Lisa Laporte Admits She is Still an Abject Failure

Update 2: Yoko has now disabled comments on her blog.
Update 1: Shortly after publishing this article, Lisa’s site has been updated to work without www. You’re welcome, Yoko.

Yoko has taken to her never-trafficked, poorly-configured — you can’t get there without the www — blog to once again admit that she is a miserable, abject failure of a CeHO.

We wrote about the last time she admitted that she’s bad at her only above-the-table job. We’ve also covered her other misadventures in running a small business.

This time at Artisanal Agency, she’s thrown advertisers, clients, and her own staff under the bus as well. Her writing is terrible, and we know it’s tough to get through, but please read her post in its entirety. (That’s an archive link, but you can comment on the actual post if you want, as long as it’s around.)

Neither Hilton A. Goring nor any other black employees could be reached for comment.
Neither Hilton A. Goring nor any other black employees could be reached for comment.

In her post, she calls some of her Art Is Anal current clients “amateurs” and says she has to drop them. She makes fun of advertisers for actually wanting to track the campaigns to make sure they work; fuck them, right?

Perhaps, most gallingly, she insults her staff as not being her “equals”. You really have to read the entire thing for the full effect.

In her previous failure post, she was a fan of the “SMART” acronym. This time, it’s “STRONG”. Each time she admits failure, she comes up with a new acronym to try not to fail in the future.

147 thoughts on “Lisa Laporte Admits She is Still an Abject Failure”

  1. It’s good to have self-confidence, but eventually you have to back it up with results.

    Leo, apparently, doesn’t want to actually pay for actual skills, so he gets what he deserves.

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  2. – Drastically shrinking client base.
    – Complaints about clients.
    – Complaints about staff.

    Sounds like a staff member left and took a lot of clients with them and she’s trying to cover it up.

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    1. Leo’s Fatty Neck said:
      – Drastically shrinking client base.
      – Complaints about clients.
      – Complaints about staff.

      Sounds like a staff member left and took a lot of clients with them and she’s trying to cover it up.

      My take on this is that if she’s complaining about sponsors actually checking up to make sure they are getting what they are paying for, that means word is getting out and her game is up.

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      1. Well, Lisa’s game should have ended shortly after she started, however her willingness to open her gash to Leo, while he was married and with kids living at home , has delayed the endgame somewhat. Not only did Lisa bring ad sales in house, she ruined Leo’s home all at no cost to her, truly a wicked soul!!!

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  3. So those Art is Anal employees will be tossed back to TWiT??? Where in gods name is she going to fine equals??? I guess zipper recruiter wasn’t providing equals for Lisa to partner with. Lisa screwed Leo with the decision to lease the Shithouse and now another bad decision to lease a space for 10 years, Leo will not be podcasting in 10 years, and since Lisa has it figured the model is for host driven ad reads, she’s screwed Leo again, he’ll die on that stupid ball.

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    1. But you see, the demand on run-down strip-malls in tiny towns an hour+ outside of the Bay Area is YUGE! Better lock it in, or it may be gone a few years down the line.

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  4. “This requires my time to interview and hire employees with a startup mentality as I do not need another employee, I want team members with an entrepreneurial attitude.”

    Entrepreneurial attitude = people willing to work more for less pay.

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    1. A startup mentality is great in an actual startup, but TWiT is not a startup. Does she think she wants people who will get things done without following an already established procedure? Is she going to offer meaningful equity with the promise of a buy out/ipo payday? Is there an investor whose capital they’re burning through? Is the possibility of a ‘pivot’ of the product on the table? Twit is a mature company.

      What she should be looking for is people that have a track record of being good at selling shit, and people that have a track record of being good at producing interesting content. Those people are unlikely to be at the point in their career where they’re ready to take a risk on anything that sells itself in anyway as ‘startup’.

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      1. It’s difficult to decipher her “prose”, but it seems she wants employees to work for equity as opposed to salary.

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      2. She isn’t talkin About twit, ya moron, she is talking about Artisanal. Her company, in no way connected to twit. With the exception of their offices are right next door..
        What, too soon?

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    2. I think you meant “…work more for less pay and no equity.” Perhaps if they let go of some equity they might still have Tom and Iyaz and Sarah, and ….

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  5. WOW. I’m working on what acronym that is.

    What Ordinary Whiner
    Wonderful Occult Witcher.

    Nope. Can’t match her.

    Equity. Commission. Amateur clients.

    Almost unintelligible.

    Sorry to be missing the fall of twit. I’m sorry for Leo. Hope he put something away for a rainy day. I see that coming.

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  6. Why is she blaming her staff, her partners and agencies when she could have blamed trolls?

    What’s her solution to working with amateurs? Taking a course.

    This relationship is co-dependency hell.

    Great find TD. That’s why I support TD advertisers.

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  7. “but new networks do not want experienced advice, and they need to discover it themselves.”
    Translation: Her “networks”thought she was an idiot

    “I need to work on my team and add personnel who want to partner with me and grow Artisanal Agency.”
    Translation: They couldn’t sell ads so she passed the buck and blames staff

    “Most advertisers….do not understand the value of host-read ads”
    Translation: Advertisers want to pay per acquisition via offer codes and she wants to charge based on fake download numbers

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    1. I bet the host-read ads part is her approaching random companies that have never done podcast ads before (and talking to some sales dumbass at the company who has never listened to any popular podcast) and they expect to be able to run ads like on TV.
      “Here’s our 30 second commercial. Put it in your show.”
      “No, that’s not how podcasts work and we can NEVER change! We need hosts to talk about you for four minutes instead of getting the ad over with in 30 or 60 seconds with a professional looking ad.”

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  8. WTF
    Read that shit and can not believe what I’ve read I discovered something about ManTranny not only is she ugly but she is dense

    Quote: what I have mastered over the last five years at, but new networks do not want experienced advice, and they need to discover it themselves”

    WTF ?? New networks are smarter than you think I’m thinking after your sales pitch they’ve already seen through your BS
    probably being polite to you by refusing your services yet your too stupid to see that so you call them amateurs

    Quote: Third, I need to modify my sales pitch. Leading with integrity, facts, passion, and honesty are not enough to close sales deals for podcast networks in this digital world. Most advertisers want to track campaigns similar to Facebook, banner, Google ads, and they do not understand the value of host-read ads and the impact generated from them”

    WTF?? are you that dense you’d think a sponsor will hand you and LaPork 100’s of thousands of dollars without seeing for themselves if their money invested is generating the crowds of users you claim listening to LePorks made up material
    of course they want to track to see all the money you charge is worth what you claim it’s worth
    I suspect your “amateur” new clients have outsmarted you by investigating you and Leo before hand
    they seen Leo’s and your lavish spending
    they’ve seen Leo’s lack of knowledge and preparation before each podcast
    they’ve seen Leo’s on air womanizing
    they’ve seen Leo’s and your dirty pictures and your dirty text messages
    they’ve seen Leo mock his viewers (potential sponsor customers )
    they’ve seen Leo’s slandering companies and people on air
    They know when Leo intwines ads into
    a segment without warning the viewer first that the next sentence or line is an ad from a sponsor, instead his co-hosts laugh and call is smooth how he did that, that is just down right trickery and misleading to a new viewer who can’t tell Leo’s ad from the subject
    talk about blurring the lines
    TV and radio did that back in 50’s-80’s but it was discontinued because people complained, here we are in 2016 and Leo still try’s to pull a fast one on his listeners
    they also know if Leo reads the ad he BullShits all the time making stuff up so when the viewer calls out the sponsor because they didn’t offer the BS Leo made up it costs the sponsor his time and money and reputation
    and lastly
    they( the sponsors) don’t want to spend that kind of money you and Leo are demanding from them they know it’s not worth it
    So they are not amateurs they are smart startups

    you Mr ManTranny needs to stop thinking your old washed up meal ticket is worth more than he is

    You arrived in LePork’s life when he stopped giving a fuck about his listeners his employees his co-workers
    when he abused females daily
    when he started lying and making stuff up tech stuff because he was to lazy or famous to learn
    your meal ticket is worth less that you think the whole world knows it except you the sooner you realize that then maybe you have a chance of ripping off a few unsuspecting advertisers

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  9. “My professional career spans over twenty five years as a Corporate Controller, CFO, Consultant and CEO in a wide variety of businesses with an emphasis on startups. My expertise is in growing startups, building successful and diverse teams, establishing strong and successful partnerships through business development, and in generating income. ”
    I’d hazard a guess that every “team” Lisa started , grew or blew, were magnitudes better off when she departed or was fired from.

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  10. hi, this r lisa laporke. I dont like what ur sayin about me so im gonna send… i forgot his name but he look like an asian and mexican had sex and regretted it. im gonna send him and destroy u and he shll be rewrded with an xtended contract with us…

    pss… jeusit church get no money, they need ot get it themselves

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  11. I interpret what she said as meaning they simply couldn’t sell many ads. Why? I think because her podcasters simply can’t pull off a host read as well as Leo. Leo is quite good at that. It’s not easy. Lisa has learned what works with Leo. She didn’t create it, but she observed and copied the original sales people. She probably doesn’t understand this won’t translate to other podcasters. She should know this, because within twit if Leo goes on vacation he often reads ads for shows he’ll miss in advance. Their own hosts can’t do it as well and the advertisers want Leo. She’s based her business on what works with Leo without having another Leo in her other podcasters.

    She thinks dumping the amateurs she can’t sell will salvage her business. She thinks no one but herself can sell well enough. She knows she’s not selling well enough either and has turned to Lynda to learn some new tricks. What she does seem to know is how amateur this all sounds. Leo sells himself. Lisa selling Leo to advertisers isn’t really to her credit. She probably can’t see this and is still under the impression she brought something to twit she didn’t.

    She can blame the podcasters. She can blame her staff. She can blame the wrong acronym. She can’t seem to blame herself.

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      1. I often agree with you Leica. My main gripe about this place is when people are attacked for looks and such. I believe in criticizing people on their actions, not their weight. You’ve been having a good run with your posts lately. I think you’ve improved this place.

        These days it’s mainly the comments (isn’t it always?) where you’ll find the harmful stuff that undermines this website.

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  12. What the fuck motivates a small business owner to blog like this. She’s admits to having crap employees, clients and product – in public?

    A wanker of the highest degree. She’s so in love with herself that even in failure it’s all me, me, me!

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  13. “Second, I need to work on my team and add personnel who want to partner with me and grow Artisanal Agency. This requires my time to interview and hire employees with a startup mentality as I do not need another employee, I want team members with an entrepreneurial attitude.”

    In other words, she wants people to sacrifice pay and dignity for the chance that TWiT the Anal Art Show might grow and they can be a part of it. And my goodness, the first sentence of her post has seven self references.

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  14. Advertisers want to use offer codes or custom URLs like Harry’ so they know if the ads work. No Lisa, they’re not just taking your word for it. Is she serious? Host read ads work with Leo because he does native ads with his co-hosts and guests, but not everyone gets how corrupt and moral free he is.

    The hiring of college kids to be TDs and Editors is what she learned from Laporke. She hired the tech guys phone girl and Carly to sell ads. Lisa, there are actual people and companies that work in selling ads that train and understand it. You came on board coasting off of Leo and his sheep audience he built. You can’t sell.

    I need check artisananl website to see which of her “networks” left. She only had a micro-organism biology thingy and the photography thingy and security thingy after twit.

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  15. She starts off with:
    “One year ago I launched Artisanal Agency, and have made progress in moving my company forward, and I have also struggled with setbacks. It is now time for me to make tough but positive changes if I am going to succeed in my new venture.”

    I’ve never in my life seen a CEO or small business owner say “I” and “me” so much! I feel sorry for anyone that is working for her.

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    1. Yup. It’s like her comment, on video, about the bricks, “I should have stepped in and taken charge” like nothing gets done if she doesn’t do it herself.

      Either Leo is completely blind or he *really* doesn’t care anymore.

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  16. Wwatchd 10 minutes of TWaT just now – Lay-o’s energy level is so low it’s barely detectable. Guess the reality of the new EastSide ShitBox studio is finally sinking in.

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    1. joe is a scriptkiddie said:
      I can see her University of Phoenix education really pays for itself.

      I’m not so sure all of you are not just jealous.
      Lisa has really earned everything she has.
      She has a good job.
      She has a nice place to live.
      She drives a nice car.
      She takes nice vacations.
      She enjoys well made Chardonnay.
      She has her own business.
      And while all you dicks are working your asses off, she only has to do one thing. And it’s legal.

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  17. You see the problem with Mrs. Laporte is simple. She is somehow under the delusion that she has had anything to do with the success of TWiT.

    It has gone to her head. But what she doesn’t realize, and Leo too is that this whole thing has been about riding the wave of Leo Laporte’s Tech TV job.

    Peak TWiT was on day one. That was the peak of the wave. Since then, Leo, and Lisa have been riding the wave. Nothing she has done has made the wave bigger.

    The ONLY thing she has to pitch to advertisers, and clients, is that “Look how popular TWiT was”, but that was just because of the wave. That was just because of Leo’s TV job. So in essence she really has NOTHING. There is no secret sauce here.

    The Wave, has been slowly declining since day one. They both found that out as they tried to launch new shows and saw one failure after another.

    At Tech TV the real Leo Laporte was sheltered by the TV production process. Left to real life we can learn that he’s really not that likable. And when being likable is your brand, it’s pretty important. Nobody likes a phony .

    Yeas., we see more of the man behind the scenes watching the live stream, but it also seeps out into the broader audience when Leo burns bridges, ends relationships, kicks people to the curb. His laziness is also apparent. Is lack of care for the audience is very apparent when on topical shows he comes unprepared and bashes the company or subject of said topic.

    It takes time for this wave to die out, but that is exactly what is happening. Slowly the wave is diminishing. Leo is expending all his equity he built up.

    Lisa has NOTHING to do with any of it, and she is just caught up in this wave. Along for the ride she gets to play CEO, buy organizing the office process and doing the mundane business work. There is plenty of Cash to make many mistakes, and hire people to blame, while she plays CEO. But that is NOT a CEO. A CEO is a leader who’s the captain of the ship. Their eye is on the big picture. Being CEO is not about renting a trolly. Being CEO is not about coming in late and leaving early. CEO is about being there before the first employee, and shutting the lights off at night. CEO is about making sure the product is high quality. Not selling t-shirts.

    In fact I would argue that she is in dangerous waters now. She split off this advertising agency. This is a clear hostile move to podtrac. So she has created enemies. Secondly, she has a conflict of interest. On one hand she has to play hardball to get the terms she wants for Anal, but if goes bad, she looses the account for TWiT too. And when the accounts start to dry up, podtrac will not want to come in and save them. They will be fucked.

    I’ve already seen TWiT loose more advertisers then they have gained. That means the whole portfolio is on shaky ground.

    Let’s look at another aspect of how they are both totally failing. They are balls deep in this podcast model, which is a dying concept. Downloading files in a podcatcher is not the future. Suppose Apple decides to pull the plug on iTunes? Or podcasting apps start using a stream on demand model, their numbers will tank.

    Instead of letting every tom dick and hairy build these crappy TWiT apps (and yes they suck) they should have been building an top quality TWiT network app on all the platforms. Why? Because then they control the faucet. TWiT can become a platform. Not Content as a service, but, a network as a service that provides monetization. Then what you do, to expand is you anoint other podcasts the privilege of being on their platform. Leo could do ad reads, and they could do insertions. Now you have more inventory to sell. You have essentially raised your capacity.

    The idiocy of their decisions, and failures clearly show that neither one of them know what they are doing.

    What they needed from day one was a real CEO who would have the vision of someone like The Lips of Jizz, a random commenter on Total Drama. Ol’Lipps is more qualified to be CEO than Mrs. Laporte.

    Sorry Sweetie, It’s a mans world, now make me a Sandwich!

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    1. The word you’re searching for is “hubris”.

      She reeks of it.

      “In its modern usage, hubris denotes overconfident pride and arrogance. Hubris is often associated with a lack of humility. Sometimes a person’s hubris is also associated with a lack of knowledge.”

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    2. In my brief time in the broadcasting business I learned some things. The people you see or hear are called “talent”. They are fundamentally performers. Sometimes they understand what they are talking about, such as the “Weather Channel” where all the on-screen people at least have degrees in meteorology. But it is not essential.

      The person who does have to understand the content is the Producer, who decides what will be on, books guests, etc. At TechTV, Leo was just “talent”. But he worked his way up from radio and he was good at that.

      At TWIT he does not have the backing of competent production staff and it shows. But like many “talent” his ego will not let him admit this. He isn’t a tech person himself and so is often out of his depth, once he runs out of the buzzwords he has picked up.

      Lisa has no experience in broadcasting that I know of. Accounting is not a sufficient background to run an enterprise like this.

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      1. At the Weather Network, the on air presenters are not meteorologists. They are briefed by meteorologists, and then go on air without a script and talk to time.

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    3. I figured that Art Is Anal was an attempt to move profit away from TWiT (and thus away from Jennifer). If Jennifer has cashed out as part of the divorce, that’s no longer a problem for L&L, so my guess is this is their way of shutting down AIA.

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    4. You talk, I hear: bring in established podcasters like This Day in Tech, Cord Cutters, the bus wiz, and out them on the Network platform. Great idea.

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    5. look,Leo is one guy who does a couple of shows that make all the money. He has said so many times. So what is the point of all these shows that blow? Does he see himself as a mogul?

      It’s been over 10 years and this network is not selling to anyone. He’s fucked. And he knows it. He would have been better off just doing Twit with a few good people. But Twit now sucks thanks to the losers doing it.

      Shutter it all.

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  18. The weasel Leo never listens to anyone, always busy skimming a web site (someone else’s work) and blurts in cutting off the other person, often not contributing to the conversation. Skin crawl inducing… hard to watch or listen to this guy anymore.

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  19. 75% of her clients were amateurs?

    I would like to take a stab at analyzing her bull shit too.

    “but new networks do not want experienced advice, and they need to discover it themselves. Hence why I am moving on from amateurs”

    Sounds to me like they did not know what they were paying her for and the amateurs stopped using her, she fired no one. they gave up on her.

    How can 75% of your clients be amateurs?????????????????????

    And the other 25% is probably all Leo

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  20. Holy fucking shit.

    You all don’t get it do you.? That was gross, random and galacticly sized narcissistic in scope.

    Too random. Read it again, as an appology, excuse and ultimately pleading for Laporte not to dump her.

    Seriously see it for yourself, go read it framed that way and it will make perfect sense.

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  21. I’ve taken the liberty to simplify the language in her blog post a little bit:

    “One year ago I launched my own company to help me make money by leaching of my husband. For some reason I’ve been unsuccessful. Now it is time for me to decide who to screw over so I can feel better about myself.

    First, I need to work only with people who like me and my ideas. Screw all you amateurs who didn’t want to buy my advertising services. It turns out 75 % of you suck, and because I’m so smart I will not do business with you any more. I’ve also learned that advertising is difficult for most people, but I am super experienced and better than everybody else. Unfortunately, newcomers are too stupid to realize how great and experienced I am, so they don’t understand that they need my services. But when they go bankrupt they’ll know I was right! So fuck those losers. From now on I will only talk to people who can see the same greatness I see every time I look in the mirror.

    Second, I need to hire someone to make money for me. Except not really hire — I’m not running a charity here — more like someone who can work for a commission, or something, and perhaps even invest money in my company!

    Third, if I want to sell stuff I must actually do the basic things that you do in order to sell something. It turns out most advertisers are boneheads and won’t take my word for it when I tell them how valuable my services are. They always want numbers and stuff. But if I only take some cheap online courses I’ll be so great at sales that I can convince any idiot to buy ad-space anyway.

    My mind is blown by this revolutionary new approach to sales that will totally change everything:
    Find potential customer
    Tell about product
    Explain why product is good
    Tell about price
    Try to convince
    Hope costumer says yes

    Finally, I’m trying to contact people in the same situation so I won’t feel so lonely anymore. I may even get someone on my team who is trained at telling people how great they are. I realize I’m surrounded by losers, but from now on things will be different. I believe Sir Isaac Newton said it best, ‘If you just leach of other people’s hard work, you don’t need to do shit'”

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  22. All I see is I I I me me me amateur & plagiarized gimmicky self help / startups / marketing / google seo crap from they are making too much money & not trying anymore

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  23. Ever since she first appeared on twit, I could tell she was an aggressively delusional cunt. So full of herself, despite the fact that everything she touches turns to crap.

    The saddest part is I really enjoyed twit and wanted it to succeed. Now it’s just a sad routine, with many great podcasts available to take it’s place.

    BTW “twit” is the absolute worst name for a podcast network, or anything for that matter. Even worse than “netcast”

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    1. Chris said:
      Ever since she first appeared on twit, I could tell she was an aggressively delusional cunt. So full of herself, despite the fact that everything she touches turns to crap.

      The saddest part is I really enjoyed twit and wanted it to succeed. Now it’s just a sad routine, with many great podcasts available to take it’s place.

      BTW “twit” is the absolute worst name for a podcast network, or anything for that matter. Even worse than “netcast”

      I agree that Twit is an awful name for a network. Just like every thing in the new studio looks like the old brick house except the new place is much smaller. They have no new ideas for content and expanding viewers which in itself would attract new advertisers.

      I could never understand why Blue Apron or any of the current advertisers would want to be on Twit anyway. Where are the Tech companies that used to advertise on Twit? I guess they all left do to poor results.

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      1. Not much smaller. The tricaster turret didn’t allow sets any closer than 15 feet away, all the way around. Lost s.f in a 35 ‘ dia. Circle. Turned I to 50s.f at most in the new spot. Approx 300s.f. saved for new space use.

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    1. The Doctor said:
      Nothing in her post or on her website tells me how anyone would benefit from whatever “service” she offers.

      Well clearly you are not fit to be one of her clients then. Lisa is simply amazing and her blowjob skills “expertise” does not need to be clarified . For Christ’s sake she graduated from the biggest online scam university in the United States! Please have some respect.

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  24. I don’t think she is aware that even a two bit nobody on YT with 2000 views is not going to sell-out like Leo does.

    People feel dirty going on and on about a company they don’t believe in with fake testimonials. They will do an ad but 10 minutes on a doorbell, no way.

    Her experience is as a sell-out gal Friday.

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    1. I particularly love it when Leo claims Apple doesn’t make laptops or desktops any longer.

      Nevermind that if Macs were their own Fortune 500 company, they would rank just ahead of McDonald’s.


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  25. “but new networks do not want experienced advice, and they need to discover it themselves. Hence why I am moving on from amateurs”

    What on earth makes you think seasoned, professional, established podcast networks and non-amatuer startups will want anything to do with you, Lisa?

    What exactly do you bring to the table, other than tired buzzwords and 7th grade understanding of marketing?

    What venture capitalists will be comfortable signing checks to a woman who oversees a podcast that gets the exact same advertisers everyone else gets? And that has been shedding viewers more frequently then your panties outside of marriage?

    Real winners, people who Make Things Happen, they’ll smell your stink a mile off, that you’re just another wanna-be ceo mover and shaker pretending to be Mark Zuckerberg from your kitchen, nosing around the scraps of real effort as the bottom feeder you are.

    The Bay Area is littered with the failed corpses of “companies” created by arrogant, insufferable women (and men) like yourself, who do nothing but waste time and money so you can play Executive President Barbie. Every boarded over “boutique” selling crappy kitsch is your legacy. Every failed “artisinal” bakery. Every empty “high fashion” shop. Every Consultancy” kept afloat by a spouses income from real work. That’s your graveyard, and your “Space for lease” tombstone is waiting.

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  26. Will someone please tell me who the fuck Hilton A. Goring is? He keeps popping up from time to time without any background info. I’m assuming Lisa/Leo canned him because of his race…right?

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    Born in London, England, Hilton has risen through the ranks of the camera department, beginning as an assistant cameraman then progressing to Steadicam/Operator on multiple commercials, features, documentary/tv and music projects. In this time Hilton has had the pleasure of working with many A-list cinematographers and directors from all over the globe and under their watchful eye, he has developed into a versatile and talented cinematographer himself, working on projects in many fields of the business. Hilton’s vast experience in so many fields of filmmaking has given him the skills to collaborate creatively and have a unique knowledge of “the set.”

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    1. I’ve also heard Hilton has overcome serious neurotoxic illness and heavy metal poisoning that he alleviated through regularly releasing both semen and blood into CeHo.

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  28. I saw the copyright strike you bitch… I saw it you puss bleeding gold digging UOP name smearing whore. I saw it and know that this will not pass lightly. This will not stand. I will find you…and when I do CEhO…. I will….

    make you feel bad about yourself….

      » Quote comment

    1. digital dynamic said:
      I saw the copyright strike you bitch… I saw it you puss bleeding gold digging UOP name smearing whore.I saw it and know that this will not pass lightly.This will not stand.I will find you…and when I do CEhO…. I will….

      make you feel bad about yourself….

      Twit really? Digital has always told the truth and has never attacked you. He has offered comment and has written short opinions.
      Copy write infringement is such a miss used catch all. I am glad Digital is more of an observer and writer. Too bad you should have thought about this one.

      May God forgive you for you know not what you have done.

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      1. Bob Smith said: Twit really? Digital has always told the truth and has never attacked you. He has offered comment and has written short opinions.
        Copy write infringement is such a miss used catch all. I am glad Digital is more of an observer and writer. Too bad you should have thought about this one.

        May God forgive you for you know not what you have done.

        The wheels are turning and they have spikes….

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  29. I would watch again if Leo fired Lisa. Who else would agree? BTW Lisa almost has a 100 comments on this post, it is not just 1 guy hating on ur company.

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    1. Leo > Lisa said:
      I would watch again if Leo fired Lisa.Who else would agree?BTW Lisa almost has a 100 comments on this post,it is not just 1 guy hating on ur company.

      Leo will never fire Lisa nor will that make people watch the network again. Leo has proven himself to be a complete worthless contribution to humanity; look at TotalDrama, Leo created that by angering the viewers who used to love the network and he has done nothing but mock viewers, distress guests, pay for friends, be inappropriate to children and oh yeah, censoring the truth because he doesn’t want to change his ways…

      Don’t expect Fr. Robert Ballacer to go away anytime soon. He would likely quit the jesuits than to quit sucking up for Leo for his two pathetic shows.

      Plus I hear his only hobby is to watch TotalDrama and stalk it’s members… All for good lovable Leo! Robert needs an epiphany immediately.

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    2. Leo > Lisa said:
      I would watch again if Leo fired Lisa.Who else would agree?

      I would watch more if Leo worked hard to be less of a self-important blowhard, would start his shows on time, and would increase the signal-to-noise ratio.

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      1. I don’t get the “start his shows on time” comments. They’ve never been known to start precisely at the scheduled time. Ever. Not Leo’s, Padre’s, Patrick Norton’s, Chad’s, Sarah Lane’s, Tom’s, or anyone’s. Ever. As he has said on air numerous times, you’re watching the live production of podcasts. The podcasts come out on they day they’re supposed to and people download them at their leisure. Most of the people get the show through those podcast downloads. The live feed is secondary.
        Maybe TWiT should start a second live feed of the edited shows that has everything start exactly when it’s supposed to do that complainers like you will shut the fuck up.
        TWiT may have issues, but the schedule of the live stream is seriously a retarded thing to complain about.

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        1. Not really about the live viewers – it’s about the guests.

          Many a guest has arrive on time only to have to cool their jets for 10, 20, 30 or more minutes while LaPorque waddles his way to the studio.

          It’s just plain disrespectful to his guests. But hey, he’s Lay-o – why should he care who he pisses off?

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          1. Yeah, it’s about disrespecting the guests. Also, I’ve mentioned before, I think Leo likes to think he’s like Bill Gates sliding into an airliner seat just as the door closes (back when he (Bill) rode airliners). Plus he’s late for his fucking radio show. He’s a tool and no, getting rid of the manny tran would not improve his “network”.

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    3. I thought when I first read Lisa’s post, there had been several comments. With the length of this thread, I checked to see if there was more, but it didn’t have any and there is no way to comment. That’s really odd. I guess I must have imagined the comments because its not like Lisa would delete them…. right??

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    1. If all you did was post a copy of their stream, they probably filed the takedown because it was coming up in searches instead of their official video. “Taking the gloves off” is not going to make things better for you. In fact, they might make it their mission to monitor you and file again…like they have done against troll accounts.

      A quick Google search shows there are three ways to resolve a copyright strike:
      1) Wait for it to expire: A copyright strike will expire in six months as long as you complete Copyright School and receive no additional copyright strikes during that time.
      2) Get a retraction: You can contact the person who claimed your video and ask them to retract their claim of copyright infringement.
      3) Submit a counter notification: If your video was mistakenly removed because it was misidentified as infringing, or qualifies as a potential fair use, you may wish to submit a counter.

      Try #2. If you write to the account that removed it, they may actually retract the claim if you agree to take down the video yourself.
      As much as TWiT may be demonized here, they’re not the devil…and it doesn’t hurt to ask.

      Don’t do #3!!! It will reveal your name and address. (If you put in fake info, that’s purgery and you’ll lose that battle.) If your counter filing gets overturned, then you’re in really deep shit.

      …or just do #1 and do the Copyright School and wait 6 months and you never have to contact them at all.

      Worst idea is declaring war and “taking the gloves off”. Don’t be a dumbass.

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      1. Lawman said:
        If all you did was post a copy of their stream, they probably filed the takedown because it was coming up in searches instead of their official video. “Taking the gloves off” is not going to make things better for you. In fact, they might make it their mission to monitor you and file again…like they have done against troll accounts.

        A quick Google search shows there are three ways to resolve a copyright strike:
        1) Wait for it to expire: A copyright strike will expire in six months as long as you complete Copyright School and receive no additional copyright strikes during that time.
        2) Get a retraction: You can contact the person who claimed your video and ask them to retract their claim of copyright infringement.
        3) Submit a counter notification: If your video was mistakenly removed because it was misidentified as infringing, or qualifies as a potential fair use, you may wish to submit a counter.

        Try #2. If you write to the account that removed it, they may actually retract the claim if you agree to take down the video yourself.
        As much as TWiT may be demonized here, they’re not the devil…and it doesn’t hurt to ask.

        Don’t do #3!!! It will reveal your name and address. (If you put in fake info, that’s purgery and you’ll lose that battle.) If your counter filing gets overturned, then you’re in really deep shit.

        …or just do #1 and do the Copyright School and wait 6 months and you never have to contact them at all.

        Worst idea is declaring war and “taking the gloves off”. Don’t be a dumbass.

        I don’t operate from fear and I have nothing to lose, literally.
        BTW, both contested options require full contact information. Something I will not freely provide especially considering the anonymous automated processes of YouTube.
        Thank you for your mostly thoughtful response but I’ll be fine.

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  30. She mentions a book to which she is listening (Artisanal employees apparently can’t read.) A google search “Oren Kaff” doesn’t turn up any meaningful results except for her own blog post. Maybe she means “Oren Klaff.” Good attention to detail from an Artisanal CEO.

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    1. Maker Faire Studio said:
      Is this the game they want to play?

      I’m going to start reporting to Youtube every TWiT show with a Quicken Loans ad for Spam/Fraud.

      There’s a reason TWIT doesn’t live stream on YouTube ( other than it sucks ) They’d be under scrutiny for Content ID and Copyright strikes. We’ve all seen the videos, commercials, music and other content streamed live on the channel. The excuse is that they’re not recording but technically it would fall under the definition of a public performance even if it was just a raw feed.
      It’s the double standard that TWIT operates under. Abuse the system when it works for them then bemoan its evils when it doesn’t.

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  31. Children understand:

    1) All YouTube videos were protested when and only when it was justifiable. If attribution was given they were not protested. This is extremely clear in the DMCA and it is explicit on our website.

    2) None of you will attach your names to your videos so take-downs could have been issued for all of the videos. The law was followed and your cowardice was not exploited.

    3) Your videos are so prevalent that google searches have been affected and that has a detrimental effect. The search algorithms specifically looks for divers sources. They will not list all results from one site such as TWiT. Therefore a false popularity arose.


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    1. Leo said:
      Children understand:

      1) All YouTube videos were protested when and only when it was justifiable. If attribution was given they were not protested.This is extremely clear in the DMCA and it is explicit on our website.

      2) None of you will attach your names to your videos so take-downs could have been issued for all of the videos. The law was followed and your cowardice was not exploited.

      3) Your videos are so prevalent that google searches have been affected and that has a detrimental effect.The search algorithms specifically looks for divers sources. They will not list all results from one site such as TWiT. Therefore a false popularity arose.


      Really, then if you are who yo u are tell me EXACTLY where I failed in the CC. Also tell me why you chose now when there were 4 other videos in exactly the same format all up for well over a year that you apparently had no issue with that had far more views.

      If you are who you say you are, you picked this fight not me I was done with you and content to leave it alone. There was no more story to tell.

      You stirred the pot. Now I’m going to watch it boil.

      That is if you are who you say you are….
      Otherwise shut the hell up.

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  32. Hey fuck face LaPork
    Instead of coming on here preaching Twits DMC
    what about your illegal rebroadcasts of Samsung live events
    Apple Live events
    Microsoft Live events
    while you insert or overlay your fraudulent ads during the live stream broadcast

    Apple should and will be alerted to your upcoming illegal live rebroadcast on Wednesday
    inserting your ads on top of the live event is clearly not fair use
    its highly illegal
    if anyone of your fake ass lawyers took the to time to read Apples policy on rebroadcasting you would know that

    Should they not be aware of your illegal upcoming actions we will be more than happy to guide them to your live stream link or the DVR record

      » Quote comment

    1. No. It’s working here. It only records when they’re recording shows based off the calendar. Check the Backup DVR link at the top of the DVR page if you think something is missing, since it records on a fixed schedule.

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    ” Hence why I am moving on from amateurs because my time is valuable and I can focus my energy on networks who value my partnership and actually want to go forward today.”

    Lisa, please learn some basic grammar (and get a more credible website) and you will get more respect.

    Lisa, Even if you do, you will never attain the Goddess status of Molly or Sarah.

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  34. I like the idea of a ‘Dear Diary,”-style blog more than the execution, mostly because those are really are thoughts so self-damaging they should indeed stay in said fictional Diary, preferrably under lock and key.

    Did she have anyone read this before publishing? I can’t imagine her hubby not giving her a few notes on it, unless of course he enjoys the easily imagined outcome of this post.

    I wonder how much of a money sink this little science (huh!) project for the latest Mrs Laporte is, cause this surely can’t come cheaply.

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  35. It baffles me how people actually think Leo allows Lisa to make real decisions.

    Do you assholes think he is telling the truth when he says how much he loves his guests and fans too? Lisa is a bookkeeper with a title. He lets her do some stuff sometimes but you think he will allow her to make any major decision? Would you? He made the mistake on the Brickhouse by leasing and he is making this mistake too. He didn’t rehire Tom.

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  36. I’ll say one last thing on this topic. Lisa, copyright takedowns, whatever.

    The worst thing you can do to a liar is expose their lies. You don’t have to make up stories, blow things out of proportion or drag anyone’s name in the mud.

    All you have to do is let them know you’re watching and waiting for the next lie to expose.

    It’s not stalking or terrorism. It’s the kind of thing that kicked Nixon out of the presidency.

    Let them do what they’ll do and eventually they’ll slip up all on their own OR they’ll straighten up their act.

    Either way the good guys win.

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  37. On CeHO’s Twitter states:
    This account’s Tweets are protected.

    Only confirmed followers have access to @lisadlaporte’s Tweets and complete profile. Click the “Follow” button to send a follow request.

    I remember when I would come lurk her Twitter when I was bored to see what Lisa was always complaining about.

    Now that her account is blocked I now have to make a fake account and hope to adds me on the list of followers.

    I’m suspecting she made it private when she started to complain about her cruise. What a bitch

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    1. “I’m suspecting she made it private when she started to complain about her cruise.What a bitch”

      Ah yes the complaints she tweeted to the fake account… Most amusing, that.

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