Tag Archives: huh?

Apple better watch out!

The difference between the philosophy of Apple & Google was never more pronounced then when the two companies released their set-top boxes and respective remotes. Compare these two remotes and you will discover everything about the souls of these two companies.

An elegant remote
An elegant remote, from a more civilized age.

Apple favored simple and avoided confusion like #soup avoids trolls. Their customer’s complaints were always why can’t you; add an app store, add games, add web browsing, add anything? Apple would just say, “no, three buttons is plenty. We will give you more buttons in a few years. We eventually gave you notifications on your iPhone, and copy-and-paste, so relax kids.”

Is this calculus?
Is this calculus?

Conversely, Google could not say “no” to any function. Any engineer could walk up to the lead engineer with an idea and it would be incorporated into the product. My god, look at that thing, have they no sense of what normal non-engineer mammals are like?

I just perused the Apple Watch guide available in iBooks and I instinctively made myself crib-notes to cheat on any surprise pop-quiz. Apple is straying too far. Tap crown, double tap crown, long hold crown, tap side button, double tap it, tap screen, force tap, tap and hold, long tap, scroll crown, swipe up, down, sideways, drag. #WTF

In 2010, there would have been zero third party apps, one button, and much less functionality. Simple.

Will there be math on this text? You said no math.
Will there be math on this test? You said no math.

Bizarre video of Sarah Lane surfaces

An inexplicable video mash-up has surfaced including clips from a recent TN2 broadcast by the lovely and talented Sarah Lane. In this clip (allegedly discovered on Leo Laporte’s public cloud account and sent anonymously to #TotalDrama) we see Sarah in what can only be described as a disturbing video edit by Leo. No word yet on the meaning or reasoning behind this bizarre video.

Don Quixote


Actress Claire Danes
Actress Claire Danes

Most young kids have dreams of being baseball players. I was in my thirties when I had a literal dream that I was a member of the New York Yankees. It was an interesting dream because I was just a bench warmer and not a star player, but I was a member of the Yankees nonetheless. The dream lasted probably, what amounted to, ten minutes. Although it was just a night-time regurgitation of neurons dancing in my brain, it was the best time of my life. ( just remembered another dream I had in college with Claire Danes )

Last Nights Dream:

Chien-Ming Wang
Chien-Ming Wang

I am talking to ex-Yankee sinker-ball pitcher; Chien Ming Wang.  He is downtrodden and working a job handing out tickets in the rotunda of some nondescript outdoor stadium. He opens up to me about his injury-shortened career and starts to cry. Just then, superstar Derek Jeter comes by, and there is a mutual respect between us, even though I was a bit player. He is in a rush but we start  reminiscing.   Then I realize I had neglected Chien-Ming and now he’s become upset at me.  Then, Chien-Ming is walking up some rafters, he shouts down to me his phone number, but my phone is dead and I have no way to take down his phone number. Then, there is some guy (I think the guy who plays the priest on HBO’s The Leftovers) who is important for some reason. The dream shifts to him.


But, he was chained from his wrists to the back of a tractor-trailer truck and the big rig had one of those boots on its rear axle. (F.Y.I. all NY Yankees are gone at this point) He couldn’t get free of his chains so he got someone to rev the engine of the immobilized eighteen-wheeler in the hopes of cutting his chains on the spinning tires. Then the truck spins out-of-control over a fire hydrant and there’s  some sort of flood and I wake up.


I have no idea what this stew of a dream meant. Nor do I understand the emoticons that Sarah Lane and her friends post on each others Instagram. Nor do I have any idea what Don Quixote is about.

Night Attacked?
Night Attacked?

I missed the majority of Night Attack and the post show. What I did hear was incoherent. I did formulate an opinion but need to watch the entire episode when it’s posted. (and watch for edit cuts) My initial prognosis is that they were compromised. I read Dale Carnegie’s book, so false contrition and Jedi mind tricks don’t work. The interesting thing is the compromiser is seemingly in a no-lose situation. He either gets what he wants or he gets to put a wedge where he wants to put it. But I am rushing to judgement.

Anyone who saw it have any thoughts?