming it’s changed a lot since the cottage days.

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  3. I didn’t watch the show since Calacanis was on. I can’t stand his personality. I AM perplexed though as to why Leo would invite him back. Has the viewership fallen so much that TWiT needs to bring J.Cal. back to the show to boost ratings ?

    Perhaps Leo has burned so many bridges with the popular guests, he needs to suck it up and bring back old enemies.

    Charge for chatroom access? GFY, Leo. Your fat ass isn’t worth it.

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  4. I’m assuming just using the handle “Tony’s Wang” would get me baned? I’ve wanted to get into chat and see what I could get away with before being banished…

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      1. I’ve also considered joining the chatroom during The Tech Guy and intensionally giving Leo the wrong answers to those stupid questions people should just have Google in the first place…

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    1. But his daughter has so much tech in her bedroom! That qualifies him to be on, man.

      Also if you missed it, Owen JJ had sex once. That’s gotta be why he constantly brings up his kid.

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      1. But the tech in her room was sent free to JJ Stone for free – that’s all he lives off is handouts.

        I also didn’t know Leo Lapork and Jason Cannabis were JJ’s uncles….white uncles lulwut.

        I’m off to go double my money on an Apple Watch now.

        Later, uncle Jimmy

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  5. How was this the “Best Twit” ever? J Cal is a complete douche and what was with the hugging on the show? are they ex-gay lovers? And holy shit they all hold up their wrists in some Hitler-esque salute to show they have the watch??? 666 comes next or worse. what was the fucking point of that exercise? To prove they all show allegiance to Apple?

    Disgusting lack of objectivity on that show. It has become a total piece of shit. J Cal just makes it worse. Let’s hope Leo takes the bait on charging for chat room access. what a joke.

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  6. If you really want to get down to it. Jason was on some of the best twits in the past. Leo banned him because Leo is an asshole. He is a lil boy who gets pissed off when he don’t gets his way. Jason asked could he use this week in and Leo said yes. I watched live when it happen. Then he got mad and acted like he never told him he could use it. One of the first lies of leo Laporte.

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  7. If you count labor and transaction costs (someone has to write the check, enter the credit card transaction, or snail mail a $1 bill), it would net cost Twit to refund the $1, so Trolls can sign up and get booted and their $1 back with the knowledge that they cost TWiT money.. Great plan there Leo.; that will definitely teach those nasty trolls.

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    1. My bet for next on the list of ‘kiss-and-make-up’ is Michael Arrington, and the cast of the infamous ‘Gilmore Gang’ that was there the day Leo told them all “F#ck You Guys. Go find another place to do your show”.

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  8. hes just looking for attention in hopes to draw new viewers in by creating a main stream legal shouting match. “Hey Hey, look at little OLD me, come watch me shout my mouth off about every stupid thing I can think of and listen to my stupid advice”

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  9. To be fair, this isn’t an entirely unreasonable idea.

    I ran a very popular site that dealt with financial transactions between about a hundred thousand users. We struggled with people creating endless fake accounts for numerous reasons, including ban evasion.

    One of the simplest things we implemented was a nickel-charge via paypal. It meant that at the least you needed paypal to have validated some form of your account enough that they could charge you on it.

    It wasn’t about the money (and with the number of people using IRC for TWIT, a buck a year would be trivial to TWIT). It was about mitigating assholes flooding with fake accounts.

    So.. you know.. I can kind of get where he was coming from with this, even though it is kind of counter to everything that IRC is built on.

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