Christina Warren and her dumb hat

Women in broadcasting (think Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric) have always worn dumb hats when conducting their most important interviews. One must only let their mind wander back a few years to think of the hours and hours of videotape in the archives of the National Museum of Broadcasting showcasing these gorgeous and smart women with their hats. Oh wait. They don’t. Accomplished women have not marginalized themselves with ridiculous head coverings that steal the spotlight from their on-air personas. So good luck being taken seriously with your shitty fashion, Christina Warren—never let some pothead-esque chapeau stand in the way of your dumb opinions. The men in the room certainly don’t seem to take you seriously, so why should we? And with a Twitter handle like @film_girl, you’ve already told the world you have no interest in being a woman of substance. So keep your stupid hat, little film girl, and let the real women do the meaningful reporting.

34 thoughts on “Christina Warren and her dumb hat”

  1. I have not yet listened to the most recent Twit, but may I suggest doing that instead of watching, if you find the hat so distracting?

    Cause Chrissi knows her stuff, has in the past put thought into her opinions, and expressed them quite succinctly, too. She is certainly one of the better returning guests on Twit this past year.

    So you know what? Let her wear whatever head gear she wants!

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    1. “It’s obviously freezing where you are, cause you’re indoors and you’re wearing a head!”

      “Yes, I am! Because it’s cold, and my heat is not really working

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  2. She is smart, quick witted, and beautiful. Her opinions are well formed and based on her excellent reportage. She certainly holds her own with the boys. Or should we call them men without hats?
    Her hat means nothing, except to you.

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  3. I listened to the latest TWiT and couldn’t tell one iota that her opinions had been shaped by her head gear. She played along with JCD wanting to know her Husbands game of choice. Could you see Leo making fun of Lisa’s guns…oops I mean game of choice??? He’d be sleeping in the A8’s back seat.

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  4. The hat seems to be a very controversial topic. All I have to say is, which ever side you fall on, please listen to the other side and try to have some empathy before you do something crazy. Personally, I see both sides of the issue and think people are rushing to join a side without thinking it through.

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  5. The hat defenders are missing the point: No serious women wear hats indoors especially when on a video podcast / netcast / broadcast / livecast / broken-armcast, etc. If she wants to ever be taken seriously and get paid the same salary that men do, she needs to grow up. Her opinions are what should stand out, not her fashion.

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  6. I think Warren is quite intelligent and adds a lot of relevant discussion when she’s on TWIT. Focusing on something as trivial and superficial as her hat is sexist and irrelevant in my opinion.
    What I think is more puzzling is the back story to her husband playing Second Life and screwing up her Skype session.

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    1. It’s hard work keeping a eye on the TWiT stream, following all the TD misc updates and comments and… As trolls we are, sit in our basements with only whitie tighties covering our loins jamming WH sliders into our belly. Like the TWiT engineering dept. we aren’t perfit …

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      1. Agreed, John. Especially at this time of year we must all try and do our best to keep it all straight otherwise we’ll just spiral out of control into a box of glazed donut holes and drown in the sugary morass.

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  7. I admit it I was never a fan of Christina’s. I listen to TWIT and have been put off by her over-caffeinated style of speaking. Think she she listen a bit more than drone on….but to each his own. However when I listened to TWIT today and she was talking about justifiably sifting through all the stolen Sony material – some challenged her morality – and SHE mentioned the Pentagon Papers. Literally 5 minutes later she was claiming she would never equate the two. This is the totally awesome new journalism we have to look forward to……

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  8. Writing that this one women and her arguably questionable choice of clothing is “why women in Tech are marginalized” is a dick move, guys. Simply not acceptable.

    After acting like the defenders of women against Leo Laporte, I expected a bit more from you than brushing endless cases of oppression, sexual harrassment and bro behaviour under the carpet in favour of blaming the victims.

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    1. Actually, helloworld is pretty much the opposite of sexist. If you actually look at his posts you will see him attacking a man for his facial hair here and you will see him talk up Inhatko for his hat here.

      So call him an asshole, call him fashion police but don’t call him sexist.

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      1. I’m not calling him sexist, I’m just pointing out that the comment “Christina Warren is the reason why women in Tech are marginalized” is sexist and quite dumb.

        Of course he can make fun of her hat, criticize questionable choices of clothing – whether it’s this stupid hat, Leo’s eye cancer inducing shirts or Friar’s fake collar. No problem with that, and that’s not sexist. Blaming the marginalisation of women in tech on one woman is.

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        1. Using hyperbole in my posts is a legitimate form of comedy. I may fail from time to time, but the underlying basis of every post of HelloWorld’s is to be funny. Did you notice that I replayed Christina’s eyes bugging out a few times? That’s the funny part of the video for me. This woman who thinks she’s so smart because she talks fast (and as a result just stumbles all over her own words) wears a ridiculous hat and then makes dumb faces. Showcasing this is funny to me.

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    1. Yes. Sarah Lane can do no wrong. She is an angel. This has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by extensive research conducted by the #TotalDrama editorial board of directors and an independent society based in Finland.

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  9. I don’t mind her hat… what I find deplorable is that her schmuck of a husband can’t stop playing a ten year old game for two hours so she can have enough bandwidth for Skype.

    She should marry me instead، I would give her all the bandwidth in the world. Oooh yeah.

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  10. That hat is the least of Christina’s problems. It’s painful to listen to her. She speaks way too fast, and with too much vocal fry. If she wants to further her career, I highly recommend she hire a vocal coach.
    Leo has his multitude of shortcomings, but speaking clearly isn’t one of them.

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