Leo Laporte shows his bare cock to the TWiT editors; his pixelated dick to viewers

Even as the vast TWiT viewership was spared the unspeakable horror of witnessing Leo Laporte’s naked cock bobbing in the serene but toxic waters of his Japanese soaking tub, the poor editors at the TWiT Shithouse had to pixelate out his bare member before posted to the public. Which means, of course, that they had to see him naked. And that should constitute sexual harassment in anyone’s book—even by prolific TotalDrama commenter Molly’s standards.

Even the crass Father Robert “Dronefucker” Ballecer cringed after the short segment on “Before You Buy.” How could this video by Leo even be remotely viewed as family-friendly? Leo’s clear intention was to titillate the viewer with the censored version. He literally “got off” on imaging his viewers being forced to think what was under the pixelation. So how is this man even allowed to claim his network is “safe for children?”

Celebrated TotalDrama writer RichardYa says, “This behavior is outrageous and should not be permitted on the network, this is how the #guzzler sees the audience in one video, this is not funny and there is no place for this on TWiT.”

TotalDrama calls upon TWiT’s viewers to boycott the network until Leo publicly apologizes to the parents and children for what he has done.

TotalDrama is also looking into the legal ramifications of Leo using his property to videotape commercial segments for his network, which might violate Petaluma housing codes neighborhood homeowner association rules.

And just in case the official TWiT video is re-edited and uploaded again, here are the screensnap of Leo’s pixelated cock:

NOT family-friendly in the least.

29 thoughts on “Leo Laporte shows his bare cock to the TWiT editors; his pixelated dick to viewers”

  1. I have to say that shocked me when I saw that. I’m slowly wondering why Leo did that? He could have tested that audio device without getting into the hot tub, or have the camera panned up to his face. WHY? I really don’t need to see that.

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  2. pixelated male nudity is used for humor on prime time comedies.

    its overused for comedy and not edgy anymore.

    he also could have really been wearing something flesh colored and just saying he was naked

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  3. Leo knows about this site. So he loves the attention that he receives. He has been in the media ‘lime light’ for 40 years. He started in radio at Yale. Dropped out after two years. He went into radio & TV & radio & podcasting. So he is used to both negative and positive attention. He is a ‘shock jock’. However, he may over step boundaries.

    Now, I think the camera angling & view was poorly done. Agree with Molly that the camera could panned higher. He is literally testing the waters!!! People are going to critique everything you do. His attitude may be that everyone has an opinion but who cares! Can’t please everyone. So why should he care? It is important for integrity. He may be a role model to children. You know children are interested in technology. So, have to think what example does he want to set. Now he is extremely successful and very intelligent. Some people may be jealous of his success. Realize what goes up; success, may go down. Viewership has decreased. Also the IRC numbers are definitely decreasing.

    TWiT as a company needs to consider budget and income statements. They spend a lot of money. They rent the Brick House. It is a wonderful model. However, he dwells on the past. He wants to employee the people from ‘The Screen Savers’ as well as ‘Tech TV’. This probably makes his current employees cringe!!!! I would be sadden and feel like a huge piece of shit. The biggest brown poo at The Brick House. Needs to appreciate what he has. There may be viewers who don’t have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out. I’ve seen videos of SF people living in their cars. Many of these folks are intelligent too with tech credentials as well as much formal education. More displaced people who are impoverished would love to have what Lisa and Leo have. Need to be grateful. A gratitude journal would be helpful.

    Now granted he has worked very hard to be in the position he is in today. Just needs to be careful and respect others!!! The vision needs to be transparent . Don’t want the brown murky sludge that is so viscous that no filters will work.

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    1. this place feeds his ego 1000x more than any fan page would.

      you make him out to be someone of Howard Stern level outrage

      if he didnt get a reaction he would stop

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  4. Let’s face it. The Tech Guy is the only thing that keeps TWIT alive. No Tech Guy, no network. His salary plus advertising revenue for the show subsidizes TWIT. Leo is no genius. He just lucked into a niche radio show on a big network.

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  5. Apparently filming that wide was an accident, that’s his excuse since he always has one. But my question is this, what kind of pervert bathes in the nude in broad anyway? Isn’t there a 12 year old kid living there?

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  6. I’m personally more offended at Leo’s constant displays of the the ‘bling’ that his TWIT empire is funding… Be it a $5,000 dollar toilet or hot tubs or cars, or what ever his latest indulgence happens to be… He certainly is never shy to tell the audience how much he is spending on this crap. I was actually expecting that the toilet was going to make an appearance on the network (I’m assuming so Laporte could write it off as a business expense), but maybe it did and I just missed it? And yes, i would have loved to see a BYB with Leo on the toilet after one of those rediculously indulgent fancy meals he loves to brag about during the breaks on the radio show. And yes, while a pre and post flush analysis might be disgusting, especially after one of those referenced ‘indulgent’ meals, there are plenty of non fecal substitutes to test the effectiveness of a toilet’s flushing mechanism. Do a YouTube search, they are quite entertaining…

    The Benny Hill show 30 years ago was more risqué, so stop the fake and stupid moralizing. He is an old man willing to make fun of his body, Leo’s self-deprecating style is what is actually endearing about him. The reality, this review seemed thoughtful, concise,and informative, plus threw it in a bit of humor to boot.

    What was really shocking to me… This was an actual BYB review that was not complete bullshit (plus presented without the stutters, mis-speaks, and my personal favorite, ‘well, this normally works but the WiFi in the ShitHouse is just terrible….’

    Shit amateur YouTube reviews are normally better than there BYB counterparts – both from an actual content perspective and from a pure entertainment perspective. And let’s be frank, the production value are often a toss-up between some 14 year old kids review of his new Bluetooth speaker and TWITs constasnt lame attempts to try and mic the products speaker during one of the live in studio demos (‘…though I would love to see ME pump up the volume with is favorite DubStep jam on a $15 Gold star shower speaker, as long as he was actually in the shower…)

    And judging from the number of BYB YouTube views, it seems most people agree with me.

    Another positive about this review is it is for a product TWIT listerners might actually be interested in. Generally, relevant ‘tech’ products get some of the most superficial, if not downright misinformed, reviews on BYB. While the majority of the crap they review really belongs on their more entertaining ‘gadget’ show, The Giz Wiz (and we all know Leo doesn’t want to be known as a follish gadget guy..)

    I’m personally hoping that the future Inside TWITs are filmed in the Japanese Soaking Tub, and include Leo and Lisa’s inappropriate dialogue, touching, and general vomit inducing behavior… I’m pretty sure that would allow that tub to be a legitimate business expense…

    If you ask me TWIT needs more content like this, content that shows the host’s personalities. Pixelated genitals are certainly not offensive (come on, this review was PG rated as worst). The problem with most TWIT shows are that the ‘in house’ host have milk toast personalities. They are boring. They are trying to be the tech version of Dan Rather in an age of The Daily Show and Fox News. And worse they are just not comfortable in front of a camera.

    The bottom line is that if TWIT isn’t entertaining, no one is going to watch/listen to it (the pixelated privates was funny). And if TD isn’t funny, no one is going to read it (overstated ‘outrage’ about pixelated privates isn’t funny)

    Sorry TD, you need to step up your game.

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    1. More idiots talking tax breaks that have no clue about it.

      “I was actually expecting that the toilet was going to make an appearance on the network (I’m assuming so Laporte could write it off as a business expense),”

      And again, no.

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