Leo Laporte Slams Adam Curry, Kim Komando, and Woz on This Week in Tech

#Soup throws insults around freely, as we all know, but the Editorial Board here at Total Drama was entirely surprised how effectively Leo Laporte was able to fit in some huge slams during the “This Week in Tech: 497” pre-show and show intro this past Sunday.

Partial list of insults with time codes in the video below

  • 0:00: Leo insults Kim Komando for a really long time when a studio guest brings her up (the insults go on and on, and we had to edit them down quite a bit)
  • 3:45: Leo says Steve Wozniak (Woz) “talks a lot… never really says anything”
  • 3:54: Leo calls John’s No Agenda Show “that crackpot podcast where anything goes” and says “I’ve never listened to it”. John begs Leo to say something good about it so that people will actually listen to the show, but we elected to leave this out of the video since it was left in the downloadable show, unlike the other clips. You can watch that portion yourself in its entirety.
  • 4:08: Leo says he questions Adam Curry’s mental facilities and then recounts why he won’t ever talk to him again.
  • 4:36: Bonus Content: Leo explains the root problem of the TWiT network now
  • 4:58: Bonus Content: Leo’s belly causes technical problems


40 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Slams Adam Curry, Kim Komando, and Woz on This Week in Tech”

  1. Nice post, Soup’n’Salad was on a roll yesterday.

    How about calling out Patrick on his dumb Kangol hat? It’s at least as bad as Christina Warren’s hat, arguably more so since it’s no longer 2002 and he isn’t Samuel L. Jaxkson.

    Patrick is a self-important mouth breather, easily the worst regular guest of the show.

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  2. So what part of this do you disagree with? Are you suggesting that Leo should pander to everyone and say nice things about everyone, like the BS hollywood types do on mainstream talk shows?

    If you think Leo should lie and say nice things about people no matter what, then say so.

    I think Leo’s right about all this, and I appreciate his honesty.

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  3. You slam Leo for calling ‘No Agenda’ “that crackpod podcast.”

    Isn’t Adam Curry’s self-promoted nickname on the show “crackpot”?

    What are you criticizing here?

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      1. Not sure why #soup has him on since he refuses to play Leo’s game and seldom agrees with the guzzler. I did notice that he’s not on MUCH any more. Looks like he is being phased out.

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  4. Her tag line “the digital goddess” is funny but his “the tech guy” isn’t?
    Her web page has more ads than his?
    Her content is silly but his radio show has high level content?
    Typical poison tongue covered in funny voices and smiles.
    Everything he said about her applies to his radio show. It’s ok for him because it’s a “mass non-tech audience” but that doesn’t apply to her.

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  5. Actually I think he was pretty restrained on Kim Komando. I really haven’t heard her in several years but she was even more obnoxious than (the current Leo) even then. Constant promoting her mailing list, very lightweight content, and she was trying to sell access to the live stream of her show.

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    1. This is why I’m not a fan of Kim’s anymore. I subscribed to her newsletters and they had no substance. I haven’t heard No Agenda, but I remember Adam Curry from MTV. He seemed like an asshole then.

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  6. He lashes out at everyone because he feels threatened by them…whether that’s the case or not. He certainly doesn’t need to pander to anyone, but why crap on everyone?

    Leo’s an insecure load.

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  7. “Adam Curry said ‘I’ll pay you wife-leaving money’ and that was it for me” – was that before or after you left your wife for someone who claimed she’d make you more money, Leo?

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  8. Here’s what I see wrong with Leo’s entire approach to podcasting. He may want to call it netcasting, but podcasting did exist before he started doing it, despite the story he tells. What’s wrong with Leo’s approach is he approaches it with the competitive thing networks do in the television world. Podcasting is not the television world. In fact, television is the reason podcasting exists in the form it does. In the podcaster’s world promotion is done through a viral effect. One podcaster tells their audience what podcasts they are into and so on and so forth. The problem with Leo is, he thinks he is the top of the heap. He may have a crapload of listeners, that part is true, but each time he is asked to appear on someone else’s show, he turns them down with an answer of, “Oh no I already have everything I need here, but feel free to come on my shows.” Are you seeing the lop sided promotion here? As time has worn on, and fellow podcasters get tired of asking him, they just don’t appear anymore. Simply put podcasting is a community driven information source. That doesn’t mean a podcaster just builds their own audience around them, then snubs everyone else. It means your fellow podcasters are also your audience, as well as your friends. Think about it, when a friend continually asks you out for a beer, and each and every time you turn them down, because you have plenty of beer at home, are you really understanding why the friend is asking you out for the beer? I don’t think Leo understands. He still sees other podcasters as nothing more than his competition. That, is why his network is slowly failing, and slowly fading into the background. The cool thing about podcasting though is that podcasting was there before Leo, and if he doesn’t start treating fellow podcasters and his audience like actual friends, podcasting will still be there, long after his network has faded.

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    1. Good post even if you never learned to use paragraphs.

      It is odd that he doesn’t go on other podcasts. You would think it would be promotion for himself/twIt and he can do it from his home or studio. It is almost as if he is so bitter towards anyone else having success that he would rather not get 10 listeners if it would help someone else get 12 listeners.

      Maybe he realizes, rightly or wrongly, that listeners only have x number of hours for podcast and every hour listening to iMore is an hour not listening to TWiT. I am kind of surprised no one calls him out on this selfishness. He also realizes the audience hears about new podcast all the time on twit and is somewhat on auto-ignore when it comes to those promos.

      It is remarkable that he never goes on his “good friend’s” shows. The list of friends with shows he ignores is long Ihnatko, Trappani, Serenity, Renee, Scott, Patrick, Will it goes on and on with people who would die to have him on. We all know that Veronica, Brian, Justin, Tom, Amber, Scott, Sarah, Patrick etc etc etc etc etc all help each other out.

      If Total Drama did an article about this he would be on iMore in a week.

      In this video you see her talking about some more stuff they never did, starting at the 11:40-11:44.

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      1. Write a guest post and send it in via “Feedback & Tips” on the right. Video examples of podcasters appearing on each other’s shows would be good too.

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      2. Wasn’t there a stretch back in the day when people did call him out on his selfishness (maybe not publicly). I seem to remember JCD and Patrick not being on for a long time and JCD making some comments when he was on about Leo not doing Cranky Geeks. Then Leo guested on Cranky Geeks and DLTV or Tekzilla once. That seemed to satisfy them, I guess. But I could be remembering wrong. This was obviously YEARS ago.

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  9. Pay very close attention to John C’s reactions. Leo tries to pass it off as friendly banter, but there is a side to John C’s reactions that shows he is serious. My hat goes off to John C for calling him out on the issue. Later in the show you also start to see Patrick side with John C. Let’s not forget, there were a number of times Patrick and others invited Leo to appear on Revision 3, but Leo would give the same answer of, “Oh no, I have all I need here” while inviting them to appear on TWiT almost in the same breath. Leo, your friends are trying to tell you something, not trolls, your friends. Maybe you should listen.

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  10. On Feb 10th, Leo made a rare appearance in chat just to say No Agenda will “rot your brain”, is “an excuse to take your money”, and “the antithesis of what we do at TWiT”. I’m not quite sure if the third comment was meant to be a compliment.

    John has been marginalized in recent months. Leo has even said that he’s in “time-out” though we all know who calls the shots around the shit-house. I guess it’s punishment for “de-railing the show” (having great chemistry with Jolie O’Dell) and debating panelists from the Verge or similar silicon valley douchebag types.

    I love JCD and think he deserves more respect. I wish he’d do his own show so that I don’t have to tune in to Leo’s once a month. Imagine a Cranky Geeks hosted by John and Jolie? I wouldn’t miss TWiT one fucking bit.

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  11. Let’s also call out the other guest on the most recent TWIT – that “macho” journalist Philip Elmer-DeWitt. He’s the one who took his wife’s last name, added it to his own and became a hyphenate like women do! What a cunt and loser! #douchebag #wearadress #changetampon

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  12. Leo also says he’s never listened to the No Agenda podcast. Then a few minutes later uses a famous NA line “Coincidence, I think not.” Just for that I’m going to donate to No Agenda to give every TotalDrama fan karma.

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