Leo Laporte Shits on Patrick Norton During Triangulation

Guest Submission

Thanks again to an anonymous contributor, we have a video of Leo insulting his This Week in Computer Hardware host Patrick Norton.

Patrick Norton looks like hell. Nice runny nose, Patrick.
Admittedly, Patrick Norton is a shitty host.

The slimy owner of TWiT can’t even stand up for the hosts he recruited for his shows. He just throws Patrick under the snot-covered, sniffly-nosed bus.

We previously received a tip, but there’s nobody around here making many videos anymore, so please continue sending in videos!

81 thoughts on “Leo Laporte Shits on Patrick Norton During Triangulation”

  1. Wow. That’s really low. About 15 years ago I stumbled upon a personal appearance Leo and Patrick were doing in St Louis. You’d have thought the Beatles were appearing. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked after how Leo treated JCDV. He really doesn’t seem to be a loyal friend to anyone.

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    1. I think Lisa is the problem. My dad was the same. He ran a big company and was very smart. But women destroyed him. He was very weak and lost all common sense. Leo reminds me of my late father. Leo is in a toxic relationship.

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    1. Greg said:
      Leo didn’t say anything about Patrick. Mitch was the one who said something about the host.

      Yea, but Leo said, “If we could find a better host for that show….”

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    1. Yeah I agree… just being devil’s advocate, he doesn’t speak to the teir below who they cater to…

      Can drama take it as a victory to see twit as an empty network compared to 4 years ago

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  2. Consider this my resignation you fat mother fucker! The reason the shows on the network suck is because your fat fucking ass doesn’t know how to hire talent! And that cunt wife of yours is too busy checking her bank statements!

    Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

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    1. Patrick Norton said:
      Consider this my resignation you fat mother fucker! The reason the shows on the network suck is because your fat fucking ass doesn’t know how to hire talent! And that cunt wife of yours is too busy checking her bank statements!

      Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

      I know this comment is not from Patrick Norton, because the commenter didn’t interrupt every fourth word with a rhetorical “Right?”

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      1. Yep Pat would never say this. Because he has nothing better going. I’m sure the thought of leaving has crossed his mind on a daily basis. I too used to love twit but lately I’ve noticed very strange behavior from Leo. Leo reminds me of my late dad who married a gold digger that basically killed him at a early age. Leo seems to be in a very toxic relationship. California is full of gold digging woman. He seems to be defenseless for when it comes to women. He so reminds me of my late dad. And that ended badly.

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        1. Trent Larson said:
          Yep Pat would never say this.Because he has nothing better going.I’m sure the thought of leaving has crossed his mind on a daily basis.I too used to love twit but lately I’ve noticed very strange behavior from Leo.Leo reminds me of my late dad who married a gold digger that basically killed him at a early age.Leo seems to be in a very toxic relationship.California is full of gold digging woman.He seems to be defenseless for when it comes to women.He so reminds me of my late dad.And that ended badly.

          Except for TekThing

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  3. Not to side with Leo or this yahoo but Patrick lost his touch years ago. I’m talking about almost a decade ago. He can literally spend hours rambling non-sense about anything. TWiCH is literally the show that can cure insomnia.

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  4. Mitchell Waite was in the wrong here, it’s clear Mitchell is familiar with TWiT shows and the network – you don’t just talk to the company owner, on a broadcast stream, and take a huge shit on a host who is also a long time associate of the boss.

    What was Laporte going to say? “Fuck you Mitchell, take your Apple I out of the studio and shove it up your ass!”, instead he did what media personalities tend to do and played along with Waite to validate his comment and build a bond of trust – Laporte does this with practically all his guests.

    Norton is a decent guy but he appears to be scrabbling around for a half reasonable gig, not sure how successful TekThing is (they have $2529/episode to play with) but I’d assume This Week in Computer Hardware just provides pocket money.

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  5. Honestly I’ve stopped watching TWiCH for two reasons. One, I get my computer hardware news from so many sources that a weekly roundup show is superfluous at this point. Two, while I like both hosts individually and listen to Patrick on the AVExcel podcast and Ryan on his own PCPer Podcast the two of them together have almost no chemistry and they feel like two alphas who are trying to cohost a show that really only needs one person in charge. I also cringe whenever Ryan will laugh at a news story and Patrick says: “You laugh, but…” and then soaks up the humor of the content.

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    1. But there is no need for TWiCH anymore. We have to be honest, all Leo wants anyone to do is buying a chromebook and give our personal information up to Google. I’m sure he must get paid a commission based on the number of times he recommends them.

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  6. TWICH stinks but Mitch is a douchebag for coming into the house and complaining. Plus Leo is a douchebag for not defending his guy.

    This is all classic.

    It is amusing that Leo blames YouTube for all his problems.

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  7. If only Soup hosted every show it would be very engaging, the amount of viewers would skyrocket. Because he’s figured out the recipe… arrive late, take a meal break, play with his latest toy, take a 2nd meal break, read a bunch of ads, and drag the show out until everyone has lost interest. It’s a frustrating thing to watch. The problem with TwiT is that creates no atmosphere for anyone to excel, no environment for anyone to want to do better. He brags and gloats about his vacations and possessions while the slaves under him make pennies. At this point I would be surprised if any host/employee gives a shit about him or his “network”.

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  8. I love how soup says You tube is taking away all the young talent when he had a chance many years ago to do the same thing with Erik and Colleen among others when TWIT started. Who would want to go on his network now? They don’t want anyone who can attract younger audiences with cutting edge and experimental programming. He operates his Network like a traditional old media outlet AKA TechTV. It’s time to think out of the box or fade away Soup.

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    1. No kidding. For a guy who buys literally every tech toy and has unparalleled video production resources, you’d think TWIT would do unboxing videos and proper overviews. Instead he just plays with stuff off camera and gives anecdotal comments randomly. TWIT does neither basic tech coverage nor does it do creative programming. Literally every show is the exact same tired format. TWIG is virtually indistinguishable from TWIT and Leo jokes about it.

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      1. Zoro said:
        No kidding. For a guy who buys literally every tech toy and has unparalleled video production resources, you’d think TWIT would do unboxing videos and proper overviews. Instead he just plays with stuff off camera and gives anecdotal comments randomly. TWIT does neither basic tech coverage nor does it do creative programming. Literally every show is the exact same tired format. TWIG is virtually indistinguishable from TWIT and Leo jokes about it.



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  9. LeoLaPork U R a douche bag
    no loyalty to anyone except U’r self
    Fat wrinkled old fuck!!!!
    and as soon as U’r armcandy aka
    “ManTranny” aka CeHo gets her balls & dick chopped off I’m pretty sure U’ll dump him( I mean her) for another skanky he-she since she can’t fuck U up the ass anymore.
    I notice “ManTranny’s” Adam apple isn’t diminishing as quickly as she/he would like so more surgeries R in order.

    Leo Lafuck is:
    still a fat fuck
    still clueless
    still wrinkled
    still a douche bag
    still a predator
    still full of shit
    still stupid
    still unhealthy
    still throwing co-workers under the Bus
    still not a real tech guy
    still a university dropout
    still fat
    still a liar
    still a bullshitter
    still an idiot
    still a loud mouth
    still stupid
    still into “ManTrannys”
    still sexiest
    still a Pig
    still a womanizer
    still belittles
    still feels he’s smarter than anyone
    still an old school washed up DJ
    still a clown
    still a troll
    still a wannabe 1%
    still trying to be a media elite(not even close)
    still a show off
    still a wasteful Pig
    still a waste of sperm
    still feels entitlement
    still a dickhead
    still has a tiny dick
    still a show off
    still a narcissist
    still an abuser

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    1. Meow, you forgot he’s into Effendunn, poor guy is still waiting for him in the server room like a poor sap he always was lubricating his lips ready for stubby to slip into his mouth.

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  10. Patrick routinely does the show unshaven, in dirty wrinkled shirts in what looks to be a laundry room.

    Patrick had multiple chances over the years to make it big like Kevin Rose (or even cash in like soup) but he is alway too chicken-shit to take a risk.

    Tekthing BLOWS and BLOWS HARD because they are really trying and it is still an amateurish cluster fuck.

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  11. Andrew “I have a review unit” Inatko is easily twats most boring and nebulous host. And the fat grubby fuck really rates himself as a knowledgeable and important talking head.

    He’s also riding the google sycophantic train now, gushing over how wonderful google is while cohosting an apple podcast

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    1. ScooterX said:
      Andrew “I have a review unit” Inatko is easily twats most boring and nebulous host. And the fat grubby fuck really rates himself as a knowledgeable and important talking head.

      He’s also riding the google sycophantic train now, gushing over how wonderful google is while cohosting an apple podcast

      Ihnatko. What an insufferable twat. He’s worse than Thurrot, but still a few notches below Soup.

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    2. ScooterX said:
      Andrew “I have a review unit” Inatko is easily twats most boring and nebulous host. And the fat grubby fuck really rates himself as a knowledgeable and important talking head.

      He’s also riding the google sycophantic train now, gushing over how wonderful google is while cohosting an apple podcast

      Andy is a blow hard. He tries to compensate his lack of smarts by using his pretentious use of psuedo-intellectual vocabulary.

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  12. Where Leo is royally screwing up is that many of us started listening to TWiT for Patrick Norton and JCD. I could care less what his other guests say or what they are doing. Crapping on Patrick and dumping JCD just solidifies why I no longer download any TWiT shows.

    TYFYC and ITM.

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    1. NAKnight said:
      Where Leo is royally screwing up is that many of us started listening to TWiT for Patrick Norton and JCD.I could care less what his other guests say or what they are doing.Crapping on Patrick and dumping JCD just solidifies why I no longer download any TWiT shows.

      TYFYC and ITM.

      Patrick is next in line to be removed from any association with Leo’s marvelous TWiT network…FOR SURE.

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      1. Yoshi said: Patrick is next in line to be removed from any association with Leo’s marvelous TWiT network…FOR SURE.

        Which is the best thing that could possibly happen to his career.

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    1. That was still several hundred times more interesting than Padre’s segments on drones … in fact I feel the urge to replace a toilet right now, not just mine, but my neighbours, my street’s … try and stop me.

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  13. You guys do realize that TWICH is not Patrick’s show it’s actually Ryan Shrout’s show. Ryan is a puffed up ass and I can’t stand to watch him since he’s gotten so enamored with himself.

    This video said nothing about which host and so it may not be Patrick. Unlike most tech hosts Patrick is closer to the viewers than most. If you want puffed up an phony BS artists watch Laporte and co.

    The biggest problem Patrick has is being stuck on a second rate show on TWIT.

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  14. The specific host wasn’t named. Leo handled it as well as he could without offending his guest back. Leo acknowledged the specific criticism and stated he considers it difficult to get an engaging host in that subject. Leo was professional in this video and I won’t fault his response to the unexpected comments.

    There are other problems with that show that weren’t mentioned, and the network wide crippling problem twit has it the unwillingness to partner with high quality people where they own a piece of the show. It’s what is needed for twit to go to the next level.

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      1. I don’t think twit is reaching for the next level. I think they’d still like to, but they have no idea how to actually do it.

        Lisa had a blog post years ago about moving twit beyond Leo. She done close to zero towards that goal. The only arguable thing is the ad agency, but without twit/Leo, I suspect that isn’t making significant money. So I’d still say she’s accomplished zero.

        They clearly don’t see what they need to do. The years have proven this.

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        1. No one of quality will 1) work for TWiT wages and 2) work in Petaluma.

          So LaFatFuck is stuck churning out barely watchable material until the day he dies.

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        2. The failure to be Leo-less was due to lack of a strong creative influence. Leo was supposed to be heading the programming and Lisa the financials, but Leo only knows one thing… talking head radio and for whatever reason the creative responsibility seems to have ended up with Lisa who has no experience in the show part of show business.

          All of their shows are the same.. even the “Warmed Over Screen Savers” is really just a couple of talking heads. Why not go out of the studio to shoot segments?

          To really achieve their stated goal of TWiT not being the Leo show will require bringing in a really creative person to head up programming and be willing to not fire, them the moment they ruffle L&L’s feathers or spend some money on talent or production.

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  15. They have really reached a new low when the best they can get is some old fart who F’d up and missed getting in early at Apple because he wanted to sleep in and as a result ended up having an insignificant career. And what’s really amazing is that I am not describing Leo though its pretty close.

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    1. You’re not describing Leo at all. Leo is making good money with his ability to gab off the cuff fairly well. There aren’t making top paying jobs in that business. It’s this or he works at a radio shack.

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      1. The comparison is to Leo’s Laziness, not his income and in the world of media, Leo’s career is pretty much insignificant.

        The highpoint of his career was demonstrating with the Cottage that you didn’t need big studio with high fixed costs… and then he built one. D’oh!

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  16. Screw you Mitch Waite. What an egomaniacal twat. Without the capital letter “I” your website disappears. Glad to see your career is going so well that you grovel for fucking TWiT. Pathetic.

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  17. Personally I love most of the TWiT shows and actively listen to them during my commute/ down-time.

    Reading both the ‘articles’ and comments associated with them, this site appears to be populated by folk who:

    * Used to be associated with TWiT and are *really* bitter about the network’s success
    * Are trolls who get recognition for supporting the above

    If you hate TWiT, that’s great, but either suggest improvements or do a podcast of your own; it’s easily done and cheap these days. If you’re as good as you think you are you’ll then be able to justifiably criticise (not a typo, I’m English).

    Until you do the above, try constructive criticism.

    Have a great day!


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    1. eoD nhoJ said:
      If you hate TWiT, that’s great, but either suggest improvements or do a podcast of your own; it’s easily done and cheap these days. If you’re as good as you think you are you’ll then be able to justifiably criticise (not a typo, I’m English).

      Until you do the above, try constructive criticism.

      And they wouldn’t even have to move out of their mom’s basement to do podcasts!

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    2. eoD nhoJ said:
      Personally I lovemost of the TWiT shows and actively listen to themduring my commute/down-time.

      Reading both the ‘articles’ and comments associated with them, this site appears to be populated by folk who:

      * Used to be associated with TWiT and are *really* bitter about the network’s success
      * Are trolls who get recognition for supporting the above

      If you hate TWiT, that’s great, but either suggest improvements or do a podcast of your own; it’s easily done and cheap these days. If you’re as good as you think you are you’ll then be able to justifiably criticise (not a typo, I’m English).

      Until you do the above, try constructive criticism.

      Have a great day!


      Eat a Dick

      I’m assuming I’m chatting with FatFuck Leo LaFuck or “ManTranny” aka CeHo?

      Leo is still in here creeping
      what a washed up douche

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        1. Leo, you are one stupid dumbfuck. We know proXPN has a server in London, and that you’re such a cheap asshole that you would use a free account they provided you.

          STFU small-dicked asshole. We’ve tried constructive criticism, but you’re such a narcissist that you can’t take suggestions from others, and are intent on driving TWiT right into the ground.

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    3. eoD nhoJ said:
      Personally I lovemost of the TWiT shows and actively listen to themduring my commute/down-time.

      Reading both the ‘articles’ and comments associated with them, this site appears to be populated by folk who:

      * Used to be associated with TWiT and are *really* bitter about the network’s success
      * Are trolls who get recognition for supporting the above

      If you hate TWiT, that’s great, but either suggest improvements or do a podcast of your own; it’s easily done and cheap these days. If you’re as good as you think you are you’ll then be able to justifiably criticise (not a typo, I’m English).

      Until you do the above, try constructive criticism.

      Have a great day!


      The writing is in the style of the CoHoe while suspended on the sex swing ….

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    4. > do a podcast of your own; it’s easily done

      > I’m English.

      [1] Wrong. There is a scarcity of public intellectuals and no self respecting podcast should be without one.

      [2] You’ve mentioned this almost as many times as others have humble bragged they are a mommy. Not everyone assumes British automatically equals superior intelligence. You may be a genius. You may be a moron. Or an unremarkable neither.

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      1. Jibbering Jeff Jarvis said: You’ve mentioned this almost as many times as others have humble bragged they are a mommy.

        I state this when one of you ‘youths’ say I’m Leo or Lisa, not to imply superior anything.

        And I like how you use the word ‘Mommy’; it’s endearing. Now run up from the basement and give her a big kiss.

        Enjoy the weather!


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  18. Why is everyone always shocked by the stupid shit Laporte says?

    He’s consistently abusive. He just doesn’t care anymore about who knows it.

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  19. Why does Patrick still hang with Leo? He should know Leo’s a freaking psychopath. Patrick should just cut himself off and never return like JCD. Patrick was smart enough to not invest in the TWiT network when asked and partner up with Leo…so he must know how much of a scumbag Leo is especially after all these years.

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  20. Leo, talked about me during the apple keynote. About me showing up on a new IPhone from my master leo to show to the ho with the new IOS invisible ink feature. But the mean tech board op who leo makes suck me all the time bleeped it out.

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    1. Leo’s Penis said:
      Leo, talked about me during the apple keynote. About me showing up on a new IPhone from my master leo to show to the ho with the new IOS invisible ink feature. But the mean tech board op who leo makes suck me all the time bleeped it out.

      LMFAO !!!!
      Good catch!!!

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  21. He shit on Patrick because Patrick isn’t fucking lazy like him. Norton still is engaged with the subject matter, he is still a builder, he doesn’t just say get a Chromebook anytime someone asks ANY KIND of a Windows or general PC question! I would much rather have hosts who are not polished, but KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT! Patrick and Ryan are NOT lazy talking heads that insult the chatroom while simultaneously asking the chatters to do their work for them!

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  22. Fuck all of you and this site. You all are the biggest bags of shit mankind has ever known. This site needs to fall apart like it seems to do all on its own.

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