Megan Morrone hits the wall

Was Megan ever good looking?
Was Megan ever good looking?

Megan Morrone, host of “Tech News 2Night,” has hit the wall.

I’m waiting for the haters in the comments to tell me that she looks good. Because she doesn’t. So that would make all of you saying otherwise liars.

Just cut and paste these comments to save time:

  • “This site has gone downhill.”
  • “She’s a mother—how dare you.”
  • “HelloWorld is ruining this blog.”
  • “I used to like this site but you guys have really crossed the line.”

Megan has since deleted a tweet back to somebody posting the link to this blog post. It appears that Megan can’t stand behind the courage of her own convictions. Why did she delete the tweet? What is she ashamed of?

Megan Morrone deleted this tweet—but not before we grabbed a screenshot of hit.
Megan Morrone deleted this tweet—but not before we grabbed a screenshot of hit.

One week later and Megan is not even pretending to try:

Megan Morrone looks sad and miserable as a TWiT slave worker.
Megan Morrone looks sad and miserable as a TWiT slave worker.

55 thoughts on “Megan Morrone hits the wall”

    1. Ex-fan – If she’s a real ‘mom,’ she wouldn’t continue to work for a guy who exposed a dick on the stream and lied about it.

      She has no family values.

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          1. Her husband considers himself a writer just as every waitress and waiter in California is an actor.

            Trust me the stuff he writes is inaccurate and without research.

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      1. I hope you’re being sarcastic, or else this site has marred your ability to see the good in anyone.

        Nobody is going to be acceptable in your eyes. If Megan hadn’t taken Sarah’s job someone else would have. So she isn’t enabling Leo to do anything. And Leo is just a sleazy person, not Stalin or Pol Pot.

        Plus she seems to have good family values. The fact that they showed up at their mom’s work once or thrice doesn’t mean Leo has tainted them for life, nor does it really factor into Meghan’s parenting skills.

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        1. JIMMY: Good family values? ? You’re kidding, right?

          She’s working for a perv who not only showed a dick pick, but lied about it.

          Some family values….

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          1. I doubt Megan or her husband, Marco would let anything happen to their kids. You don’t have the right to judge her parenting if you don’t know her personally.
            You guys only see what they show on the stream, unless you know them personally, you have no right to judge.

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        2. Jimmy Jam
          You would think a parent should be able to take their kids to work. If you watch the videos on youtube there is a creep factor with Leo that I would not want my kids around.

          It’s all there.

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    2. I wasn’t going to comment on this because of the laugh fit I just had reading this post. LET ME BE CLEAR … I am a rule follower and the rule was to cut and paste selected comments. According to these parameters the proper way to structure your comment was this:

      * She’s a mother—how dare you.

      See was that so hard. very simple and more concise than your own answer.

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  1. Imagine if you will, working for Leo. In a shit hole like twit. Working with people that hate being there and are always looking for a job at Subway or Burger King.

    I am kind of surprised she looks this good.
    If she did find another job she would crawl back to twit like the rest have with Lisa’s hatchet still in their backs.

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  2. I don’t like when Helloworld goes off on Megan. She is a nice person and a mom and never did anything but take a job working for an asshole, she probably had no idea what a sick bunch of people were at TWiT when she took the job. But I like when HW rips on Mike and Leo and Father so I accept the Megan bashing with a grain of salt.

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    1. I’m thinking that I’ll only let up on those “Leo enablers” at TWiT like Megan and Jason Howell when they wake up and leave for a better job. Their support of Leo and Lisa’s horrendously gluttonous lifestyle sickens me and if this blog can show them the way, then we’ve done some real good in this world—and that’s not a joke.

      Jason Howell has spent time away from his own family to work on the weekends at TWiT as Leo eats his way across Europe. Lisa delights in firing people so she can put more money in her own pocket.

      Megan brings her children to the Shithouse and lets them wander around amongst the filfth. All the TWiT apologists need to realize that she’s setting a horrible example for her boys. She looks horrible because Leo is working her to death. So by pointing out her physical deterioration, we’re saving her from an early grave.

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  3. That’s a good defense for a worthless post. Just say everything those who might not agree with you might say to try to invalidate them. Doesn’t work. Oh I forgot you will say eat a dick too. Looking for it below soon. It will come. FYI to all those thinking morrone looks horrible here, its a still.

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    1. See all comments above. Plus, she’s waay past her expiration date.

      Now Serenity Caldwell, on the other hand, is totally hot and interesting. MM is a boring “mom.”

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          1. Look in the mirror Molly. Then look at a picture of Serenity Caldwell or Georgia from iMore. Go ahead, I’ll wait…

            Now tell me your not old or even remotely attractive as those ladies in their 20s.

            You’re welcome.

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  4. Having Georgia Dow on iOS today has shown us what we are missing , the last 2 episodes with her have been a real breath of fresh air someone who knows what’s going on. Stay away Leo , Georgia has helped Megan up the level of the show

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  5. You may not be aware of it, but:

    – “This site has gone downhill.”
    – “She’s a mother—how dare you.”
    – “HelloWorld is ruining this blog.”
    – “I used to like this site but you guys have really crossed the line.”

    (thank you for being considerate to me at least and having those really obvious points ready to cut and paste)

    I’m actually very shocked with all of the news that I watched and read this week, that I somehow managed to miss this news item.

    (A philosophical question – As important as it is for us all to hate and mock the people that you find unattractive, isn’t it way more important for us to focus our hatred and mocking on the people that you are attracted to who didn’t go along with your sexual advances? You know who I mean – Leo, Lisa, Padre, etc. (unless Megan is in that group and I missed that news story as well?))

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  6. Holden wrote above ” [Megan is] waay past her expiration date. Now Serenity Caldwell is totally hot and interesting.”

    So, Holden, in about 10 years or less when Serenity Caldwell hits 40 or loses the bloom of youth, whichever comes first, it sounds like you’re saying that she should be placed on an ice flow as it drifts away from shore, or if Serenity is permitted to continue to live amongst us that she be forced to wear a brown paper bag over her head to hide her expired face.

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  7. Holden also wrote above “Now tell me your (sic) not old or even remotely attractive as those ladies [Serenity C. and Georgia Dow] in their 20s”

    Uh, the bio on Georgia on iMore mentions that “Georgia Dow, MA, has over 20 years of experience in teaching and counseling. With degrees in Psychology and Education.” Georgia and Megan must be very close to the same age, although it sounds like Georgia may be a couple of years older.

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  8. What a bunch of compete assholes making these comments. So hell-bent on attacking twit , you have to wonder what the true intent and identities hide beneath

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