Leo Laporte Says John C. Dvorak “Used to Be a Very Well-Respected Tech Writer”

The dumb, fat one on the left seems to hate the journalistic god on the right.
The dumb, fat one on the left seems to hate the journalistic god on the right.

Leo Laporte used to be a somewhat-respected, mostly-incorrect tech grandpa on a failure of a cable network. Now, he’s a disgusting imbecile masquerading as a tech mogul.

Since the original banning of John C. Dvorak and the follow-up insults, he’s been continuously dissing JCD and Adam Curry on a regular basis. He makes snide comments regarding John, especially when asked about him, but there’s usually not enough material for a post on Total Drama.

However, in the video above, you can hear him really lay into John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry again. Even his sycophant chat room was shocked. When you lose <Mike_B>, you know you’ve got problems, Leo.

<triplead> dvorak!
<MrMxyzptlk> ouch
<ToiLeTBuG> No agenda isnt that at all
<Web7991> hes the Man !!!
<Mike_B> Leo:  That was a bit harsh regarding JCD, wasn't it?
<User9468> leo - dont go there.
<User9468> leo--- just move on..
<plus4db> You should have Dvorak on your show sometime.

Dvorak doesn’t seem to understand Leo’s current attitude either.

79 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Says John C. Dvorak “Used to Be a Very Well-Respected Tech Writer””

  1. The more I listen to No Agenda, the more I appreciate John and Adam.
    When I hear the self conscious Leo saying the show is about black helicopters and conspiracy theories (?), it drives me even farther away from this lunatic…
    I started regularly listening to No Agenda the week that John was banned from TWiT – and its now, by far, my favorite podcast.

    On another note – I was listening to last weeks Windows Weekly when I heard Thurrott and MJF talking about build. To me, it sure sounded like they were giving Leo an ultimatum as to whether he makes the drive to SF to do the podcast.
    When he says he doesn’t have the time to make the drive to one of the key Windows events about an hour from his home – I wouldn’t be surprised if that is the last straw for Thurrott and MJF. Paul asks him SEVERAL times if he is going to make the trip and makes sure Leo knows that its a pain in the ass for them to get up to Petaluma.

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    1. I always found it interesting that it is Paul and MJ that are organizing the broadcast. Twit/Leo seem to have very little to do with the broadcast anymore other than showing up and turning on the cameras.

      But seriously, go to build Leo, its probably the biggest event for one of your flagship shows.

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  2. You know, the worst part of this as usual is that lying Leo Laporte is lying.

    I get the feeling he does listen to No Agenda regularly, I don’t know where he gets an extra 6 hours a week but I get the distinct impression that he listens. Because once in a while you hear Leo mention something that NA had just been talking about. Like a few weeks ago, he mentioned something about sorghum that was a topic of discussion on NA that week. I don’t know why else you’d mention sorghum out of the blue.

    I don’t understand why he feels the need to disparage people publicly, especially those who have never spoken ill of them. Is he that insecure about himself? Probably… either way, Leo is still becoming more unlikable and acerbic by the minute, it’s really quite amazing to behold because I didn’t think one could become even more of a piece of shit than he already is!

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    1. Actually before this latest episode from Leo JCD stated on his 2nd best podcast DH Unplugged that he really wanted “to do Leo’s TV show The New ScreenSavers.”

      TYFYC The New Jeff Jarvis! That first paragraph was one of the funniest things I’ve read in 2016.



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  3. I love stories about JCD on this site. It means you’ll be posting that photo of JCD that is probably 20 years old and makes him look least like the cross-eyed, grumpy guy that he is.

    You can tell Leo was saying all that to wind up the JCD fanboys here, maybe he likes seeing that old photo too.

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    1. Oh no, the photo they used is so old!!!

      Open your god damn eyes, Leo is a lying sack of shit.

      On the latest No Agenda, the first story is about the United Nations teaming up with the Angry Birds to bring awareness to global warming. In a time of migrant crises and civil wars in a number of countries, the fucking UN is holding a press conference with the Angry Birds.

      This is the sort of story they cover, and Leo says all they do is talk about hokey conspiracy theories. A total, flat out lie.

      Listen to No Agenda and be informed of how ridiculous things are with the very people and organizations that are in place to make the world better and protect us. Or listen to TWiT and hear Leo harp on for the sixth week in a row about the iPhone unlocking fiasco. It’s your choice, I know which one I’d rather listen to.

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      1. Hey I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said there. Leo is so self obsessed these days, it’s quite sad to see someone decline so much.

        My first statement about the photo was a bit of a tease because the photo does make me laugh and JCD has the same god-like status as Sarah Lane here (just without the botox).

        I do stand by the second point that Leo knew exactly who he was talking at during that section. He said it to play with TD so he can feel in some kind of control over what appears here.

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        1. TD sucks JCD said:
          Hey I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said there. Leo is so self obsessed these days, it’s quite sad to see someone decline so much.

          My first statement about the photo was a bit of a tease because the photo does make me laugh and JCD has the same god-like status as Sarah Lane here (just without the botox).

          I do stand by the second point that Leo knew exactly who he was talking at during that section. He said it to play with TD so he can feel in some kind of control over what appears here.

          JCD again is a seasoned, intelligent journalist.

          Sarah Lane is a bubble-headed, chipmunk-looking, bleached-blond and divorced-by-age 25 middle-aged woman, whose sole talent is reading from the teleprompter.

          There is no comparison.

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  4. Curry & Dvorak are free as the wind to have fun with their podcast because they don’t have the boat anchor of an overblown studio and a bunch of goober employees

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  5. Soup is so jealous of JCD because no one takes him seriously and has no credibility. At this point, JCD doesn’t need soup as much as he needs him. TWIT is horrible and no one who has credibility wants to be on the show or the network.

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    1. Soupslurper said:
      Soup is so jealous of JCD because no one takes him seriously and has no credibility. At this point, JCD doesn’t need soup as much as he needs him. TWIT ishorrible and no one who has credibility wants to be on the show or the network.

      Je Suis JCD.

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    2. If you look at that chart of page views, downloads and the rest for TWIT you can clearly see a steady drop off since the last time Dvorak appeared. And it is still falling. I do not think this is a coincidence.

      Of course he says JCD was never banned and has been invited back.

      What baffles me is exactly why Leo keeps bad-mouthing him and the NA show. Does he think that will FORCE JCD to return? Or what.

      Hey Dumfuck Leo, if you want JCD back on your fucked up network maybe apologizing to him would work better.

      I doubt Leo can bring himself to visit TD any more and these comments will be left for later analysis on archive.org years from now.

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      1. Headless Drupal said: What baffles me is exactly why Leo keeps bad-mouthing him and the NA show. Does he think that will FORCE JCD to return? Or what.

        A lot of Leo’s former employees have returned after being abused by him. It destroys their credibility. I doubt if JCD will. Leo burned that bridge. PT has another show. MJF needs one Sooner of later people will get the hint Leo hurts them more every show.

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  6. When you’re a Grade A narcissist and someone is getting more attention than you are, well of course you’re going to scream like a baby and call them names and stuff. At this point Leo is just flailing for attention, and the more viewers he loses due to his BS, the more he’s going to do it. If his current chat room is now starting to notice his behavior, how much longer does he have before they start walking, really?

    I hate to say it but I think that because of Leo’s downward spiral and the need to constantly be the center of attention, it’s not going to end well for him and something serious is going to happen to him health wise.

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    1. Esch said I hate to say it but I think that because of Leo’s downward spiral and the need to constantly be the center of attention, it’s not going to end well for him and something serious is going to happen to him health wise.

      He does live close to the bridge with the most suicides in the world. What better way to end an attention starved life than to call the news people to cover his jump?

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  7. No Agenda keeps improving – the recent shows have been simply brilliant – while TWiT sinks into a cesspool of filth.

    No comparison is right – Fuck you Leo, how do you like that?

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  8. It’s interesting that, outside of JCD and the nigra (#soup’s term, not mine), not one regular on-air contributor has quit TWIT, no matter how much he shits on them: PT and MJ; film_girl, autistic Steve Gibson et al.

    What are these people so afraid of? That Leo will blackball them? Do they need the money that badly?

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    1. Employers like Leo instill/drill a belief in their minions that they won’t survive outside of his world – “Stay here, it’s safe, you don’t want to go try and work in that scary, adult world!” (Which, of course, translates to “Stay here and pay attention to MEEEEEEEEE”)

      You find that kind of thing in retail, very often. I would not be surprised to hear Leo shits on anything that isn’t TWIT when the cameras are off. “You don’t want to work for The New York Times, they’re a joke, this is the place to be! We’re cool! We’re better than everyone else!”

      Also, people raised by abusers tend to seek out abusers in the workplace, if they’re not in therapy to reverse the damage their parents did to them. Like children of alcoholics, they tend to be attracted to and date alcoholics, because it’s familiar to them, it’s comforting in a bizarre way – it’s all they know, too, it’s “normal” to them.

      Which speaks volumes about the ArtisANAL CEO.

      Anyone who is loyal to Leo at this point is either suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, or finds his behavior normal, which indicates they need therapy. The loss of the studio and the firings should be a red flag to update the resume and be ready to jump ship.

      In my opinion, of course.

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    2. holden said:
      It’s interesting that, outside of JCD and the nigra (#soup’sterm, not mine), not one regular on-air contributor has quit TWIT, no matter how much he shits on them: PT and MJ; film_girl,autistic Steve Gibson et al.

      What are these people so afraid of? That Leo will blackball them? Do they need the money that badly?

      As someone mentioned before, WW really has nothing to do with Leo. He moderates, and honestly doesn’t get in the way too much (except when he complains about his Surface Book drivers or some shit). In return, TWiT takes care of all the backend costs: hosting, running the tricaster, editing, ad sales, etc.

      Assuming that Paul and Mary Jo make, conservatively, $500 per show (probably more based on what Leo’s said on the live stream – though he always fudges numbers, so who knows? But a few episodes ago he said WW was the second or third highest rated show on the network, so that’s worth something). But assuming $500 per show, they’re each netting around $25,000 per year. For dealing with Leo for two hours a week. That’s not bad in my book.

      Yes, Paul and MJ could easily pick up, leave TWiT, and do the same show on their own with little difference. But then they’d be responsible for all of the things TWiT currently takes care of. And it’s unlikely they’d make the same amount of money for a long while. Even Patreon-ing the new show would likely result in less money (unless they’re a huge hit and pull a Tom Merritt and start raking in the big money) and they have the added headache of dealing with the production end of it. Sure, they could do it with Zarian, but frankly he kind of annoys me, so I say just stay away.

      The point is that the cost of dealing with Leo for a couple of hours each week is worth it because they’re the ones doing the show they want to do, Leo mostly stays out of the way, and they don’t have to deal the hassles of production; they can just focus on their strengths — the content. Even with Leo’s scumbag-ness, this seems like a good deal for Paul and Mary Jo.

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      1. DarkTriangle said:
        Nobody at home would hear it, because they have a delay on the radio… so they can censor phone calls.

        Quite right DarkTriangle. I stand corrected. It would be great if EffenDunn was running the board that day and forgot to initiate the delay. Hey! A guy can dream can’t he?

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    1. Zon said:
      Wouldn’t it be great if Leo dropped a “shit” or a F Bomb when he was live and not on a break? I’m sure Premiere would looooove that.

      Nobody would care. He showed both his dick and a woman’s vagina that might have or may not been that of a Twit employee’s. Leo could pass that off as yet another ad for Harry’s shaving products.

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  9. Jcd is still at a tech mag meanwhile leo is downsizing twit and just is disconnected in general from the tech world besides phones,He has to lean on a chatroom for answers so i can see jcd brushing him off because leo is a man on sinking ship who thinks he can right it just by being on the ship

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  10. I can’t even get mad at this – Leo is an unmitigated jackass, and he reeks of pure bile. Gee, Leo, who does PC Magazine have as a columnist? You? Oh, no, silly – they hire people who actually know things, so they hired John.

    Bile, bile, bile, you just stink of it, little man. John has more respect and admiration and friendships in life and in the tech industry than you can even imagine. You’re so pathetic it’s pure humor now – “Oh noes, what will John do, Leo said he used to be a good journalist!”

    Well, if there’s one guaranteed I can make, Leo, you pathetic worm, is that John will not lose a second of sleep over your pissy little remark. He has too much class and self respect to stoop to your gutter level.

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  11. Leo is a disgrace. He goes on and on about the show and then says he doesn’t listen to it. I hate him.

    I love No Agenda. You hear on the news that Russia pulled out of Syria. Absolutely no one asks why besides John and Adam, no one.

    Adam sometimes throws crazy shit out there but people shouldn’t harp on that. They look for real meanings behind things and sometimes they look too deep, big deal. Black helicopters, fuck you soup. It is so belittling to them and their audience when you do that.

    Hearing people with unique viewpoints is the healthiest thing for your mind. You want to be brain-dead? Then listen to #Soup #GUM and #Jarvis. They have the exact same opinion on abortion, guns, race, Privacy, Google, Snowden, encryption, healthcare etc. Their brains are so washed that they have absolutely no onions you cant look up in the liberal handbook. Anyone who is a hardcore liberal or hardcore republican is an idiot, how about thinking and not following a group.

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    1. I love how they provide different points of view to the potential underlying causes of world events. Sure some of it is taken with a grain of salt, but it is fresh, interesting and thought provoking.

      That is called – “original content”. Something Leo lacks in.

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  12. Leo is a piece of SHIT! Adam and JCD provide a valuable service twice a week deconstructing the media. The continued success of the show for over five years is a testament to both JCD and Adam’s professionalism and genuine enthusiasm for the outstanding product they provide. By contrast Leo Laporte and his fucked up organization TWiT is the biggest piece of CRAP every conceived. None of the TWiT programs (including “The Tech Guy”) provides anything of value…just pointless random regurgitated tech talk from news feeds. I cross my fingers that this enterprise closes down soon. May God have mercy on all the lost TWiT fan souls freed in the aftermath of this inevitable event.

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  13. What Leo does not realize is the only reason I went to see an episode of TWiT at the brick house was to meet my life long hero of tech journalism, John C. Dvorak who I have read regularly since my early teens in the 1980s. It was an awesome experience and now I would fly anywhere in the US to have a breaking of the bread with JCD if he were to show up at a NoAgenda meetup.

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    1. If jcd puts together the train tour meetup for the Zephyr I would fly out to California in a heartbeat. It’s the only way I go back into that fucking state.

      JCD can move mountains. Leo can barely move his bowels.

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  14. I keep replaying that video link above to the part where FatFuck Leo says ” I don’t lie”
    He doesn’t even have the balls to say
    “I try Not to lie” or I’ve misspoken or I’m a tech fraud ,
    WTF !!!
    Leo your a walking lying billboard !!!
    Leo’s whole self proclaimed Tech guy image,role,hype has been one big lie and deception!!!!!

    Leo’s past was just a college dropout,washed up DJ with no degree in computer science or networking degree or formal technical training etc etc ..
    all he had in his favor was how to lie and spread BS
    he also had better memory retention that combined with his overbearing need to interrupt and dominant must have made him look like a god in the average joe’s eyes…
    So skip ahead 10 years and you have an overweight fat fuck self proclaimed geniuses spewing misinformation to newbies or anyone stupid enough to listen to this lying sack of horse shit..

    Keep spewing those BS ads u fucking idiot, you lie so much during your ad reading even newbies r calling u out on them.

    On the karma side of things, it’s nice to see LaFucks producer ” FnDone” aka Leo’s new bum boy is really giving LaFuck a lot of headaches during every show, love how karma is biting fatfuck in the ass these days.

    A quick shotout to LePorks (arm Candy) aka ManTranny aka Evil Eyes aka CeHo
    who has the biggest Balls (literally see previous threads on TD for proof) in the L&L partnership.
    So Fuck You Leo!!!!

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  15. Leo’s bitterness to JDC reflects what a sad sack he has become. I used to enjoy TWIT but, now i struggle to listen to his show as he and his guests are just one big native ad for mediocrity. His show seldom challenges any serious issues and they all act is if they if are in a club of elite tech journalist with ethics. What a joke.
    On the other hand JDC always has a provocative perspective on issues (with loads of opinion) which is very entertaining.

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  16. I am very glad JCD walked away from this bullshit. No Agenda is actually an enjoyable podcast and it is not some mindless nonsense like Leo implies. Leo seems incredibly delusional – he acts that because he banned JCD from TWiT that it somehow delegitimizes JCD as a journalist. At least JCD does not explicitly disrespect his audience and display gross ass shit on a live feed.

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  17. I hope there’s another article regarding this ‘First-Person Shooter’ TWiT vid that was posted on YT. Seriously, the depraved Leo puts over PornTube VR with Jarvis & Trapini.

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  18. Everyone needs to stop laughing and joking and watching twit crumble and take a minute to see how warped Leo is. John Dvorak is a journalist and I think his passion is journalism. The reason that ‘No Agenda’ started was John’s disgust with the compromised main stream media.
    Take this fact into account.

    Now imagine you have a friend with a job/passion they care about? Would you say they suck at it, for fun? Hey Megan, you’re a bad mom. Hey Jason, you’re not a good guitar player. It’s mean and cruel. If Leo said it to one person privately, it’s screwed up, but who says that stuff in public. Why? How messed up is he that he doesn’t know right from wrong. JOHN IS HIS FRIEND. Remember how Leo would laugh at Sarah for being single to hurt her? He is not a morally balanced person.

    The author of this article highlighted one person’s (in IRC) disgust, but it looks like everyone sees that Leo is wrong. Read the entire chat window clipped in the article above. Why do people support him?

    Let twit burn, let Leo be awful in his mansion alone.

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  19. When Leo’s balls swell up from constantly beating off on his Iphone and he dies of a-hole cancer, John C D will still be writing articles and doing some good for reality on the No Agenda Show.

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  20. I tried to listen to last week’s MBW, but after ten minutes I deleted it. Both Laporte and Ihnatko were disgusting with their over-the-top-shilling for the big-A. How can both men have Tim Cook’s dick in their mouths at the same time?

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  21. Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT a Leo Laporte fanboy. I find him entertaining, yes but he is often wrong or at best, incomplete in his answers. I have known/worked with Leo off and on for over a decade. Many people who have worked with him told me as far back as 2003 that he can be a real asshole, and I am inclined to agree with that opinion. Leo Laporte like Bill Cosby is an entertainer. You can like the product and not like the person.

    JCD is has been wrong with some of his predictions but he is an excellent writer who both informs and entertains. Unlike Leo, I have the utmost respect for him.

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  22. Both Leo and John are not great people, petty at times and horrible at others when not smiling, but I much prefer Leo over Dvorak who seems to grow nuttier, meaner and more conspiratorial “minded” with age. Maybe he’s gone through too many chemtrails.

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  23. It’s really like Leo got swallowed by a cult. He always was kinda left in politics but now he can’t contain himself. Every damn subject he brings up seems to lean left. He only brings on guests that are extreme left and also seem to be cult members.
    Honestly I love the guy but no longer can listen to him. He is lost his professionalism and needs serious medical treatment.

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    1. John… GREAT CALL!! I remember Dvorak back in the late 70’s and early 80’s at some of the bay area computer shows where folks were calling in for his ‘opinion’ what they should buy on the computer front. Overhearing the calls coming in since they were actually on a stage taking the calls, I consistently disagreed with his approach and opinion and it became obvious that this guy had =NO= formal background in the computing industry other than journalism. Sure enough, according to the Wiki, his major was History with a minor in Chemistry… Stands to reason. I remember that I actually dropped my subscription to Ziff Davis’ PC Magazine due to his writings. Even back in those days the comments were anything but complementary and folks just rolled their eyes when you even mentioned his name – if they didn’t laugh. Put another way, there’s those that REPORT the industry and those that are actually, formally, educated to innovate and MOVE the industry – he’s not and never will be one of the latter. Hell, Kim Commando, born in 1967, has already accomplished more than he EVER will and at least she has a Baccalaureate of Science in Information Systems. Often seen as a ‘soft’ computer based degree to those that have the BSCS or MSCS. She’s also estimated to be worth approx. 7 million dollars – and that figure is now probably quite old and outdated. Perhaps, it no longer matters since, now days, a lot of the innovators and movers aren’t even US born – take a look at the sheer percentage of both US citizens and, all too often, NON-US citizens employed in the high tech sector in the south bay, San Jose, Santa Clara, Cupertino etc. Fortunately, at this point, with the new(er) generations now in the industries – they don’t even know who this guy is – WONDERFUL !!!

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