Leo Laporte slams Myriam Joire

Leo Laporte has no class.
Leo Laporte has no class.

Leo Laporte, ever the consumate douche, slammed one of his newest contributors today during a live ad read for NatureBox during “This Week in Google.” In describing the snacks-by-mail service, Leo said “no trans fats.”

Myriam Joire
Myriam Joire

We here at TotalDrama operate by a live-and-let-live philosophy, and whatever the state of Myriam’s life path, we find it abhorrent that Leo would say that she is not welcome at TWiT. “No trans fats,” indeed. Horrible, just horrible to treat Myriam this way. Leo should be ashamed.

26 thoughts on “Leo Laporte slams Myriam Joire”

    1. 1. Forget how Myriam looks. Does not matter. Ever.

      2. I thought I liked her but the more I listen to her, the more I realize she’s a bit of a dolt and likes to talk over people and doesn’t really give a shit about others.

      3. I’ve grown to dislike Myriam the more I watch her.

      4. Jeffrey Needles. Jeff Needles.

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  1. How the mighty have fallen – real tech sponsors to snack food, underwear, razors, shoes, mail order mattresses…seriously?? How desperate have they become? It’s like a f’n dollar store.

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  2. Really? I mean really? That’s just lame and dumb. I followed the site to get background on the drama occurring at TWiT but I really didn’t expect so many petty and dumb posts about personal appearance. Removing from my RSS reader.

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  3. Clearly, these products must be extremely healthy, seeing how the endorser only added 20, maybe 25 pounds to his gross weight since this advertiser came on board.

    Why don’t you have them send one of their “free complimentary samplers”, open the bag(s) and take photos of these “products?”

    Now that would be constructive, relevant commentary.

    Myriam is both opinionated and knowledgeable. Pissing on her is just stupid.

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  4. Myriam Joire put hand on Leos shoulder during a pre-BYB or during the actual live podcast had Myriam did that to me she would been pulling back a bloody stump.

    Woz don’t play that shit. Besides it would be a sexual assault either way.

    Hope Lisa didn’t see it. She will be jealous as hell only because Myriam is better looking.

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  5. 1. Forget how Myriam looks. Does not matter. Ever.

    2. I thought I liked her but the more I listen to her, the more I realize she’s a bit of a dolt and likes to talk over people and doesn’t really give a shit about others.

    3. I’ve grown to dislike Myriam the more I watch her.

    4. Jeffrey Needles. Jeff Needles.

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  6. When Joire’ first showed up on a Sunday TWIT about a year ago Leo and JCD kept calling her “him” and Joire’ kept correcting them.
    She’s supposedly some expert on Smartphones but I haven’t been that impressed with any of her appearances or her knowledge. I think she’s more about sticking her gender (whatever it is) in your face than serious reporting.

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    1. Miriam has never talked about her gender, she hasn’t once mentioned that she is transgendered.

      Unlike, say, cunty ass Gina Trapani who can’t get enough of her own homosexuality and her wife.

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  7. I always wondered why she got fired from pebble. I always got the impression she might have done something unethical based the way she talks. I find it strange no one talks about the firing.

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