As the minutes turn into hours and the hours give way to months, the flowing sands of the hourglass serve as a reminder that change is constant and the world is forever evolving—but not so Leo Laporte.
His delusions and lies stand as firm as the foundational stones of the ancient pyramids. It was trumpeted on nearly every TWiT show that Spotify would be featuring “This Week in Tech” in their new podcast section on the music-streaming service. But a recent search on Spotify reveals nothing: No “TWiT,” no “TNT,” certainly no “Marketing Mavericks.”
So thanks for nothin’, Leo. You got us again with another one of your classic boastful exaggerations. “We looooooooooove Spotify.”
Well, apparently Spotify doesn’t love you.
I’m curious if it’s a Canadian thing (are you in Canada?). I just installed the Spotify application in Windows 8.1 Desktop and did a search for ANY podcast and can’t see any. Tried BBC, NBC, TWiT, Vice, nothing. I can’t even see a Podcast section.
Marcus» Quote comment
Spotify’s podcast service is smartphone-only.
Me» Quote comment
This story was very poorly sourced. Not worth spending time adding a yellow arrow to a screenshot.
Yars Revenge» Quote comment
Eat a dick.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
But not Leo’s, he’d be hungry again soon.
Jimmy Jam» Quote comment
The service is only for smartphones for now. What a waste of a post. I guess you don’t own a smartphone or you would’ve known.
MollyFa» Quote comment
Lol Helloworld showing his ignorance once again. What a moron.
kennnn» Quote comment
Eat a dick.
HelloWorld» Quote comment
You’re such a crybaby. Are you 12?
kennnn» Quote comment
Why don’t you eat a dick, H? You are ignorant. Do you know what a smartphone really is? Nope…. Because your mommy won’t allow you to have ine. LOL
MollyFa» Quote comment
Molly, worry about all your internal organs falling out of that gapping hole of yours down below and just eat that dick. lol
Yuki Matsuda» Quote comment
I watched the spotify keynote. They had the TWIT logo there in the screen so alas they’re really going to be there ..
Josh» Quote comment
Wrong, wrong, wrong again.
stevied» Quote comment
Will someone eat me?
Mariam’s Dick» Quote comment
Stupid post.
HelloWorld» Quote comment