Tag Archives: brickhouse

Leo’s “Million Dollar” Studio May Soon Be Priced Beyond His Reach

Update: Leo has now confirmed he is losing the studio.

Major, major props to the reader who sent this #scoup in. This slipped by the editorial board and regulars in our chatroom, but it was sent in as a tip. Please continue to send in tips to keep the site full of great news.

Leo flips off the audience
Right back at ya.
Leo “Dick Pic” Laporte can’t stop showing his private chats and other information on the screen. He has no self control. Here’s another in a long line of “whoops” and “oops”.

We first reported on TWiT’s lease information when the building was put up for sale. Take a look at the raw PDF (bottom of page 4) for the details. The original lease expired 3/31/2015 and was renewed. The information in the PDF shows it’s at $1.50 per square foot.

Lease Expiration Monthly Lease Amount
3/31/2015 $13,160
3/31/2016 $14,100
3/31/2017 FMV $???

We now have new information, courtesy of the CeHO, from a Google Hangout #Soup was so kind to display for us.

Our transcript (possible errors)

“… restaurant “The Patio” who is buying the building. Warren just responded that he cannot extend us beyond a year next year because of the LOI. The realtor said they would be interested in extending us beyond a year but we will be paying for the basement. Let’s see if the deal goes through.”

Lease Expiration Monthly Lease Amount
3/31/2018 FMV + Basement Rent $$$$ ???

Hilton A. Goring is wondering if he should still come in to work tomorrow.
Hilton A. Goring is wondering if he should still come in to work tomorrow.
So we now know that if they extend their lease again, they will be paying fair market value in addition to paying for their very large basement they use for the business. This might come close to doubling their square footage. Might this more than double their rent with fair market value plus the large amount of extra square footage?

One of our editors previously made a video of Leo’s terrible fears that the Shithouse might soon have to close.

Video discussing the restaurant moving in


Cropped image #Soup displayed

Help us transcribe if you think we made mistakes.
Help us transcribe if you think we made mistakes.

Raw video

This is here because Leo “Dick Pic” Laporte accuses Total Drama of “photoshopping” as if we’d ever need to.