35 thoughts on ““The Tech Guy” Can’t Figure Out TOR”

  1. Hahahaha! What an idiot, and not even a ‘my bad’ or anything.

    It’s okay Lay-o, why would you understand the basic principle of Tor… it’s not like you interviewed the freaking guy who made it on your shitty TNSS show a few weeks ago.

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  2. I was walking in this guys house and I saw someone trying to look like me. He had the same clothes on and everything. First I asked him who he was but all he did was copy my movements exactly. As I lunged at him he lunged at me at the same time. I couldn’t get to him because he seemed to be behind some shiny glass. –Leo

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  3. Oops. Very funny. First thing I thought about when I saw this was: Egyptian exit node.

    Although I saw the tweet it’s always better to see it again here.

    I missed all of TTG and TNSSSSSS yesterday. I feel smarter already. I feel better now.

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    1. Of course you felt better. It makes no sense, no sense at all, to watch shows you don’t like. To do otherwise is an exercise in self-hatred and/or masochism. I wouldn’t be caught dead watching Leo. Like many of you I watched the cottage shows, but when everything went to shit at the Brickhouse and with Lisa coming aboard, I moved on.

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  4. I remember when this idiot tried to discuss Visual Studio with Paul Thurrott on one of the early Windows Weekly episodes.

    God, what a fucking moron.

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      1. I’m sure someone who disrespects his crew, guests, and continuously harasses his female employees surely deserves to be called an asshole.

        Now, go fuck a squirrel, nature boy. Or, choke on Leo’s semen.

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  5. Is anyone surprised by this? LL habitually shoots off his mouth before even preparing or even doing any sort of research about a product. Then he is quick to poop on the product when he can’t figure out how to use it. I tell you he better kiss ass and be grateful to his sheep chatroom during his radio show, without them he has no show.

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  6. Yup that clown Leo does this all the time, berates a product or company because he’s so stupid or because he misunderstands something >again because he’s tooooo stupid
    And he lies the problem, he slanders products and companies on live air , and claims as a pundit he is protected by law to say what he wants.
    I hope someday a company/person sues his ass for his slanderous rants because of his stupidity.

    By the way Leo got pranked by Gary and Dino ( podcasters)
    on TTG radio show today(Sunday around 11:40am PST ) if the TotalDrama crew wants to investigate the call and video, and post it..
    They called about a MacBook power button not working and they’ve using a screwdriver to jump start the laptop
    Clueless tit Leo had no clue at first, then he googled the name and I thought he figured it out, but after the break he tried to answer the question

    What a fat Putz

    LeoLaCunt is getting stupider by the day.

    PS I see on his Twitter account the gaming community is calling Leo a douche bag for his comments against gamers on TNSS yesterday

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    1. Well first of all, the gaming community comes off the hinges over just about anything.

      But really, when it’s clear Leo Laporte doesn’t have the first clue about what he’s talking about, how can he be believed about anything else, ever?

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  7. There is this two dimensional black figure that follows me everywhere when the sun is out. I called the police multiple times and they do nothing about it.

    If anyone has seen him let me know. He is very short at noon and goes away when it’s sunny out.

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  8. If Leo would bother to do even the most rudimentary show prep (you know, as YOU might do if YOU were paid $1M for a radio advice show), these stupid gaffes would stop.

    But lazy LeWhore can’t be bothered to actually do any work, so that’s out.

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  9. So has Leo apologized on twitter and corrected his mistake? I understand making a mistake, especially when it comes to something like TOR, it can be difficult to understand sometimes.

    Of course not! He would never do that! It means he would have to admit he made a mistake…but now a small project is harmed by a big tech pundit and has no recourse. Good job Leo.

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  10. Leo the “sorta tech guy”… his solution to most tech issues is to buy, buy and buy the latest and greatest computer or now tech gadget. Can’t afford to do this? Leo says…FUCK YOU!…

    LeoRichguy doesn’t have time to waste on lowly peasants because he’s got a lunch date with Paul Simon and Steve Martin.

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  11. He is just to busy eating salad during Security Now to listen to Steve. I wonder if Gibson saw the tweet laughed his ass off, then counted his money from his spinrite sales.

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