Telling #Truth is not popular in all quarters. To see just to which length some sick individual will go, you don’t have to look much further than Robert Ballecer’s twitter account. Our previous article documents his lies and intimidation attempts where he mistakenly thinks that photoshopping my face out of a picture (although very creepy) would prevent us from exposing his perverted ways.
Others tried more direct approach. This is an email that has been sent to our hosting provider in an apparent attempt to take #TotalDrama down:
I stumbled upon this post when looking up a colleague:Get yourself together, girlI clicked around the website and noticed some posts were harassing:Lisa wears a skirt for one reason onlyOthers are defaming.Lights Curiously Out on One Particular DropcamPetaluma is not the picturesque paradise that Laporte purportsThe WHOIS shows the site hosted on a Digital Ocean server at Is this allowed? Concerned, Susan Peterson
Good thing our hosting provider values free speech more than an attempted by a random internet troll to shut us down.
You think you skinny guys have a chance against me and Father Robert? We outweigh you 29 inch waisted fools.
Leo Laporte» Quote comment
So Is “Susan Peterson” a close personal friend of Tonya? The marvelous Marketing Maven?
Or an assumed identity of someone unknown ?
LostInSpace» Quote comment
Who knows. We can only guess. My guess it’s Lisa.
lkalif» Quote comment
I was guessing it was Padre, channelling something. But maybe a hope rather than guess.
LostInSpace» Quote comment
1) refers to Lyndsey Turrentine as a “colleague”
2) no understanding of harassment or defamation
3) particularly offended about CEHo ladybits post
4) particularly offended about #soup self gratification post
5) particularly offended about #soup is a peeping perv post
6) Used a female alias
7) limited understanding of internet hosting
I have my guess
Jeff_N» Quote comment