Tag Archives: dirty piece of shit

Leo Walks Back Shutdown After #DickGate

Penis seen round the world. Pixelated for your protection.
Penis seen round the world. Pixelated for your protection.
Leo is busy doing damage control after #DickGate and announcing a shutdown on the live stream and live chat shortly after. He is lying on Twitter and lied to Gawker. Additionally, Perez Hilton is covering the cover-up. TOMO News has spoofed it as well.

Now, he’s busy trying to walk back the damage. Previously, he announced his intention to mine $$$ monthly from his sycophant fans, who he has said have no value and are weirdos with no lives.

Chad agrees. Live streaming is the best.

Gawker has been tweeting multiple times. Perhaps mad at being called liars, as are we.


Chat begins at May 27 2015 11:33 PST
Leo's lines only for brevity

<~Leo> don't miss it yet
<~Leo> we're looking into some sort of verified system
<~Leo> $1/month or something
<~Leo> lisa talked me off the ledge
<~Leo> I think it would be a better experience for us all - as long as we can keep the trolls at bay
<~Leo> it's not the money - it would force identification. We would give it all to the mods
<~Leo> as long as they want to stick around
<~Leo> actually [redacted doxxing] will
<~Leo> he's loaded
<~Leo> but we can block him
<~Leo> we'd let hosts choose whether they want to do their shows live
<~Leo> at least that's what we're thinking
<~Leo> trolls absolutely will pay
<~Leo> [redacted doxxing]'s family owns a [redacted doxxing]!
<~Leo> it's not to keep them out - it's to identify and eliminate them
<~Leo> we're trying to figure out how to keep the live stream
<~Leo> I don't want people to pay for that
<~Leo> I heard your pain
<~Leo> we'll just figure it out
<~Leo> I don't want [redacted doxxing] to win
<~Leo> stream is free - no matter what
<~Leo> we might want to make chat more constrained to take some of the pressure off the mods
<~Leo> no paywall to live
<~Leo> that's against my philosophy
<~Leo> agreed mick
<~Leo> but putting it behind a paywall might help
<~Leo> fewer drivebys
<~Leo> but we're investigating options
<~Leo> we're not going to get rid of live
<~Leo> lisa talked me down