Leo Laporte’s purge of gay staffers continues

Leo just can't help firing the gay staffers at TWiT.
Leo just can’t help firing the gay staffers at TWiT.

Slack-mouthed soup-slurper Leo Laporte’s purge of all gay staffers is almost complete. With the recent firing of Jeff Noodles, the few remaining LGBT community members includes Myriam Joire and Jason C. Cleanthes. Before that Chad Johnson and Dick DeBartolo were shown the door.

It remains to be seen just how far Leo will allow himself to be manipulated by the notoriously anti-gay Lisa Kentzell. But we fear for Jason C. Cleanthes. He needs the paycheck.

So here’s the complete list of fired, demoted or otherwise purged gay/lesbian contributors:

  1. Gina Trapani
  2. Chad Johnson
  3. Jeff Noodles
  4. Dick DeBartolo
  5. Edie Reingold
  6. Colleen Kelly
  7. EffenDumb (Jason C. Cleanthes) (possibly demoted but not yet fired)

We here at TotalDrama stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the brave gay employees that have been fired by TWiT. This unfair treatment should not be tolerated in 2015. Leo and Lisa should be ashamed of their unfair business practices.

68 thoughts on “Leo Laporte’s purge of gay staffers continues”

    1. She lucked out to Google, they were hiring, but Leo would have fired her because of a TriCaster settings issue that really pissed off Leo at the Cottage – I heard that live just before a TTG – 3 weeks later came the announcement.

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  1. Look, when you look like Lisa there is a tendency for an awful lot of lesebians to hit and come on to you. I’m sure it must gets tiring for her. From what I’ve seen (even if she truely hates dykes) she hasn’t let this impact her professional relationships with the LGBT community.

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    1. I enjoy reading the posts from HELLOWORLD very much. Since much of the other content on TotalDrama is fact based reporting about Twit I think his/her reflections and opinions add some flavour to the site.

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    2. An occasional Helloworld post would be okay. But, for some reason, he has started back with excessive and meaningless posts, just like he did in the previous iteration of TD.
      I hope this site doesn’t devolve into the hat critiques that caused me to stop reading TD.org.

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    3. Don’t want to be mean, but HELLOWORLD’s post are just hate remarks. Generally, there are better posts from others.

      Not that I don’t appreciate the effort, but his posts really border on bullying with no real substance.

      Still fun to read for a laugh though.

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      1. The whole point is to laugh. Sometimes I’m funny, sometimes I’m not. But I’m having way more fun than the angry commenters (not you Magic). But some very angry commenters COMPLETELY miss the point.

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        1. Yes, you all do a great job. I meant it in a nice way. I should have phrased it that your posts are typically for comedic value. Other posters generally have an incident to report on.

          Anyhow, I re-read my post and I might have sounded as though I thought your posts were worse than others. They are just different is what i meant.

          Comments to your posts tend to start flame wars and nonsense discussion too. 🙂

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        2. But, see, the problem is you THINK you are funny when you arent and you THINK you are being factual when you are NOT. Get that straight, then there wont be all these hateful comments to your posts.

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  2. Fact Check: While I may not be Myriam Joire’s Mother, I do know she brought her husband to this week’s TWiT and Leo asked HIM to come up in front of the camera but HE politely declined. So TD, you might have been a bit too quick to stereotype? The reality is TWiT has no LGBT employees, but it has nothing to do with Lisa’a alleged homophobia, I just think they don’t like coming out to Peatluma. #TWiT_Rainbow

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  3. More bullshit lies:

    1. Leo hired all these people in the first place

    2. Gina Trapani still contributes as much as she can.

    3. Chad chose to go independent with his shows.

    People change jobs. Even gay people.

    Only someone like HelloWorld with a personality disorder that can’t accept change devotes his life to slandering someone because everything isn’t exactly as it was three years ago.

    HelloWorld: Get help. You’re mentally ill.

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    1. You’re the one who is full of shit. Regarding Chad, even Leo admitted they fired him to encourage him to pursue his dreams. Leo said it would be hard to give up a steady paycheck but they believe in Chad bla bla bla.

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    2. Cortez are you an idiot? Even Laporte himself said he pushed Chad out (for his own good.) Now you sheep make up lies for him, I miss the old days when the sheep just swallowed the fat mans lies, now they lie for him.

      Anyway, I need to work on my clueless expression, later.

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  4. umm is Chad actually gay though? I thought that (read: HOPED) he was a while ago and I googled it and found a really old forum post where he said “I like girls” (this is probably from his high school days, so he may have been a closet case back then). But has he actually officially come out? I’d love to see that video/tweet/whatever to show my support.

    (And pack up my life and move to LA to live happily ever after with that cutie)

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    1. I think the “Chad is gay” implication is just wishful thinking/assumption on the poster’s part (not that Chad isn’t thoroughly adorable enough to give even straight guys pause to consider). I saw the same “I like girls, thanks” comment as you did from him once on something that’s now years-old, as you say. One prevailing theory about Chad is the uber-religious thing – that kind of super-Christian vibe where the person won’t want to be with *anyone* (except perhaps their lord and savior and blah blah blah) . Another theory is a so-far-in-the-closet one, and another is a Peter Pan, arrested-development thing where he’s not emotionally mature enough for a relationship.

      Whatever, though – it’s only really his business and I’ll continue to enjoy him as-is. His recent “moving vlog” Youtube vid is pretty fun. 🙂

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  5. How about all the gay bashing on the last TWiT hosted GizWiz. Leo called Dicky D a flamer, and kept joking about Kevin Rose calling it the jizz wiz. It has horrific.

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    1. Yeah, I like all of Helloword’s comments. He is the exact opposite of the TWIT chat IRC. One slightly anti-twit comment (even though factual) will result in a 100 year ban.

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  6. I find it interesting that Leo, the Tech Guy (?), still finds the multi-billion dollar company eBay not “safe to buy stuff”, simply because it’s individuals selling through it. How ignorant is that statement? Sellers there are rated on trustworthiness. It just bothers me that he tells people not to buy there, but buy a $800 foam mattress from Casper lol

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    1. Probably because he sucks out Gazelle’s asshole.

      His trumpeting of Gazelle has been one of my biggest red flags that he’s full of BS. It’s a bad company, you will always get ripped off selling to them. It is always, always cheaper to sell it yourself and not by a small margin. I sold a broken Macbook on craigslist for four times what Gazelle was offering me just last week.

      If it wasn’t clear Gazelle was evil, it’s not irrefutable since they turn around and sell all the junk on their own eBay site. Where do you think they make a profit? Their entire business is based on buying stuff cheap from idiots and selling it to bigger idiots.

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  7. Leo’s distain for E Bay stems from his on air purchase of a listing, I think It was a Canon Camera. Leo was scammed , this from the tech guy, he didn’t vet the seller as he should have . This lack of attention to the details carried forward when he hired Lisa as head bookkeeper.

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    1. I didn’t know the back story to the anti Ebay campaign… Perhaps he should rather tell the people to check the seller rating. But in any case if the seller is a crook or the package gets lost they refund your money.

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      1. The E Bay listing Leo sent his money too wasn’t a E Bay money back listing, Leo missed the small print that the transaction limit was over his purchase price. The seller claimed he sent the purchase but Leo never received it.

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  8. Wow, lets just make shit up. Oh wait, this is total drama. Colleen Kelly was not gay and she quit to join google, Needles isn’t gay and he quit, Gina Trapani quit to work on Think Up.

    Try harder.

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    1. Why do you know so much about these people? We’re just having fun…but you, you sound like you have A LOT invested here. Lighten the fuck up.

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      1. The journalistic standards are different at Associated Press, for instance, and TMZ. But both would seriously worry about assigning a sexual or gender orientation to someone without their own affirmation. Hence, the incredibly careful treatment of the Bruce Jenner story right up to the point of hir interview with Diane Sawyer.

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      2. Helloworld, I get that you are trying to be funny and I don’t fault you for that. However, when this version of TD started back up, it was stated that it would be different, and it has been. Most of the posts have been actual TWIT issues. So, I believe people are reading posts and believing what is written, and why shouldn’t they? Then, you start posting a lot of things “having fun”, and obviously you know some of it is made up for humor, but the readers can’t always tell – they are responding based on the recent mood of TD “reporting” which has been more on the serious side.

        I think it is hard for TD to serve two masters. If the TD “committee” wants it to be humorous, then so be it. If they want it to be serious, then be serious. Or, as a third option, have two sections of TD that are clearly delineated, or somehow signify that a posting isn’t real. Trying to be funny and seriously report on the issues with TWIT is just confusing for people, especially when some of the factual stuff coming out of TWIT is so unbelievable to begin with.


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      3. If you want to mock TWiT, that’s one thing…but some of the people you listed are openly homosexual and some are not. If you are falsely accusing them of being homosexual or revealing the sexual preference of someone who isn’t openly gay, that’s REALLY not cool.

        Make fun of TWiT, but you guys should really leave people’s personal lives out of this. It leaves you WIDE OPEN for a defamation lawsuit…one I’m sure they’ve been just waiting to pull on you guys.

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  9. I randomly caught an episode of TWIG with Gina on it recently, where they were talking about something falled “fullmo” and leo made the joke (to Gina) about “halfmo, fullmo, but no homo”.

    Ugh. So cringeworthy. I dont’ know how she tolerated it. I mean, it isn’t inherently offensive – it is just incredibly awkward and uncomfortable.

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  10. Uh, Jason C was hired LATE in the game, everyone AND Lisa already KNEW he was gay , well before ever thinking of hiring him at TWiT, so this makes no sense./

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  11. Wow, what an amazingly offensive work of fiction!

    Leo is human and leads a less than sanitary life in front of the cameras. (at least before today’s assassination of the the live feeds). Leo is also basically a decent guy and does not judge others for their own personal lives. TWiT seems to go far out of it’s way to hire LGBT people. So much so that Leo sometimes makes jokes as if he’s one of us. Sometimes, it’s a bit cringe-worthy, but we can live with it. (When it flops, it’s a bit like watching a white guy use the N word.) I’ve made comments like that before as well, in front of people who mean well and had no idea that I was gay. It was disappointing that the comment seemed a bit homophobic to the straight people, but it wasn’t worth explaining either.

    Please don’t accuse anyone of being Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans or anything else. IDK who #5 is, but of the remaining 6 people, 4 have publicly talked about being LGBT, but I’ve never seen any comments to that effect from Chad or Jeff. If you have a source where they have publicly said that they were gay, please post a link. They are both wonderful people and the rest of us would be thrilled to count them among us. If not, please don’t just throw out names in order to flesh out a fictional narrative. (meaning if all 7 were openly LGBT, plus the other openly LGBT people who are no longer part of TWiT and if my dreams came true and Tom Merrit was also gay and married to me (sorry Irene), all your list seems to prove is that TWiT has a lot of turnover and hires a lot of LGBT people.)

    There is enough real homophobia in this world. There’s no reason to just throw an accusation of it at people who are not homophobic, just because you don’t like them.

    If Chad is gay, I wish that he’d just marry me.
    Unfortunately, wishful thinking doesn’t work.

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    1. HelloWorld’s poor attempts at humour need to be axxed from the Internet. Otherwise this site has nothing to apologize for.

      Leo is all about the image, that’s the only reason he appears to support causes like the LGBTQ movement. This guy doesn’t have the ability to care for other human beings, regardless of sexual orientation. Look at what he did to Erik Lanigan. One day Erik was his publicly declared successor, the next he was dogshit to Leo. He put Erik over the edge because he’s devoid pf compassion for anyone.

      Just do some research on Leo, don’t let your judgment become clouded by your own agenda.

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  12. i have excellent gaydar, even among very hetereo acting men, and while Chad and Needles make my radar goes like, past the red zone.. like its straining. Love ’em both; they are good people, how they wish to define or make public their sexuality is their own business.

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