BREAKING: TWiT Can’t Afford Video Bandwidth Anymore for Downloads

We suspected long-ago that Cachefly gave free bandwidth to TWiT in exchange for the stupid “Bandwidth for [dumb show] is provided by Cachefly, at C-A-C-H-E, F-L-Y dot com” mention. Patrick Delahanty confirmed that for us on April 7, 2015.

Patrick admits TWiT pays nothing to Cachefly for hosting
Patrick admits TWiT pays nothing to Cachefly for hosting

Guess this didn't work out so well for Cachefly
Guess this didn’t work out so well for Cachefly
However, we figured something might be going on behind the scenes with that relationship, because recently, TWiT tested promo codes with Cachefly at the beginning of some of the episode downloads, instead of the normal domain name spelling promo. This change signaled to us that Cachefly might be seeking more from the arrangement.

This new promo ran on shows from July 21-28, 2015 including MacBreak Weekly, Security Now, The New Screen Savers, and This Week in Tech, the most popular shows. Interestingly, this new promo billboard strategy was not extended to the less popular shows such as This Week in Google or the ones that FMCP hosts.

Hilton Goring could not be reached for comment about the possibility of cutting his on-screen hours.
Hilton Goring could not be reached for comment about the possibility of cutting his on-screen hours.
It appears that’s the case now, and Leo Laporte may have to actually use some of his money from the business to pay for something business-related for once. That leads up to where we are now. The “million-dollar studio” that he built may soon be mostly used for audio podcasts, and when he’s out on his ass, he may not have to set up as much equipment in his new church.

We would also assume this means less work and possibly fewer hours for Technical Directors, since they will only need to mix audio.

If live video stays around, you can watch recordings for the last 2 weeks (as of the time of this posting) on our DVR feature of the website. We hope we will not be crushed by the additional bandwidth required to serve TWiT’s loyal sycophants when Leo no longer foots the bill.

So did his influence and host talent.
So did his influence and host talent.

You can join us in our chat room at any time to discuss the faltering TWiT network without the censorship of #twitlive.

108 thoughts on “BREAKING: TWiT Can’t Afford Video Bandwidth Anymore for Downloads”

    1. It’s kind of like pranksters on YouTube who tell their victims they’re on TV. No Asshole, I’m on your video you’re posting to YouTube.

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    1. Well he now has the “12K” camera combo, as JCD pointed out.

      Buying shit is an issue. Overeating is an issue.

      His true fans need to start an intervention.

      Help Leo stop eating and buying crap.

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      1. Gluttony is definitely abnormal and a sign of something wrong in his life.

        But it’s his life, what are we supposed to do. With his branding any criticism as vicious trolling I don’t particularly care.

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  1. Leo might actually have to come up with a business plan. Honestly though, this has been in the mail for a decade. Of course, a rational business owner would have a contingency, right? Right!?

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  2. Gawd, Steve is the most gracious employee on the planet. Don’t you love how Leo just casually kicks SN into the Tier B class of TWIT’s podcasts – meanwhile it’s likely one of their biggest money makers. “We have video, I don’t know why”.

    What a disgusting piece of shit.

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      1. You can tell by some of the statement Dick is bitter about what TWIT aka Lisa did to him and Chad. He is still nice to Leo only to get the radio spot and few pennies Leo gives him for it.

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  3. Ever notice how Leo has a habit of dropping these bombshells on his hosts on the air – because he knows that they’re much more professional than he is and probably won’t blow a gasket on live video.

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    1. Fair enough. But which shows REALLY make use of video? Cursory footage of websites or a product sitting on a table isn’t that much more compelling. Screen Savers is predictably on his video short list, but even that show has a pathetic visual offering when it comes down to it.

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          1. If not for video, there would have been no reason to move out of the cottage.

            The move to a new building was totally driven by Leo’s desire to build a television studio–after years of gloating about how he didn’t need to build an old school studio like TechTV.

            If you want an example of what an audio-only network looks (even though he’s also doing video) just check out Dan Benjamin at

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  4. This is what S. G. Gets for 11 years of loyal service to twit network. S.G. Should get the hint and bail ASAP and start his own security now show and have it be backed by the people that follow and like S.G.

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    1. Steve is a class act but he actually seems rather fond of spending time with Leo who clearly cares enough about the show to not bother paying attention and instead shovel taco salads down his gullet. As much as Steve enjoys the show, something tells me he’s just fine without it (like most of TWIT’s real money makers).

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  5. Leo you slimball cunt

    You couldn’t give Steve enough respect after 11years to ask him in private about saving video money??


    Yet few hours before MacBreakWeekly your boasting a new camera while your secretly doing a paid Sony ad .
    You claim you buy all your stuff, I’m calling BS on that, you lie about everything all the time so how’s one to believe you anymore.

    Stop treating your money making hosts like shit you arrogant fat pig

    We heard you whine and complain for years after TechTV canned your useless fat ass a few times, yet your doing the same to hosts that are a lot more useful than you ever were


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  6. The free ride is over with Cachefly and they probably saw the download traffic decreasing over the last several months and they said we are going to start charging TWIT more for bandwidth.

    This what happens when you decrease your talent and content as they have over the last year or two. It takes money to make money and reinvest in the network instead of talking all the profit for vacations, Audi Luxury cars and 10K Sony Cameras.

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  7. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! The is is awesome! The ship keeps sinking. God I love watching this. Leo went from a podcasting icon to a has been because of his dick. It’s amazing to watch him shit on employees with seemingly no thought. I can’t even imagine what he’s like in private when he lets loose on employees. I suppose I can take a guess with how many leave as soon as they get a chance.

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    1. The main thing is the blatant revisionism – if doing video “suddenly” doesn’t make sense, then moving out of the fucking cottage in the first place was a colossal waste of time. Leo might have saved some money if he’d just strapped a bloody selfie webcam around his gunt like every other video ego blogger. I seem to recall Leo contantly fucking with lighting and cameras when his head wasn’t in a trough.

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    2. You already saw Leo’s behavior off camera with Sarah Lane, when Miracle Mike was taking over the best show they had. No Tom, Iyaz and now Sarah equals no show worth watching.

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  8. I am a total drama reader but I genuinely hate you people for being pure evil garbage. But, you were right.

    You guys said on August 12th they were starting the “squeezing everything he can out of what is left of twit and not growth ” phase. You were right, I hope he admits it.

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  9. Wow this keeps getting better and better. Leo is total slime. Luckily there are other podcasts out there. Steve should have a backup plan ready and talk to Paul or Patrick in private. The only reason I barely watch Security Now is because Leo runs his mouth on top of Steve or adds stupid comments like he isn’t paying attention. I know some of Steve’s content is hard core and he can get boring and put you to sleep. I felt asleep many times listening to him, but I also learned alot from that show and tossing grade B audio right away is bull shit. SN was #2 next to TWIT when it all started.

    Leo is becoming dumber and dumber as he ages and with his new health problems, he better start looking into fixing them before he really does kick the bucket. I guess he never listened to Steve’s side health shows he did. Everyone makes their own choices, but I find it funny those SN health shows he did were a few years ago and it looks like Leo never looked into them as a possible avenue of help. I haven’t either but if I was forced with the problem, I’d look at solutions everywhere.

    As for his business, he needs to realize and eventually he will, bills have to be paid and I love how rich people or fat cats hate when their gravy train is over. They whine like little babies. It sucks but you adapt. Also if they paid nothing for the bandwidth all these years, they knew it would eventually change and maybe they should have locked in a slightly lower bill before Cache Fly cuts them off. Too late for that now! LOL. It’s amazing how he changes his mind and rationalizes everything on his new thought or problem. I hear very little, oh shit, I knew this was coming or this was a mistake I made, etc etc.

    I guess this is another iceburg hit in the sinking ship. I’ll eventually have to keep watch so I can archive select shows before he shuts down completely.

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    1. Leo’s vacation bills and FUPA keep getting larger, while his pea-sized brain and podcasting mind share are ever shrinking. The acceleration of both really make it an awesome downward spiral to behold.

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  10. If he has to start paying for bandwidth, then the next few weeks are going to be very interesting. There have been numerous cracks forming over the last year or so, but this one is when the water starts leaking into the ship.

    Blub Blub Blub

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  11. So fat fuck Soup spends 20 minutes making love to his new $11,000 camera then minutes later complains about the expense of the Shithouse.

    What an asswipe, what a hypocrite, when will the pain finally end?

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  12. EX-Fan
    Spot on

    Sad thing is he knows his photography skills are the shits yet he continues to invest in expensive camera gear in hopes 1 will make him look like a pro, bet you Ansil Adams is looking down on the fat fuck and shaking his head

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    1. im guessing eventually everything but twit, tnss and before you buy maybe. if its just him and others reading news who cares. its funny this shows how twit has come full circle started with audio only ect. i mean really most of the shows are just talking heads.

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      1. even TWiT will have a hard time keeping going. Guests only come on that show because they are respected contacts to Jason, Tonya, and Elgan. Leo lit his rolodex on fire over 10 moons ago. He’s even burnt through his favors and goodwill. If he is expecting to have a one man operation with his “flagship” shows, then he will be in for a sore surprise, no one of merit wants to talk to him anymore. #SOUP #IRRELEVANT

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  13. Reasons why I try to watch SN, LaPortly would always find time to drop the biggest of news between the end of MBW and SN start with Steve.

    Everything that was mildly shocking like:
    The lease
    No more live streaming
    No more chat
    I am dying of my shameful lust over food
    People “leaving” twit
    And new ads that make no sense to be carried on Steve’s podcast

    Remember kids, if the women don’t find you handsome, get rich or do an audio podcast so they don’t know or care how ugly you really are.

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  14. If I was as freewheeling with money as Laporte is, I’d buy an ad on his radio show made up of clips of him talking about what a bunch of stupid baboons his radio listeners are.

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  15. Leo is constantly saying there are more audio downloads than video and live streaming,People are listening to podcasts mostly during the drive to work its always been like that.A smart businessman would see the writing on the wall and adjust

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  16. Honest Question…Is HD video really that necessary? Video was always a luxury item for a audio medium, but HD video seems really crazy for a couple of people talking over skype.

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    1. Leo had this big thing about people in the future watching twit on their big screen tv’s therefore to do that and make it pleasing to the eyes they had to go HD

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      1. Thanks! I think that’s a good aspiration but he forgot to make something that people actually want to see on TV. Game On would have been good, but I don’t think he gave it enough time, TNSS is another good attempt, and it may actually hang around long enough to gain traction.

        Since Twit doesn’t make their own apps I doubt they’d ever make it on tv, even if they had something to show.

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        1. It’s looks like Twit decided they wanted to be a big TV network. They have this studio that’s beyond what TV people would build, a not insignificant staff and the quality of their output (in terms of audio and video) is excellent.

          At the same time, their content quality doesn’t match a TV network. There’s no conciseness or editing on the big shows so it doesn’t lend itself to video, they rarely leave the studio to do reports and there’s little unique content.

          Oddly enough, Hamnation is the closest thing to a real TV show because they put a lot of work into preparation, they have a big team of contributors and are so – genuinely – enthusiastic about the subject.

          I also don’t understand why Twit does those daily news shows. That must be so expensive and time consuming.

          The best thing Twit can do is downsize. Become efficient once more and understand they are a well known podcast network, not the next CNN of technology.

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  17. Mismanagement more than likely the cause. Overspending on Trips, Expensive cameras..more trips, More cameras. I would guess he does not understand , or perhaps care, that the video adds a dynamic that audio alone does not.

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        1. Probably repurposed around the excerise room as cover for the bondage equipment installed…only we can wish Leo forgets his safe word whilst Lisa is flailing away at Leo’s little lizard.

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  18. They have ALWAYS had ALL of the numbers. And yet (or thus) they went forward with staff, equipment and facilities. So it would seem that at some point, Leo felt much differently than he does in this video – to the tune of millions of dollars in resources. This is why his certainty about it makes him look like such an ass.

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  19. I still don’t get it.

    He’s said that revenue was 6 million pa. Rent is 12x30k or 360k pa. Salaries are 25×75 or 2million. Taxes take another 40% so that’s a net million a year into his pocket.

    And he whines about expenses. What a fucking piece of shit.

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    1. I know, I know. I have told my big, fat porkster of a husband that the more expenses we claim the less I have to give to that bitch Jennifer.

      Will he ever learn?

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  20. Poor Steve Gibson. He’s a genuinely nice guy and Leo the Psychopath takes complete advantage of his generosity and makes derogatory statements and gestures behind his back []. What a Dick Leo is.

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  21. Yesterday on SN, SG having a strong opinion against windows 10 called the new windows version “a flying turd” lol. LL proceeded to argue against SG and literally pissed Steve off, it was a funny back and forth argument, (worth watching) . Well today on WW, LL went and snitched to Paul (throwing SG under the bus) that he called Windows 10 “a turd”. This guys is so petty what a piece of work!

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    1. Maybe a guy who writes bare metal assembly language applications for platter driver doesn’t need Windows 10. Leo is a real piece of work belittling Steve like this. Thankfully, Steve and Paul squashed a long time ago and I like to think they recognize some mutual respect for each other that an imbecile like Leo can’t relate to.

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    2. Steve was being a dick saying Win 10 was “a flying turd” – not exactly a professional or helpful comment .

      He backtracked later and said “ok, it’s fine for some people, just not for me” which was a much better thought.

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      1. It sounds like Steve backed off with a more comprehensive comment, but Leo went ahead and tattled the more incendiary comment on WW anyway, with the giddy glee of a little girl no doubt.

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    3. Windows 10 rant relating to Steve’s comments.

      Watching SN now and after playing with Windows 10, I have to agree with Steve on some points. It doesn’t need all those privacy settings on by default. My main problem with Windows 10 is the ugly metro UI and MS getting rid of the control panel in favor of that unfinished Settings Metro Control Panel app. I also don’t like the Ribbon UI in explorer. It’s too big and a waste of space. Where’s the options to choose what you want. Also the insane whiteness and pencil like buttons in Windows 10 are terrible. Again where are the options to customize. Here’s another thought, MS went crazy with 3D UI aka glass and rounded buttons and now everything is flat. And my biggest complaint from using Windows 10 is the Windows Update applet. Not only is it ugly along with the settings app, but it isn’t finished in my opinion by giving you options to choose which updates to apply and defer or ignore. I have ran into Windows Update driver fuck ups in the past and MS will learn hard that not every update or driver will install perfectly or work. It has already bit them in the ass.

      Those are my main issues with using Windows 10. Three or four main issues isn’t bad. I did like some of the things they did do, Volume level overlay. Game recording, DX 12, app compatibility, even though I am sure there’s win32 apps that are having issues. 90% of mine worked. I install like 700+ apps and games.

      I think he was right on by hinting that Windows 10 is being dumbed down and becoming less customizable. We’ll see if they retract and give the customization back and have it flexible and fuction.

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  22. Yup seen fat cunt Leo throwing Steve Gibson under the bus today on WW

    Grow up asshole
    pitying your hosts against each other is the lowest form of loyalty I’ve ever seen,
    Steve G and Dickie D helped you gain traction for your little podcast 10 years ago gaining you some very loyal viewers , and this is how you repay them?? By firing one and disrespecting the other!!!!

    Asshole !!!!!

    SteveG is to good for TWIT
    he does a lot of homework for his SN podcast, unlike fat cunt Leo who waddles in and pretends he knows alittle fucking code a 10year old could write.

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  23. I remember when Leo was working on Steve to switch over to a video feed for the SN podcast. Steve really wasn’t interested because he knew way back then his content was audio only and the video would cause more problems than it was worth. I believe this bandwidth budget Leo is promoting is Lisa’s way to get Leo off the live stream and behind a editor’s screen. Last week when Leo was reading the Casper ad and inserted the throwaway comment that his son was bedding the “ladies” on a Casper mattress is exactly what Lisa is trying to control away from Leo. I’ll bet that comment was edited out of the podcast feed. Another thought is Leo does use the live feed to keep guests and hosts waiting knowing they will be less likely to get mad with His tardiness and trough swilling antics on a live feed.

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    1. I remember that transition, it seems dragging Steve around on his whims is par for the course. He’s like a damn bully.

      That thing with Laporky Jr. is just repugnant.

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  24. Guys like Steve, Paul and Mary Jo put a lot of work into their shows, and Leo can’t even be bothered to show up on time. Let alone pretend he’s paying attention or take his head out if the feed bag for two minutes.

    Sometimes Leo will have just up and left while Steve/Mary Jo/Paul are speaking. Unbelievable.

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      1. Except maybe for Nature Box ™ that Leo can shovel into his fat face, I don’t think Capt. Diabeetus actually uses anything he advertises.

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  25. I far prefer video to audio, even if it is not absolutely technically necessary. Video provides a more immersive environment for the viewer. I like being able to see the actual human beings it helps form a connection.

    More generally on Steve … he does a good job of breaking down relatively technical topics, so on that score I take my hat off to him.

    Now the things that irritate me about him –

    a) Claiming to write nearly all your software in assembly language is completely moronic. It probably sounds impressive to non-programmers but all he’ll end up doing is basically duplicating a higher level language like C for absolutely no sane reason in most cases. Sometimes you have to use assembly but there is no point using it where it is not necessary.

    b) SpinRite … how can anyone believe, when there are so many programmers and so many billions pumped into the tech industry, that Steve, a single programmer, has managed to produce the world’s best hard drive utility? Why doesn’t he licence his brilliant hard drive technology to Seagate – why don’t they copy it? I would suggest because it’s largely horseshit – which is also what I’ve seen posted from people who worked in the hard disk industry.

    So my feelings are mixed about Steve, his assembly language and SpinRite claims make me think he’s a fraud while his tech breakdowns are quite decent.

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    1. Spinrite… I bought it at work to try to fix a hard drive problem on a users computer. Had to be 20 years ago, spinrite 2 or 3.
      Didn’t work. A few years ago, user comes by with hard drive issues. Wheres that spinrite 5.25 floppy? Is this program still even around? Reasearch and visit Yep, upgrade to version 6, it has to be good by now.
      Nope, did not fix users hard drive. My experience with this product is poor. I had no luck with it.

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  26. Everything about whatever the fuck TWIT is is what Leo the narcissist actively made it. To be disingenuous about it now makes him look like a complete dickwad.

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