Nathan Olivarez-Giles Fired from TWiT

Update: It appears Nate has landed on his feet. It’s a bit of a downgrade from the WSJ, but still an upgrade from unemployment/TWiT.

Maybe he could pass some of that luck on to Tony and Kara, whose LinkedIns remain stale.

The firings will continue until morale improves.

Dearly departed @NateOG.

No new bona fide shows will ever be created on TWiT. Leo lied when he said Mike Elgan would be creating a news division and traveling to Shenzen, China to cover tech developments there.

It should come as no surprise, then, that when the portly Laporte promised Nathan Olivarez-Giles (@NateOG) the opportunity to create new shows, including a car show (This Week in Leo’s Leased Tesla) and a Lets Play-style gaming show, that was merely bait to get Nate to stay a bit longer than he knew he should.

After getting Nathan to fill in on a few shows while failed CEO Lisa Laporte and Leo Laporte took their entire extended family to the Galapagos, he was summarily terminated upon their return. Was it because of him cursing out the live audience? We don’t know.

Nathan Olivarez-Giles, seen here in need of soap for his potty mouth

Leo didn’t hesitate to use the pre-taped Nathan segments on The New Screen Savers, without acknowledging the termination. They even trotted out the dead corpse of Nate’s employment with top billing in the newsletter. Leo Laporte has no conscience.

Can you believe they had the balls to force Nate to pre-record months of Know How segments — that they are currently airing — before terminating him upon Leo’s return from the Galapagos? Is it even legal under California law to make someone front-load their work for months that would be paid out later and then fire them?

Here’s to you, Nathan. We apologize you didn’t make it into the latest In Memoriam 2. You’ll be in #3 for sure.

We barely knew you; you only lasted 3.5 months.

Bonus Video

46 thoughts on “Nathan Olivarez-Giles Fired from TWiT”

  1. Netcasts you love, from geriatrics you trust. This is TWiT.

    I’m amazed they got Nate to begin with. I guess the allure of doing his own shows was too good to pass up, but come on, ever since Game On flopped TWiT has been risk adverse.

    It’s only a matter of time before Leo builds a studio on his property and does it all out of his home. Why bother with any of this when 90% of the shows are panels via Skype?

    I’m watching LIVE (MacBreak Weekly, 07/11/17) and he’s talking about buying $1200 phones, spending $5000 on the iMac Pro, and Lisa, barefoot mind you, just handed him a ridiculous camera that he used while in the Galapagos.

    It’s all so appalling.

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    1. Why didn’t he take the $8000 Leica lens to the Galapagos? I’ve never seen a guy squander money so much. He figures it’s off his taxes and out of the hands of his ex-wife. That’s got to be the reason. I don’t see how he is saving any money. And he is too dumb to buy property to house the show and make a studio he actually owns.

      He said he was “too old” to buy property? what an idiot.

      So yes, just put a studio in his garage and go from there.

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  2. Another example of LeOrb being reckless with other people’s careers. Working for TWiT is like building your house in a flood zone, on a fault line, during tornado season, on quicksand, in a high crime community.


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  3. TWiT has no podcasts in the top 20? At least from memory that is what podtrac says. While podcasts are on an upward trend YOY TWiT is sinking.

    Fake news?

    But his bizness model is appealing to the lower end of the scale. Like the infamous Nigerian email scams. Only those truly bereft of judgement respond or listen. Marks in other words

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  4. What the fuck! I hope he consults with an employment lawyer if he was made verbal promises which misrepresented the length of employment, and this convinced him to give up his real job at the Wall Street Journal. Sounds like a type of bait and switch. Bastards!

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    1. TheTruth:
      What the fuck! I hope he consults with an employment lawyer if he was made verbal promises which misrepresented the length of employment, and this convinced him to give up his real job at the Wall Street Journal. Sounds like a type of bait and switch. Bastards!

      Not going to happen. Unless he had an employment agreement with TWIT – highly unlikely – he’s considered an employee-at-will and can be fired for any reason or no reason at all.

      Only exceptions, of course, are dismissals based on sex, religion, etc.

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      1. Thurrott Legend: Both thought they knew it all and that their shit didn’t stink. Good riddance to both!

        Yep, he was really annoying. And a total SJW – see his Twitter link to a CNET video where women employees there claimed they were harassed by sexist, immature guys.

        But what was he thinking when throwing away a cushy WSJ job for the TWIT sewer? You know how many people would love reporting for the WSJ?

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  5. It’s odd for me to think of TWiT as an ongoing place where people are things are still happening. TWiT seems more suited to being a fading memory.

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  6. Yeah kind lame. Not sure how some of you feel, but on one show he said that he wished there was a good republican to vote for president. Doesn’t he say his a progressive. This was like few weeks before vacation. Looks like even his wife charged his views

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  7. At first, I liked the hire, they needed some young, smart blood. But once he got on his own (Know How) he could barely carry a story and was often wrong, he seemed great when he was on TWiT because of the other guys with him.

    This was about as good as Bloomberg hiring Gurman.

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  8. Who is left at twit?

    Leo is the last on air talent at twit. Time to shut that studio down. Great work Yoko. Soon she will have more free time for vacations.

    The only good thing about Yoko is that she will be the reason Leo ends up penniless by the end. Way to think with your penis Leo , thanks for ruing TWIT.

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      1. Molly’s sister: Glad to hear it.. He probably screwed Leo, rather than Leo screwing him.

        I bet after appearing on TWiT a handful of times Nate thought it would be a fun place to work for. After 30-60 days he realized he needed to get out of there ASAP.

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  9. Pretty obvious that he quit and wasn’t fired…because if you’re fired, you don’t line up another job at a place like Apple quite that fast.

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  10. I can tell you that when he was hired at twit, it was known by Leo that he was still looking for a job and that’s why he was paid as a part-time-er. If they created a show that did well he would have gotten more money (full time) but no one really thought that would happen. When Nathan told Leo, he got a congratulations and a we will miss you but there is no upcoming hire to replace him.

    Yes, this is a VPN.

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    1. Since you seem to know what happened with NateOG, why don’t you tell us what happened to Tony, Kara and Frederique?

      Unless of course you are lying about being an inside source.

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    2. Inside Source:
      I can tell you that when he was hired at twit, it was known by Leo that he was still looking for a job and that’s why he was paid as a part-time-er. If they created a show that did well he would have gotten more money (full time) but no one really thought that would happen. When Nathan told Leo, he got a congratulations and a we will miss you but there is no upcoming hire to replace him.

      Yes, this is a VPN.

      We have reason to believe this is incorrect. Caveat emptor.

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    1. It used to be a better-than-useless show for me. While the industry has stopped mutating at a fast rate, eliminating the utility of a talk show on tech trends, Leo has basically killed TWiT with his useless B.S. to fill air time. There was a shockingly good panel hosted by Calcanis, even though I think Calcanis needs work on his hosting skills.

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  11. Real nigga back in Leo’s house again. Black Timbs all on your couch again. Black dick all in your spouse again. And I know she like chocolate men. ~Hilton A. Goring

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      1. Steve: Jesus Fucking Christ if you hate this site so much why are you fucking here all the time?

        WOW ! Steve.
        Everyone at TWiT is probably thinking the exact same thing about all of the users on this site! Kinda Ironic!! Heh!!

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  12. If you fucking morons stopped to think about it, he obviously wasn’t fired. Why would they fire someone while the priest is doing his retreat and Jason is out for weeks on jury duty. They’d be using Nate as a fill-in like they did before he left. They’re not, so leaving was obviously HIS choice…but no, you idiots automatically assume he was fired so you can have the most clickbaity headline.

    The site was better before you had to start grasping at straws and making shit up and sucking the No Agenda cum.

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