Tag Archives: curry

Leo Laporte Says John C. Dvorak “Used to Be a Very Well-Respected Tech Writer”

The dumb, fat one on the left seems to hate the journalistic god on the right.
The dumb, fat one on the left seems to hate the journalistic god on the right.

Leo Laporte used to be a somewhat-respected, mostly-incorrect tech grandpa on a failure of a cable network. Now, he’s a disgusting imbecile masquerading as a tech mogul.

Since the original banning of John C. Dvorak and the follow-up insults, he’s been continuously dissing JCD and Adam Curry on a regular basis. He makes snide comments regarding John, especially when asked about him, but there’s usually not enough material for a post on Total Drama.

However, in the video above, you can hear him really lay into John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry again. Even his sycophant chat room was shocked. When you lose <Mike_B>, you know you’ve got problems, Leo.

<triplead> dvorak!
<MrMxyzptlk> ouch
<ToiLeTBuG> No agenda isnt that at all
<Web7991> hes the Man !!!
<Mike_B> Leo:  That was a bit harsh regarding JCD, wasn't it?
<User9468> leo - dont go there.
<User9468> leo--- just move on..
<plus4db> You should have Dvorak on your show sometime.

Dvorak doesn’t seem to understand Leo’s current attitude either.