Tag Archives: 3 inches in heaven

Leo Laporte Explains What It’s Like To Have Sexual Intercourse With Him

Take in the view, ladies.
Take in the view, ladies.

Leo Laporte, who you’d think would know better than to actually flash a dick pic on the stream, managed to one-up himself yet again on Sunday’s episode of “This Week in Tech.”

Here’s the scene: Georgia Dow was the female guest and thus the undeserving target of Leo’s sexually-laced commentary when Leo decided to unload on her as seen in the video above. We certainly feel sorry for Georgia, but she later excused his behavior, even though he apologized only to Anthony, Georgia’s husband, and not to Georgia herself. Does Leo believe that women are still the property of their husband?

One cannot simply sit by while Leo Laporte commits grievous atrocities against women when he wants his family-friendly network to be an example for children. Total Drama stands with Georgia and countless other females and minorities that have been disrespected on the TWiT network. Leo’s behavior is unacceptable.

What did he just call me?!
What did he just call me?!

We encourage women and minorities to boycott TWiT until Leo stops showing dick pics on the stream, sexually harrassing women, and saying “nigras” on-air.