How To Express Your Disgust Over #DickGate

Update: We made a mistake in the email address and have now corrected it. Thank you.
The now unoffensive picture by comparison.
The now unoffensive picture by comparison.

We are all upset by Leo displaying a penis live during The Tech Guy podcast. The question is, where can you go for closure? Well, Leo does The Tech Guy for Premiere Radio Networks and he can’t even bother to show up on time.

Premiere complaint letter being sent by a dissatisfied party
Premiere complaint letter being sent by a dissatisfied party
If you are disgusted and you’d like to express your disgust to Premiere Networks, please write a thoughtful email to them and also call, to make sure you get through. Do not be hateful, but simply express your reasons for your dissatisfaction and encourage them to do something to change the behavior.

Example reasons:

  • Displaying a penis on Sunday, May 24, 2015’s The Tech Guy podcast.
  • Gawker and Perez Hilton have now covered the story, in which Leo lies about what happened. TOMO News has spoofed it as well. These public stories are damaging their brand.
  • Not getting to the radio show in time
  • Forgetting to do the Carbonite live read even after Nathan reminded him multiple times during the show, and then joking that Nathan may be fired
  • He makes fun of callers regularly off-the-air (in terms of radio, but still goes to the TWiT live stream)
  • Leo laporte is a unrepentant misogynist

Contact information:

Main Phone: 818-377-5300 (Ask to speak to Jennifer Leimgruber, SVP of Programming, or to leave a message for her)

Email Jennifer Leimgruber
Senior Vice President of Programming, Premiere Radio Networks, Inc.

Write physical mail. This will likely have a greater impact.
Address to:
Jennifer Leimgruber
Senior Vice President of Programming
15260 Ventura Blvd
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Social Media: Twitter, Facebook

Please join with us to communicate our dissatisfaction to Premiere. Hopefully Leo will change his behavior.

157 thoughts on “How To Express Your Disgust Over #DickGate”

    1. May 28, 2015

      Jennifer Leimgruber,
      Executive Vice President of Programming
      Premiere Networks Inc. / iHeartMedia Inc.
      15260 Ventura Blvd.
      Sherman Oaks, CA 91403


      Dear Ms. Leimgruber,

      I wish to inform you of the highly inappropriate sexual indiscretions of one of your broadcasters, Leo Laporte, host of “The Tech Guy” radio show, which is broadcast nationally by Premiere Networks.

      In addition to his past indiscretions reported publicly by Gawker: (, and (, Mr. Laporte continues to tarnish the reputation of iHeartMedia and its subsidiaries by his salacious and markedly perverted behavior on his netcast network TWiT (, a network that you allow him to promote on his radio show, and is ironically marketed as “family friendly”.

      Most recently he briefly exposed a picture of his penis to viewers watching “The Tech Guy” livestream: at the 15-second mark: ( A more detailed blog post can be found here: ( Also you may be interested to know that, on the same day, he failed to read a Carbonite “live-read” ad (even after being reminded numerous times) and later joked that his oversight would likely cause the firing of “Nathan”, his Premier Networks technical director. Furthermore Mr. Laporte regularly makes fun of his callers in between breaks, and is demonstrably self-centered. His blatant disregard for the well-being of others and his lack of professionalism is undeniable.

      With regards to the disgusting photo I do understand that mistakes happen, but this was not a one-time mistake. As described above Mr. Laporte has had a history of carelessly exposing his private sex life on the air and making inappropriate sexual remarks towards employees. There is even a YouTube video further illustrating these unfortunate tendencies: ( He is a serious liability to Premiere Radio Networks and its advertisers.

      I hope by giving you this information, Premiere Networks will take an appropriate action against Mr. Laporte.

      This should not be tolerated by the iHeartMedia broadcast family.

      Thank you for your attention into this matter.


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      1. Hey, everyone!

        Just wanted to maybe make the suggestion that you put the letter into your own words and not just cut-and-paste.

        It’s always more powerful when you have your OWN voice to express your concerns.

        So I would say maybe use the above as a guideline…but do your best to speak for yourself.

        : )

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    1. Leo tried that tactic too, mentioning that guys name and joking with Padre about going to pay him a visit. Guess what happened to Leo? He messed up and showed his dick to thousands of people. So these “trolls” made sure that everyone else got a chance to hear about it too. Which then made Leo go nuts and want to shut everything down and blame the trolls complaining about bomb threats and harassing children. When really it’s just about his dick picture.

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      1. You bring up a glorious point. They are desperately trying to change the subject in the wake of #dickgate.

        By not acknowledging what he did, and now talking about the trolling, etc. He’s trying to imply this was done to him. That he was a victim, when we know the truth is just that he f’ed up and exposed a picture on the air.

        So we can deduce that man is an out right liar.

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        1. He is a shameless liar.

          But it works, it’s actually smart…

          …he completely ignores what really happened and paints himself as some sort of a victim. Clueless followers believe him.

          HE is actually the one who is supposed to apologize, that’s the funny thing about all of this.

          He really is unscrupulous.

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          1. I think any intelligent person who watches twit long enough sees him for what he is. That’s how I came to my opinions, and found TD.

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          2. At this point he really should move into politics. He has the perfect mentality/personality for deflecting blame and brainwashing the masses into believing anything he says. Maybe he can fall back on that after TWIT folds?

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    2. As what? A reasonable person who has written about the slide in quality at TWiT. You on the other hand are spewing hate.

      And I would be cautious using any addresses or phone numbers on that Whois record. Others live and work at those addresses. Unrelated to me. Who would likely take any harassment seriously.

      I can stand by anything I have written.

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  1. I am a huge TD fan and understand this letter but.. TWiT can not afford to take the hit of losing the radio show. If he loses this gig and related podcast, TWiT will close. Many people like Jason and Alex will lose their jobs.

    This letter will get him canned, do you really want that? I don’t think it’s worth it but we all need to decide for ourselves. I agree he will not change so weigh these issues carefully. No I do not side with Leo but I do side with Jason etc.

    I have not been personally attacked by Leo & Padre the way random commenter Bruce has but I have been a victim of his, and his cronies, vitriol. The way he mercilessly attacks one random commenter makes this a hard decision. Yes, he deserves to lose his job for that but does everyone else?

    #myopinion #dilema

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    1. I too don’t agree with writing to Premiere Radio in order to ask them to remove Leo from the airways. This course of action goes too far. I also find this website shameful.

      But here is the point which I reluctantly agree with you.

      One of the things Leo is trying to do is to educate the public to the dangers that lurk on the internet. He has, on numerous occasions given us the listeners and live viewers some warning signs to look out for on website such as, spellings and grammatical mistakes, Phishing Scams – not to click on unsolicited e-mails, dangers of downloading software from dubious websites, etc.

      What has made me very upset and concerned is his shameless lying claiming that a photoshop image had been inserted into his video by a person who is trying to discredit him. He seems to have also told this to the press and other websites making him look like a fool in my opinion.

      His recent deceitfulness has distressed my wife, my grandson, and myself greatly. How can anyone take Leo seriously anymore. What sort of message is he sending to the wireless listeners and the youth of this Great Country. Not only is he embarrassing himself, he is also bringing the radio station into disrepute.

      I would therefore suggest that Premier Radio ask Leo to make a public apology, and state that he had deceived us, the inexperienced computer users, by claiming that an image was inserted maliciously by someone who is trying to attack his good name.

      We all make mistakes but being in public and in an influential position is no excuse for lying.

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          1. Spinrite 6.0, two years of marketing, “it’s cumming” and nothing, not a single thing. I mean can’t the guy afford to hire a programmer? Geez…I can’t stand Security Now. If I hear one more time about how he’s just about ready to start working on Spinrite 6.0, I’m going to puke.

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  2. They are now known as Premier Networks, They dropped the ‘Radio’ a while back. That’s why Heather recorded the new countdown voice over they use at the top of the hour.

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    1. This is not the first or second time he has acted indecent, normally you could be sympathetic with an honest, unfortunate event but these repeated incidents of a sexual nature are becoming to frequent for ones liking.

      I don’t like to see people lose their jobs, but he could have young viewers and this has been unacceptable.

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      1. ‘but he could have young viewers and this has been unacceptable’

        There is much worse on the internet just a few clicks away to ‘young viewers’ on the internet, and I doubt young people give a shit about TwiT if they even know it exists.

        This is all about a few ‘holier than thou’ obsessives wanting to feel they are important by attacking Leo and the TwiT network. It’s as bad as those nutcases picketing Kevin Rose’s house.

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  3. I hardly think Laporte will get so much as a talking to about any of this at this point. But he doesn’t get to put his personal life on display where my children might see it without some damn consequences. Otherwise, why have any standards at all?

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  4. Do we want him to lose his job? He’s been shamed enough for this most recent incident.

    Let’s not totally destroy him, look at what happened to Erik.

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      1. He just slammed Bruce again. He still thinks it’s one person, he still thinka he did no wrong.

        Whatever, he’s defenseless. I don’t care if Premier cans him.

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  5. May 28, 2015

    Jennifer Leimgruber,
    Executive Vice President of Programming
    Premiere Networks Inc. / iHeartMedia Inc.
    15260 Ventura Blvd.
    Sherman Oaks, CA 91403


    Dear Ms. Leimgruber

    I wish to inform you of the highly inappropriate sexual indiscretions of one of your broadcasters, Leo Laporte, host of “The Tech Guy” radio show, which is broadcast nationally by Premiere Networks.

    In addition to his past indiscretions reported publicly by Gawker: (, and (, Mr. Laporte continues to tarnish the reputation of iHeartMedia and its subsidiaries by his salacious and markedly perverted behavior on his netcast network TWiT (, a network that you allow him to promote on his radio show, and is ironically marketed as “family friendly”.

    Most recently he briefly exposed a picture of his penis to viewers watching “The Tech Guy” livestream: at the 15-second mark: ( A more detailed blog post can be found here: ( Also you may be interested to know that, on the same day, he failed to read a Carbonite “live-read” ad (even after being reminded numerous times) and later joked that his oversight would likely cause the firing of “Nathan”, his Premier Networks technical director. Furthermore Mr. Laporte regularly makes fun of his callers in between breaks, and is demonstrably self-centered. His blatant disregard for the well-being of others and his lack of professionalism is undeniable.

    With regards to the disgusting photo I do understand that mistakes happen, but this was not a one-time mistake. As described above Mr. Laporte has had a history of carelessly exposing his private sex life on the air and making inappropriate sexual remarks towards employees. There is even a YouTube video further illustrating these unfortunate tendencies: ( He is a serious liability to Premiere Radio Networks and its advertisers.

    I hope by giving you this information, Premiere Networks will take an appropriate action against Mr. Laporte.

    This should not be tolerated by the iHeartMedia broadcast family.

    Thank you for your attention into this matter.


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  6. Has everyone seen the video where Leo puts Sarah Lane in her place on the live stream? Sarah Lane, who once called herself a TWIT employee for life? No one deserves to be treated like that in the workplace, and certainly not publicly humiliated in such a fashion. Leo Laporte is a piece of garbage and a filthy employer. I have little sympathy for him.

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  7. I think it is Leo who went to far. He seems to have lost all control of not only his family friendly show but of himself. He doesn’t even concern himself over the idea that some of,his antics could get him fired. Why should we feel guilty over something he did?

    I think Leo,needs a wake up call and this could be it . As far as Jason and the other staff members, I doubt they will be around much longer. Leo has no problem getting rid of long serving employees. It all depends of how you feel about what Leo did. I found it disgusting. It shows his lack of respect for his audience. Especially any children that may have been watching.

    I have already made my decision,

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  8. Richard Yes
    Like you said it’s personal decision. I chose a handwritten letter to Premier as well as links to videos. I don’t hate Leo but I’m convinced I cannot let my daughter watch anymore. Shes much to young to be seeing goof ups like this.

    He says he has no filter. Well it’s time to put one on him.

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  9. When Leo Laporte’s employers and advertisers are made aware of incidents like these, they have more facts to work with.

    Many good people work for Leo, but many of Leo’s advertisers are small companies that also have good people who are putting a lot at stake by dealing with outsiders they choose to be their spokesperson. Often they are smaller companies and their livelihoods are literally on the line.

    Leo’s advertisers are entitled to have as much information as possible to understand the character, competence, and trustworthiness of the people they are dealing with and to make sound business decisions for the success of their business and ultimately for themselves and their families.

    Leo has been exorbitantly successful at what he does, and is in fact going on yet another vacation next week. Leo will be okay.

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  10. I really do believe this is why Leo all of a sudden decided to take action on ending chat and having a delayed stream. As other people have mentioned, Premier is their bread and butter. If this Penis pic got displayed on any other live show, I don’t think Leo would be taking these actions. On the other hand, I don’t think Premier will do anything. They might punish him in some way for not doing the Carbonite add, but since Premier is a radio station, they probably care less.

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  11. I was recently referred to this website. Mr. Laporte did not violate any FCC regulation in part or in total as referenced in your complaint. His radio show is audio only and as such did not violate FCC regs. What he does during the video portion falls under the auspices of TWIT, LLC, and not Premier. You will find that the Tech Guy radio show was in total compliance of FCC regulations. I do, however, see 2-3 laws being violated per your website.

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  12. Premier won’t do anything, because he didn’t do anything on the RADIO SHOW. It’s audio, jackasses. He didn’t break FCC rules.
    I think you guys need to get out of your basements.

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    1. Its not about whether it was seen on the Radio, its about his conduct. He is a radio personality and if it could effect losing stations they will do something. They won’t fire him they would loose too much money and they don’t have a reasonable replacement.

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      1. Molly, you stupid cunt. Most on air radio talent have a morals clause in their contracts, where they can be fired for any lacivious behavior even if it didn’t happen when they were on the air.

        I thought u had enough of us. Leave now u fat spinster.

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        1. Holden, wasn’t it you that claimed all the Leobots were homophobic, antisemitic, etc? and needed to resort to personal attacks instead of thoughtful arguments? Where does ‘stupid cunt’ & ‘fat spinster’ fit into that? Or is ‘stupid cunt’ some lawyer talk that those of us who haven’t passed the bar just don’t understand? You’re no better than Leo.

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          1. I reserve that language for Molly solely. She has called me and my brethren here some disgusting things and I am responding in kind.

            Notice I never use those type of terms on other posts. She deserves it as she’s been a constant thorn in TD’s side with her foul-mouth posts.

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    2. Molly, you stupid cunt. Most on air radio talent have a morals clause in their contracts, where they can be fired for any lacivious behavior even if it didn’t happen when they were on the air.

      I thought u had enough of us. Leave now u fat spinster.

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  13. You’re all a bunch of dimwits. He DuPont break any FCC rules. And Gawker and Perez Hilton are tabloid websites, so I wouldn’t bother. Premier won’t do anything unless he says something offensive or swears on the air, and he hasn’t. Unless the FCC is now controlling live streams Leo won’t be punished.
    All you trolls want to do is break him.

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    1. See my note above about moral clauses.

      And for the millionth time, we are not trolls. We are not encouraging his sick behavior, just reporting it.

      In fact, you are trolling us.

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    2. He doesn’t have to break any FCC rules. It is the implied association with Leo’s ‘antics’ that should be of concern to Premier Networks, if not at the very least, his advertisers….even if he fails to do a live read of one of them.

      I doubt the radio network will be too pleased to know that as he was broadcasting over their airwaves, whether during an adbreak or what have you, he was displaying his penis on the live stream of the show of the same name.

      Oh and I’m damned sure that If I turned up as monstrously late and utterly unprepared as often as Leo does, I and anybody else would have been fired long long ago.

      And you don’t need to be in violation of FCC rules for that.

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    3. Is that so – tell Anthony Cumia (opie&anthony) and a host of other radio ‘personalities’ who have been terminated over social media foot in mouth disease. There’s no corporate freedom of speech – his concern was never the FCC – It’s his company and sponsors

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  14. Found this on twitter
    wow Leo your an asshole
    claiming Erik went off on you etc etc
    yet you’ve never seen the evidence ??
    Burn in hell
    I’m sending my letter in memory of Erik Lanigan

    @Luke4Tech: Watching Erik get trashed by @leolaporte was hard to watch*RIP Erik* “@eriklanigan Video:”Why I’m No Longer at TWiT””

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  15. I’d forgive if he was honest and owned the situation, instead he lied stating it was trolls who Photoshopped the picture.

    He is a dishonest, despicable human being who takes any good will for granted and then pisses on it. I resent having ever been a fan of his.

    Go to the advertisers and Premiere Networks and remove the revenue streams from TWiT.

    Those who worked for Twit have a great body of work and should make more money once cast free from the Shit Brick House. If they stay with Leo, Lisa, Padre and Elgum ’til the bitter end it’s their choice.

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      1. Another tactic is to tweet + hashtag (CC the advertisers) with incriminating content and strategic hashtags. Companies shy away from that kind of negative attention and having their brand associated with it. Far more powerful.

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  16. Just finished watching Windows Weekly and Paul and Mary Jo talked about “Proactive” (Apple’s answer to google now) for a few minutes…15 minutes later Leo chimes in “Hey did you guys want to talk about Proactive?”

    Really, Leo, Really?

    Though Mary Jo’s face reaction was kinda funny.

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    1. He totally checks out (likely looking at nudie pics of his own dock) during Windows Weekly and Security Now – often misses everything the hosts are talking out.

      Leo is a dick.

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      1. It’s just absurd when Leo claims his shows are the highest grossing shows on the network.

        I mean, really? He contributes nothing to Security Now! and Windows Weekly; both shows would be fine without him.

        With MacBreak Weekly, he not only doesn’t contribute, he never prepares. I’ve lost count of the number of times Leo has started reading a story, voices his opinion, only to finish the story and realize he was completely mistaken about the entire thing.

        He’s a total hack, he just phones it in at this point, not bothering to do any preparation for any of this shows, and not bothering to read up on anything he’s talking about.

        Of course, he’s only too happy to derail conversations to talk about himself, or TWiT’s website, or his house, his car, or his expensive vacations.

        And most pathetic of all: the COUNTLESS times he has to brag that “he has one of those” or “I just bought that too!” which adds nothing, unless he’s trying to impress us with his wealth (which honestly, isn’t really very impressive).

        As a narcissist, Leo seems to believe we want to hear about him and his life, when we’re really tuning in to hear about technology issues. If I want personality-driven entertainment, I can listen to Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, or dozens of other narcissists.

        In addition, I fail to understand why someone who constantly criticizes Apple and its products is hosting MacBreak Weekly. Even Andy has started jumping on the bashing bandwagon, completely ignoring Android’s many security issues so he can deem iOS and Android equivalent. It really ought to be called MacBash Weekly: the show for Apple haters.

        Hmmm…WHY doesn’t Apple invite Leo to its events, or offer him review units? Could it be his irrational hatred for all things Apple?

        In sum, it is the hosts of the various shows who make them interesting. More often than not, Leo just gets in the way. His opinions are often subjective, and not backed-up by any objective evidence.

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        1. Of possible interest to Premiere:

          1. When he announced his numb-skull nuptials to a TTG caller who just wanted to ask a tech question, and the awkward silence that followed Soup’s pronouncement.

          2. The profanity-laced banning of Brian Brushwood on Twitter.

          Both, and I’m sure y’all can dig up more, directly diminish Premiere’s brand.

          Really, it’s time to recollect similar incidents that may be of interest to Premiere for the upcoming contract renewal/negotiations.

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        2. They like to show that video of Laporte at the iPad keynote. If I saw some knucklehead filming ANYTHING with the bloody front-facing camera of a laptop, I’d ban him for life too.

          His lack of preparation has only escalated in recent years due to his disdain for actually getting off his ass. How many times does TWIT have to reshuffle their hosts to accommodate Leo’s expanding cheeseburger schedule.

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        3. Andy is pretty objective, someone needs to offset that Frenchie’s unabashed love of Apple. Honestly I feel like Andy became like that because Renee Ritchie, the least the other real host of the show simply can’t say a single negative thing about Apple ever.

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  17. I’m curious as to why you guys re going to much trouble over Leo and crew? If you don’t like him or TWIT, don’t watch. It’s that simple.

    What do you get out of this? Don’t you figure your time would be better spent doing just about anything else? What do you seriously expect to accomplish with this site? You’ve succeeded in getting the chat room closed. Great job! You pissed of some hard core fans and the cost to Leo is…???

    You don’t even have the guts to come out and disclose your identities. Why not? You’re cowardly trolls, who spew hate, cause a lot of people problems and hide behind your anonymity that’s why not. You really need to get lives. Seriously!

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    1. Actually Leo has been spewing a lot of hate at me recently. And my identity has always been easy to find. Why now? Distraction?

      And all untrue.

      Standard practice when you are in the wrong, accuse others of your failings.

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    2. First of all, seriously, where’s your real name? Huh?

      Most of us were Leo fans in the beginning but we are bothered by his sexually harassing of female staffers, his homophobia and now especially is lieing about his dick pic.

      If he had come clean and aplogized, we wouldn’t be so resilient. But the fact he refuses to admit his action and says it was photoshopped, only lowers our opinion of him more.

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    3. Because, I think, it feels PERSONAL to many people who have been fans of the network. His disrespect of women, co-hosts, and his fans feels very personal. He regular ignores/cuts off his guests/co-hosts, etc. The way he completely blew off his chat/live viewers was totally uncalled for!! I can’t believe more isn’t being made of that! While I, too, feel like many of them likely have no life (lol), they are his most dedicated fans, and pretty much do his radio show call-in support FOR him every single show. He can’t do it without them, yet he completely denigrated them. These idiots who practically worship him. They are the types of people who give him exactly the platform that he narcissistically desires so badly, and he kicks em around like they are unwanted stray dogs. With that being said, I have no interest in trying to get him fired. I have too much fun laughing at his idiocy. If he were to get fired, it would likely cause twit to fold much sooner.

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  18. TTG is produced under contract with Premiere Networks (which now uses the ‘e’ on the end.) They are fairly amoral in their tolerance of corrosive hosts such as Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity. They’re unlikely to take action, as long as the show makes money.

    Limbaugh has been highly controversial, of course, for numerous incidents such as on-air slander against a college co-ed who was turned away from a Congressional hearing on contraceptives. Limbaugh said, in essence, that the young woman is a slut. That sort of smear is standard operating procedure for Limbaugh. He has lost numerous affiliates including key affiliates and much of his advertising base while Premiere continues to syndicate the show. But Limbaugh’s definitely on his way out as an influential talker.

    This is mostly due to the effective efforts of, which has kept up considerable organized pressure on national and local advertisers and stations. It’s been effective, whereas Premiere has been quite happy to be complicit in a real blight on America.

    So, there’s your model, folks. Leo deserves your activism, properly directed.

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    1. Yee, but Rush is losing stations left and right over the Sandra Fluke incident. Premiereat not fire soupy, but stat up ns like on the South may drop him over this.

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  19. I had assumed this blog existed as a means of providing an ‘inside baseball’ look at TWiT and both documentings and parodyings its internal ‘drama’, and if that included its downfall, all the more interesting to watch as a voyeur. The key here it that it wasn’t proactively trying to harm Leo, TWiT, or anyone else. We were watching, not throwing stones.

    I personally don’t think the dick pic, or even the steamy text, should have left the world of TD. Let’s be serious here, this was shown on an internet only stream, to his enthusiasts base of approximately 1000 people, and was not even readily visible without highlighting and zooming in. This outcry that this ‘harm’s children’ is complete BS. Is it funny? Yes. Would anyone other than TD noticed? No.

    I’m certainly not here to defend Leo, but using his actions (as ugly as the can appear to be) as a mean to defend being spiteful and hateful just seems wrong to me. Like I’ve said, it is one thing to bring things into the light, it is another to try and topple them over.

    I find the letter, the writing to sponsors, etc, to be pure trolling. Let Leo and TWiT self implode, watch it, but don’t throw a bomb on it.

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      1. Good for you dude, your turning into the lies that Leo told about you. I hope that makes you feel good that you’re behavior rivals Leo’s. And yes, you are trolling and hateful.

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        1. The only hateful users are Leo’s personal cadre of white knights who have taken it upon themselves to pollute this site with the filthiest, vilest language this side of Rush Limbaugh when he doesn’t get his illegal supply of oxycodone and hydrocodone.

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          1. Scott’s Johnson, neither me, nor my good friend Tony’s Wang, would disagree that leobots have been spouting some fairly harsh rhetoric recently, saying ugly, hateful, and crazy shit. And while I don’t know this for a fact, I have a feeling any person posting under the name Scott’s Johnson wasn’t actually offended any of it, just like you are not actually ‘offended’ by a dick pic. I know I wasn’t, I just thought both were stupid. Almost as stupid as this letter writing campaign.

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        2. Instead of spending time here, why don’t you people buy a dictionary and look up the true meaning of trol??You Leo fans are so godamned stupid. No wonder you fall for Leo’s crap.

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    1. totally agree. This site is all fun and games when it is like a gossip rag. This letter writing nonsense is way too personal, and quite frankly, just EVIL. way past harmless trolling. BLowing up something that doesn’t matter. He was horribly embarrassed by the incident, he tried to cover it up. Hilarious! but isn’t that enough? Even if you do believe Leo is evil, two wrongs don’t make a right. get back to just making fun of Leo’s overblown ego and terrible decision making, and call it a day.

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        1. It’s the same thing with his assertion that “it’s one guy”, maybe it let’s him hang on to his delusions.

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        2. Photoshop : Have you actually heard Leo say the dick pic was photoshopped into his album? I haven’t (maybe he has?). I did read that this was his ‘excuse’ on Gawker. I have a feeling he was referencing the edited (aka Photoshopped) version of the #dickgate video, which highlights/zooms in on little Leo and exagerates the audio. The unedited version is not very entertaining, cause, unless you know what to look for and where to look, you’ll miss it. I didn’t notice it while watching live. So you don’t think Gawker would quote Leo out of context to make him look like a buffoon?

          Responsibility : Leo did nothing wrong (at least in regards to the actual dick in his photos library and its barely visible appearance on the stream, he does lots of other things I personally find offensive). Taking a picture of your dick is not illegal or immoral. Maybe Lisa digs this? (Yuk…). He basically had the equivalent of a celebrity wardrobe malfunction and you want him to get on TWiT and beg for forgiveness like he is Jimmy Swaggaet or something. I am perplexed by this moral outrage over nothing.

          I’d much rather see that little guy over gum any day.

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          1. Man, you can’t believe your hero is such a prick, can you? Of course, he’s saying the photo album was photoshopped.

            As far as not doing anything wrong, you think what he did was okay on a “Family Friendly” network which kids watch? Give up. Your hero is a scumbag. Let’s not forget him looking down Jolie ‘s blouse and massaging her shoulders, talking to Sarah about her ‘muff,’ and making gay slurs to Dickie D.

            And an adulterer.

            The man is disgusting.

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  20. I apologize for posting your name here and threatening to post your info. I’m not that kind of hateful person. Have a nice life man. Sorry I called you a MF too. God bless.

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  21. I would leave out the reference to TD in the letter. The way Leo has painted you as trolls might undermine the credibility of the specific issue, that is, the offending picture.

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  22. “I wear your scorn as a badge of honor.”

    – Dan Quayle

    Recent events have run their course. I would be careful to turn jeering from the sidelines into cyber bullying. Part of the fun of the post cottage era is watching the ship sink year after year and its captain foolishly sailing on. The trolls have victoriously noticed things and exposed TWiT’s inadequacies. It’s difficult to see how shooting the wounded after the battle is over will help, since it leaves the high road open for Gumbot and Soup.

    The train wreck of TWiT must go on. It’s fascinating. At a certain point a feeding frenzy stops being fun. I wish Leo Laporte would improve as a human being and be more engaged in thoughtful and entertaining tech journalism, since he once had great value and a wonderful manner of connecting to an audience. He once let the mask slip and shocked Brian Brushwood by saying, “I’ll be dead in a year.” If Laporte really calls it quits and chooses a downward spiral into destruction, I’d rather not be responsible for contributing to it, especially since he doesn’t seem to need any help.

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    1. Fear not, TWIT will go on. If you extrapolate the quality of his guests over the years, by episode #800 he will have made so many enemies that This Week in Tech episode will feature Leo, half a ham sandwich, a photograph of Kevin Rose with the lips cut out, and Oh Docta.

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  23. Yeah, I don’t really give that much of a shit.

    I’m put off by Leo’s hypocrisy and sometimes seemingly two-facedness, but a dick on the internet doesn’t mean shit to me in and of itself.

    I don’t really give a shit about writing to some dying terrestrial broadcaster about a struggling to stay going and relevant internet broadcast network.

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  24. Some Pollyannish observations about TWiT and Leo Laporte

    Audio quality is great.
    They try to maintain a positive atmosphere.
    Leo isn’t setting fires around town.
    We are shown the limits of technological fulfillment through the lens of an addictive personality.

    The core of what we were initially drawn to, though shining dimly of late, is still worth caring about.
    Spoken ads are less jarring than pre-recorded ones.
    Leo is his own worst enemy, so we can simply watch and make passive aggressive observations.
    Though painful, we are all basically growing up together and increasingly seeing the need to disintegrate the community and go on to lead independent lives on our own terms.

    The more mistakes and scandals we see, the more we learn what not to do.
    Perhaps Leo Laporte’s life purpose is to serve as a warning to others.
    It’s free and we can stop watching and make our own shows at any time.
    The departures of Merritt and Lane have reduced the cachet of having a dream job at TWiT.

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    1. I think we’re seeing Leo’s burnout….Twit reached its peak right about the time they moved to the brickhouse and almost doubled the number of shows, most of which involved Leo…
      I know before Lisa became “CEO” and the brick house idea, Leo was talking about an East Coast studio (something like a Twit Cottage in Jersey, IIRC) and “morning” shows would originate there, and “afternoon” shows would originate from Pataluma … That would have been a good way to grow the network, bring in fresh talent and guests and Leo’s East Coast partner would take care of half the programming..But instead, they made the big investment in the Brickhouse, (and way too much on studio design) and programming became more centered on Leo & his close circle (I’m guessing all on the CEO’s recommendation), and I think he does so many shows, he just doesn’t have time to prep properly for any of them and just doesn’t care anymore. I think there were more non-Leo shows originating from the cottage than from the brick house.

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  25. Don’t like the guy or think his a hippocrate, fine. Are you pissed he showed a *thumbnail* of a dick pic, whatever. Mad he lied about it, fantastic. Were you treated poorly by a chat room mod, that sucks. Saddened by loss or firing of a beloved personality, I feel for you.

    But… at the end of the day, these are inconsequential events. Does such things warrant going after the man’s livelyhood and that of his employees. Your actions can have real-world consequences. For crying out loud, think about what you’re doing.

    This is, after all entertainment.

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    1. Yes, it does. His homophobic and sexism that he displays in a “Family Friiendly” show demonstrates what a hypocrite is.

      If he had been a man and taken responsibilty for his actions, people would forgive. But he is lying how that photo is doctored and that’s the final straw.

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    2. “inconsequential events” He is opinionated, stubborn, Obstinate, and downright rude to Callers on the show. He acts like Callers are fools for calling the show. He often comments about it off air.
      I quit watching, after GizWIz was not on. His livelihood is none of my concern. His flaunting trips to wherever, expensive gifts, watches, lenses, bottles of wine over $1,000 are disgusting, considering he was asking for donations for the studio he built were coming in,. Back then People liked the “OLD” leo I believe. He has defiantly changed, or someone changed him? Not so sure about someone changing him, he was a pervert before Twit, so how is that changed, not sure. I am done with the entire shows of that studio, Radio, Twit, Security now etc…cant stand his constant finishing of someone else s thought, or continually interrupting someone in mid sentence..Fuck him… and his “Livelihood”

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      1. The Tech Guy is unlistenable because Laporte clearly has nothing but disdain for his callers and their difficulties. It’s understandable, as it seriously horns in on his time camping travel sites and ordering lunch.

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  26. I see some of you (trolls) state that it’s ok if Leo gets fired and loses Twit Studios. It’s ok if people lose their jobs. What you fail to understand with your simplistic attitude is that while Leo will in all likelihood survive this ultimate punishment brought on by [redacted],, it could be catastrophic to his employees. You people have no way of knowing all of their various life situations. What about someone who depends on company provided health insurance for a chronic illness that requires followup medical, very expensive medication, etc.? How about that employee who may have just purchased a home and has a mortgage? What about the employee who may have vehicle he/she is making payments on and that vehicle is critical to their family. These scenarios can go on and on but nonetheless should be first and foremost a serious consideration before taking this action. Think of YOUR families if the same thing happened to your own job, though I truly wonder if any of you are employed at all.

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    1. I’m afraid you’re the one with the simplistic attitude. What about the jobs of TWIT’s sponsors? They have loans and mortages too. The difference is, they did business with TWIT in good faith that they were dealing with someone honest and trustworthy. No rational person can make this assessment of TWIT’s primary spokesperson, Leo Laporte.

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      1. Well, if Leo had any integrity and ran his company ethically and responsibility , the employees would not be in that situation.

        The majority are young and will no problems in finding a better job.

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      1. It’s not my job to worry about Twit’s health care coverage. It’s more important to me to point out his sexually harassment ( which is a crime), his homophobia as well as his disdain for callers.

        In fact, I remember once he got off on the fact that he has 53,000+ unread emails. Dvorak, who was on the show at the time, asked why he has so many. Soup said something like he has no time and can’t bothered buy user emails.

        This is their hero.

        And I have no problem writing letters by hand to Premier and his sponsors. They should know what a despicable guy he is

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      2. What do you expect – they get their definitions of internet terms from Leo, and we know how solid that foundation is.

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    2. You make a good argument to why in the USA healthcare should be a part of the common good and not tied to employment or wealth

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      1. Exactly…
        Lisa should have been kept as Comptroller or similar position. She has no vision for the network, not an understanding of the “geek culture” that Twit originally appealed to….I used to have their live stream on all day at the office, but many of them have become so dumbed down, I couldn’t listen anymore….not sure who they appeal to now, about the only show I still watch is Security Now – was excited about TWiET since I work with Enterprise Technology, but it was a big let down… I could give some of the other TWiT shows a try again, but mostly listen to/watch Jupiter Broadcasting shows now.

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  27. Every Weekend Leo claims his network and radio show is family friendly. Last weekend his “family friendly” family of podcasts officially ended that run. Now Leo and Lisa will have market themselves as the ” not so friendly” network. Not knowing behind the scenes action, I suspect Primere Networks has seen the Video clip and the closing of the chat/live stream was Leo’s response as damage control and keeping his radio show .

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    1. Then they shouldn’t have cancelled NSFW and proceeded to manufacture this ridiculous quarrel with them. On this point, Leo is truly delusional. Brian Brushwood and his co-host are baffled but remain respectful and resigned. More than can be said for Queen Leo.

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      1. Is that to say this website is spearheaded by NSFW goons?
        That show was beyond retarded anyway. I watched an episode and couldn’t even get through it, it was so boringly dumb. The hosts seemed to spend the entire time in competition at amusing themselves, like they were the only 2 idiots in on an inside joke. They seemed to think they were clever, but were very unfunny. Or .. maybe I should be nice… “just not my style of humor”

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  28. Yeah, anyone who still defends TWIT at this point is either a shill or just deprived of consciousness.

    Anyway I called it wankergate on my story. Closer to the whole Watergate origin and such.

    Keep up the good work guys. Let’s all work to keep the sausage behind the curtains where it belongs!

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  29. anyone upset for seeing something half the world’s population has is an idiot. being repulsed, agitated, irritated, offended, upset, or even remotely concerned from seeing a penis is a stupid individual.

    Really, who cares. Sure, Leo is trying everything he knows to get this shoved aside.

    I couldn’t give two shits if he put a picture of his penis as the lower thirds. There’s far less worse shit on the internet, yet you’re not bitching about that.

    Someone(s) have an axe to grind and that’s clear. Bitching and moaning about a penis or any other dumb shit is just that, dumb. Who cares. Don’t like it? The avoid it. Having a crusade against someone or something under the guise of “awareness” is dumb.

    Yeah he probably could be nicer, he probably shouldn’t use a personal computer or do demos with personal content, that’s a mistake. But again, getting bent out of shape over it and beginning a fucking inquisition over a penis is the mentality of someone that’s got a grudge and doesn’t know how to let things go.

    You aren’t the fucking Karma Police.

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  30. You know what?

    What you are doing here, Bruce, is wrong.

    You need help. Get some help. You are obsessed with a podcast network that you watch ALL DAY because you hate it?

    You need help, Bruce. Same goes for whoever is helping to run this site. It is sick.

    You are hurting people. Not just Leo, or even TWiT’s employees, but also all of those random people who like TWiT’s content. I am one of them.

    Get some help, Bruce. There are other, more fulfilling things you could be doing with your life. You need it, buddy.

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    1. I think Leo caused more damage when he said the chat room was never a value or worthwhile.

      He is causing damage. We are just reporting on his abhorrent behavior.

      Don’t shoot the messenger.

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      1. Abhorrent. Really? You must run out of adjectives fast when people actually do bad things. What do you call, say, police shooting civilians? “Really abhorrent”?

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  31. So Lisa is being pretty dramatic and, frankly, rude to TWiT fans in her comments here:

    I mean, look, if what they’re saying is true about threatening them and their families, then they absolutely have a right to be upset. I haven’t seen that here, though.

    But telling people to write to congress if they want to keep watching the live stream of a mediocre podcast network… that’s a bit much, don’t you think?

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    1. She’s a dumbass. Seriously, what is her IQ?

      She knows nobody is threatening them, she literally says if you agree, merely agree, with the so called trolls you are their problem.

      You dumb whore, everyone in the public light has to deal with trolls, critics, opponents, jilted lovers or whatever you want to label them. Most just deal but this broad wants her fans to write Congress and change the laws. How long does she think she has with TWiT? By the time any laws are made Leo will have eaten himself six feet under.

      Thanks for the constant entertainment you two giant idiots.

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      1. “…but most just ignore them or worse yet engage and agree with them and then they are 100% our problem. ”

        Basically if you disagree with this ginormous cunt, she wants you arrested.

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  32. Could someone help compile a list of the other advertisers please? Such as audible, Carbonite, Casper, nature box , Trunk club. I would like to send a note to not just to premier networks but to the other advertisers. I really think that’s the only way Leo is going to hear us unfortunately.

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  33. Looked like Leo was still insulting what’s left of his loyal chatroom members .
    The guy running LeoLaporteSucks on twitter

    Has fully documented a very recent IRC chat with Leo trying to convince the remaining chatroom members why live & chat has to go or get pay walled , and of course his thoughts on Bruce!!

    As the chatroom go up in arms , Leo starts calling them all “Babies “etc

    Go read the full chat transaction
    on @LeoLaportePenis

    Brought to you by the awesome

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