Tag Archives: did he in fact shit the bed?

Did Leo Laporte shit his bed last night? The answer may surprise you

It's entirely possible that Leo Laporte shit his bed last night.
It’s entirely possible that Leo Laporte shit his bed last night.

There is no way for anyone to prove 100-percent beyond a shadow of a doubt that Leo Laporte did not shit his bed last night.

Unless, of course, that person is Leo Laporte himself and can provide the videotape of his entire night’s sleep—from getting into bed, to waking up in the morning. And then he would need to provide further video proof of him scanning the sheets with the camera and showing us that he did not shit the bed.

So TotalDrama calls upon Leo Laporte to prove that he did not shit his bed last night. Otherwise, there’s just no way for us to know if Leo Laporte shit his bed last night. Or perhaps Jason C. Cleanthes can let us know if Leo Laporte shit his bed last night?