Leo Laporte Losing ‘The Tech Guy’ Early Next Year?

Update 2: Leo is denying he’s cancelled. It’s still not on the calendar past February 24. #twitlive chat below, from before AmenFatherBob was muted, then kicked and banned.

<AmenFatherBob> hey Leo... is it true TTG has not been renewed next year? It's not on the twit calendar after Feb. 18, 2018
<~Leo> ha ha ha AmenFatherBob - nice try troll
<~Leo> just to reassure you the Tech Guy was renewed early and will be on the air at least througn 2018
<~Leo> although judging from Premiere's interest there is no reason to think the show won't continue as long as I can still do it.
<~Leo> yeah the contrace is Dec-Dec but they contacted us in July to make sure I wanted to continue
<~Leo> the troll is really desparate for material apparently

Update 1: FMCP is transitioning away in January and leaving TWiT entirely in September.

Thanks to Bob in the comments for pointing it out.

Leo Laporte’s feelings toward his staff and viewers, brought to you Epson’s new EcoTank printer and Carbonite. You gotta back it up to get it back.

Hurricane Lisa Laporte made landfall earlier this month, but it appears further devastation is poised to strike the Eastside Shoebox Studios in early 2018.

Leo Laporte’s golden goose and retirement planThe Tech Guy — appears to be ending its run under Leo Laporte.

Is it because iHeart is going out of business? Is it because nobody except grannies, truckers, and Elliot call into The Tech Guy?

Maybe they fired him because he won’t even show up on time for the one job where someone else pays him. Or perhaps it was that time he showed his dick?

Either way, after February 24, The Tech Guy won’t be on TWiT, according to the TWiT calendar.

Can you see the difference? It’s about $300,000 — roughly 13 Leo-sized cruises.

The show, which was first exclusively broadcast on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles, California, was picked up for syndication by Premiere Networks (then Premiere Radio Networks) in February 2007.


It appears Februrary is his contract non-renewal month. Will the sword of Damacles finally fall at the same time as the Apple adpocalypse?

However, in case this goes into negotiations, let’s help liberate Leo Laporte from iHeart Radio’s lineup. Tell iHeart why Leo Laporte is such a terrible on-air personality. Examples:

  1. Leo Laporte’s knowledge is super-dated.
  2. He relies heavily on the chatroom googling the answers for him.
  3. He misrepresents the recorded tease every single week.
  4. He constantly makes fun of his fans, the same people who save him every week by answering his caller’s questions.
  5. He’s a straight up racist, pervert, sexist and asshole.

Feel free to mention liking Rich Demuro filling in for Leo on a few weekends, if you enjoyed him more.

Thanks to a commenter who pointed this out to us. We have moved the discussion that ensued in the prior post’s comments to this post to keep the discussions relevant.

114 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Losing ‘The Tech Guy’ Early Next Year?”

  1. On the schedule on their website. All the shows are listed as normal, but after February 24th 2018 they don’t list “The Tech Guy Radio” anymore.

    Is this just an error?

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  2. Maybe it’s trickling up to Premeire’s middle management that this show’s no longer needed, or now harmful. Or the CEO finally signed off axing it after collecting dust on his desk. Simple Housecleaning.

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    1. I’d definitely go along with the “no longer needed” theory. Premiere picked up the show for syndication in February 2007, so it’s possible February is indeed his contract month. I’m guessing they’re in negotiations or – like you said – it’s simple housecleaning and that will be that. Safe to assume he won’t be getting any kind of multi-year deal if they decide to keep him – those days are long gone.

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      1. You’re absolutely right. That specific week in February does match up with when his contract would be up. Is this finally the end of TTG? I wouldn’t be surprised. I can’t imagine that the show pulls the ratings that it would have pulled 10 years ago. Premiere could probably replace it with something more attuned to the demographic. At this juncture, it makes sense for Premiere to not renew.

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  3. Hopefully they will be able to abort the lease.

    I agree that they’re deathly afraid of the Apple metrics. The few sponsors that they conned will ask for those numbers and might possibly sue.

    TNT to weekly, wow. It became a show without passion. Jason was a control room guy and honestly, Megan is totally not even interested in tech.

    The radio gig over? If that happens he will try and do the show on his own, it’s supposedly one of his bigger podcasts, he will fail with no callers.

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    1. Jason is a board-op. The only reason he has been allowed to stay is because he’s a yes man (He moved his life to Petaluma and has a child. I’d probably be a yes man, too.) If Jason had any stones he would’ve been gone a long time ago.

      Megan was an awful hire. How do you go from Sarah Lane, someone who is both passionate and knowledgeable about tech, to someone who is neither? The answer is because Megan, like Jason, doesn’t ruffle any feathers.

      The Tech Guy’s days have to be numbered. I’d say by 2020 that show no longer exists and the opening to The New Screen Savers is, “Live, from Leo Laporte’s bedroom studios, it’s The New Screen Savers!”

      We’re watching a car crash in slow motion, and my guess is Leo and Lisa are vacationing like crazy now because once this folds they’ll have to work, hard, to keep TWiT going.

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      1. I’m sure Jason is a swell guy but he literally has no opinions on anything. He was fine as board op for Buzz Out Loud/Tech News Today adding in the occasional commentary, but he should never have been promoted to a host. He’s as exciting as white bread, and pairing him with Megan was a huge mistake as she’s also not a strong personality. White bread paired with white bread. Honestly, I expected the show to tank right from the beginning.

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        1. People think because the board-op makes two or three wisecracks per show that they’d be a good host, it’s never the case.

          I feel for Jason and Megan because they have families. Megan will probably be fine because she wasn’t working prior to this, but Jason will most definitely have to commute or relocate to SF to get a job.

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          1. Thurrott Legend:
            People think because the board-op makes two or three wisecracks per show that they’d be a good host, it’s never the case.

            I feel for Jason and Megan because they have families. Megan will probably be fine because she wasn’t working prior to this, but Jason will most definitely have to commute or relocate to SF to get a job.

            BOL struck gold with Veronica, who was originally their board operator. She started chiming in occasionally, and was a great addition. Since then, it seems like everyone thinks their technical staff should be in on the conversation. I happen to like Jason and I usually enjoy AAA, but he’s definitely not a polished presenter.

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      2. Sarah Lane was not passionate or knowledgeable about tech. She was always bored to death talking about tech and knew nothing about any tech other than her iphone… and even that she barely knew anything about it other than a couple of social media apps for that weeks show. She was just part of the twit problem of being about superficial tech fashion talk.

        Megan doesn’t know much more either, but at least she doesn’t seem as stuck up and smug as Sarah Lane.

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        1. alan:
          Sarah Lane was not passionate or knowledgeable about tech. She was always bored to death talking about tech and knew nothing about any tech other than her iphone… and even that she barely knew anything about it other than a couple of social media apps for that weeks show. She was just part of the twit problem of being about superficial tech fashion talk.

          Megan doesn’t know much more either, but at least she doesn’t seem as stuck up and smug as Sarah Lane.

          Yes of course because all of the other hosts were so much more . TWIT has always been about teenie bopper propeller heads and when they got too old for the role they were kicked out. Just like TechTV and just like TechTV, fun to watch but not worth taking seriously. Bagging on Sarah is barking up the wrong tree. TWIT failed because of Leo’s ego and Lisa’s incompetence. and it’s been that way for most of the last 5 years.

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  4. About TTG schedule. I did think they might still be in negotiations. I wonder if anyone remembers what month Leo announced they renewed it last time. Is 4 months still plenty of time?

    I haven’t listened to TTG for about 6 years. So I don’t know if the quality of the show has improved since then. And whether Premiere really needs Leo and the show.

    If they did let him go, that’s got to be a big blow for Twit. How much would you guess TTG makes up the revenue for Twit? 20%?

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    1. The quality of TTG hasn’t changed in the time since you stopped listening, as a matter of fact that’s the case for most shows on the TWiT network, hence the slowdown in the growth.

      TTG is far more valuable to TWiT as a whole than we think. If he ever lost that show my guess is he’d move into a home studio within 6-12 months.

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    2. It could also be Sirius. If they don’t want the show, or want the timeslot for something else, that’s more reason for Premiere to dump him. Premiere has all the heavy hitters, like Rush, Hannity, they don’t really need a small time show like Leo’s – and if neither premiere, Sirius, or any of the affiliates can sell ads on it…why keep it? Everyone and their brother has a podcast now, and plenty of people who will work cheaper than Leo.

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  5. Premiere must be looking at Rich Demuro as Leo’s replacement. He’s local to Burbank, no more remote studio costs, call screeners etc. Rich is at least as knowledgeable as Leo and we haven’t seen a dick pic that has been photoshopped, in real time , posted on Rich’s home page. Also, that $300,000 salary Leo gets proabley could be cut in half. Lisa will understand, she’s the one that didn’t want Tom working remotely.

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    1. Lisa’s Squeeze Box:
      Premiere must be looking at Rich Demuro as Leo’s replacement. He’s local to Burbank, no more remote studio costs, call screeners etc. Rich is at least as knowledgeable as Leo and we haven’t seen a dick pic that has been photoshopped, in real time , posted on Rich’s home page. Also, that $300,000 salary Leo gets proabley could be cut in half. Lisa will understand, she’s the one that didn’t want Tom working remotely.

      That’d be the perfect irony.

      When Rich filled in for Leo when he was on his second (third?) vacation of the year, I looked him up. I wasn’t able to listen to his shows though. But I like him.

      1) he’s super attractive (in a basic white boy who is relatively fit and has anchorman hair kind of way).

      2) he seems really knowledgeable about consumer technology. I’ll admit that I like Leo’s blabbering about the olden days of technology. I don’t think Rich has that kind of historical knowledge, but that doesn’t really matter these days. As the tech guy on a consumer radio show/tv news segments, you don’t need to have coded your own software in pre-GUI days. I don’t think Rich as much of a geek as he is a “digital native” (a term used in my field that refers to folks who grew up with modern technology and just kind of instinctively know how to use it). I don’t think he obsesses over specs or the latest and greatest gadgets as much as he just covers them because he understands them and it’s his job.

      3) but overall, he’s just really pleasant to watch and listen to. If he took over The Tech Guy, I’d download that podcast. I’d like a TWiT-like production of it — just because I like video and I think he’s pretty.

      But I have to wonder what’s going on with the radio show. We always laugh about how it’s just the grannies who call in, but aren’t they the only ones left listening to radio? And Leo’s really been phoning it in for the last few years, especially with his many vacations. Back when I watched, he would often forget to do ads, as well — imagine that. Forgetting to do ad reads on the one show he doesn’t own. But he sure remembers to do the ads for the podcast release! I can’t imagine the network is super thrilled with his work ethic or his ratings.
      (does anyone know how to find radio show ratings? I know he brags about having a million listeners — is that a lot for a syndicated radio show? It doesn’t seem like it… I wonder if that number is even accurate…)

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      1. Okay, so he’s older than I thought. Pushing 40. He looks so young! Graduated college in 2000. So maybe he’s a bit geekier than I thought. But still not super geeky, I don’t think.

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      2. JAS: That’d be the perfect irony.

        When Rich filled in for Leo when he was on his second (third?) vacation of the year, I looked him up. I wasn’t able to listen to his shows though.But I like him.

        1) he’s super attractive (in a basic white boy who is relatively fit and has anchorman hair kind of way).

        2) he seems really knowledgeable about consumer technology. I’ll admit that I like Leo’s blabbering about the olden days of technology. I don’t think Rich has that kind of historical knowledge, but that doesn’t really matter these days. As the tech guy on a consumer radio show/tv news segments, you don’t need to have coded your own software in pre-GUI days. I don’t think Rich as much of a geek as he is a “digital native” (a term used in my field that refers to folks who grew up with modern technology and just kind of instinctively know how to use it). I don’t think he obsesses over specs or the latest and greatest gadgets as much as he just covers them because he understands them and it’s his job.

        3) but overall, he’s just really pleasant to watch and listen to. If he took over The Tech Guy, I’d download that podcast. I’d like a TWiT-like production of it — just because I like video and I think he’s pretty.

        But I have to wonder what’s going on with the radio show. We always laugh about how it’s just the grannies who call in, but aren’t they the only ones left listening to radio? And Leo’s really been phoning it in for the last few years, especially with his many vacations. Back when I watched, he would often forget to do ads, as well — imagine that. Forgetting to do ad reads on the one show he doesn’t own. But he sure remembers to do the ads for the podcast release! I can’t imagine the network is super thrilled with his work ethic or his ratings.
        (does anyone know how to find radio show ratings? I know he brags about having a million listeners — is that a lot for a syndicated radio show? It doesn’t seem like it… I wonder if that number is even accurate…)

        Nah, I heard him and he’s nothing but a talking head with a hard-on for Apple. Boring as hell and too in love with Apple to be of any use. Not broad enough context for a general tech show. Kind of like when Scott filled in and could talk about nothing but AV stuff.

        Pretty sure we’re seeing the end of these tech call-in radio shows. Too easy to find the info elsewhere. Even Kim Kommando will eventually bow out. She’s much the same only a more obvious corporate shill.

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  6. Premier Radio, now known as IHeartRadio, is in major financial trouble. If they re-sign Leo it won’t be a long term contract. Long term commitments hurts their salability to new ownership.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they fire Leo. Give Rich 100K less and release the show as an IHeartRadio podcast under their own brand. Leo (not Lisa) cleverly negotiated the Podcast rights of the radio show to twit in his contract and that may be his downfall. Podcasting is a new venue for terrestrial radio.

    Leo would lose his $350,000 contract, the $300,000 they make off the Tech Guy podcast and the $30,000 they make off the website. Yes that would finish twit as we know it. Twit would become Leo and Alex and a Heil microphone.

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    1. Oy vey:
      Leo would lose his $350,000 contract, the $300,000 they make off the Tech Guy podcast and the $30,000 they make off the website. Yes that would finish twit as we know it. Twit would become Leo and Alex and a Heil microphone.

      I would be shocked if they made $300K off the podcast. For one thing, who would listen to 3 hours of people asking which laptop to get for their kid who is going off to college. Another thing, I doubt if the advertising on it pays that much.

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      1. Cackling Santa Lover: I would be shocked if they made $300K off the podcast.For one thing, who would listen to 3 hours of people asking which laptop to get for their kid who is going off to college.Another thing, I doubt if the advertising on it pays that much.

        Don’t forget the fake callers he gets to call in from the sychophantic hanger’s on in the TWIT chatroom.

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    2. No. Premiere Networks (formerly Premiere Radio Networks) is owned by iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel). There is no “Premiere Radio”.

      iHeartMedia is in financial crisis. iHeartRadio is their platform/product, not a company.

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  7. One more advantage Rich has: he hasn’t pissed off Steve Jobs. He gets Apple invites, something Leo will never ever receive. Apple hasn’t sued Leo/Lisa over the re-broadcast of the live feeds they put out because they know the actual TWiT downloads and actual listens and it’s not worth the lawsuit over the 18 downloads.

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  8. Cackle, Leo’s tiny dick pics, watch pussy leaks, replicated across devices porn history, and porn stars retweeting TWIT, can’t help the contract reup either. Hilarious shit.

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  9. Does anyone know what happened to Heather? Her Linkedin and Twitter still say she works for The Tech Guy, but I just checked YouTube and she hasn’t been on the show since July. Did something happen that I missed?

    I also missed that Rich filled in for Leo in studio last week or the week before — I didn’t know that! I’m going to have to go back and watch. I thought he just did it that one time over the summer for the KFI market even though Leo pre-taped shows. So yeah, it definitely seems like they’re grooming him to take over the show.

    Can you imagine how irate Leo must’ve been when he got that call? Scott *he he he he he he he* Wilkinson always fills in. It’s another case of Leo getting fill-ins who aren’t as good as him to show that he’s the best for the job. Same thing happened with Erik. He was going to be Leo’s fill-in, but he started getting too good, so they found a reason to fire him. Now that there’s someone good waiting in the wings, who has no association with Leo at all, Leo has to be stressing. He’s said multiple times that this radio show is his retirement — he planned on doing it well after the podcasts are finished. He brags about how difficult it is to lose a radio show; he’ll be working two days a week until he’s 90. But now the network appears to be interested in someone else. Fascinating times…

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    1. JAS:
      Does anyone know what happened to Heather? Her Linkedin and Twitter still say she works for The Tech Guy, but I just checked YouTube and she hasn’t been on the show since July. Did something happen that I missed?

      I also missed that Rich filled in for Leo in studio last week or the week before — I didn’t know that! I’m going to have to go back and watch. I thought he just did it that one time over the summer for the KFI market even though Leo pre-taped shows.So yeah, it definitely seems like they’re grooming him to take over the show.

      Can you imagine how irate Leo must’ve been when he got that call? Scott *he he he he he he he* Wilkinson always fills in. It’s another case of Leo getting fill-ins who aren’t as good as him to show that he’s the best for the job. Same thing happened with Erik. He was going to be Leo’s fill-in, but he started getting too good, so they found a reason to fire him. Now that there’s someone good waiting in the wings, who has no association with Leo at all, Leo has to be stressing. He’s said multiple times that this radio show is his retirement — he planned on doing it well after the podcasts are finished. He brags about how difficult it is to lose a radio show; he’ll be working two days a week until he’s 90. But now the network appears to be interested in someone else. Fascinating times…

      Heather knew long ago TWiT was in a downward spiral and exited as soon as another opportunity presented itself. Smart move.

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  10. I-heart radio must have cut off Heathers stipend, so all around swell gal Kim got a pink notice reprieve by taking over HH Saturday duties. I’m sure the way Lisa(I’m a CEO) Laporte works, she would have left the TTG show calander up past the renewal date, but knows the show isn’t being renewed with Leo so had to leave it down or risk the ire of iHeart media executives spilling the beans

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    1. I thought that too. If I was them I’d have just left it up even if they were in negotiations. So it made me wonder if the recent layoffs, shows being cancelled and closing the studio on Mondays. That maybe Leo is losing the TechGuy.

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  11. Not looking good!

    The company has been bleeding money just to keep up with the interest payments on its $20.4 billion in outstanding debt. Its bonds are trading at junk status and the company keeps having to increase the yields it’s paying investors to try to postpone balloon payments on more than $9 billion in bonds due over the next two or so years.

    Roughly $316.5 million in debt matures this year, $324.2 million in 2018 and $8.4 billion in 2019. The company had $260.5 million in cash as of June 30. iHeartMedia warned in April that it might not last until February as a “going concern.”

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  12. Leo’s relatively unknown these days, just bad cookie cutter content.

    Lol at iHeartRadio / Premiere — look at their headquarters. Maybe they should stop spending millions on making it look like Discovery One from Kubrick 2001. Whacko’s.

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    1. Noah:
      Leo’s relatively unknown these days, just bad cookie cutter content.

      Lol at iHeartRadio / Premiere — look at their headquarters. Maybe they should stop spending millions on making it look like Discovery One from Kubrick 2001. Whacko’s.

      Holy smokes, that’s nice!

      (but you’re right)

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  13. You don’t really call in anymore for tech advice. It’s a question about phones or home theatre or how to link or sync something to something else. Gone are the days when Leo’s advice was necessary and topical and contemporary.

    The most forward-thinking TWIT tech show was Scott Wilkinson and HTG, and look what happened to that. The last few topics they covered were at the current technology edge. I don’t think Lisa shares this mindset and Leo is evidently happy to comply with hers. My guess is, as CEO, she will collapse the corporation, fire the staff, and liquidate the assets made payable to her. At this point, I’m not willing to say that even Leo will be, as they say in the UK, made redundant. Divorce lawyers, anyone?

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  14. I was just thinking how Leo could save more money.

    On their advertising page I noticed that Lisa wanted to start her own company so in 2015 she created a podcast ad agency with Leo called Art Is Anal Agency (artisanalagency.com) and she has a few women on her team.

    But from what I can see on their website, their only client is Twit? And from what I’ve read on here, a lot of Twit shows don’t even have ads. Where does Lisa get all of this money? What the hell is she doing? Why does she need a whole team? She’s terrible at her job.

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    1. Note on the “our sponsors(suckers)” page… there are many company’s never heard of nor after getting fleeced by Lisa, will we hear of them again.

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    2. Poke:
      I was just thinking how Leo could save more money.

      On their advertising page I noticed that Lisa wanted to start her own company so in 2015 she created a podcast ad agency with Leo called Art Is Anal Agency (artisanalagency.com) and she has a few women on her team.

      But from what I can see on their website, their only client is Twit? And from what I’ve read on here, a lot of Twit shows don’t even have ads. Where does Lisa get all of this money? What the hell is she doing? Why does she need a whole team? She’s terrible at her job.

      I always thought it was Artisanal Agency??? Now it makes sense, what’s Artisanal about selling ads?

      Have they been lying about everything? I’m so woke now…..

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  15. Exactly, Leo complys with CEO Lisa’s demands otherwise he’ll be out looking for #4 Squeeze Box. Leo’s problem is he won’t find a better paying gig where he can be as lazy as he is now. Remember when the live studio feed was always on and Leo would rush(waddle) in a minute before 6 minutes past the hour, in near cardiac arrest, spewing out mindless anti apple blabber… once blaming his tardiness on his dear daughters dentist’s appointment, on a Saturday no less. My wager is Lisa has a huge “key” person life insurance policy on Leo, and doesn’t really care if her cleft ever get split open again.

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  16. Is this fire that’s raging through California near Chez Laporte? A gaming journalist I follow who lives in Petaluma says that he’s got a bag packed.

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  17. Has anyone ever noticed that Leo can’t keep a consistent opinion on any tech topic? On Twit he bashes Apple, then on Macbreak he takes the exact opposite opinion.

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    1. Its classic Leo and what started my turn against TWiT. He goes with the flow and bashes Microsoft on MBW and then bashes Apple on WW. At least if he were doing it the other way, he would be playing Devil’s Advocate which wold force Andy and Paul to actually defend their criticism and make for a better show.

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  18. As someone who’s enjoyed this blog greatly, it might be time to put the thing to pasture (naturally knee-jerk where necessary). It’s no turn of heart but I think the spirit has left Leo; he’s tired of presentation, of posturing, of dealing with us. Not as if Total Drama has been the camel’s back or an impetus, but legacy’s ruined the whole lot—Icarus-lookin’ motherfucker— and I forgive the intentional and unintentional.

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  19. Leo’s ready to broadcast from the TWiT® Bedside studio. He casually mentioned sunday that he has two fiber lines at home (one residential, one business).

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  20. I’ve also notified them.

    Best of luck to Rich Demuro. On his site it says “[Rich] lives in Los Angeles with his wife and sons and enjoys traveling, reading, running, magic, movies, music and writing.”

    I think he was just in Japan for a tech show. Does Leo do any traveling for work anymore?

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    1. Does Leo do any traveling for work anymore?

      Of course. Every cruise, European trip, etc. Chats with some old guy about an iphone app, and writes the whole trip off as business expense.

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  21. I’ve been going back and reading some of the old articles on TD in 2014. I noticed some people really defending Twit and Leo and attacking the other commenters. Are these people still around or did they eventually get fed up with Leo antics and stopped caring?

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    1. Poke:
      I’ve been going back and reading some of the old articles on TD in 2014. I noticed some people really defending Twit and Leo and attacking the other commenters. Are these people still around or did they eventually get fed up with Leo antics and stopped caring?

      The “TD Effect” should be quite obvious by now. leolaportesucks.com is also an eye opener for those oblivious to the Psycho that is Leo. The other obvious factor here is simply how bad TWiT is both in content and management thanks to hurricane Lisa. As was predicted years ago…the end of TWiT is near.

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    2. Poke: I noticed some people really defending Twit and Leo and attacking the other commenters. Are these people still around or did they eventually get fed up with Leo antics and stopped caring?

      We all miss Molly. The others, not so much. I sort of miss the guy that says I’m all the other people, too.

      I don’t know if they got tired of TWiT, Leo, Total Drama, or all of the above.

      Total Drama’s popularity fades as TWiT fades. It’s the natural cycle and we’re OK with it. Please notice that we are not monetized at all. Zero ads or other revenue generation. It is a complete volunteer effort that costs money.

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      1. Leica Lens: We all miss Molly. The others, not so much. I sort of miss the guy that says I’m all the other people, too.

        I don’t know if they got tired of TWiT, Leo, Total Drama, or all of the above.

        Total Drama’s popularity fades as TWiT fades. It’s the natural cycle and we’re OK with it. Please notice that we are not monetized at all. Zero ads or other revenue generation. It is a complete volunteer effort that costs money.

        That’s how you legitametly report on Leo. Adverts cannot threaten

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        1. I moved my box outside the East Side Studio now. My life has been rough since I got to introduce that first Screen Savers. Not even Myriam Joire’s Mother will talk to me. I still hate that smug Leo Leporte. I’ve been particularly depressed since Tonya has left TWIT. I dream of double teaming her and Lisa while Leo watches to break him like he broke me. Man, I really think Tonya would have liked me if she had not put that retraining order on me. My depression really worsened when I discovered Leo did not have a micropenis, and I saw (at the public library terminal) proof he was a larger man than me. And plaese let me be clear, I’m not interested in him sexually. I got no sexual gratification from studying and analysing that picture. My pretending to be other people to disparage that evil Leo was the beginning of a dark journey I would not wish on anyone. I’m glad you enjoyed my comments, but if I had it to do all over again, I wish I had never stumbled on this site.

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  22. Is there a Patreon for those not wishing Sarah Lane to be on DTNS? I had no idea she would be on every day – I thought it was some once a month thing.

    Also, a note to Gibson freaks – he is going to get serious about moving to Window 7 in the next few months. Firefox is ending XP support which is causing the panic. However he is warming to W7 so his fans still on XP should stay tuned. Time to start downloading those 2009 WW episodes.

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    1. Oath Doge:
      Can’t one of the Americans her call in to his show, bluff the call screener and ask him if he is sacked?

      Hello, Tech Guy?
      I’m in a real bind… I can’t sleep anymore on my Casper mattress, since I lost my job as an IT Pro… even courses at ITPRO-TV didn’t help! I am struggling in debt, lost all my money to a pozi scheme called Betterment, and even LegalZoom can’t find any correct entries in my FreshBooks accounts. And on top of it all, my porch is full of packages delivered by Stamps.com containing all kinds of snack food from NatureBox. This stuff is inedible. All the delivery guys does is press press press my Ring doorbell, interrupting my listening to NoAgenda. What can I do… What can I do…

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  23. “I’m announcing this now to be as transparent with the TWIT army as possible”

    No one says they’re being “transparent” except when they’re lying. Twit don’t want to pay the editors and rent anymore even for the free hosts. This is not the beginning of the end, it is the end.

    This is the twit way, lie your ass off.

    Remember off-site producer or X will be on before you buy? These are lies instead of saying X is gone. This 1 year transition is bull. People think he will be here for a year? Like Sarah Lane left but was staying on iPad today? In two months they will annnounce Pope Thomas XII is speeding it up and he has to go now. Fake smiles, fake hugs and more lies.

    Unlike you people this is why I hate twit, the fucking lies. How fucking blind does he think we are?

    I will bet my house he isn’t at twit until September 2018. My house. I’ll be back later when they announce the new shows with Nathan Olivier Giles or when Mike travels to Shen Zen.

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    1. This week in Lies: I will bet my house he isn’t at twit until September 2018. My house. I’ll be back later when they announce the new shows with Nathan Olivier Giles or when Mike travels to Shen Zen.

      Someone should set up a voting grid where we get to pick the day/month that he’ll be let go. 😛

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  24. An old racist, sexist white guy with orange skin who pretends to be wealthy and fires/attacks anyone who disagrees with him or calls him out.

    If the chat ever asked Leo about the article on TD about him being fired from iheartradio, do you think he would call it Fake News?

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  25. TWiT doesn’t change its public calendar until AFTER it announces he cancellation of a show. (It listed TNT and Home Theater Geeks the day before the cancellation was announced.) This seems like a simple scheduling issue with the calendar, but it’s funny how everyone is taking it as 100% confirmation.

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  26. Those of you cheering for Rich Demuro to take over obviously didn’t hear his bland, worthless guest stints on TTG. He has no personality and seems to know nothing of tech outside of Apple products. And even within the realm of Apple, he gave mostly crappy advice. He sounded more like a typical Apple Store “genius” than a seasoned tech journalist.

    I’m cheering for Leo to stay on. He is at least an entertaining host and has enough knowledge to keep casual tech enthusiasts interested. Plus his train wreck of the life will undoubtedly continue providing plenty of fodder for TD and keep me coming back here.

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  27. I don’t understand.

    If the show was renewed earlier than usual why did they remove it from the calendar?

    And if it is renewed through 2018 why don’t they update the schedule? They’ve updated it several times already in the last few weeks.

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  28. If you jump ahead on the schedule to September 2023 the schedule looks the same until MW disappears. February is just a few months away. How hard is it for them to put the TTG back on the schedule? It’s in their best interests right? That would shut up any “trolls” claiming the show was going to be cancelled.

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    1. Sorry to spam, but I’m still confused.

      The contracts are Dec-Dec, but they need him so badly that they wanted to renew the contract in July. But this contract is only for one year only? Has he always renewed his contract for 1 year? Even when he was about to move into that huge studio and hire a bunch of new people, it was always a 1 year contract?

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      1. It always seemed to me that the contracts were multi-year deals and I thought I remembered him saying as much during renewal times. I thought this time around (purely my speculation), it might be Premiere/IHeartRadio being cautious given their financial problems (or simply the way the industry is going) – perhaps many of their hosts are on shorter-term contracts as well?

        I agree with you that not extending a simple calendar listing for “The Tech Guy” gives bad optics, at the very least. If TWIT caught wind of even one person saying, “Does it mean they’re off-the-air after February?” – even a fan – they should add more dates to the calendar to eliminate that false impression. The fact they haven’t done so makes me wonder if they’re truly only locked-in to the end of February – and Leo did say in his excerpted chat comment “At least through 2018”, which isn’t exactly an accomplishment to brag about. (Not like he’s saying “At least through 2020” or “At least through 2022”.)

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    1. Wow,
      Scott must be smarter than we thought. (This smacks of him owning the poddie)

      Soup would want to milk the archival downloads for billable views.

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  29. I’m guessing he’s had multi-year contracts over the past eleven years since the show was syndicated (probably 4-4-3 or something like that). They probably told him in July they’ll extend him another year, but it’s contingent on iHeart’s financial situation at the end of 2017…wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of iHeart’s 2018 decisions are still up in the air considering their financial problems.

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  30. Interesting that Leo declared at the end of the TTG today (15th Oct) that he was Obsolete oils we take that as a response to the question now he’s had time to think about it, maybe it’s what he was told by Premiere Networks?

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  31. Thank you HickoryStix and WiBB. Yeah I thought his previous contracts were for several years too.

    It’s when Leo said “… judging from Premiere’s interest there is no reason to think the show won’t continue as long as I can still do it.” and then saying the contract is only 2018 and not up to 2021/2022.

    But I think switching to a 1 year contract would be reason to think the show might not continue in the future.

    I guess if I was Leo and relied on TTG income, I’d start cancelling shows, letting people go and closing the studios on Mondays. Just incase next July they decide not to renew for 2019. Maybe that’s whats happening now.

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  32. Must be bad, Leo throws troll tag on anyone who asks a benign question in chat. Actions speaking louder than words I think. Padre’s exit makes me think that this time next year Leo may be back to doing podcasts in a spare bedroom on his macbook.

    Maybe that’s what he needs.

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  33. Historically listening to mostly syndicated Premier talk radio hosts they always would blather about: ” GOOD NEWS EVERYONE I SIGNED FOR ANOTHER 3-5 Years of answering your phone calls”

    George Snorrey would always brag about him locking in, (last I remember he was singed till 18, which means I’m sure he’ll pipe up about it soon.) Previously Leo has talked about it before, after, and during TTG.

    Most hosts have diarrhea of the mouth when it comes to these things.

    The other fun part is yes iFartMedia is in a debt spiral. A few industry insiders talk about it on occasion, they don’t expect it to go well, most like a chapter something and selling off of all of the bits that they have left. They very much reflect the Laportely strategy of spend lots of cash with their festivals (instead of Leo’s more tasteful cruise cash). It will be interesting to watch things collapse in the industry. Most of the formerly clear channel stations have been having issues filling out their ad spots and have been running network promos instead of actual ad inventory.


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  34. With the eventual demise of TWIT (I don’t watch it anyway except what I get here from TD) maybe Leica Lens and company can provide us TD readers with a streaming technology program. You TD people are funny and you’re knowledgeable in the field of computers and what not. It would be a shame that when TWIT goes so does TD. Think of it as ironic justice as TWIT fades away TD expands and flourishes.
    It’s an idea anyway.

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