Leo Laporte Fails to Impress CNN Executive

CNN of Tech?

Leo Laporte invited his good friend Alex Wellen to appear on what has become of Triangulation.

The show’s format revolves around Leo Laporte doing zero preparation, usually ending up showing his porno or being embarrassed by guests, while the guest tries to figure out exactly what the fuck they got themselves into.

CNN of Tech Founder/Star Shaving On-Air, moments later

Because Leo has a Galaxy Note 7 sized hole in his soul that can only be filled by adoration of others, he runs through his normal “look how much I spent on my shoebox studio” spiel.

Leo backtracks a bit from “CNN of Tech” in the presence of an actual CNN executive, downgrading himself first to the C-SPAN of Tech, and later to the CNBC of Tech. Hopefully he can get Mr. Wonderful on the show next!

Alex Wellen was not impressed. Leo seems deflated, as you can see in the video above.

Thanks to an anon from #drama for the video.

90 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Fails to Impress CNN Executive”

  1. I love how Soup criticizes his live video feed, then wishes he would’ve went audio only. I wonder why? It wasn’t because of the start up costs . His guest had it right. The shoebox looks like it’s located in house tucked away in the small corner of his basement.

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  2. That was hilarious.

    Also it was never in HIS house but it was in A house for a long time until Lisa bloomed into a powerful CEO person and built them a professional netcasting operation.

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      1. soupslurper: That’s how you know He’s lying.

        Came here to say the same thing.

        Touching the nose like that is a common tell of a liar or someone who is uncomfortable with the situation.

        Much like if a girl flips or plays with her hair and crosses her legs towards you, you know she’s into you.

        Crossed arms are often standoffish or defensive/combative.

        People that never make eye contact are lying, shy, or completely ineffective at life in general.

        It’s basic body language. Leo has simple tells all the time. He would be a terrible poker player.

        That fake laugh is the easiest tell. That fake laugh means he has nothing to say, doesn’t understand, but needs to fill the air with his voice like a deranged egomaniac.

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  3. Love how he “airs himself out” in the beginning. A tell, the Lord is about to go Defcon One on the Narcissistic Scale. 7 million uniques. hahahahahahaha what a liar.

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      1. That’s not fact checking, that’s looking at Owler which uses estimations or user input to assess turnover and other things such as staff numbers.

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  4. Leo: 7 million uniques? LOL

    Joe Rogan (The Joe Rogan Experience) is closing in on 100 million downloads/view a month. He’s a one man show (plus one young guy who runs the audio/video board) and he only does 3 or 4 show a week on average. Joe is probably without doubt the biggest podcaster by the numbers right now. He’s crushing it.

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  5. Never saw anyone lie that much. When he is doing TWiT from a pickup with a CB radio he will say he is making 30Million. He was trying to show off and the guy asked him if he was doing his show from his house, that CNN dude must have known he was lying. 7 million unique, haha. I would estimate his all-time uniques from all media around 4.7 million.

    Good video but shit article by the retired Leica aka the retired Jeff Jarvis


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    1. 1. Scratches neck
      2. Pulls collar
      3. Pulls left side of jacket forward
      4. Pulls left side of jacket down
      5. Pulls out right side of jacket

      No signs of lying here. hahahahaha

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    1. Yes. There are several tiny operation YouTubers who just kill it with product reviews like the one you linked.

      Even lacking the initiative, Leo could have easily brought one or two of those folks on board to publish reviews under the TWiT brand. I mean, it couldn’t be that hard with the $10M in revenue…right? Right?

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      1. ManBaby:
        Yes.There are several tiny operation YouTubers who just kill it with product reviews like the one you linked.

        Even lacking the initiative, Leo could have easily brought one or two of those folks on board to publish reviews under the TWiT brand.I mean, it couldn’t be that hard with the $10M in revenue…right?Right?

        Why would He do that when he has FMCP doing Know How for free? I don’t think he even gets to keep those ACER review products anymore does he unless he donates those to his church. Ha Ha

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        1. soupslurper: Why would He do that when he has FMCP doing Know How for free?I don’t think he even gets to keep those ACER review products anymore does he unless he donates those to his church. Ha Ha

          Actually, not only does the collar get paid, Leo has said on the stream he is the highest paid host in the network.

          He pointed out that the Catholic church gets the money, but it doesn’t change the fact he is paying the more for the Jesuit than anyone else.

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          1. ManBaby: Actually, not only does the collar get paid, Leo has said on the stream he is the highest paid host in the network.

            He pointed out that the Catholic church gets the money, but it doesn’t change the fact he is paying the more for the Jesuit than anyone else.

            Sure, if you believe everything Leo says. Sadly most of us don’t believe anything he says.

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  6. I actually saw this episode live and it was obvious that Alex was not buying any of the chubsters b.s. Lol! After LL went on and on about the millions of unique views and millions of alleged dollars spent on the new and downsized studios which really does looks like it’s in a dank smelly basement instead of a studio, you can clearly see how Alex popped his hubris bubble, classic!

    P.S. – ITM everybody!

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    1. Yeah, Poor Alex tuned out while Leo when down his own list of credentials, practically nodding off… then when asked he said so your basement? I fell outta my chair when he said CNN of the tech also… they at least send people out and generate their own news. Leo hurriedly scans google while people are asking him ?’s It’s soooo lazy, so bad. Would not watch this guy regularly, bad habits may rub off on me.

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      1. B-B-B-Bennie:
        Yeah, Poor Alex tuned out while Leo when down his own list of credentials, practically nodding off… then when asked he said so your basement? I fell outta my chair when he said CNN of the tech also… they at least send people out and generate their own news. Leo hurriedly scans google while people are asking him ?’s It’s soooo lazy, so bad. Would not watch this guy regularly, bad habits may rub off on me.

        So he is the fake tech news?

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  7. “our house..is a very very fine house, with two cats in the yard”…do do…

    I fllm this program from Dracula’s basement fool.. I fired most of the good staff..so yeah..

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  8. From Wikipedia:

    Triangulation: Triangulation is a manipulation tactic where one person will not communicate directly with another person, instead using a third person to relay communication to the second, thus forming a triangle. It is also a form of splitting in which one person manipulates a relationship between two parties by controlling communication between them.

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  9. It seems that the SN audience has dwindled down to mostly slot machine manufacturers because a story on hacking pokies takes priority over listener questions.

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        1. Digital Dynamic: Yeah thanks, but I don’t read the Nazi propaganda that spews out of the Federalist.It might as well be Breitbart news.

          I know! how dare someone have a different opinion than you! If they have a diff opinion, they must be nazi!

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  10. For gods sake get Leo some help. He goes to his nose like a seriously hooked coke addict. MORE than ever. He must be using that stuff by the bucket. Sonoma County has a lot of coke for sale. Once he tries crack he’ll be fucked. His old lady looks like a coke-head too.

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  11. This Leo guy is incredible. He’s using his dead dog to sell some ads for BarkBox on TNSS. Then he asks his phone to translate “how much is the doggie in the window?” into Spanish.

    If his mom died I guess two weeks later he’d say “yeah my mom died but I’m happy that when she was alive she had those Blue Apron deliveries to look forward to, get yours using offer code TWiT!”

    He’s such a loser.

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    1. Jimmy Jam:
      This Leo guy is incredible. He’s using his dead dog to sell some ads for BarkBox on TNSS. Then he asks his phone to translate “how much is the doggie in the window?” into Spanish.

      If his mom died I guess two weeks later he’d say “yeah my mom died but I’m happy that when she was alive she had those Blue Apron deliveries to look forward to, get yours using offer code TWiT!”

      He’s such a loser.

      I had the same reaction when I saw that. Just when you think he can’t get any sleazier, He does. I wonder if BarkBox would approve of the way he was using a dead dog who was likely abused to sell their product? After seeing that live read, I wouldn’t spend a dime with them.

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    2. Jimmy Jam:
      This Leo guy is incredible. He’s using his dead dog to sell some ads for BarkBox on TNSS. Then he asks his phone to translate “how much is the doggie in the window?” into Spanish.

      If his mom died I guess two weeks later he’d say “yeah my mom died but I’m happy that when she was alive she had those Blue Apron deliveries to look forward to, get yours using offer code TWiT!”

      He’s such a loser.

      Just more of Leo expressing his psycho/sociol -pathic tendencies. He seems to be getting progressively worse as time goes on.

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  12. Alex Wellen is fairly senior at CNN, probably gets paid quite well – don’t think I’ve seen many people come across as so cold and miserable. He probably has set times to smile every month simply so his face muscles don’t waste away.

    Maybe it’s because CNN ratings are tanking – irrespective of Trump they are superficial ratings chasers – but he just came across as stressed and humourless.

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  13. Went on Twit.tv and counted the shows that are active and that number is 20 not 25. Maybe he is overestimating all his numbers. BTW what is the last time we seem the CeHo on camera since moving to the shoe-box?

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    1. Lay-o:
      Went on Twit.tv and counted the shows that are active and that number is 20 not 25.Maybe he is overestimating all his numbers.BTW what is the last time we seem the CeHo on camera since moving to the shoe-box?

      Did you count Abbie Road?

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        1. Soupslurper:
          Eating too many Burritoswill do that to you.

          Jesus Christ! Have these people no shame? Two Ton Tonya and now One Ton Abby? …along with her fat fuck daddy? Fuck man…way too much fat around here. It’s sickening. Your body is something you take care of to last you a lifetime with minimal illness and fast recover from injuries..not these assholes. They have no business going out into public until they shed a shit ton of weight and stop being douchbags! ITM!

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    1. Jeff:
      You all know Alex had a show on ZDTV,right?

      Yes, we know Alex is an ancient colleague of Leo. How else would he be booked on TWiT? Does that detract from the video?

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  14. In all fairness, I just watched it again and considering his obvious emotional handicaps, you have to feel bad for Leo. That was brutal and surgical at the same time.

    Dear god, put this ego out of its misery.

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  15. Since when is popcorn or peanuts a major purchase? I was unaware that the Kenmore brand was no longer good. I haven’t purchased a Kenmore in years since they always lasted so long. Leo is a pig. Maybe Obama can pardon another traitor and fix this mess. A huge factor in the rate dropping is that people ended up retiring prematurely. TWiT sucks a big dick.

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  16. Wow, they moved me past the cubicles (on a squeeky wheeled AV cart, I was tossed on with some hats and old network gear) into the small main studio area. I saw a lurking, reclusive purple Grimmace… from that MM show. But now it’s just dark, I fell into a box.

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  17. Long pause between articles means one of two things:
    ‘1’ Lecia/Crotchman/NewJarvis has a life and went on vacation
    ‘2’ There is a new fake pseudonym in the works

    Does not take a degree in astrophysics to figure this out.
    The only thing worthwhile on this site is watching the guy writing the blog pretending to be multiple people and embarrass himself.

    Maybe I am wrong, maybe magically some new person will bump into this Leica on the street and he will hand over the credentials to post on this blog.

    Hahahahaha, hahaha, ha

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    1. Leica is (b)anal said:
      Long pause between articles means one of two things:
      ‘1’ Lecia/Crotchman/NewJarvis has a life and went on vacation
      ‘2’ There is a new fake pseudonym in the works

      Does not take a degree in astrophysics to figure this out.
      The only thing worthwhile on this site is watching the guy writingthe blog pretending to be multiple people and embarrass himself.

      Maybe I am wrong, maybe magically some new person will bump into this Leica on the street and he will hand over the credentials to post on this blog.

      Hahahahaha, hahaha, ha

      I have to agree with this comment. If Lecia wants to pretend someone new is writing he will need a credible story for how a new person got in touch with the site and then how the new person was trusted with access to the site in order to post.

      My recommendation to Lecia
      Say that the new writer used the “submit a story” button and that Lecia is posting (not writing) for him. Then after three or four blog entries say that Lecia gave him the keys to site and that Lecia then went on to retire. …no longer into Leo…. bored…
      Everything else is easily debunked.

      Damn I meant to use a fake name for this comment.

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        1. Which tip? There is one that will probably have an article written about, but it requires more work. I meant no tips that are ready to go, with a video (that (b)anal thinks I’m still making) or some other easily linkable self=contained concept.

          The one that I’m not sure I really want to do will require a lot of work to condense multiple information sources into a cohesive narrative. Given that I’ve stepped back, I prefer to just post videos people send me and write some text to go with it and summarize.

          Some of the “tips” we get are terrible and will never be acted upon. I’m not saying yours is. I’m hoping it’s the one good one with lots of work to be done to make it a post. We were already aware of it, if it’s the same one.

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  18. Lisa Laporte’s “Free Advice – Building a Highly Engaged Podcast Audience”

    The number one question I receive from podcasters is how do they become an ad-supported podcast? While the answer may be simple, the process takes hard work, consistency, dedication, amazing content and a host that people want to hear from and connect with on a regular basis.

    Best practices if you want to become ad-supported podcast:

    Be consistent and release your show weekly at the same time and on the same day of the week (weekly podcasts outsell daily, bi-weekly, and monthly podcasts)

    Have amazing content

    Engage your audience

    Build your audience as podcasts with over 50,000 downloads per show will attract advertisers

    Establish a Patreon page to have your fans support you financially while you are building an audience

    If you offer your podcast in both audio and video formats then post to YouTube and monetize your podcast until you sign sponsors

    Reach out to your contacts in your industry and offer an exclusive advertising deal for your podcast at a flat rate that makes sense to you and them (check out TWiT host-read ads at Artisanal Agency)

    Host-read ads outshine commercials as highly engaged audiences want to hear from the hosts they trust

    Have fun, love what you do, and be as passionate about your ad reads as you are your content

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  19. lmao, that was fawkn priceless!

    Im supersized Leo didn’t tell him about the hot tub pod cast he wanted to do. Im sure that would have really impressed Alex.

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