Fare Yee Well

Please. if you work at TWiT, you need to be safe. Speaking about the network without explicit authorization has become dangerous to your careers.

All employees of TWiT must obey the network and not speak out.

Anotherone bites the dust.
Another one bites the dust.

Current employees, you must be careful who you associate with. You are only permitted to be friends with a certified list available at the TWiT HQ. BB&J were struck down for going public about their banning. They spoke the truth and that was dealt with accordingly. Now Shannon is being handled for having the audacity to be open on QFP and NA or was it an “lol” at a tweeted joke.  Was her crime really tweeting “lol.” Is that it? Can we not think of millions of awful things #soup has said.

Gina Trapani has had her (first) name mocked. Why, Seinfeld devoted an entire episode to a female name… Apple employees best be careful of the Tim Cook joke.

The arrogance in the following statement is scary:

 [21:27:49] <~Leo> and we have another host who has decided to act very negatively toward me

And people of Drama, please, let us keep our actions lawful and civil, think about what we do in keeping with the one and only mission of spreading truth. Laugh, joke and mock but lets not get carried away. Firing people is not a crime nor is filling the airwaves with propaganda. Just get the truth out. (Leo is not Saddam Hussein and the mods are not Nazis)

15 thoughts on “Fare Yee Well”

  1. She’s a real talent and knew what she was doing. Best that TWIT, L & L are in her rear view mirror. No need to get tethered to that crowd – look at what AmbrrMac has done w/ her career – btw- Amber will be blogging about TSH soon – could be interesting OR too Canadian (nice) – would like to read an honest appraisal of what happened. Would like to hear an unfiltered Sarah but that won’t
    be happening

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  2. I am new to this drama (2012) and this is nothing but a question – NOT trying to instigate : I seem to remember from a pre iPad Today rambling (could be its own show) that Sarah signed a contract sometime last fall, which would mean that her agent is currently negotiating or it could have been multi year (doubt it) or probably & hopefully I’m just wrong – thx

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    1. You are correct, it was finalized a year ago this aug/sept but was multi-year. We should have her for at least one more year. She will likely be the new host of TNT if Elgum does not re-sign which we doubt he will. They will talk about how great he is and how much he loved it here and then he will say he wishes to travel again.

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    2. If I were Sarah I would just break off all negotiations, sell of that Mercedes and just tell people what was going on. After all, who needs earthly possessions? People named Leo and Lisa that’s what.

      Soon, they’ll get a second Audi and another talking robot toilet so they can have companions.

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    1. Well that was a while ago – if she got upset about the Twitter interaction – she totally misread the tweats, as it had to do with an art object in Chicago called The Bean – especially by women. The NA stuff was pretty mild but I guess any excuse to rid the company of bright young talent will do – hey LK is laden with a chaotic business (her doing) and a morbidly obese fiancee

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  3. With the firings of Dr. Kiki, Amber and now Snubs, it appears TWiT is waging its own war against women. I’m sure if Eileen hadn’t left for another opportunity, she would have ended up on the chopping block, too….as will Sarah, no doubt, when her contract is up.

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  4. I’ve always said that TWiT is operated like a cult.

    The rules of a cult are that the leader is never questioned, is always right even when he is wrong.

    The leader shall be adored and his word shall be law and followed.

    You should never say anything or do anything that puts your loyalty in doubt.

    The penalty can be as small as being banned from their IRC to an employee being fired when they are on vacation or otherwise unable to fight their case. In fact he knows that he does not have to give the actual reason and it would be up to the target of his venom to prove otherwise. In the cases of Amber and Shannon they are not ’employees’ they ‘contractors’ which makes it even easier, all #Soup & #Slop need to say is that their services were no longer required.

    At least they haven’t gone as far as exterminating the person, though I think they may have hunted down a troll in the UK and exterminated that one so that they could claim the trip as a business expense! LOL

    I believe that TWiT is slowly circling the drain, an Egomaniacal Cult Leader and a Psychotically stupid Henchwoman and some members of staff, including a Priest that has on multiple occasions been found to out and out lie, carry out acts that are not becoming a man of the cloth in the name of selling Razor Blades and acted innappropriately on many occasions in a questionable manner including telling people how to steal “copyrighted and zone protected” Media using a VPN. So that’s at least two of the 10 commandments he has happily breached, I wonder how many more he has. I bet he doesn’t tell Father Kelly about it all or there would be a 1000 teabaggings to make it right in Father Kelly’s eyes but sadly not the Lords!

    DB09 has it perfectly right with the George Orwell quote, sadly for #Soup & #Slop they have no intention of listening and will rather operate in a blinkered manner and fiddle while TWiT Burns.

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