Leo Laporte is Now Doing Boner Pill Ads

Product sample.

This is not a joke. Leo Laporte has swirled so far down the drain that he now has to read ads for boner pills and doctors who will prescribe them for you without ever seeing you in person.

I guess the guy who showed his small dick and his wife’s vagina on-air was a perfect fit for Roman.

Perhaps the sex swing and VR porn no longer do the trick.

Here’s the incredulous reaction from the chatroom sheep. Even they know it’s really bad. They take the opportunity to insult the eldest hosts on TWiT — those of Ham Nation and Security Now.

<AlexC> Youthening or Euthening?
<Valvey> guy fieri
<Synapse> Good Grief
<patterson> Dr Brown's Amazing Tonic.
<SloMo> One of the well-used chemo-hats
<cr1> well, we've jumped the shark
<patterson> You need to have the argument again
<gardner> I dont think this ad has anything to do with tech...
<I_Am_Special> this a spam sponsor?
<AlexC> ... I can't believe they wen to ED ads before patreon
<int3> take the blue pill :D
<oyvey> you have to be kidding me.... the MacBreakWeekly audience is a target audience for this product??
<cr1> Preparation H coming up
<patterson> Same thing with Men's beauty products or a Manpurse. just say no
<gardner> put this ad on ham nation
<oyvey> LOL
<+Burke> gardner it pays our bills
<AlexC> When are the Adam and Eve ads?
<C64Fan> Roman will turn your Mac mini into a Mac Pro
<ReverbMike> wow... MBW has taken a turn
<Synapse> I'm not just owner i'm also a patient.
<oyvey> this is proof that advertising is a crock
<gardner> burke, the ad is poorly targeted, which helps no one
<Web1335> Leo's sold out
<Woody> fantasy sports ads are easier money
<alexhoward> Huh. This I wouldn’t have expeted.
<Hetchins52> Got it! "Roman" is a Monty Python reference: Biggus Dickus!
<SloMo> Web1335: unnecessary comment
<TerryK> New advertiser, a good fit for Security Now
<toedsloth> delivered by grubhub?
<oyvey> no... it's a joke
*** beatmaster kicked Web1335 (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.)
<I_Am_Special> i liik at spam emails for viagra
<ReverbMike> is there a version for the ladies?
<SloMo> I like paying my bills ... wish i could pay a bill for the new sony a7iii
<iPad_06580> Siri Reorder Roman
<uptown> Roman hands ... rushing fingers ...
* Loquacious1 thinks 'no comment'
<AlexC> What, no personal testimonials/?
<cr1> important issue: heart disease, prostate cancer, arthritis. ED? not so much
<patterson> it's a desing issue
<ReverbMike> lol Loquacious1
<Loquacious1> lol AlexC
<@beatmaster> roman could prevent those accidents Leo :p
<ReverbMike> Roman disclaimer; side effects may include death
<extremus> ED not important? Did Padre say that?

70 thoughts on “Leo Laporte is Now Doing Boner Pill Ads”

  1. A new low for Leo, an ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION MEDS ad on the mac break show today.
    A men’s health company that offers remote online diagnosis for ED and convenient monthly delivery of medication. For $50 off your first month, visit GetRoman.com/twit.

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  2. “Hey TWiT fans! Looking for a good mattress to fuck the bookkeeper? I swear by my Casper. And don’t worry if you’re having trouble with your limp dick, check out GoRoman.com! But do me a favor and save your spit for 23andMe”.


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    1. Jennifer L:
      LikeLeo always says…
      We turn down a lot of advertisers,
      We only advertise products we believe in,
      We only advertise products we USE.

      Nominate this posting as Best Comment’.
      Sums up the article perfectly with Leo’s own babble.

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    1. inadequate:
      LOL,Jeff clapping/snorting/kackling, sitting up with rapt attention like a gleeful sea lion awaiting a fish reward.

      Jeff is an intellectual. What you characterise as moronic, puerile dribble is in fact post-modern irony from another dimension.

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    1. Oath Doge: Well, I think we can conclude that we were successful in trolling the twit annual survey.

      Although I am a multi-millionaire running my own tech company, for the purposes of the survey, I was an out of work lesbian truck driver living in a trailer park.

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  3. The end is nigh …

    He recently said TWiT was 10% down on revenue last year, with a further 10% fall expected this year – and he’s probably putting a positive spin on things.

    Odds of TWiT surviving 2018 – low, and falling.

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    1. Blig:
      The end is nigh…

      He recently said TWiT was 10% down on revenue last year, with a further 10% fall expected this year – and he’s probably putting a positive spin on things.

      Odds of TWiT surviving 2018 –low, and falling.

      Did he really? I’ve said this 100x on here and I’ll say it again: The future of TWiT is Leo hosting the core shows (TWiT, MBW, WW, TWiG, The Tech Guy) out of a home studio. All he has to do is get the TriCaster in his office, hire just one of the clowns he works with to operate it and edit the shows. He’d make a more than decent living.

      There’s no reason whatsoever for him to have the Shit Hole Studios. The Brick House Studios were beautiful, but even that was over the top. Losing revenue may be a blessing in disguise.

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  4. Next Leo’ll blame it on his dick pics, the CEO’s pussy text during a broadcast, and his sordid Twittercorrespondence with an innocent porn star. Whereas the real problem’s he just ain’t that good.

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  5. Just remember HOW MANY TIMES Leo Laporte stated that they only advertise products that they strongly believe in, products that they have used.

    Seems that yet again Keo is promoting a product that he uses in return for free product from them.

    Will he retire his twitter account from Chief TWiT to Chief LimpDick?

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      1. I hear things are so tight financially they had to use a u-haul and take all the staff and equipment for their SXSW extravaganza in the back. If it works out he’s going to put the kids to work as human traffickers.

        He was heard telling someone he plans on sniggering around looking for sponsorship from entities that are more successful

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    1. Leica My Balls:
      Leica has no need for those pills since he has a permanent hard on for Leo.

      LMAO attack the story writer cause you got nothing else. I understand it’s hard to watch your tech idol peddle boner pills and further sink into obscurity, but you’re pathetic for standing up for that piece of shit in the first place.


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  6. We are gathered here today to mourn the spiritual death of TWiT. We knew if for many years to have been dead spiritually. Now we know it has also died from revenue shortness from good advertisers syndrome as well, ensuring that it will continue its slow decent downwards, the backward spiral into the spiritual grave that it had dug for itself. No amount of mattresses or pillows will make its slumber peaceful or meaningful. May we not mourn the loss. May we rejoice at our freedom from needing to watch the slow train of demise roll down the tracks into a forgotten siding in the unchecked corners of the mind.

    This post is sponsored by:
    Leo’s newest innovative product: Buckets of Penis Pills for Patriots. When you go home at night tired from a long day and find yourself suffering from whiskey dick. Just grab a trowel full of our Penis Pills from our 5 gallon patriotic pail of pills! They will help end your hard day in a harder way!

    Penis Pills in Pails for Patriots!

    (I can only hope that these make it to the radio show)

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  7. Boner pills wont help if you don’t give a f*ck. Whats next? An advertisement for Depend Diapers? (you can use your Jitterbug phone and not have to walk to the bathroom when you need to poop). TWIT should advertise for ex-lax as well, cause obviously, they don’t give a sh*t about tech anymore.

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  8. Go ahead sycophantic fan boys. Tell me what a pillar a virtue Leo is now…

    Burke quote “It pays the bills”

    Yeah, hitmen say that all the time. Doesn’t make it right or moral.

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  9. What’s next for the 65+ TWiT demo? Cemetary plots, hospice discounts – egads Lay-o you have hit bottom and there’s no bounce.

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  10. “Sometimes performance issues are signs of a larger underlying issue”……but don’t embarrass yourself by setting an actual doctor, just call up and get a pill to mask the symptoms. And make sue to use or sponsor code.

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  11. Leo, heard you are looking for new advertisers, and exploring new avenues… contact us!

    PS: Krystal says hi!

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  12. Remember when Leo said,” We won’t run these with a woman on the panel.”

    Yeah he just did one with Georgia Dow on TWIT 3/18/18

    I guess she doesn’t qualify since she’s never been privileged enough to be in studio and have Leo comment on her “black triangle.”

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